• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 444 Views, 3 Comments

The End Of The Rainbow Factory - RainbowFucktory

After escaping the Rainbow Factory Twilight has recurring nightmares of Rainbow haunting her.

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The Nightmare

Twilight felt herself drift further into the darkness after so many sleepless nights. She was trying her best to find peace in her new surroundings, no longer trapped in the dreary gray factory walls like before. The fear of the remaining workers tracking her down and finding her raced across her mind. They couldn't do that, could they? did they even know she escape at all?

She tried to forget everything, forcing herself into a dream world that would take her away from the sickening reality. The worst part of it all was upon being dragged out of her cell, instead of throwing her into the factory stables to harvest her magic for rainbows they decided to try and make her part cyborg. It was an experiment they had been testing to see if making robots for the factory would be better built by scratch or by using the many dead pony resources that were no longer useful to them. Sadly, the second option had been chosen, and Twilight lost half her face and both her legs for it.

She pictured how she was before it all. Having both eyes, having all four legs. She could see and feel them again, she dreamt of how beautiful she once was, how she used both eyes to read and study, both legs for running and walking. There was no stiff movement or silver parts of metal engraved into her body. Just a normal unicorn with normal friends like how it used to be.

Suddenly, a low buzzing sound filled the room. It sounded more like a low humming of some kind. They drew dread across her spine. Something about them felt familiar...too familiar. Immediately, Twilight's eyes shot open. She was confused to have both of them again. "Where am I? what's happening!?" she called out, her vision still clearing. She tried to move but felt the chains around all four of her hooves.

"Sweet Celestia no..." Twilight whispered to herself as she looked around. She realized the buzzing noises came from several machines surrounding her. It struck her then, she was once again in the Rainbow Factory. A place she never wanted to return to ever again. The establishment meant to be destroyed was now fully rebuilt, glowing tubes of every color in the rainbow flashing back at her. The sickly neon so bright that it started to burn her eyes if she stared at them for too long. Twilight panicked, trying to use her magic, but to no avail.

"Hello, Cyberlight." A menacing voice echoed from across the factory. Twilight looked down to see Rainbow Dash approaching her on a metal boardwalk that stretched out to where she was chained. Cyberlight had been the horrible name they'd given her after trying to turn her into a factory bot, she remembered.

"Don't you ever call me that again!" Twilight hissed, all hatred for the blue pegasus she once considered her friend returning to her in mere seconds. "You're sick! why am I here? let me go!"

Rainbow gave her an amused smirk. "Maybe if you stopped struggling you'd realize your hanging over a grinder right now." Twilight stopped moving and looked down, only to scream in horror. There was she, strung up in mid air by old rusty chains, right above a massive grinder covered rim to bottom in blood. The sight made her want to vomit as the smell of old blood filled her nostrils.

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" Rainbow suddenly screamed. Eyes crazed as she continued. "No pony escapes my factory and gets away with it, now thanks to you telling every pony about the secret to making our rainbows, they'll shut us down after decades of hard work keeping this place is tact. You just don't get it to you? of course you don't. Now with failures not even having a consequence to their final flight exam, Cloudsdale with pile up with worthless piles of shit!"

Twilight drew back, feeling her body sway side to side midair. "Rainbow," she breathed, trying to keep her tone cool. "Failures or not those are still ponies. Fillies and colts! they don't know any better, Fluttershy failed hers and she was your bestfriend! it doesn't determine who they are or what they could do over one stupid test! and it hasn't just been fillies you've been killing anymore either!"

"What do you mean?" Rainbow questioned. "Everybody sent here dies for a good cause." Twilight growled. "Then explain the earth ponies you mercilessly tortured here, how you strapped them up to metal tables and took away their colors. How do you think they felt as their lives were drained from them and just thrown into a pit of other colorless corpses? oh, or what about the GROWN pegasi that came here?"

Rainbow furrowed her brows. "The grown pegasi were ponies who escaped their flight exams in their youth that had to be brought back. It's the reason I dragged Fluttershy over here as well as Derpy. That or they were workers and they betrayed my corporation! it was fully justified. The only other time was either if they snuck in to get answers."

"And the unicorns and ponies without bright colors? Rainbow you could've released them! don't you realize with how many ponies you're killing, soon there's not going to be any left to see your precious rainbows?"

"Not true, the population of Cloudsdale is in the thousands." Rainbow replied. "And the colorless ponies, or what I call flat tones can still supply us with soul power to keep the factory running. Since their gray, white, and black coats are useless for us. Also, you shouldn't be complaining about what we do with our unicorns, they're the only ponies here allowed to live for long periods of time behind our walls."

"Oh sure, I bet they're so grateful when you harvest their shit for rainbows and steal all their magic, trap them in cramped, dirty stalls full of other ponies manure forced to hear the screams of dying ponies from outside!" Twilight snapped. Rainbow showed no remorse. "They get used to it. Unicorns are the only ponies here with rainbow-colored manure, we need that more than anything."

"You won't get away with this! I'll alert the princesses, I'll do everything in my power to shut you down, Dash! I thought you were a better pony then this, I thought you were loyal to your friends and cared about us. But I guess if you're evil enough to kill your own little sister I was wrong."

Rainbow called over to her most trusted worker Wooden Toaster, or as most ponies just called her Glaze. "Haha Twilight, no pony would ever believe you even if you tried." she sneered. "Just wait until they hear the part about harvesting the unicorn shit for rainbows, followed up by harvesting earth ponies and fillies as rainbows too! Ahaha! they'll laugh you off!"

Rainbow felt more reassured by Glaze's words and followed up. "You will never be able to escape us. I said no SOUL gets out of the factory, you got your body out. Your soul will forever remain here, we will be all you ever think about. We have already altered and broke your life. Give up Twilight. Come back to us and let us finish you off. You'll never be able to get rid of the factory either, whatever will be left of it in the future."

"That..no..no your lying!" Twilight stammered. This caused Rainbow and Glaze to burst out laughing, longer than Twilight wanted to listen to. Rainbow then stopped and reached for a bright-red lever, wrapped her hoof around it and gave Twilight one last glance. "Goodbye." she cackled and pulled it all the way. Immediately, the chains holding Twilight up let go and Twilight was dropped into hundreds of small moving blades.

"AHHH!!" Twilight screamed, feeling her body sink through the grinder and be torn apart. She was crushed by the turning metal and could hear every one of her bones snap and crack. Blood splintered out of her body as blood sprayed in all directions. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as it reached up to her stomach, having died from the shock then. Thee laughing of Glaze and Dash echoed across the room, taking great pride in their newest kill.

"Nobody escapes the Rainbow Factory! NOBODY!" Dash screamed.

Twilight awoke, beads of sweat dripping from her forehead. She moved upward, careful with her mechanic leg and broke down crying. "I hate you Rainbow Dash..I hate you Rainbow Factory! I'm telling Celestia everything tonight!"