• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 297 Views, 8 Comments

InFamous EQG Chronicles of Jeane Book 1: Origins - Neztrolove

Jeane Mallio typical high school nerd and favoured punching bag has his life turned upside down when an explosion rocks his world and bestows powers onto him.

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Jeane jogged down the street breathing steadily.

I need to be In top shape for mr. dunbars. The boy had let himself rest doing basics excerises and stretches to avoid any problems from his wounds. He healed himself faster then last time and he felt better but you couldn't take chances.

Jeane saw rich cafe in the distance. Coming to a crosswalk he pressed the button and jogged in place.

Im gonna get a real trainer, next time I see iron will im gonna beat him. Jeane could hardly believe that h fought and survived a real super power battle but he loved the fact that he had survived but didn't like that he could hardly do anything.

The light turned green for jeane to walk and crossed the street. He was about five minutes early and the boy decided to enter the cafe as he had a light breakfast.

He saw mr. dunbar sitting in the corner a plate of scones in front of him and a black bottle in his hand.

Jeane walked up to him. "im ready to learn Mr. dunbar… I mean zeke." Jeane corrected himself.

The boy could smell alchohol on him. "Are you getting drunk."

Zeke finished his beer and then shook his head. "just one beer, keeps my senses at peak form which im gonna need since I don't have super powers and I need to train you in my conduit fighting style."

conduit fighting style? The boy shook his head at the thought. How could zeke have a fighting style for conduits if the explosion only happened last month and how did he know so much about condit lore.

Jeane decided not to question the man who would help him fight a dangerous conduit looking for a bride or multiple brides if he knew iron will.

"Alright let me finish my scones and we can begin." Zeke said. "Join me if you please."

Jeane did so and had one of the scones and noticed they were his favorite flavor blueberry.

"Like him, blueberry's my favorite… its a classic."

"It's my favorite too."

Zeke let out a chuckle. "I knew you were a man of good taste when I first fished out from under that bridge."

The boy nodded his head and felt warm around zeke.

"So rich boy you ready to get to work." Zeke rose from the chair and reached his hand out to jeane.

Jeane nodded his head and took his mentors hand as they exited the restaurant.

"Alright RB, first things first, lets get to stretching." zeke instructed leaning down and touching his toes.

Jeane did the same knowing it is common before and after workout to stretch for a few minutes.

"So zeke,what is todays training?"

Zeke clicked his tongue and pointed down the street. "We are gonna make it from one end of this city to the next."

"so like a marathon?"

"Kinda, tell me what you know about parkour."

Jeane scratched his head. "very little." he had watched people do it on the internet a couple times but he never saw it as safe.

"well your gonna learn a lot today. First rule of parkour, never lose momentum, and the second rule is let your instincts and senses do the thinking. Don't let your brain slow you down." Zeke instructed taking a runners stance.

Jeane did the same and gulped.

"Let's go!" zeke shot forward, surprisingly for a heavyset individual the man was fast.

Jeane followed close behind the man and for the first few minutes it was all good then zeke came to a gutter and without hesitation leapt up and grabbed the gutter scaling it quickly for the building.

Jeane did the same but his grip was lose and he fell on his back.

The boy groaned as he looked up to see zeke already on the roof. "Come on kid, you gotta get back up after being knocked down."

Jeane nodded his head then walked away for a few feet then returned to his runner stance and sprinted. Using his conduit powers he lifted himself slightly and grabbed the gutter, lightening his density so he can climb faster.

Once he reached the roof he saw zeke already on the next building and running. The boy followed close behind leaping over using his powers to lessen the fall as he ran faster and then jumped so his hand to grab the gutter of another building catching up to zeke.

"Yeah, now you got it. I knew you was a natural." he exclaimed as he ran across the field and leapt into an open window a office building.

Jeane followed close behind and used his magic to lighten him as he reaches to grab the window but falls short. Before jeane could descend he felt a hand grab him. Looking up he sees zeke straining to hold him up.

"I gotcha Kid, use your powers to lighten yourself so I can pull you up."

Jeane did so and he was brought into the building. He saw cubicles around him but noticed they were empty. Jeane knew some offices weren't open on weekends so he was lucky that all they might have to deal with is office workers.

"Alright lets take a break, have to say im sure glad you have those powers because im not as spry as I was when I was kid." Zeke spoke through bated breath.

Jeane leaned against the wall taking a huge breath. He could hardly believe how fast his heart was pumping. The boy would never be able to do this without his powers.

The two picked themselves up and then did several more stretches.

"Alright we are a quarter-finished with this. You ready for the hard part."

"Sure thing, Zeke."

Zeke smiled, running the down the cubicles to find a door.

The boy followed after him and saw they a huge stairwell.

Zeke was leapfrogging from one stair line to another descending with leaps.

Jeane followed suit not using his powers and trying to build up his stamina. The boy followed after seek until his legs hurt when they reached the bottom of the building and jumped out of the first story window forming into a ball.

The two continued this pace until they were halfway there. Leaping over park benches, swinging off lamp posts, beating the light by a hair.

Jeane could feel himself tire as he felt like he woul collapse. The boy followed close behind his master but was losing distance. Jeane could hardly believe and the boy followed after them and felt his stomach in knots.

The boy was gonna collapse but then he felt himself grow stronger as he felt the very earth under his feet give him strength. The boy passed zeke in a blink reaching the edge of the city first.

Zeke followed close with a smile. "woo-wee you beat me with the last minute dash. That was you discovering your conduit source and drawing from it… had to have been." Zeke yelled and yiped with cheers.

The boy felt like he had all the energy in the world. He smiled and then realized that zeke was right… he had his source… gravity.

"Now that we know the source we can make a full regiment. Meet me every weekend at 9 sharp at the cafe and we will train you up good. We'll do parkour as usual but I have other stuff. Tommorrow for example we are gonna study boxing."


"Yeah man, your gonna need to know how to throw a punch. Particularly a punch added by your source… I cant wait… its gonna be like old times."

Jeane couldn't help but feel proud of himself for his accomplishments. He raised his fist to the sky with a smile. I am gonna be a hero and iron will… I will bring you to justice.