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Chapter Four Cloudkicker

Me and Raindrops sat in the brown office. Wildfire was across from us pushing paperwork our way.

"I just need both of you two to sign here". She explained as she handed two quills.

We both signed at the dotted lines and pushed the papers back.

"So adoption takes time. This is the hard part, she can't technically stay with you during this process because she was never given to you two to foster in the first place".

Raindrops opened her mouth and closed it. I put a wing over her back.

"So does that mean we can't get Scootaloo?" I questioned.

Wildfire held up a hoof. "I didn't say that. She just needs to stay with somepony else while the process goes through. Rules and all". She shuffled through some papers in a drawer.

"That said, I do have a same sex couple in town who have fostered for me before. Good ponies, great with kids, steady jobs. You two can arrange with either of them to spend time with Scootaloo but one of them has to be there because again, paperwork and rules", Wildlife calmly explained.

"What type of ponies are they?" Raindrops asked.

"Ones a musician, ones a candy maker".

"I meant like race but I have an idea of you're talking about now".

I gave a nod in agreement. "Is there anything else for us to sign?"

Wildfire shook her head. "Nope but I will give you Scootaloos file from the Baltimare Orphange along with her medical records and background. Wait here". She flew out the room down the hall.

"So, are you excited?" I asked my wife smiling.

She grinned at me and started bouncing around. "Absolutely. I've waited for a moment like this my entire life. Speaking from experience, being adopted is the greatest feeling a pony can have".

"So Blossom was talking to me and she mentioned something but said I needed to ask you about it and refused to tell me when I asked. Something other than you being adopted is why you wanted to do this", I said.

"We can talk about that later at home. After I get some alcohol in me, it isn't a conversation for public", Raindrops explained.

"Here we are, I just need one of you to sign this paper saying you received the file and accept it", Wildfire floated back in and set it down. I picked up a quill, signed and put the heavy file in my saddlebag.

She folded her forelegs at her desk. "I'll also have to come by your house at some point to check it and make sure it's filly proof. Procedure. What day works best?"

I looked at Raindrops. "We both got this Wednesday off work".

Wildfire nodded and made a note. "Excellent, I'll stop by at one pm and we can get it over with. Any questions?" We shook our heads.

"Excellent, I'll see you guys then". She waved as we flew out her office.

"White Lightning offered to meet us for dinner tonight at a restaurant downtown. You game?" Raindrops asked.

I gave a grin. "Always".

After getting ready at home, we went to meet our co worker.

"Hey Whitey", Raindrops greeted as she leaned in for a hug which White Lightning happily returned.

"Hey boss", she nodded to me. I waved a hoof nonchalantly.

"We're not at work, Cloudkicker or Cloud is fine".

White Lightning grinned and nodded and we followed her to a table. Immediately a waiter was there.

"What would you three like to drink?" The unicorn questioned smiling.

"I'll take a glass of water", Raindrops said.

"I'll have the same", White Lightning piped up. The waiter scribbled on his pad of paper and turned to me.

"And you miss?"

"I'll have a Moors Light, please and thank you". Raindrops raised an eyebrow at that.

"Alright, two glasses of water and one Moors Light. I'll be right out with it". He trotted to the back.

"So, Moors Light huh? Never pegged you for a beer gal", White Lightning teased. I shrugged and gave a grin.

"I really gotta be in the mood for it", I explained.

White Lightning had a wicked smile on her face. "Speaking of being in the mood, has Scootaloo walked in on you two yet?"

Raindrops face went bright red and I snickered at her.

"Nah she hasn't thankfully. That'd be horrible but funny years from now", I admitted.

White Lightning grin got bigger as she placed her hooves on top of each other.

"Speaking of walking in on ponies, guess who I walked in on the other day".

Raindrops found her voice and quit blushing. "Who?"

White Lightning gave a laugh and leaned back. "Sea Swirl and Sassaflash. They were exploring each other very extensively". I grinned at the idea of her two roommates getting caught and laughed.

"About time they got together", I admitted. "They've been dancing around it for months now, especially after how Sea Swirl was there to help her through Caramels break up with her".

Raindrops nodded and smirked. "So, is it hard to get to sleep with them two exploring as you put it?"

White Lightning shook her head. "Nah, Sea Swirl usually casts a spell so the rest of the house can't hear them. Thank Luna for that".

I rolled my eyes. "The best part of sex is making everypony hear you", I scoffed. "Ow", I exclaimed and feigned severe pain after Raindrops hit me in the shoulder.

"Two waters and a Moors Light", the waiter returned and slide our drinks to us. "Are you ready to order?"

I looked at my companions and shrugged. "I'll have a grilled daisy sandwich with cheese and tomatoes".

"Fried eggplant and zucchini for me please", White Lightning requested smiling.

Raindrops glanced down at her menu. "I'll just have alfredo with extra cheese and tomatoes please". The waiter nodded after writing our orders down.

"I'll be back with your food when it's ready". He took our menus in his magic and trotted back off. I took a sip of my beer and sighed internally.

"So", White Lightning began, taking a sip of her water. "You two excited? About being parents?"

"Yes", me and Raindrops said in unison and smiled at each other.

White Lightning sighed. "I wish I could experience that. You two are lucky and have each other. All I have is an empty house that I go to after each shift ends. It's partially why I appreciate these outings we have every few weeks". I reached over and placed a hoof over hers.

"That could always change, you never know what happens in the future", I said soothingly.

"Will it? I don't even know if I'll be alive four weeks from now, the future is so unpredictable and I hate that. I like knowing what's going to happen", White replied softly. Raindrops gave a sigh.

"You know, when me and Cloudkicker first met, I never knew this is where it would end up. I always thought it was just friends with benefits. You can't worry about the little things and just live your life", Raindrops concluded her speech.

I nodded in agreement. "What she said. Hell, I didn't even think I was worthy of her at first but you'll find somepony Whitey. I'd be willing to bet there's a pony out there right now thinking how you do".

White smiled up at us. "You really think so? I won't be lonely forever?"

"I'm certain of it. Besides, you have us and you can always come over to spend the night whenever you feel lonely", I said confidently.

Raindrops nodded her agreement smiling.

"Well, it looks like our food is coming so enough sadness for now", White said as she glanced over at our water coming over with trays. The rest of the night went by with us laughing and telling jokes before we said goodnight to White Lightning.

We flew home in silence before Raindrops suddenly stopped and landed on a cloud.
I stopped and looked back at her.

"Uhm, are you alright?"

"No", she replied.

I settled down on the cloud and waited for her to speak. After a few moments, she started to speak.

"I can't have kids like it's physically impossible. The doctors don't know why but I can't have them normally. It's why I'm so interested in adopting".

I wrapped a wing around her and she snuggled into my embrace.

"You know, I'm glad you didn't tell me", I admitted.

She pushed a hoof against my chest. "What, why," she asked glaring at me.

"Because think, if you did tell me, we would have adopted the first filly or colt we saw and never would have been able to get Scootaloo", I explained.

Raindrops sighed. "That makes sense. We should get back, Cloudchaser is probably wondering where we are".

The next day, we dropped down in front of a house and knocked. A mint green unicorn opened it, grinning.

"Hi! I'm Lyra!" She said enthusiastically.

"Hey Lyra", I grinned and hoofbumped her.

Lyra's grin grew bigger.

"Hey Cloudy, been a while. Sorry just woke up and didn't recognize ya." Lyra said.

I smiled back. "It's all good. We got Scootaloo here for ya to foster for a bit while we hammer out the adoption details."

Bon Bon trotted up. "Lyra! Let them in, don't make them stay out on the doorstep." She gently pushed Lyra aside who rolled her eyes and quickly ushered us in.

"Hey Bon Bon", Raindrops smiled.

"Heya, Rainy. Haven't seen you drop by the shop recently."

Raindrops rubbed her head sheepishly. "Uh yeah sorry, work and Scootaloo has been keeping me busy."

Scootaloo shot up onto the couch.

"Hi Miss Bon and Miss Heartstrings." She chirped.

Lyra giggled. "Please, just Lyra. Besides you know us. You don't gotta call us that."

Bon Bon nodded her agreement.

"So," I focused on the two in front of me. "How often can we see her, how strict are you?"

"I'm more of the strict parent who focuses on discipline", Bon Bon said. "But don't worry, I'm not strict where it's screaming or anything like that, just time outs, grounding, sending them to their room", she hastily added at Raindrops concerned expression.

"I focus on fun", Lyra piped in. "But I can be serious when I need to."

"Alright, that sounds good to me." I spoke up.

"I just don't want her feeling like we're all out to just make her life miserable, is all. You guys seem like the happy medium of strict but fun", Raindrops piped in.

"She won't. I guarantee it. You two seem like good ponies." Bon Bon said. Lyra nodded.

"So I get to stay with them for how long?" Scootaloo asked shyly. Bon Bon knelt down in front of her.

"Only for a little bit kiddo and then you'll be right back with Rainy and Cloudkicker." She said smiling softly.

"But don't worry, you'll be eating all sorts of good stuff. Candy, Bon Bons amazing cooking and I'll take you out to restaurants when we have the spare bits." Lyra piped in grinning.

"But make sure it's not too much candy", Raindrops added. "Too much is bad for a filly."

I smirked and elbowed her. "You're sounding like a mom already."

Bon Bon sagely nodded. "I'll make sure she doesn't get too much candy. Same with Lyra."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "We brought all her stuff already. A couple toys, her favorite blanket stuff like that."

Bon Bon smiled. "Excellent. We should get her to the spare room, it's already set up."

Raindrops stood up and Scootaloo crawled on her back. "Let's get you to sleep, filly." The other adults followed her into the room as she tucked Scootaloo in.

"We will be back as soon as we get accepted." Raindrops promised.

"Sleep well kiddo." I added smiling.

Scootaloo smiled and then passed out snoring. The four of us giggled softly and left the room. Since it was late, me and Raindrops flew home to a night of popcorn, movies and a great night of sleep. I could tell she was dreaming of Scootaloo with how often she murmured her name. Quite adorable, honestly.