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The Summons


Today was the traditional visit to Canterlot which is celebrated by every American president in commemoration of the Canterlot treaty that gave birth to America.

Being in this commemoration was the tradition of him, Celestia, and Luna sitting down and having a good civilized chat between the major powers over breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner if the person in charge felt chatty enough.

However, unlike this tradition, this was a summon.

And while it was on the day of the traditional visit Andrew Jackson was sitting on his seat onboard a plane that was transporting him to the capitol of Equestria, what he read was a bit strange to him.

"Some madpony takes over Crystal Empire and vows... Expansive consequences? What nerve does this being even have!" The president ranted.

"Possible that he might launch an attack, after all, he did just brutally take over the empire, and last that our men heard he just killed the princess that ruled it, let alone enslaved the entire population," Van Buren added.

"Hm... Then it's a good thing I ordered General Patton to reinforce our border defenses! Because otherwise we probably are exiles right now!" The president further ranted.

"Yes indeed sir, yes indeed good sir."

The plane approached the designated and reserved dirtway which especially trained pegasus have been directing the plane to the spot to land and where to dock.

After docking procedures, the President rose from his seat, took a quick sip of his wine, grabbed his coat, his cane, and two revolvers, and slid them into his coat pockets.

"Can never be so sure Calhoun (Ya bastard)! Keep that in mind," Andrew Jackson said.

"Very good sir," said the butler, as he slid the Old Hickery's coat on.

The two then stepped into the sunlight with the pegasus and human personnel entering inside to clean the room of the plane where the president sat.

In front of the president and the vice president was Princess Luna, who for some reason had bluish-black armor, a horn that stuck out of her helmet, and horseshoes that seemed to extend up to a human being's knee. President Jackson who seemed very strange at the appearance waved in a, 'hi' type gesture.

"You may be confused about my appearance," Luna pointed out.

"Yes, I am. What's with the armor, some sort of joke?"

Luna straightened her chest plate and the Lunar sword that holstered on her side.

" Mr. President, me and my sister have requested that we will need you and your country's help," Luna requested.

"Ah, why didn't you ask then, of course, I've yet to meet your sister, so where is that huge pony mix anyways?" The president chuckled.

"She's waiting for us at the castle," Luna replied, with no emotion.

"Hmph. Very well, then take us."

Hours passed by, and Canter by now was asleep on the bench until General Bradley, who was enjoying his cup of coffee, sat down in front of the tired officer and looked outside.

"You know, this wasn't really the first time I saw the landscape fly right past me you know?" Bradley said, taking a sip of his daily joe.

"Heh, I imagine you can say that considering that you're a general, and to think that you are Patton's selected deputy, how well does that go for reputation," the two chuckled.

"Well, I'd say if I were to apply for a job, I would probably be a math teacher teaching math back at West Point," Bradley spoke. "There I can definitely make myself at home there."

"Well, until then, I guess we're stuck doing the dirty work," Canter backtracked, as he lifted a cigarette before Bradley pointed at the sign that said "No smoking in the lounge car."

"Huh, that's miserable," Canter expressed, flipping his Match lid down and putting the cigarette back in his pocket.

"You can wait a while, after all, we only have so much to travel," Bradley insisted.

"I guess, so..."

After the carriage landed on the balcony in front of the Castle which was usually crowded by the locals of Equestria was eerily quiet as if it had suddenly become an exclusion zone, but really it's because the area is a part of a training course that the guards had been using to prepare for something.

And the president, who had already gotten an eerie feeling with Luna's armor, now feels somewhat worried but mixed with aggressive aggravation.

"You've yet to tell me what is going on Princess, I'm getting impatient," the president demanded, Celestia appeared from the castle front with her wings wide open, and she was also armored as well, the only exception was that her entire chest is covered with gold plating with black undergarments under the chest plating, along with this her horseshoes looks more like boots, only there is gold on top and bottom, and the middle is entirely armor leggings.

Whenever the presidents saw armor on leaders it was a sign that the leader in particular meant business, and it seems President Jackson happened to be one of those who witnessed this type of stuff.

"President Andrew Jackson?" Celestia called on his name.

"I assume you know the reason for all of this?" The Old Hickory questioned.

"I do, and do not fret, we are not here to wage war on your country," Celestia reassured, but somehow the president doubted this truth a lot.

"Then how do I know you aren't lying right in my face and marching your army from the only beachhead right now?" The president questioned skeptically.

"Because according to the scouts sent into the Crystal empire, Sombra is rallying an army, along the way one of our guards detained one of your messenger-"


"Easy Mr. President! He wasn't imprisoned, we've already sent him to the embassy where he was tasked to hand you a reply straight from Sombra," Celestia calmed.

"Sombra? Who the hell is Sombra? I sent the message for Mi Amore! Is he the bastard that took over the kingdom?"

"Unfortunately Mr. President, we do not have any clue as to what happened to her, or her foal."

"...You mean Cadence I assume? Daughter of the one I'm trying to message? She's missing too?"

"From what I can tell, the scout team tried to speak with one of the enslaved ponies but... Great faust their spirits are just broken and shattered, you can never imagine such evil!"

"Hm... I wonder where I heard that before," the Old Hickory mentioned, referring to the time of Emperor Hiduras and the sibling war.

It was then that the door opened with the messenger escorted by two guards arrived with the response.

"Mr. President!" Saluted the messenger. "I got the response you needed, also sir, I quit!"

The messenger then left the president's presence as Old Hickory rolled his eyes annoyed.

"I saw that coming, alright lets... See??"

Dear President.

You have 23 hours to submit to my rule or be vanquished under my army.

-Signed Sombra, King of the Crystal Empire

Out of anger the President scrunched the paper into a ball and threw it outside of the conveniently opened window.

"Well Princess, I'm Listening, now what is it you want to say? Because as I said, I am listening, intently..."