• Published 1st Apr 2023
  • 268 Views, 8 Comments

How Bow met Windy - Applefai

The love story of Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles.

  • ...

Finishing Classes and Starting new lives

Bow and Windy left the hospital in silence, on the walk back to campus, not a single word was uttered as the two strolled in silence.

"You ok, Bow?" Windy asked, breaking the silence as she walked beside him

"I don't know," Bow sighed in reply, grasping his face with his hands. "I had hoped to be the next "Lightning Strike" Airraid, but now…………… I don't know what to do," Bow said as he looked up at the night sky, seeing a few pegasi pass by overhead.

"Wasn't he the best buckball player in history? That's quite a goal," Windy replied, thankful that Bow was at least talking.

"Yeah, he was. He could defend an approaching goal and you wouldn't even see it," Bow responded, starting to geek out as he listed stats and even giving a play-by-play making Windy smile as he went on a tangent about the buckball legend.

When they reached the campus, Windy helped Bow up the stairs, and into his dorm where Lightning Lane was still up. "Hey there you are man, where'd you go?" He asked before seeing Windy and giving a sly smirk. "Oh, I see, Some post-game celebrations," he said, causing Windy and Bow to shoot daggers at him.

Lightning immediately dropped his grin as Windy helped Bow into a chair. "Hey, what happened to Bow?" Lightning asked as he noticed the cast on his teammate's wing.

Bow groaned as he sat down. "I hurt it pretty bad during the game, it'll heal, but I won't be able to play anymore," Bow said, causing Lightning to look down not knowing what to say.

The air went stiff as Lightning put his ears down. "I'm sorry to hear that man," Lightning said as he looked up. At a loss for words.

"It's ok, I'll find a new dream I'm sure," Bow replied as Windy kissed him goodbye and left the two friends alone.

Bow and Lightning sat in silence as Bow pulled out a catalog of classes, hoping it wasn't too late to change majors.

"Woah dude, are you seriously going to give up on your dream just like that?" Bow's roommate asked as Bow searched through the pages of the classes he could take.

"What choice do I have? The doctor told me I won't be able to play again, that means this could permanently damage my wing to the point where I can't fly," Bow replied as he looked through the pages.

"You could just ignore the doctor, sometimes they're wrong," Lightning replied as Bow looked at him.

"But what if he's right? I can't risk me not being able to fly," Bow asked as Lightning sat down in an open chair.

"You can't live your life with what-ifs," Lighting said before letting out a sigh and looking down. "You can do what you want, but just make sure it's what you want," Bow's friend said as Bow nodded.

"What did you plan on doing as a plan B anyway?" Lightning asked.

Bow looked over at the catalog then back at Lightning. "I don't really know, but I did consider announcing," Bow replied.

With a sly chuckle, Lightning patted his friend on the back. "On second thought, listen to the doctor, that's a much better job for you," Lightning said jokingly.

"Oh really?" Bow asked, playing along with his friend's antics.

"Yeah, I didn't want to embarrass you in front of Windy, but your mug is more fit for radio," Lightning said, causing Bow to playfully punch him in the arm.

"Yeah, right, I think I might take your advice, besides, doctors can be wrong like you said," Bow acknowledged as he put the catalog away.

"As soon as this cast is off, I'm going to start training," Bow said, his confidence overflowing.

During the weeks with the cast, Bow buried himself in his academics, studying different plays, and making the most of his college life. He attended parties, but most of the time he would spend his free time with Windy.

When the day came for Bow's cast to be taken off, he wasted no time in training when it was removed, he started by doing fifteen wing-ups, steadily increasing the number every week. Windy often came to watch him to make sure that he didn't hurt himself. As he worked out Windy couldn't help but stare at his six-pack abs and his muscles glistening with sweat as he worked out.

Even though he had already played his final game of the season, he kept practicing on the field when it was empty.

While he was practicing one day with some friends, he was approached by a scouter.

"Hey there, son, you got some good skills," he said as Bow landed in front of him.

"Thank you sir, but I'm not to where I once was, I suffered an injury during my last game of the season, the doctor said I wouldn't be able to go for this career," Bow replied as he grabbed a towel from the bench.

"That's perfectly fine, son. The fact that you are doing this despite the warnings from your doctor is a bit commendable, but you should be careful. But the reason why I'm here is to offer you a spot on the Las Pegasus Pegs," the stallion said, making Bow's jaw drop.

Once Bow recovered from the shock, he couldn't help but to smile."Thank you, sir, but I have to finish college first," Bow said as the scooter reached into his coat pocket.

"That won't be an issue," the scooter replied as he gave Bow the card.

The scooter left as Bow's friends flew down to congratulate him, they patted him on the back as Bow looked at the card with a heavy heart.

After practicing, Bow returned to his dorm, laid the card on his desk, then laid on his bed and sighed as he gazed up at the underside of the top bunk.

His thoughts ran through his mind like a rushing river. A few minutes pass until he hears Lightning come in. "Hey man, how you doing?" He asked as he set his stuff down.

"Just thinking," Bow replied as he turned to look at him.

Lightning sat in the chair by the desk as he looked at Bow. "Penny for your thoughts?" Lightning asked as Bow looked back up at the underside of the bed.

"I just got an offer to play for the Las Pegasus Pegs after graduation," Bow said as Lighting was drinking, causing him to choke on his water.

"Wow man, that's awesome, so why do you look so down?" Lightning asked as he caught his breath.

"I just figured that after graduation me and Windy would move in together, and see where life took us," Bow replied as his friend nodded.

"Well man, I do wish I could help, but only you must make this decision, but I would talk to Windy so it doesn't seem like you just left her," Lightning said as Bow sat up.

"I think I'll go do that," Bow said as he left.

Bow quickly jogs to Windy's dorm, and knocks on her door. "Be there in a second," Windy calls out as Bow waits at the door, his heart pounding in his chest.

When Windy opens the door she smiles brightly. "Hey, Bow," Windy exclaimed as she invited him in and offered him a seat.

Bow sat down as Windy pulled up a chair. "So what brings you here?" Windy asked as she sat down.

"Something interesting happened to me at practice today," Bow replied as he looked Windy in the eye.

"Oh really, I'm sorry I missed it, I was studying cheer positions for the upcoming tryouts, what happened?" Windy asked as Bow sighed.

"I got an offer to play for the Las Pegasus Pegs after graduation, they want me on their team," Bow said as Windy smiled.

"That's great news, but why do you seem bummed by it?" Windy asked as Bow looked up at her.

"I'll have to move to Las Pegasus," Bow replied.

"That's ok, you should do it," Windy said as Bow sighed.

"But we were planning on moving in together after college, me moving will throw a monkey wrench in the plan," Bow replied as Windy smiled.

"I won't stand in the way of your dreams, you should go, really, we'll meet again," Windy said as she got up and put a hand on Bow's shoulder.

"But I love you," Bow said as Windy pulled him up and hugged him.

"I love you too, and it's because I love you that I want you to live your dream, I'll be fine waiting for you," Windy said as Bow embraced the hug.

"I'll come back to you one month after I start playing," Bow said as Windy smiled.

"I'll be waiting," Windy said as she smiled.

Before Bow left, Windy kissed him on the lips with a playful smack on his ass. "Take care of that for me, my little hurricane," Windy said, making Bow blush as he left.