• Published 5th Oct 2012
  • 5,971 Views, 46 Comments

Rainbow Dash: Alpha Mare - Sunchaser

Rainbow Dash knows that everypony wants her, and now her friends are beginning to show the signs...

  • ...

In which Rarity submits to The Dash

Rainbow Dash: Alpha Mare
In which Rarity submits to The Dash

Rainbow Danger Dash began her morning as she always did: in the middle of the night.

She had to get up early for her daily workout of two hundred crunches, three hundred push-ups, benching four hundred pounds, and flying a hundred and fifty laps around Ponyville at five times the speed of sound...all while listening to the most badass music imaginable.

This was what it took to be alpha.

After finishing her workout, usually just before sunrise, she'd developed enough of an appetite for her typical breakfast of reheated pizza, day-old hay fries left out in the kitchen, and six protein shakes.

Yeah, it was a light breakfast. But Rainbow Danger Dash didn't need that much food. After all, she was sustained by the power of awesome.

Still, after so much satisfying exercise, The Dash could not be faulted for finding a nice cloud to relax and watch Princess Celestia's expertly crafted sunrise. Single-hornedly raising the sun, after all, was pretty alpha. And then The Dash would have a revitalizing power nap in anticipation of her day, in which she was responsible for some of the most critically important work in all Ponyville - all Equestria, maybe.

Once all the other ponies were awake and starting their day, Rainbow Danger Dash would be there, doing one of the most important jobs of all.

She would fly all over Ponyville, taking great care to be visible to anypony and everypony, so they could always look to the sky and see her being so totally alpha.

But that was later. Right now, it was time to nap - like a boss.


The sun was beginning its ascent into the heavens for the new day, and as she was setting her fresh pot of tea on the kitchen table, Rarity spotted something in the corner of her eye. Distantly visible through the boutique windows was a bolt of blue, trailing a color spectrum through the morning sky--and then it was gone.

But the quickening of Rarity's heart remained. There was only one, after all, who cast such a distinctive trail, left such an indelible mark...both on the sky, and on her mind.

Rainbow Dash.

The very thought shook her, and only a hoof thrown upon the nearby table kept her from collapsing to the floor in a swoon.

Part of her protested; said that she wasn't that sort of mare, that she was destined for a handsome prince, that she couldn't see one of her friends that way. And it was in large part right - none of her other friends made her feel like this. Only Rainbow Dash made her heart quicken, sent her pulse racing, her lips trembling, her knees weak--

Rarity could bear it no longer, collapsing to the floor in a shivering, quivering pile of turbulent emotions and unspoken needs. Thoughts and visions of the sky-blue, prismatic-maned mare reverberated through her psyche, carrying with them a sensation not entirely unlike the ecstasy she so yearned to receive.

There was just something about Rainbow Dash. Her impeccably toned physique, rife with those taut and powerful muscles, always ready to snap at a second's notice, to throw her into the air like a prismatic bolt of inverted lightning...to break through any barrier foalish enough to dare impede her, and cast resounding spectrums across the sky.

She was exciting, she was commanding, she was...dominant. And oh sweet Celestia, Rarity so desperately wanted to submit.

But she could never. Why, to even speak of it...it was no mere faux pas, no, it would be an irrevocable trespass! The sort that could be resolved only through such drastic measures as exile. And then she would never even see Rainbow Dash again! To say nothing of her boutique...

No, there was nothing to be done. Rarity sighed, wistful and forlorn, as she slowly got up off of the kitchen floor, settling back on her once-more steady hooves, and returning to her preparation of breakfast.

Well, certainly best that Sweetie Belle was not here to see that, Rarity thought, reflecting on her despondent collapse only moments previous. Putting aside her sudden wish for a chaise lounge, with a new sigh of grim resolution, she reaffirmed her standing decision.

I must simply bear my feelings in silence, and pray that someday...they will torment me no longer.


Rainbow Danger Dash rocketed over Ponyville at her usual casual pace - fast enough to leave her iconic rainbow trail, but not so fast that nopony could have a moment to feast their eyes upon such pre-eminent awesome.

Huh, 'pre-eminent' is a pretty alpha word, she thought, as she flew corkscrews around and pulled stunt turns between buildings. I'll have to thank Twilight next time I'm that way. That reminds me, was there anything else I was supposed to do today...?

"Look everypony! It's Rainbow Dash!"

The Dash was roused from her introspective reverie as a roaring cheer rose to her ears.

Oh, she knew that cheer. That was the market square cheer. Well, it was about that time of morning...

Rainbow dipped her left wing and tucked into a rolling bank, dropping low for a fly-over of the waiting crowds of adoring audience. You had to give the ponies what they wanted, after all.

Also, being that close let her hear what they said about her, and that allowed her to adjust Ponyville's daily vitamin alpha intake as needed.

The Dash swept in low, and pulled a whipping wind behind her as she tore over the waiting crowd.

"Oh sweet Celestia..."

"So awesome."

"She's okay, I guess."

As Rainbow cleared the crowd and pulled back up above the town, her ear was twitching. There was a neighsayer in the mix today.

It wasn't entirely unexpected; in fact, it had happened before - and resulted in the somewhat infamous Mare Do Well debacle. Her lips creased into a smile as, banking around for a second pass over the crowd, Rainbow slipped into a moment of nostalgia. It had been the first time her alpha status had really been tested; and by her own closest friends, no less...

No! No time for reminiscing right now. There's a neighsayer down there!

There was somepony down there who didn't feel the awesome. Yes, it had happened before, but she hadn't had then what she did now. And this called for the most drastic measures: the ultimate weapon in tactical social dominance, rivalling the power of even the widely-renowned Sonic Rainboom.

The Alpha Strike.

Pulling her totally swag sunglasses out of their strategic concealment in her mane, Rainbow Dash slipped them into place on her muzzle and angled in on the target area. She swept her eyes over the awestruck crowd, activating her alpha sense to locate the objective.

Not her, not her, not him, she's kinda cute, not--wait. There.

A victorious smile spread over her face as The Dash angled into a sharp bomber's dive, bearing directly on the target colt. There could be no escape. The Dash, after all, was a smart weapon.

To his credit, the colt didn't try to run. He looked up at the approaching pegasus, defiantly staring down his end.

The Alpha Strike impacted.

The wind roared, the ground shook, and Rainbow Danger Dash slammed to the earth like the heavens-descended divine lance of a furious and amazingly cool god, to the background of overdriven guitars shredding badass power chords. It was really a shame that the guitars weren't permanent, but then if they were...well, the planet's orbit would be destabilized by all the additional guitar-mass. And it wouldn't be very alpha to knock a planet out of orbit...unless it was, like, an evil planet.

When the dust cleared, The Dash nudged her sunglasses and casually swept the hoof back through her prismatic mane.


Those closest to ground zero were affected the worst. Stallions and colts fell to their knees and wept openly of their comparative lack of awesome, while mares and fillies instead just fainted outright. Such was the awesome and terrible power of the Alpha Strike. Witnessing now the complete annihilation such a deployment of alpha could bring, Rainbow couldn't help but wonder if, in ancient times, such power would have been used to put end to entire wars. Maybe she could ask the Princesses about it sometime. But right now...

The Dash lifted her swag shades up onto her head, and bore her eyes down upon the neighsaying colt.

"Okay, you guess?"

The Alpha Strike had stripped his previous facade of apathetic contempt away, leaving a trembling foal of a thing who collapsed into tears at her hooves, staring up at her with pleading, innocent eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Rainbow Dash! I-I only did it to try to be cool by ironically hating what was popular!" The colt's head fell, and he stared at the dirt between his hooves as it turned to mud, mixed with his mortified tears. "By disrespecting one so awesome and totally alpha, I have brought great shame upon my family."

Rainbow Dash lost her smile. Here she had thought there was a neighsayer in town - a prophet of false, less awesome paths. But it turned out only to be a shy colt, uncertain of himself, trying to be cool. And she had unleashed an Alpha Strike on the kid? Well, at least it was a soft weapon that inspired respect and aspiration to heights of awesome, and would do no serious harm...right?

Her admittedly less-than-badass introspective recrimination was interrupted, however, when the regretful colt suddenly stood, and had fire in his eyes.

"There's only one thing to be done," he began, purpose and a touch of madness creeping into his youthful voice. Suddenly he had a pie in hoof - where had he been concealing such a weapon? - and then, it all went wrong.

The colt turned the pie...on himself.

"I must atone for my failure!"

The Dash never hesitated. In a single movement of awesome no-mind martial arts mastery, she swept the pie from the colt's hand with her wing, and a moment later the weapon vanished.


Not her favorite. All the better that she hadn't even bothered to chew.

"...Huh?" said the colt, confused as to why an empty hoof had impacted his chest instead of a weaponized pastry. "I'm...still alive?"

He fell back onto his haunches, weeping in grief. "But...but I was supposed to nobly sacrifice myself in penance, and attain the dignity of a warrior's death! Now I must live out my life twice shamed!"

But the tears stopped, as Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on his shoulder, shaking her head.

"That isn't the alpha way. Also, blueberry takes forever to get out of your coat. What's your name, kid?"

The colt sniffled, dragging himself to his feet. "...Tarnished Sheen."

The pegasus considered. It wasn't 'Rainbow Danger Dash', obviously, but she could work with it.

"Well, uh...Sheen. There's still potential there. Potential to be awesome."

Tarnished Sheen looked up at Rainbow Dash, his eyes wide and misty, but brimming with hope. "How, Rainbow Dash? How can I be awesome like you?"

Her alpha sense tingled, and she noticed that the previously weeping and/or fainted crowd was back on their feet, many of them leaning in for this answer. And, well...she couldn't help but chuckle. Well, no one can really be awesome like me, but...

"You can't go trying to be cool by 'ironically' hating popular things. That's just going against the flow. What you need to do is pick your own direction." Rainbow nudged her shades atop her head for emphasis. "Find what excites you - your goals, your special talents. And be proud of those, be loud about them, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Being who you really want to be...that's what it takes to be seriously awesome. To be a thousand and twenty percent winning, all the time."

Tarnished Sheen looked up at Dash an entirely new colt. The day held endless possibilities. So many chances...to be awesome. But there was still one thing.

"Can I...can I really do it, Rainbow Dash?"

The Dash nickered and smiled, settled her sunglasses back onto her muzzle, and turned from the colt, looking away to the distant horizon...

And then she glanced back, and gave him a single nod.

"Anypony can do it. But making the choice to be awesome...is up to you."

She flared her wings wide, and in a single flap was rocketing high into the open blue again, the crowd tracing her rainbow trail up to heights rivalled only by the dreams she had inspired.

Tarnished Sheen waved a happy goodbye, already knowing that this had been a moment he would treasure forever. And in quiet thanks, he whispered:

"So yaying alpha."


She had needed a length of taffeta and some chiffon for a dress order, and so Rarity had set off to make her way to Ponyville market square, stopping along the way for a light meal after she'd run into Fluttershy, just out from a morning spa visit.

"And a spa visit, without me!" she'd joked, feigning shock and hurt, though only so much as to not truly alarm the timorous mare...which was to say, really not that much at all.

They'd sat down to a cafe lunch of daffodil and tulip sandwiches, with cashew appetizers. It had been lovely really, just idly chatting, and she had been thankful for something to take her mind off of her morning episode.

Then, as initially intended, Rarity had made her way to the market square. And Rainbow Dash crashed down from the ascendant heavens like a wrathful deity, bringing Rarity crashing to her knees in turn, for the second time today.

She was most thankful that she had been hidden away, secreted in her shortcuts to the fabric traders at the time. It was by virtue of this that nopony else, thank Celestia, had seen her collapse in the alleyway and melt into a softly whimpering puddle of trembling bliss, so enraptured had she been by Rainbow's commanding display.

Having since recovered from that, she was doubly thankful she'd had the presence of mind to make this outing dressed. Purchasing her required materials would have been untenable otherwise, aside from a rushed return home and a long cold shower.

There has got to be something I can do about this! Swooning like that into a...a mewling heap, in broad daylight! Why, my reputation would be ruined if such a thing were ever seen!

She sighed as she cantered on, vainly trying to shake her head clear for the third or fourth time. These...feelings, for Rainbow Dash were so much more trouble than they had proven to be worth, and were now putting serious complications into her personal and professional life. Something had to be done. What would she say to the rest of the girls the next time they all met, when Rainbow Dash arrived and she suddenly turned into a blushing, quivering schoolfilly? Would even her long-practiced, well-honed skills in etiquette and social composure be enough to save her?

A shadow passed over her, curving along the road in a quick turn, accompanied by the rush of wings catching the wind in her ears...

Oh, no. Not now. Please, Celestia, grant me this one pardon..!

"Hey, Rarity!"

It was not to be. Wings heavily dug into the air behind her, and there was a rush of wind to accompany the sound of hooves setting down on the earth. Rarity desperately scrambled for that mask she so often wore, just now finding it so painfully difficult to reach.

A shadow drew up beside her, an outline carrying wings, and a long, loose, wild mane, and telling of a powerful and muscular figure that whispered secret promises of midnight pleasures untold--

"Ah, Rainbow Dash. Lovely to see you."

The mask slipped into place, and Rarity casually turned her head to look at Rainbow Dash, greeting her with the usual pleasant smile.

"What brings you my way this lovely summer afternoon?"

Even gazing at Rainbow as she walked next to her, only a hoof's reach away...Rarity's composure held. She had never been more thankful than at this moment.

"Just checking in with Ponyville's number one dressmaker." She nodded toward the bolts of fabric Rarity held in her telekinetic magic nearby. "Putting together something awesome today?"

The mask strained under the weight of a blush thirty eight shades beyond scarlet. As it was, a light rose crept to the unicorn's ivory cheeks, but then it occurred to her that this much was entirely justified. Rainbow Dash wasn't historically the one to be interested in her boutique, after all. And so she indulged the touch of pink, and smiled curiously at her friend.

"Well, yes, Rainbow, as it happens I am working on a lovely new piece. And, well you'll forgive for this I hope, but...you're not typically the one I expect to be interested in the work of - ahem, Ponyville's number one dressmaker?"

That elicited a dismissive wave of a hoof from the pegasus.

"Hey, I just call it like it is, Rares. And you know that The Dash is always up for helping out a friend."

'Rares', she'd called her, and Rarity narrowly disguised a jubilant laugh of delirious joy as instead a subdued giggle at Rainbow's characteristic nature.

"Oh, yes, of course darling. I haven't forgotten."

Dash seemed to have been waiting for something...more, though.

"Right, so, uh...anything I could help you with?"

This brought Rarity to a stop. Additionally, somewhat to her surprise, it was actually because Rainbow Dash was offering to help with a dress, and not because she was, in so doing, also giving the seamstress a flawless excuse to get the two of them alone in her boutique. And so she had no trouble remaining composed as she trained her eyes back upon her friend.

"Now...you are feeling quite alright, Rainbow? Not feverish or such? Because you just freely offered to help me with sewing."

This drew a nervous laugh from the pegasus, who scratched at the back of her head with a lazy hoof for measure.

"Oh, you know, I don't need to just fly around Ponyville being awesome all the time."

Rainbow almost wilted under Rarity's flat, deadpan stare.

"Okay, okay, so maybe there was a bit of a thing earlier with somepony who thought I wasn't all that awesome, and maybe I ended up overdoing it a little...andmaybetherewasacoltwhotriedtopiehimself but that's not important! The Dash is always there to help her friends, even if I'm...well, sometimes less than enthusiastic."

It was a tempting offer, both for the dressmaking assistance and for...well, other reasons that bore no consideration, thank you, and besides...

Rainbow Dash and I, alone in the boutique? At least out here I need to keep composed or risk public ruination. Do I really want to tempt fate like that?

Rarity weighed her options, and then smiled pleasantly as she made her decision.

"It's lovely of you to offer, Rainbow, really, but you needn't trouble yourself for my sake. Well, at least not today. I've got my orders well in hoof at the moment, and I wouldn't want to unduly impose--"

Suddenly Rainbow Dash was gripping her in-hoof, her face only inches away from Rarity's own, close enough to feel the pegasus' hot exhalations on her lips.

"No, you don't understand, Rares! I need to get underground...well, okay, hide, but that doesn't sound as cool."

The unicorn was thankful for the pegasus' panicked outburst, as it had neatly pushed aside the quite-possibly-overpowering desire to just up and kiss the mare, right there on the street.

"...Mm, ahem, well. Why is it that you need to hide, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow cringed, sighing. So totally not alpha. But it needed to be done; too much was at stake.

"...When I was in the market earlier, I unloaded an Alpha Strike. A tactical awesome weapon, Rares! Ponies were reduced to sobbing messes!"

So that's what that was, Rarity mused, her eyes still locked on her friend in mildly-amused concern.

"I need to...ugh, hide, so that Ponyville doesn't end up overdosing on awesome! You think Twilight's doll was bad? The parasprites? There's no comparison!"

Rarity blinked a few times, turning Rainbow's fretful declaration over in her mind.

"...You're serious, aren't you."

Rainbow pulled Rarity in, pressing their noses together, but seemed blissfully ignorant of the entirely obvious rosy blush this brought to the seamstress' cheeks.

"The Dash never jokes about the power of awesome."

Rarity excused herself from the intimate embrace with a quiet cough, brushing her dress off with a hoof in order to buy her mind time to shove her raging desires back into their box.

"Well, I see. I suppose there's no helping it then. Very well, Rainbow Dash: it wouldn't be very generous of me not to shelter you in your time of need, after all."

The pegasus swept her into a hug, and Rarity sighed as her heart quickened at the touch.

"Thanks, Rares. I knew I could count on you."

The two fell into step on the path toward the boutique, Rarity shaking her head slowly. Rainbow, if she noticed, would no doubt think it her reaction to the admittedly comical situation, but...

The ivory unicorn had a feeling that her mask wasn't going to hold up so well, once she was alone in the boutique with the object of her fervent desires.

Oh, Celestia, let me be wrong.


Rainbow Dash had really been thankful that Rarity had offered her boutique as a temporary safehouse to hunker down until the rest of the town worked through their massive awesome exposure. Even if it had meant helping her out with some frilly, fancy dresses...which, interestingly, the seamstress had not initially set on her. No, instead they'd sat down for tea and snacks, and just chatted about their friends, and what was going on around town.

It had almost been like Rarity was putting off working on that dress, or something crazy like that. She wouldn't do that, right? She was totally alpha when it came to dresses, after all.

So, eventually, when Rainbow Dash had freely offered to model - granted, on condition that nopony ever found out - Rarity had taken her to the sewing room, and set her on the small podium, working swaths of soft taffeta around her, being strangely hesitant with the process. She hadn't even asked her to take off the sunglasses still resting atop her head.

Given that only a few months before, Rarity'd had no issue nearly assaulting her with dresses...this set Rainbow's alpha sense tingling.

The key, of course, was that she'd been looking at Rarity through her friend filter, which set aside the typical considerations of alpha-ness. But once the filter was off, and The Dash had turned a more critical eye on the unicorn...

The seamstress' hesitant touch was mirrored by the lingering glances of a single mare.

The designer's quiet muttering cast opposite the quiet sighs of the lovelorn.

The fashionista's annoyed fidgeting matched by the nervous hair-play of repressed, anxious desire.

Rainbow Dash - Rarity's friend Rainbow Dash, that is - was a little shocked, honestly speaking, to see such things, to realize what they obviously meant. But The Dash, the Alpha Mare, understood completely. It made sense, after all; a part of her had known that, eventually, even her friends would succumb to the power of awesome. That it had first happened with Rarity...

Well, she was the mare with the eye for looks, the details of a physique, the one who paid closest attention to how a pony carried themselves. It had been inevitable, really, that she should be the first drawn in by the call of the alpha.

And the more she thought about it...well, the pegasus couldn't help but smile, as she rested her eyes on the unicorn digging through her sewing supplies for some ribbon or other thing.

So Rarity wants to be taken around the world, does she?

Rainbow Danger Dash chuckled then, low and hearty, and her face was taken by a knowing grin as the ivory mare turned from her desk to look back at her.

Oh, The Dash can take her around the world.


"Is there...something funny, Rainbow?"

Rarity's breath caught in a quiet gasp as Rainbow Dash stepped from the nearby pedestal and strode confidently over to her, raising a hoof to gently caress her ivory-coated face, guiding her sapphire eyes to their deep, commanding ruby match. "Don't think I haven't noticed, Rares. How you've been staring, the cute little sighs, the way you're twirling your mane...you're not even trying to hide it anymore." The Dash smiled, wide and predatory, and the unicorn's cheeks flushed to an obvious rose.

"I...er, that is...well, Rainbow Dash--"

"Ask me."

Rarity blinked, her sewing forgotten. "...I'm sorry?"

"Ask me," Dash repeated, her eyes smoldering and intense. "I know what you want, Rares...but you need to ask for it."

Rarity paused, ostensibly in thought, but more in sheer disbelieving amazement. Could it be...was it even possible? Were her deepest, most secret desires somehow right here, before her, and she need simply reach out hoof...and take them?

Can it really be that easy?

The implications...well, they set her mind reeling and heart aflutter.

"...Rainbow Dash. I..." she began, her pulse quickened such that it was a rushing, thunderous roar in her head. "I-I want you to...to..." she trailed off, her heart racing, her breaths shallow...her body quivering in anticipation. No, there was no way she was wasting this opportunity.

Rarity took hold of her composure, drew in a deep breath, and stared deep into Rainbow Dash's ruby eyes.

"Rainbow Dash, I want you to take me to bed."

There it was. She'd finally said it, given words and voice to her most hidden wish, her secret shame and deepest desire...something she had never even done in the privacy of the boutique during the dead of night, with only her own ears to take note.

And it suddenly wasn't enough, and with the dam broken, all her repressed wishes came pouring out like a torrential flood. "I want you to ravish me, Rainbow," Rarity continued, her voice suddenly thick with sultry desperation. "I want you to have your way with me, deep into the night, until I'm wildly screaming in wanton, rapturous release! I want you to take me, Rainbow Dash. Sweet Celestia, I NEED you to take me, right this instant!"

The Dash smiled again, a quiet chuckle escaping her lips. "Well Rares, since you asked nicely..."

The pegasus leaned in close to her, a light nip at her ear drawing a sharp gasp.

"Let's move this upstairs."

Rarity didn't speak - she couldn't, her mind spinning as it was - but her suddenly heavy, excited breathing said enough.


Rarity led as they relocated to the bedroom. There were no nervous words, and there was no indecision. Now, there was only the building tension of anticipation.

As she followed the mistress of the boutique, Rainbow Dash had unabashedly taken to appreciating the mare. Her carefully sculpted mane and tail, clear declarations of her sophistication and material means. Her fluttery lashes and skilful makeup, taking a talent for flirting all the way to a professional skill. Her slender physique, and how the way she walked - no, sashayed - took those sweeping curves and drilled them into the mind of any onlooker...

Here, in this moment, Rainbow Danger Dash wasn't only looking at a conquest, another mare added to the list. No...whether she knew it or not, Rarity was pretty alpha herself.

She had needed just a little help, in the end, the lightest of nudges, really. But after that...Rarity had reached out and taken what she had wanted, with no fear, or doubt, or hesitation.

The Dash respected that. It had been the alpha thing to do.

They entered the bedroom, every bit as luxurious and well-ornamented as a mare of true sophistication would demand. But neither of them had any interest in anything other...than the bed.

Rarity went straight to it, stepping up onto the silk sheets and laying herself down in the center, her head turning to bring her brilliant, sapphire gaze to longingly rest on the pegasus she so desired. Her mouth parted with a quiet, contented sigh, but Rainbow Dash saw in those priceless gemstone eyes a mare far less than content. There was desire in those eyes. There was need. Most of all, there was hunger.

The Dash understood.

Rainbow Dash alighted onto the broad, four-poster canopy bed with a single precision wing flap, descending down upon Rarity like a predator closing for the kill. She could see it in the seamstress' eyes; Rarity was enthralled, captivated, spellbound as she looked up at the pegasus looming over her.

So powerful.

So dominant.


Rainbow stood over the ivory mare, resplendent with the unquestionable power of awesome, and with a nod brought her incredibly swag shades down to settle in place on her muzzle. And then, drawing in a deep breath, she spoke the words that she knew would prepare the mare for what was to come:

"Submit...to The Dash."

She didn't need to look. She heard the soft whimpered cry, and felt through her powerful legs that Rarity was shuddering...no, pulsing with her first taste of the ecstasy to come.

She gave her the moment. Let her savor it.

And then, when she did look down at the unicorn quivering beneath her, The Dash smiled. She didn't need to be inside her head to know what she was thinking...that, handsome prince or not, no stallion would ever make her feel this way. No stallion...was this alpha.

Rainbow raised a hoof to cast aside the shades, swag as they were, and brought it back down into a gentle caress of Rarity's face, as she brought her own close. As ruby and sapphire were locked together in an electric attraction, with her eyes The Dash whispered promises of soaring heights of pleasure untold, lasting long into the depths of night...and with her eyes, Rarity whispered all of her secret wishes and hidden desires, and how long she had wanted this.

Loyalty would make Generosity wait no longer.

Rainbow sank down onto her knees, bringing their bodies together in an intimate embrace of powerful heartbeats and passionate heat, and she paused, just for a moment, to smile at Rarity, who lay beneath her, her lips only a hoof's breadth away. This wasn't just any mare she was in bed with, after all. This was somepony who mattered.

Her ruby eyes whispered that, too, and the unicorn smiled in kind.

Rainbow brought her lips down to Rarity's waiting own, and the smoldering heat between them sparked, igniting a blaze of furious passion the likes of which inspired epic poetry and wailing guitar solos. That they were alone, secreted away on the upper floor of Carousel Boutique no longer even mattered, as the two mares were consumed by desperate, hungry kisses, ravaged by the caresses of wandering hooves, and lost themselves in the breathy moans of seemingly infinite pleasure.

Time struggled to hold meaning when lips met in long, breathless kisses and tongues playfully danced, or when teeth mischievously nipped at ears and scraped roughly over dangerously exposed necks...when hooves ran through rich manes, lightly tugging at hair just hard enough to tease, and when soft touches wandered down bodies and lingered, just long enough, over a cutie mark, or just inside a thigh, or traced tickling, tantalizing circles up and down soft bellies...

But it wasn't so terribly long, at least it seemed to Rainbow, before Rarity's kisses grew heavy and intense, her moans turning from breathy and hesitant to deep, sultry...and aching.

The pair paused, their eyes meeting for a moment of consciousness among the blushes and gasping breaths, and in the unicorn's eyes the pegasus saw not only a desire, but now the readiness to accompany it.

Rainbow had gotten more out of it for herself than she had expected, really; more than she usually did, certainly, though that was by choice. You didn't really need physical satisfaction when you were so thoroughly and completely awesome. Still, it had been nice...but now, it was a return to form. It was time for The Dash to go to work.

Putting aside her sudden yearning for sunglasses, Dash gave Rarity one more deep, lasting kiss...and then, with a devilish grin, she started teasing her way down. Slowly, of course, because now it was about the tension. A soft caress here, a teasing lick there...by the time she was halfway, Rarity had been ratcheted so tight she was actually pushing her lower with her forehooves.

The Dash was familiar with that. It meant the mare was ready.

Rarity gasped as the pegasus was suddenly where she'd wanted, pushing her legs apart to display the unicorn for open view.

Oh, she was ready alright.

Rainbow Danger Dash smiled.

Time to find out if Rarity's a screamer!


The sun was streaming in onto her face through her bedroom windows, which meant it was sometime around noon when Rarity finally woke up.

She really didn't feel like dragging herself out of bed just yet. Which was perfectly fine, because...well, she wasn't entirely sure she was able to walk at the moment.

The memory easily refreshed her warm and yet-enduring afterglow, eliciting a deeply satisfied sigh from the mare. It hadn't really quite been anything like any of the admittedly many romance novels she'd read in her life. No...rather, it had been like all of those romance novels. At once.

There was a part of her that wondered if she would ever feel the need to be taken to bed, ever again. And she had to admit, she wasn't sure she would.

And, well, given the amount of screaming she'd done last night...well, closed windows or not, she would probably have to eventually give some thought as to whether the entire town hadn't heard her in the wild, euphoric throes of sexual apotheosis.

Rainbow Dash wasn't there, of course. Though the pegasus had sweetly stayed with her until she fell asleep, following the seventeen-movement physical symphony of her reverberant climaxes, she had known that Rainbow would be gone when she awoke. She was a mare of action, after all, and no doubt was out over Ponyville even now, single-hoofedly clearing the skies and showering the adoring populace with more awesome than any one pony ought to have been able to embody and survive.

It didn't matter. Really, even if the previous night was something that never happened again, Rarity found herself content. Those rampant emotions and their hidden, desperate desires had finally - undeniably - been in every aspect satisfied.

It was, admittedly, something that the Rarity of yesterday wouldn't have believed possible.

Yes, I think I'll sleep in today. I'm rather comfortable right here...


Rainbow Danger Dash had not begun her morning as she always did: in the middle of the night.

She would have, to get up early for her daily workout of two hundred crunches, three hundred push-ups, benching four hundred pounds...well, you know.

After all, this was what it took to be alpha, right?

Not today, thought The Dash, as she looked out over Ponyville from her chosen cloud. Today was different. Today, a new definition of alpha had been christened.

Rarity had not only turned out to be a screamer, no, she had been the screamer, to surpass all previous midnight ear punishment. But that hadn't been all.

Every time Dash had made that ivory mare cry out words that nopony could hear without blushing, she'd liked it. It was why she'd driven Rarity to seventeen, rather than calling it at the usual ten to twelve. There was just something about it having been one of her closest friends.

And so The Dash had a new paradigm; a new standard of what defined the alpha mare.

And she smiled, a snickering chuckle escaping her, as she looked down over Ponyville with only one thought on her mind.

Which one of you wants to be next?

Comments ( 44 )

:rainbowlaugh: Wow, this was hilarious! I didn't think anybody could turn Dash's swag - sorry, alpha - levels up this high. I burst out laughing when the Charlie Sheen colt tried to commit suppuku via blueberry pie. :pinkiehappy: :twilightsheepish: :ajsmug: :yay: all better watch out, because :rainbowdetermined2: is on the loose and taking no prisoners. Yeah, so this was funny, great job :moustache:

Hmm... this story is good, and it makes me want to punch Rainbow Dash in face, more than I usually do, so good job. :yay:

Here's a comment to help you with your trek towards the feature box. Fear not, weary traveler!

Not to be a naysayer... but this seems to go a bit to far for a teen rating, should maybe be mature.

Apart from that, funny as hell.


I'd say that Rainbow's awesomeness cannot be contained by even the most Mature of tags.

That and we don't see anything really explicit.

Wow... Sheen is such a freaking suck-up. Any self-respecting colt would back up his opinions instead of taking them back in the presence of danger. I thought he would get into a discussion with Dash about his thoughts on her 'awesomeness' but he instead wanted to kill himself for being a naysayer.

If I could say one thing to him, I would say, "Come on, grow a pair, Sheen. It's not like she's going to stoop to a new low just to kick your flank for not saying she's a bad-ass."
And I could take Sheen's place in this situation, I would say, "I just don't see why flying around all day with a rainbow coming out of your ass would make you so awesome. I mean, even if you are the Rainbow Dash, I could find zero fucks to give about your swag. What are you going to do, beat me up? In front of everypony? Perhaps even murder me? Sure, everyone would see how powerful you are, but I'd be beaten halfway to death, left to squander in my own self-pity for not giving in your sheer aura of epicness. I'm sorry, but you don't have me sold, Dash."

But that's just me.

I happen to not like Rainbow that much (not that I dislike her, she just isn't that great) so this was just kind of weird as far as I'm concerned.

And why is this in "Twilight is best pony" group?

WTF!!!!! O_o I think my brain just overloaded on Dash's awesome. LOL. Didn't think she could be any more awesome! I Kinda want to just...faint? Oh GOD! SOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to shoot myself and instead read this fanfiction twice. Truly this is the power of awesome.

Unfortunately because I was a little tired when I added it to groups, and clicked the first "Shipping" folder I saw instead of the right spot under the "Shipping" group proper. But at least I know how to remove things from groups now >.>;; Although, if I were to do a continuation, Twi would probably be next...

While it's not looking like this is going to smash into feature as I would have maybe hoped, I'm glad it's at least being liked, as I certainly enjoyed cringing my way through writing it.

And I got my first downvotes! I'm supposed to feel wounded and dead inside now, right? If so, I think I'm doing it wrong.

So I'm guessing your favorite pony is... Apple Jack? :ajbemused:

Totally called that link. :rainbowlaugh:

Extremely well written! Write Moooooooore!!!!

As Rainbow Dash herself once said: "BAAAAHAHAHAHA!!" Simply hilarious piece, really enjoyed the sheer, unbridled amount of SWAG here. Liked and faved. Keep up the good work!!:twilightsmile:

Author: Sunchaser
Editor: Rainbow Dash

More accurate than you'd perhaps expect. The way I wrote this was to imagine Dash and Rarity over my shoulders, and whenever I put a scene together, I'd turn to them and ask "how can we make this worse?".

...You can imagine which of them was more helpful.


Yes. It's hard to imagine you writing this without Rainbow Dash holding a knife to your throat, making you sure you capture every detailed of her planet-sized ego and exaggerating it a by 1000x.

This is what I might write about Dash if I got drunk out of my mind

Sure, there's a ludicrous amount of Wat here, but I think what I found funniest is knowing that you wrote this trying to do something Different, yet getting the feeling that a normal and quite frankly sweet shipfic lurks below the surface here. It's like, you're trying to do this ridiculous fic, but part of your mind rebels and wants sweetness?

Then again, that may just be me having some incredibly high quality shipping goggles that insist on sweetness all the time.

Also: The word "alpha" is used. Done. The world is done with it. You used it all up. I hope you're proud of yourself. From now on, we're going "Applejack, Bravo, Charlie, Delta" instead just because we're all out of Alpha.

1592756 It's like, you're trying to do this ridiculous fic, but part of your mind rebels and wants sweetness?

This is exactly what happened to the first Operation Shameless Self-Promotion fic (which should be posted any time now, really, been in queue since yesterday). In this one, though, it's more by design; basically, though Rainbow Dash is totally alpha and gets anypony she wants, when it comes down to it, this isn't anypony - this is Rarity. And that makes it more than just business (for a scene or two, anyway).

> The word "alpha" is used. Done. The world is done with it. You used it all up. I hope you're proud of yourself.

EQD is inclined to agree with you. But did you know that I have a plan sketched out to turn this into a full 5-part series? I don't know that I ever actually will, but if I wake up one day desperately wanting to write about being totally alpha, the contingency is there.

Ok, now this story is entirely apart from the normal that i read. The nearly pure masculine thought train of rainbow ran off the tracks somewhere at the start and just kept running though a mountainside. (probably through flaming bears made of rusted razor blades covered in acid)
I was expecting a turn at the end for a comedic effect but alas there was none, now i wonder what this day would have been from a "Rarity's opposing nearly pure feminine outlook".
It really seemed that this was a cover-up done by rainbow to hide the fact that she broke down and confessed (In her eyes "Patheticly" to rarity who proved to be more receptive than possibly thought), that or a cover over her getting into an argument in public overreacting and needing to hide cause she made alot of ponies angry and Rarity then comforts her ect.
It is very interesting to see a story that on the surface is but one facet but underlined with the possibilities of others. But that is my interpretation and i am admittedly more intrigued by the other possibilities, but still this story holds quite an interesting perspective in own light. :twilightblush:
Thanks for a very "interesting" Read (No sarcasm intended" :twilightsheepish:

This is hilarious. I demand a sequal!

...I faved this...I liked this...and I cloped to this...that's it. :moustache:

*facepalms* dunno would've liked it more if it turned out to be Dash dreaming but that's just me. :pinkiehappy:

Well then.


The Alpha Dash. Much chuckling

Well... That was a thing... that happened... o.O

Actually, it's not just you. I noticed something a potentially deeper beneath the crazy-over-the-top too. Between this and Finer Vintage, it's like Sunchaser is incapable of writing things that don't have at least a little literary merit. In the words of Fluttershy: "not a bad problem to have, if you ask me."

Also, a mandatory: what the fuck did I just read?

2053040 Alright! I admit it! I'm pathologically incapable of writing stories that have no redeeming qualities! I plead guilty. Take me away, render unto me what justice you will, but I shall not go quietly into that good night.

Also, yes. Yes, that is the correct response.

Then I sentence your stories to be perused at the page until read! *Taps hammer*

This was beautiful. I was not physically ready for how this made me feel. It were as though my body and mind were being systematically conquered and made to accept Rainbow's attitude and conviction. This experience (yes, experience, for 'twas no mere "story") was a lesson in assertiveness, style, and awesomeness. Thank you for this. I'll keep trying, but I don't know if I can be awesome in the way that this story and its author are.

(Forgive those who have given you downvotes. The pour souls know not what they do.)

I might be reading more into it than i should, but i can't help but feel This is just how Rainbow Dash sees the world all the time, and the only reason Rarity backs up her story, somewhat, is because she's in love with her.

On my second reading of this i noticed that when Rainbow Danger Dash did her Alpha stike in the market square, Rarity collapse in an alley due to the sheer alpha that is Rainbow Danger Dash. Rarity's happy she was in an, alley where nopony could see her collapse. But why should she be embarrassed by this, if that's how everypony react when Dash does an Alpha Strike, because that is what Rainbow wants us to belive happens to everypony doing an Alpha stike. The only logical conclusion is, Rarity was the only one affected by the Alpha strike due to her love for Dash. And everything Dash is describing is just her over active imagination.

Or maybe i'm just over analyzing it...... Nah i'm a brony, bronies would never over analyse anything. :scootangel:

Comment posted by nickhg123 deleted Oct 21st, 2016

I hope you decide to continue this story as it was quite a fun read.

Added to Twilight's Library on a contributors recommendation.

Wonder how Rainbow Dash is going to react when the rest of her friends are either completely oblivious to her attempts or look at her like she's crazy.

This story is incredibly silly. :rainbowwild:

1392241 Cringing your way through writing it? You're a stronger writer than I. Often have I been unwilling to write an awkward situation, preferring to either address it responsibly or preempt it sillily. And I don't get much done.

Well, that's my working theory, at least.:twilightsheepish:

Oh my gosh, this story is awesome! All fanfiction should be this cool. This was, like, better than Daring Do! You should make this a whole book. Or a movie. I really liked the part where Rainbow Dash totally saved that colt, and the part where she waited until Rarity told her she wanted her bod then had awesome sex with her. Those were the best, but all of this was amazing, and I'm making a place on my page just for this!

You're the best writer on the internet.

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.

Yup. It's just any other day in Ponyville for Rainbow Dash. :rainbowkiss: I know you aren't going to continue this, but... I have a feeling Applejack'll be next. :ajsmug: Totally not suggesting anything. :trixieshiftright:

Silly, sexy, and awesomely hilarious. Especially if you just can't get enough of Rainbow Dash and Rarity. And I can't, so... :rainbowkiss:

I was very disappointed when the true author of this didn't turn out to be dash herself

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