• Published 28th Mar 2023
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My Little Pony: Make Your Mark In Love - SamSwordsman123

After everyone thinks they're a couple, Pipp and Hitch realize their feelings for each other and start dating. Meanwhile Zipp, Sunny and Izzy also search for love. Unknown to them, Opaline continues her attempts to take all magic for herself.

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Chapter 8: As the Misty Closes In

Misty worked in Opaline’s study as the alicorn queen watched. Opaline had conjured up little dolls that resembled Sparky for her to use her magic on. Misty levitated them toward herself and caught them with her hooves.

“Oh yeah! Now I won’t have such a difficult time whenever Sparky runs away!” Misty said with an evil smirk that faded quickly.

Though she wanted to get her cutie mark from Opaline, the ponies she was currently working to steal Sparky from had always treated her with kindness. Like a friend would. Regret filled Misty as she recalled a number of times they had hung out. She’d made several attempts to capture Sparky over the past couple months since Opaline had taken an interest in him over the lantern. But whenever she’d been about to be caught the ponies had invited her to hang out once she put on her façade that she was not doing anything out of the ordinary. Yet, was it really an act anymore? Misty felt confused as she thought back to watching movies, eating snacks and having a those few sleepovers and hang outs.

“Good work Misty,” Opaline said. “I feel you will be much more competent when I send you back out again. Which will be very soon.”

“Soon?” Misty said.

“Yes of course! Why wouldn’t it be now?” Opaline asked. “You have levitation down which is what you’ll need most to get the dragon. There’s only one or perhaps two more things I should probably teach you. Magic shields and beams.”

Misty gulped. “You’re going to have me attack the ponies?”

Opaline looked at her. “Is that a problem?”

“N-no,” Misty said.

“Good,” Opaline said not seeming to notice the hesitation from her timid servant. “You will acquire the dragon no matter what it takes. Pretending to be their friend has allowed you to get closer to them so we can use that to our advantage, but sooner or later that will no longer be necessary. I will have the dragon fire, and when I do, I want those ponies here! I want to crush any opposition to my power! I will then either destroy or convert them to our side!”

Opaline laughed evilly and Misty joined in reluctantly.

“Now, two final lessons!” Opaline said.

She turned the book she’d been using to the section on combat magic.

“Gather magic to your horn,” Opaline read. “Then release the energy shooting it out at your intended target.”

Misty gathered magic in her horn, she had to use more magic power in order to be able to do actual damage. This required more energy than simple levitation. Opaline gathered magic to her own horn, though she could not use her full potential she was still able to use a few spells a day would be effective, but she couldn’t use any deadly force, yet. Still she had enough power to cause a decent amount of pain if she really wanted to.

Misty looked at her in fear as she saw Opaline’s horn light up in lavender light similar to Twilight Sparkle from long ago.

Opaline gave her servant and adoptive daughter a small reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you… much. As long as you do the same.”

Misty nodded without hesitation. She practiced shooting beams at a target next to the wall which was scorched, showing signs that it had been used quite a bit. Opaline had started shooting it when she got her magic back as a means to try and regain her former power. Of course, after several centuries without using magic her skill had diminished somewhat. But she was working to reacquire it. For the next few minutes, she shot the target with Opaline giving her pointers on what worked and what didn’t.

“That’s good, when you are facing an opponent you want to defeat!” Opaline told her. “But too much if you are to merely practice with me! Make it weaker!”

Misty put less magic in her horn and shot, emitting only a small spark that shot out.

“Too weak!” Opaline said. “More power, but not as much as before!”

Misty gathered magic once again, this time making it a bit stronger than the last attempt. She then released it at the target, shooting out a beam that was smaller then the first one. Opaline nodded.

“That should do, don’t ever use anything stronger against me,” Opaline said. “Now shields!”

Misty panted as her mother turned the page of the book. “You must shape your magic out in front of you so that it can protect you.”

“Can I… take a break for a moment?” Misty asked.

“Absolutely not!” Opaline said. “We’ve lost enough time already!”

Misty sighed. She looked at the pages and then tried. She put her magic out in front of her, it appeared in a shape similar to a cloud as Opaline watched.

“Mm. Like mist, fitting for your name,” the alicorn said. “Now, use it to block me as I throw an attack… unless you want to feel a minor burn from my magic.”

“Yes Opaline,” Misty said.

“Yes as in you’ll block or yes you want to feel a burn?” Opaline said with a chuckle. “Oh, that’s funny!”

“Yes, I’ll block,” Misty clarified.

“Good, then let’s begin!” Opaline said.

She lit up her horn with a minimum amount of attack magic that would cause only a small burn if it hit its target. Opaline fired a beam of her lavender magic with that magic and Misty put up a shield of her own cyan magic. It blocked Opaline’s attack and Misty smiled at the success.

“Good, but there is plenty more where that came from,” Opaline said as she fired another beam.

Misty barely managed to block that one. Opaline followed up with another that came as Misty lowered her shield. The blue unicorn yelped as she received a stinging sensation to her face.

“Ow!” Misty said.

“Just count yourself lucky I’m only using the minimum level of power,” Opaline said. “Now, attack me! I need to be able to practice as well! It’s been a while since I last had any combat practice!”

“Yes Opaline,” Misty said as she lit up her horn and gathered what she hoped was the correct amount of magic.

She fired the beam at her mother. Opaline easily managed to block with a flick of her horn.

“Again!” Opaline said.

Misty fired another beam and Opaline blocked that as well.

“Here’s a little tip, Misty. It’s a good idea to feint in order to throw your opponent offguard.”

“Faint? You mean like this?” Misty said before falling down as if playing dead.

“No! No!” Opaline said. “Feint! F-E-I-N-T! It means pretending to make a move when you really intend to move in another way like this!”

Opaline flowed magic through her horn and then moved as if about to attack but no beam came out. “Pretend you’re going to attack a certain way and then really attack in another way!”

She then shot another beam at Misty and caught her on the chest.

“Aah!” Misty exclaimed as she received another minor burn, the hurt turned to anger and she glared at Opaline as her horn lit up.

She fired another beam that her adoptive mother blocked.

“Ooh, a bit of fire in your eyes! I love it!” Opaline said with an evil grin from behind her shield which she quickly lowered. “Now try to fool me!”

Misty moved her horn in one direction to do so, but Opaline’s years of experience had taught her to focus and watch every move. She saw the real move coming and shielded herself from it.

“You’re going to need to try harder than that,” she told Misty.

Misty huffed. “Okay Opaline. You asked for it!”

“Just not too hard,” Opaline reminded her before closing her eyes arrogantly. “Or you’ll be getting a serious burn with what remains of my magic!”

As soon as she said that though she felt a weak jolt of magic hit her in the face, right between the eyes.

“Oh, you closed your eyes!” Misty said.

Opaline gritted her teeth as she rubbed the spot. “Oh, Opaline you foal,” she cursed herself.

“Are you okay Opaline?” Misty asked in a mixture of concern and fear.

“I’ll be fine,” Opaline said with narrowed eyes. “Just need to put some healing potion on it.”

She hissed then looked at Misty. “That was very good spell casting I must say.”

“Am I going to be punished?” Misty asked hesitantly.

“If this were any other circumstance I would say yes. But you impressed me with that so I will forgo any punishment,” Opaline said. “Now, I think that’s enough for now. Come.”

She led Misty to the royal potion cupboard nearby and took out a bottle of healing potion. She poured a small amount of the potion onto a cloth and rubbed her face with before levitating it over to Misty and running it over the places where she had shot her assistant.

“There you are, Misty,” Opaline said. “I trust I wasn’t too rough with you?”

“No. Thank you, Opaline,” Misty said sincerely.

“Well, you certainly impressed me. I hope this will aid you in this newest attempt to acquire the dragon. Now prepare yourself!”

Misty headed to her room and put on her new green saddlebag which she would use to store food and other essentials while away. She found Opaline on her throne when she headed there.

“Now, and while you’re in Maretime Bay there is something else I need you to do.”

Opaline levitated a sealed letter out in front of her.

“Give this to the Post Office in Maretime Bay,” she said to Misty who took it and put it in her bag. “Its time for me to begin recruiting new allies!”

“Who?” Misty asked.

“That’s not important right now,” Opaline said dismissively before adding, “You just deliver it and those puny mail ponies will take care of the rest. Then you will acquire the dragon for me and DON’T COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE HIM!” she yelled suddenly angry and serious.

From her tone it was clear Misty was not being able to return till she got Sparky. She ran to the door of the castle and was out in a flash.

She headed to Maretime Bay. It was already sunset when she left the castle. By the time she arrived, it was completely dark. She panted and looked around. The Brighthouse stood in its spot overlooking the city. Misty found the post office but it was closed.

“Guess I’ll have to have them deliver this tomorrow,” Misty said. “Ah well, onto the Brighthouse.”

She walked over to it. Peering in through one of the windows, she saw the group of ponies inside watching a movie on the couch. Misty recognized Sunny, Zipp, Hitch, and Pipp. The latter two ponies were sitting next to each other and holding hoofs. Misty smiled at the sight for a second, feeling happy they seemed to have found each other.

“Aw,” she said eyeing them for a moment before looking around the rest of the visible room.

Sparky on the top of the couch sat behind Hitch, and there was also a red pony in there as well. Misty had never met him before, who was he? Their backs were turned so she couldn’t get a good look at him. Though she did notice one pony was missing. Izzy wasn’t there.

“Hmm, where’s Izzy?” Misty wondered. “Ah well, doesn’t matter.”

She wandered around to the front of the Brighthouse and found the hyperactive unicorn making her way up. Izzy leapt happily with her eyes closed, humming softly. She then opened her eyes just in time to see-

“Misty!” she exclaimed. “Hey! I haven’t seen you in a while!”

“Uh, hey Izzy!” Misty said nervously.

Her fellow unicorn hugged her, which she reluctantly returned with an embarrassed grin. It felt comforting. Opaline never hugged her, though she was starting to give Misty more praise lately for her successes in magic.

“Were you just coming out of the Brighthouse?” Izzy asked.

“No, I was thinking of saying ‘hello’ but didn’t want to disturb you or the others,” Misty lied.

“Oh nonsense! Come on! They’re all hanging out in the brighthouse tonight! I’m sure they’d love to see you! And you can meet Sprout!”

“Who?” Misty asked.

“Oh, just a formerly evil pony who tried to kill us all a while ago! But he’s been feeling bad lately so we decided to let him into our circle, at least for a little bit! He might not be here full time but we at least want to make him feel better and put the past in the past!”

Izzy led Misty to the door and opened it.

“Hey everypony! Look who’s here!” Izzy said.

They all looked at Misty, most of them grew smiles, except for Zipp and Sprout. Zipp gave their new guest a suspicious look while Sprout just looked confused and surprised.

Author's Note:

Okay. I didn’t know what I was gonna put in this chapter at first but then the idea came to just focus on Misty and I liked it. So now Misty will get a chance to hang out with those that treat her right. Opaline did to a certain amount here but she still has moments of abuse and threatening Misty. Also, Misty will meet Sprout officially next chapter. What will come of that and what will the Mane 5, Sprout, Sparky, and Misty do together. I had them watching a movie just now but I think I’ll change it up next chapter to something else once the movie ends. Maybe some board games or eating sweets and other stuff. Also, I was originally thinking of having Sprout end up with Posey but Misty could be a good potential match as well. Let me know your thoughts and I will take them under consideration.