• Published 18th Mar 2023
  • 656 Views, 26 Comments

Into the Night - TacoTues4Eva

A careless wish made during distress, Sunset is stuck having to return creatures from a comic series back to the pages they spawned from before the wish can be broken. At least she will have allies, even if they were the least expected.

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Chapter 3

The morning had been rather surprising as she woke up to the fright of her life, a true vampire leaning over her. Okay, so she reacted a little too harshly to that event, but who wouldn’t in her place? Then it turned out that said vampire was actually very loaded and gave Sunset a decent amount of money for groceries and clothes, and now she was wearing her new, much warmer clothes. She had on some black jeans with much warmer boots, a magenta long sleeve shirt with her cutie mark stamped on the front, and a black winter coat with faux fur lining. It was pretty warm, and it was thanks to the vampire. It only took minutes to find as she found a small clothing store another block down the road that didn’t have much, but they had a warm set of clothes that the clerk was able to put her cutie mark on the top. She was carrying a single bag with her old clothes and boots stuffed into it which wasn’t very heavy.

Speaking of vampires, she still wasn’t too sure how to feel about what he had proposed. Sure it would help her out immensely and he said she would be under no obligations to him or his family pretty much, but he also made it sound as if she would be some kind of legacy to him. How could she not have obligations and yet still be a legacy? It didn’t make a lot of sense, though she already knew she had no other choices. She already realized that the poor job of forged paperwork to get into the school wouldn’t hold up anywhere else. It actually made her somewhat question the competency of Principal Celestia, not that the current happenings was helping the teen’s view of the woman. She would need real paperwork to get a license, go to any higher education faculties, or to even acquire a decent job.

Deciding to worry about that later, Sunset looked around hoping to find a small convenience or grocery store she would be able to get a few small things from. So far it had maybe been fifteen, twenty minutes tops since she left the bookstore, making a mental note to remember the location of it as she did plan to go back to look when she had more time and money to spend on luxury items.

Sunset was torn from her musings as a few people went rushing past her in an effort to escape something that made Sunset’s jaw drop as she froze in place. There was a humanoid tiger stalking down the street as some of the people closest to it started to run, only to collapse after a few steps for some reason. Roaring with laughter, breathing out a stream of fire that caused small explosions in its path destroying a fire hydrant and making a parked car go up in a fireball.

Ducking into an alley Sunset noticed Autumn coming up the street and freezing seeing the thing before her, not that Sunset blamed her. If she didn’t act now, the teen knew the woman would be hurt and this monster being there was her fault for making the wish. Pulling her Beetle Bonder out, she thrust it out before her while calling out, “Beetle Bonder!” activating the device as it sparked to life making her hand feel tingly. Thrusting it high in the air she called out, “Beetle blast!” It felt as if her body was cut out of existence as energy traveled over her body, tracing energy around it before she fell backwards as that energy swirled where her body once stood. It felt as if she was tumbling through space as an array of colors flew past her and she could see pages of comic books flying by. The red armor began appearing on her body that now resembled a simple colored drawing before her flattened body stood back up causing the traced area around her to shatter as the armor broke through the smaller cutout and turned Sunset back to normal.

“I need more energy!” The tiger roared, breathing out another jet of flame as Sunset rushed forward.

“Battle mode activated!” A voice chirped in Sunset’s ear startling her a little as several gauges popped up on the heads up display of her helmet. It distracted her as she stepped in front of the flames, bracing herself for the impact. Even with a few small explosions along her body that looked more like fireworks, she barely felt it other than a little uncomfortableness. She did notice a small representation of her armor in the bottom corner of the display and the bar next to it went down a little from the attack.

“Are you okay?” Sunset asked, a little surprised at how her voice sounded. It sounded as if multiple voices were speaking, both male and female making it hard to tell what gender she even was. It wasn’t like the armor had a feminine cut to it to begin with and the bulkiness hid her curves.

“I’m f-fine.” Autumn choked out, her body shaking in fear as her eyes watered while giving Sunset a very thankful and surprised look. It made her feel a little guilty since this monster would have never attacked if not for her wish.

“Please get to safety then, Ma’am. I’ll handle Tabby over there.” Sunset said, pointing her weapon at the monster before rushing toward it to pull its attention away from Autumn. She felt if she could handle blocking a jet of fire without any real pain, that she could handle anything they could throw at her. She noticed something a little concerning though as she rushed forward, looking through her visor she could see something that looked like mist coming off the people closest to the monster and flowing into a jewel on a collar around his neck mostly hidden by fur.

“What are you supposed to be?” The tiger laughed, flame leaking from its mouth as it crossed its arms glaring at Sunset.

“I’m the Red Striker Beetleborg, protector of this city!” Sunset exclaimed, wanting to face palm at how cheesy that sounded after it left her mouth.

“Pathetic!” The tiger said, breathing another jet of fire at Sunset. With nothing behind her to protect now, she dived out of the way and rolled to a stop aiming her Striker Blaster at the monster, unleashing a torrent of energy at him which seemed to do nothing except be absorbed into the gem on its collar.

“Now what?” Sunset grumbled, seeing the horizontal bar at the top of her helmet display dip very little. She was guessing that it was either an energy gauge for her weapon or a life bar for the monster. She figured it was more likely the former option as the later one seemed a little too incredulous.

“Try using your Sonic Laser on the monster Red, its life bar barely dropped from that attack.” A feminine voice came over what Sunset assumed was a communications device built into the suit. Who would have access to it though?

“Who are you?” Sunset asked, jumping back to avoid another trail of flame that barely missed her. While it didn’t hurt really, she didn’t want to take the chance that this one might be more powerful.

“I am the Beetle Artificial Intelligence, or Bai for short.” Bai said, “The status bar at the top of your HUD is the monster’s shield levels. All you have to do is take it down to zero and you win. Be careful of your own energy levels though.”

It was hard to miss which ones the voice was talking about as each one glowed a little brighter with each mention of them by the voice. “Great, I’m living a video game.” Sunset grumped. Sure, she loved video games when she could play them, but she never wanted to be dropped in the middle of one. The icon of her armor flashed at the hip and a strange gun was displayed on the HUD momentarily with a tag saying it was a Sonic Laser. Shrugging, Sunset let her Striker Blaster disappear back to wherever it came from and drew the Sonic Laser just as the monster was taking a deep breath. Time seemed to slow down as Sunset noticed a ball of flame forming in the creature's mouth that the girl quickly aimed for and squeezed off a few shots. She wasn’t disappointed in the results as the fireball exploded in the tiger’s mouth making it roar in pain and stagger as several police cars pulled up and the men and women inside them jumped out and aimed at both the monster and Sunset.

“Freeze!” One of the cops shouted while the tiger whined loudly, struggling to stay on its feet. Sunset could feel a smirk coming from watching the HUD, seeing the one hit made that monster’s health drop down to one percent. Either she was entirely lucky, or the monster was especially weak.

“Is this some kind of stupid comic promotion?” One of the officers, a white skinned one with blue hair demanded as he stalked over toward Sunset. Seeing the monster regain its equilibrium, Sunset tackled the cop out of the way from another blast of fire while letting off another round with her Sonic Laser which hit the tiger making it howl as it turned into a ball of fire and flew away into the sky.

“What the hell was that?” The cop Sunset rescued asked, his tag saying S. Armor on his uniform.

“A monster, and this wasn’t a comic promotion.” Sunset said, turning to stalk away from the police.

“Hold it right there! We have questions you need to answer!” Another officer declared, trying to block Sunset’s path only for the girl to leap over him.

“Sorry, sir, but I have to grab my bag before somebody else does.” Sunset called out, giving a two finger salute as she actually managed to escape the police with her increased strength and speed that the armor provided, letting her quickly lose the officers. She easily backtracked to where she left her bag and took a stance before calling out, “Cast off!”

Now back to normal, Sunset inspected her bag to make sure her old clothes were still safe. Sure she had a new outfit, but that didn’t mean she could just throw away her old ones. They might not have been in the best condition, but they were still wearable in her opinion. Heading out of the area as she noticed more police cars pulling up not far from where she stood as they started taping the area off and redirecting traffic. Turning away from them, Sunset hurried off away from them and back towards Hillhurst.

After walking a few minutes she noticed another store she somehow missed earlier that looked like a very small, privately owned, grocery store. Taking a deep breath she walked into the store and gave a bit of a smile to the cashier at the register who greeted her. Sadly she had to leave behind her bag as she shopped, but she understood the need to keep shoplifting down. Something that caused a twinge of guilt as she had done so a few times when she was still bad and didn’t see any other choice.

Walking through the aisles she noticed that they had nowhere near the amount of products offered at most chains that she normally shopped at, but she also noticed the prices were higher too. Of course she expected that as the larger stores were able to get better bulk prices by buying huge amounts then ship them to multiple stores. Still, the prices weren’t that bad and they had things Sunset had never heard of before, such as flavors for some things or whole new items she hadn't seen before. Deciding to stop her temptations of getting everything that caught her eye as she knew she couldn’t carry a lot, she decided on enough stuff to make a small lunch and dinner, as well as breakfast. She would get a few more groceries tomorrow as well as maybe a few more outfits now that she knew two places rather close that she could go to. Too bad it wasn’t closer, but the walk would do her good.

As she was heading to the front with her cart with its meager load, Sunset bought a few toiletries she would need such as soap and shampoo. Much like most privately owned stores, the cashier was pretty friendly as she rang Sunset up before returning to her bag of clothing. With a smile and a quick, “Thank you.” Sunset headed out of the store and back toward Hillhurst. Fighting that monster had managed to unsettle her some despite knowing it was coming because of her wish.

Inside what appeared to be a dark cave with only torches lit with green flames stood what at first glance appeared to be a horse or pony of some kind. A closer look showed that it was far from normal as its black body had multiple holes through it and instead of fur it had some kind of chitinous covering much like an insect. And like an insect, it also had gossamer wings though they also had holes in them making flight seem unlikely despite easily being able to do so. She also had an aquamarine band around her barrel that matched the color of her mane and tail. Her eyes were the same green that the stripe down her back sported while a growth of some kind near the back of her head resembled a crown while closer to the front was a wicked looking crooked horn that looked as if it could cut somebody in half.

“So I take it you failed?” Chrysalis snarled, baring her fangs and stomping a front hoof toward the humanoid shadowy figure hiding in the darkness away from the torches. Chrysalis didn’t need the light to see the beads of sweat forming and the worried expression on her underling’s face.

“It was a Beetleborg!” The figure hissed out, giving Chrysalis pause in her anger.

“So they were brought forth from the comics as well. I really should have expected this, I suppose. I will give you leeway this time as even I didn’t expect this situation. It doesn’t mean you won’t be punished.” Chrysalis snarled, green lightning erupting from her horn and striking the shadowy figure making him writhe in agony as he let out a bone chilling shriek of pain. “Remember this pain next time you fail me. We need that energy from these humans in order to revive our Goddess!”

“Y-Yes master!” The figure huffed out, gasping in pain from his punishment.

“Good, now get out of my sight! I need to rest and recharge until I can pull another monster from the comics, and this time you better not waste it!” Chrysalis barked out, making the figure scramble in the shadows to escape from any more wrath from their master while making the other two figures in the shadows in other parts of the area wince in sympathy for their comrade.

“The police are still searching for answers behind this suspected publicity stunt that rocked the city today. It is still unsure how the damage was caused, but thankfully there were no casualties and only minor injuries. The few people who fainted during the incident have since regained consciousness and are only complaining about feeling as if they ran a ten mile marathon. This is Quick Scoop, stay tuned for the weather coming up in a few minutes.” The woman on the news reported before Sunset turned the small TV on the kitchen counter off.

She had returned a few hours earlier and had put the groceries away after cleaning out the refrigerator. Flabber had said everything was clean, but when it came to this, Sunset was a little paranoid. After all, this place was a mess and the other occupants of the house seemed to think it was clean, except for Flabber. It was kind of disgusting in a way, but these things were monsters and their definition of clean was more than likely a lot different than hers. After that she had hit the stove and pans, along with the plate and silverware and made sure everything was as clean as she could get it.

After that, she had started prepping her ingredients, not that there was a lot to do. She actually enjoyed cooking what little she could, it kind of reminded her of alchemy which she enjoyed when she was younger. Using ingredients to create something else altogether, only with this you get to enjoy the results of all that work. The only problem was that the Frankenstein looking monster had come to see what she was doing and was leaving clues that he wanted to try that, which Sunset relented and told him to wait at the table.

As she cooked the meal, which she ended up planning on lasting a few days until she could get more groceries brought in, she quickly realized it wouldn’t last past dinner. How could it, when the mummy came into the kitchen asking if she was really cooking dinner for them, explaining that while he survived on raw body parts from cows and pigs, such as kidneys and livers, he could consume regular foods from time to time to enjoy the taste and experience of a normal meal.

Next came the vampire, who had woken up a little earlier than usual according to him. Just like the mummy, he also survived on fresh blood though he could eat normal meals at times. He wasn’t too happy with what was going on as he leaned against the counter while Sunset stirred the pasta sauce in the pan as she let it simmer with the meat substitute to get it to absorb the flavor.

“Child… Sunset, I appreciate you willing to share your food with us, but only Frankie actually requires more normal types of food. They should never have pressured you into sharing with them.” Vlad sighed, changing to her name after the glare he received from Sunset for calling her a child again.

“It’s fine, you guys are letting me stay here with you for free. If I can repay you a little bit by cooking a meal every now and then, it would be the least I could do.” Sunset said with a shrug.

“I suppose, if that’s really what you want to do, then I won’t argue with you. It does smell rather good even if you aren’t using real meat in it.” Vlad said, shaking his head a little. “I still don’t like that you had to face that thing alone today.”

“I would have thought you guys would have been happy to be rid of me.” Sunset replied.

“I know you don’t like being called a child, but that is just what you are to us. Human or not, you are a child and children should never be put in the situation you are in.” Vlad said, “It’s why I will be calling an old friend of mine first thing Monday morning before I hit the coffin. I plan to have you listed under my clan’s registry by the middle of the week so you can get a license and be able to get into a good college.”

“Won’t your friend wonder why I don’t have papers already?” Sunset asked as she left the sauce to simmer and dump the water off of the noodles.

“I plan to tell her you are my child and your mother took you to our homeland where I couldn’t get to you. With her dead, you were brought to me and even though identification and such isn’t required there, it is here and can be granted through situations like this rather easily.” Vlad explained, shifting his weight a little. “Don’t worry, as I said, nothing is expected of you. I’m not about to try and force myself on you as a surrogate father or something. Just help you get on your feet and get an education so you can get a career and life of your own.”

“Thanks, I guess.” Sunset sighed, not exactly liking the plan. Yeah it would save her a lot of trouble and actually make her legal, but was that worth shackling herself to this creature in name. She shouldn’t have to change her name, but from now on she would be known as this man’s legacy, be it good or bad.

“You don’t have to sound so excited.” Vlad chuckled, “Look, I know it is a big step, one that I don’t exactly like. I just can’t let this go, because without a proper identity, you won’t be able to do anything in this world.”

“You’re right, thank you.” Sunset said, a little nervousness entering her as she wondered if Vlad knew what she was. Instead of pouring the sauce on the noodles, she just mixed it all together and began plating the pasta up on four dishes since Flabber said he couldn’t eat food as he was a Phasm, which turned out to be some kind of ghost/spirit with a physical form.

“Sunset, for what it is worth, I think you are a brave young woman for facing that monster today and owning up to the side effects of your wish. I feel guilty for the three of us trying to scare you off making the wish necessary.” Vlad said.

“It’s fine, I understand why you did it. At first I thought the three of you were just a bumbling bunch of idiots.” Sunset admitted, giving a bit of a smirk as the vampire scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“Yeah, that wasn’t our finest showing. Usually humans run screaming at the first sight of us, all three of us usually don’t end up trying to scare someone off.” Vlad chuckled, “You aren’t like most humans though. You actually showed bravery and didn’t run screaming making us try harder to scare you, which we don’t like doing. It’s just not something we are used to as we prefer peace and staying hidden for the most part.”

“Well, let me get this toast on the plates and we can head out.” Sunset said, pulling the pan from out of the oven and making sure both the range and oven were shut off before putting some garlic toast on the plates. “Oh crap…it’s garlic.”

“Don’t worry.” Vlad chuckled, “Garlic doesn’t affect me. That old story came from a foolish hunter, who by chance, had garlic on him when he confronted a vampire with an extreme allergic reaction to the stuff.

“Seriously?” Sunset scoffed, trying to fight off the fit of giggles. “I guess I better cancel that garlic delivery for tomorrow that I was planning to place around my room.”

“The scary thing is, I don’t know if you are being serious or joking right now.” Vlad laughed as he helped carry the plates out to the dining room.

Author's Note:

I want to thank Sunny Scriber for not only proof reading this story, but also obtaining the awesome cover art which was created by Cotton whose twitter is https://twitter.com/smolducko.

A second chapter released today, thank Sunny Scriber for that as it couldn't have been done without them. :pinkiehappy: