• Published 14th Mar 2023
  • 410 Views, 2 Comments

A Notebook Found In An Abandoned Apartment Complex - The Ancestor

A notebook found by Foundation Agents during a sweep of an apartment complex in Manehattan.

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I looked her in the eyes today. There's nothing left behind them, just words and melodic humming. Her wings twitch from time to time, but she's not using them, not consciously, anyway. It's been awhile since she's eaten last, but she's sure not showing it. I've tried listening to her babble, but all I've got from that is a headache and a damned word salad, something about holes, waves and earworms.

What a collosal waste of time.

The broadcast changed again, adding a "don't listen to the affected individuals". Right on time, as usual.

Where are the Princesses? Celestia moves the sun, why doesn't she halt it for a time?

Food's running out, despite my best efforts of rationing it.

I'll try going to the nearest store tonight, hopefully it hasn't been looted yet.