• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 439 Views, 9 Comments

Fluttercraft - DiscordantDisciple

Fluttershy ends up in the world of Minecraft. Surely nothing good can come from this.

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Fluttershy sipped tea from the cat-shaped mug, humming happily as the pleasant taste of chamomile entered her mouth. Not chamomile, but chameowmile as this tea was given to her by Discord, and he always liked to make her laugh with his new tea flavours. It was called chameowmile, not because of the mug she drank from, but because it literally meowed.

Perhaps not Discord’s most creative pun, but Fluttershy didn’t mind. She was currently in his house, as he was the host of these things every other Tuesday. Perhaps house was not the right word as today it was more of a reverse fish tank, the walls made of glass and revealing a mix of chaotic and natural fish swimming in the waters surrounding the two.

It was nearing the end of their tea date, as it was getting rather late in the day, and Fluttershy had to feed her animals soon. Fluttershy didn’t want to interrupt Discord’s rather enthusiastic display of chasing down a certain whale, but even Discord couldn’t slow time.

“Um, Discord…” Fluttershy started, lowering her head while gazing at the draconequus. Discord teleported back inside the chamber where the tea supplies rested, hearing her despite her low volume and the glass that had laid between them.

“Yes, Fluttershy?” Discord grinned expectantly.

“It’s getting a bit late… And the animals are probably getting hungry…” Fluttershy set down her mug and pointed to a clock hung on the clear walls, it ran backwards and the minute and hour hands were switched but Fluttershy was experienced enough with Discord’s chaos to read it.

Discord turned to look at the time, his eyes bulging out comically before deflating and sagging out of his eye sockets. His mouth drooped into an exaggerated, similarly droopy frown, and his shoulders slumped.

“How unfortunate, I suppose that means you will need to leave then?” Fluttershy nodded in response, and Discord snapped his fingers causing the beautiful scene that surrounded the two to return to his usual, or rather, unusual abode. His face returned to its normal state as well.

“Goodbye Discord, thank you for tonight, it was lovely.” Discord smiled serenely, waving his paw in farewell. Fluttershy waved back at him

Fluttershy walked through the door, literally as it wasn’t open, and the pegasus entered the more dangerous part of Discord’s home.

Discord’s realm of chaos was tricky to navigate but Fluttershy had experience, and the more aggressive creatures in the realm knew that attacking her would result in facing the Lord of Chaos’s wrath. This, of course, didn’t stop non-living anomalies from appearing but Fluttershy was quite skilled at avoiding them,

Fluttershy used her wings to float about the realm, without gravity they were used to steer rather than truly fly. Discord used to accompany her while she left but he eventually stopped as Fluttershy started visiting more often. Perhaps if he had accompanied her this time she wouldn’t make the mistake she soon would.

Fluttershy found herself at the portal to leave the realm, earlier than she expected but she was used to expectations being defied here. Rather than the purple light that the portal usually glowed it was a bright teal. She paid this no mind, it was the first time she had seen the portal change colour but the dimension of chaos had many secrets.

She closed her eyes and stepped through, the portal closing behind her as she returned to Equestria, feeling the grass beneath her hooves and birdsong in the air. Fluttershy paused, opening her eyes, her ears flicking in confusion. That was strange, she couldn’t understand what the birds were singing.

Maybe they weren’t singing about anything in particular, as they did occasionally, though it was uncommon without her guiding them to. She prepared to head back to Ponyville and then her cottage but as she began to walk Fluttershy realized she couldn’t find the path.

Alright, so the portal took her someplace else, this was fine, she just needed to fly up and look for Ponyville from the air. Fluttershy flapped her wings to take off but other than causing a slight breeze nothing happened. Her heart began to race when she realized she couldn’t feel the wind and air pressure with her wings.

If Twilight was here she would have figured out that magic acted differently in this location, causing pegasus magic to fail. From there perhaps she would even have figured out that this was another world rather than Equus. Unfortunately for Fluttershy, Twilight was worlds away and as such, she had no idea why her wings didn’t work.

It was a pegasus’ natural response to panic when their wings failed. Fluttershy, who infrequently used her wings for much more than reaching high shelves was not exempt from this. Fluttershy began to hyperventilate, her pulse quickening.

Fluttershy began to curl into a ball and quiver but then suddenly stopped. She was lost, without magic, Celestia only knew how far she was from home. She couldn’t just panic, no matter how much she wanted to. She took a deep breath, copying the technique Twilight had learned from her sister-in-law. It wouldn’t do her any good to be panicked.

She was fine, wherever she was it wasn’t the ever-free forest, and even if it was she and her friends had faced worse. She just needed to find out how to get home, she was fine. Fluttershy ignored the voice in her head that told her she needed to run away as she examined her surroundings.

The trees around her were oak, with the occasional white birch mixed in. Strangely enough, along with acorns the oak trees also contained apples. While she wasn’t as experienced with plants as she was with animals, she spent enough time with Applejack to know that that wasn’t normal. She looked for native bird species and found a cardinal sitting on one of the branches of the trees.

“Um excuse me, could you tell me where I am?” She asked the bird, who flew away in fear. Fluttershy was taken aback, the last time that had happened was years ago, during the first gala she attended. She saw a squirrel scuttle up the side of a tree and stare at her.

It chittered something Fluttershy couldn’t understand and when she moved it ran to the top of the tree. Fluttershy had no idea what it said, that was not normal. Birds sometimes sang nonsense, but squirrels didn’t. Not only was her flight failing, but her animal skills as well.

The little voice came back again and Fluttershy had to take deep breathes again to keep from panicking. It was fine that she was somewhere where she didn’t have magic. It was fine that she was lost. It was fine she was fine.

Fluttershy whimpered and collapsed, shuddering on the ground. Silently sobbing, she gasped for air as her chest felt like it would implode.

She had to get out of here. She had to find somepony, she may not have magic but she didn’t need it to talk to ponies, or other sapient creatures. She couldn’t just lie around and cry, she had to find somewhere safe, if there were any predators there was no way she could talk her way out of danger.

It felt hopeless but she had to try, she just had to. Fluttershy stood up, picking a direction and galloping. Eventually, she had to slow to a trot, as she began to feel hungry and tired. She needed to eat something.

There were those strange apple oak trees around, she wasn’t entirely sure they were edible but she had to try. While she didn’t have access to her magic that wouldn’t stop her from bucking them down. Pegasi were weaker than earth ponies but she saw no other option.

Fluttershy walked to the nearest tree, rearing up her hind legs and bucking it repeatedly, it had taken a few tries before something happened. And something most certainly happened. After around the fifth buck her legs, rather than hitting the trunk as expected, went through air.

She turned around in surprise, gaping at the sight. The place she was bucking was replaced with air, a miniature slice of log the same size and shape as the gap rested on the stump hovering and rotating slowly. The tree above where she had bucked was still there, just floating, completely intact.

Fluttershy pawed at the tiny log with a hoof, and when her hoof got near it gravitated to it. She grabbed it and inspected it. It was completely normal, just small. Her eyes narrowed as she inspected it, and it suddenly vanished from her view.

But she felt like it was still there, just not in her hoof. Closing her eyes and concentrating she saw a void, containing the log slice. After a second of concentrating once more, it returned to her hoof.

That was… strange, even stranger than her lack of magic. Though perhaps it was better to say her magic changed rather than left. Could she do anything else? Fluttershy closed her eyes again, seeing the void. The log was there again and she tried to do something, anything.

To Fluttershy’s ever-growing surprise, something new happened again. The log had glowed and it was replaced with blocks of wooden planks, four of them. Did she do that? That couldn’t have been a coincidence. She called the four planks to her hoof, though only one appeared.

Fluttershy set it on the ground but rather than floating like the log it grew to half her size, firmly attached to the soil. Another plank block came to her hoof after doing so. It was similarly sized to the log, maybe she could turn it into a small version again? Rather than bucking it she simply smacked it with her other hoof, cracks appearing on its surface.

She stopped, and the cracks slowly disappeared. She then hit it again repeatedly and it returned to its item form. This was something, sure she couldn’t buck the tree to get apples, but she could just build up to them! She used the planks she had in her inventory to build up and reach the apples.

Fluttershy swiped one of the apples, and when she did so she destroyed part of the leaves causing her to wince, but she got her prize. She ate the apple with wild abandon, fast enough to make her Flutterbat form jealous. She was still hungry so she grabbed the other apples on the tree, eating all of them save for two.

She accidentally swiped at a part of the tree without apples and a cutting fell off, at least she thought it was at first. Inspecting closely she saw roots, it wasn’t a cutting it was a sapling! It was miniature much like the log and planks and she placed it down, allowing it to grow in size as it planted itself on the grass.

The question was could Fluttershy put those apples she didn’t eat in her inventory? It seemed the answer was yes, she could. That was good, it meant she could save them for later, if she ever got hungry again before she got home that is. She should probably get more logs, that way she could turn them into enough planks to build a temporary shelter in case anything dangerous appeared.

She broke down the rest of the tree, turning all of the logs into planks, destroying the planks she had already placed down and returning them to her inventory. Fluttershy paused, could she do anything else with the logs? She had turned them into planks but maybe she could do more. Fluttershy closed her eyes and concentrated again.

This time, in her mind's eye she saw a book alongside her inventory, with Recipe Book written on the cover. She concentrated again to open it, finding some images of small items with a two by two grid containing other items beside it. She saw many items, along with names, sticks with the grid beside it containing two planks stacked onto each other, a button made with only one plank.

Something stood out to Fluttershy, a Crafting Table, constructed by four planks taking up the entire grid. She closed the recipe book, and arranged the planks in her inventory into the pattern from the book. The planks began to glow and when she opened her eyes a miniature crafting table was held in her hoof.

Advancement made!

Oh my.

Author's Note:

First chapter! Hope you lovely folks will enjoy this series, I've got some plans for it.