• Published 16th Apr 2023
  • 1,116 Views, 11 Comments

Sunset x Pinkie - TheKing2001

At a sleep over with her fellow Rainbooms, Pinkie decides to tell Sunset her feelings.

  • ...

Probably the only chapter

I flopped onto my bed and smoothed down the pink blanket. I picked up my phone from the nightstand and stared at my background. I gave a smile at the thought of Sunset. I've never actually liked another female, it's always been guys. I'm not entirely sure what that makes me. I talked to Lyra and Bon Bon about it. They suggested I might be bi and into both. They pretty much said they have no idea, because they're not me.

A loud knocking sound at the front door made me shoot up to my feet. I ran to the door and opened it. My friends stood on the other side. The first one was her. God almighty, was Sunset beautiful in the setting sun.

"Uh, Pinkie? Are you gonna let us in?" Sunset asked. I realized I was staring and turned slightly red. I quickly stepped back and nodded.

"Yeah, sorry got distracted. Thoughts of cupcakes." I gave a nervous giggle as my friends filed through the door. Fluttershy shut the door softly and locked it. She smiled at me.

"Hi, Pinkie." She waved.

"Heya Shy!" I forced an eager tone in my voice and she frowned slightly.

"Are you okay?" She shuffled her feet and kept staring at me. My eyes flicked around the room nervously.

"Yeah, silly. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"You were staring at Sunset. Again." She mumbled. Again? How often do people notice me staring?

"Maybe I was." I admitted.

"I know you like her, you should tell her." Fluttershy suggested. I snorted a laugh.

"Absolutely not. Besides, she probably doesn't even like me back." I grumbled. "I'm an idiot, I'm an airhead, I talk about cupcakes and other baked goods all the time and get excited about little things too much. It's the dang bipolar disorder I have." Fluttershy frowned deeper and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You are NOT an idiot. You are NOT an airhead. Sure, you get excitable at times but it's part of your charm and we love you for it." Fluttershy reassured me sternly.

"I don't know. You remember middle school? Half the school called me a retard for being so energetic." I mumbled. Fluttershy quickly hugged me.

"You are not an r word. You are smart in your own way, just like me or Rainbow." Fluttershy pointed out. I gave a sigh as I hugged her back.

"I suppose you're right." I conceded. Fluttershy smiled as she released me. She walked past me and tossed me a sly smile.

"You really should tell Sunset how you feel, you never know. But I won't force you." Fluttershy suggested as she entered the living room. I rubbed my chin. Does she know something I don't?

"Pinkie Pie! Get in here so we can watch movies!" Rainbow shouted and I grinned at that. I loved watching movies, especially with my friends. I bounded into the room and jumped over Rainbow. She instinctively ducked.

"Pinkie, would it hurt you to act like a normal person for once?" Rainbow glared at me. Sunset shot her a look.

"Be nice to her. She's normal in her own way, just like everyone here. Don't do it again." Sunset snapped. Rainbow held up a hand placatingly.

"Alright, chill Sunny. Sorry Pinkie." Rainbow muttered.

"It's okay, silly." I mumbled as I crawled over Rarity to sit between her and Sunset. At least Rarity giggled at that and didn't yell at me. I hated getting yelled at.

"What movie should we watch?" Sunset asked. Rainbow grinned evilly and rubbed her hands together.

"Friday the Thirteenth. Or the Conjuring. Or the Little Shop Of Horrors." I gave a small shudder at that. I hated horror. Well, Little Shop Of Horrors wasn't that bad.

"I'm down." Sunset shrugged. Fluttershy shook her head nervously.

"I don't like horror." She mumbled and Rainbow frowned.

"I forgot Fluttershy was here. We can watch one after she goes to sleep if everyone else is interested." That did sound like a pretty decent compromise. And I could avoid watching the scarier horror movies that Rainbow was into.

"Works for me." Applejack shrugged.

"We could watch Battleship." I suggested eagerly. I loved that movie. "It has comedy for me and Fluttershy, action for Rainbow and Applejack, outfits for Rarity and aliens for Sunset." Granted, the outfits were mainly navy uniforms but minor details aren't important.

"I'm down." Sunset smiled at me and I melted a bit.

"Me too." Fluttershy softly said. I smiled as I pulled the movie case from my hair and tossed the CD across the room into the DVD player. You'd be surprised what a person can fit in their hair.

"How did you do that?" Rainbow asked me in awe.

"Skill, my padawan. Skill." I said in my best Jedi sounding voice and Rainbow rolled her eyes. I grabbed the remote and pressed play.


"We're gonna die." The character on the screen mumbled. I reached into my popcorn bowl and tossed a handful in my mouth. I smiled as I took in the scene around me. Fluttershy was sitting crosslegged watching the movie with a mesmerized expression. Rainbow and Applejack were leaned forward watching the movie and Rarity was busy talking about the naval clothing. Sunset was leaned back against the couch. I was trying my hardest to ignore her thigh pressing against mine.

"You're right, I'm gonna die. You're gonna die. We're all gonna die. Just not today." The other character said and the ship jerked back.

"Holy shit!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Man just drifted a whole fucking boat. What a legend." Rarity glared at her.

"Rainbow Dash! Must you use such crude language?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes and tossed her hands up dramatically.

"Whatever, Rarity." Fluttershy removed her hands off her ears.

"Is the loud shooting sound of guns over?" She asked nervously. I reached over Rarity and patted her on the head.

"Just about. Aunt Pinkie Pie is here to protect you from loud sounds." I said soothingly.

"I'm a year older than you." Fluttershy mumbled.

I lost track of time as we all watched the movie. We all got quiet when they mentioned the dead brother.

"Hey AJ?"

"Yeah, Dash?"

"You lost a cousin in the military, is that ceremony accurate to real life ceremonies?"

Applejack gave a quick nod.

"Yeah, a tad. Ma cousin was in the army, not the navy but Ah assume they are pretty dang similar. Just different medal names n such."

"Such a heartbreaking thing." Fluttershy mumbled and Rarity nodded slowly. I slid off the couch and took the CD out after the movie ended. I hated sad conversations, they have no place in a happy world. Applejack gave a yawn and stood up.

"I'm plum tuckered, Ah'm gonna hit the hay." She announced.

The others voiced their agreement and I bounded up the stairs eagerly to my room. I flew through the air and landed on my bed, giggling. I rolled over in time to see Applejack roll her eyes, but smile. I took a deep breath and decided to take Fluttershy's advice.

"H-hey Sunset?" I stammered out.

She looked up from the sleeping bag she was laying out on the floor at the foot of the bed.

"Yeah, Pinkie?" She asked as she laid the pillow I had laying next to the wall on her sleeping bag.

"Can we talk?" I mumbled. Sunset raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"Okay, let's talk." She waited for a second and it took me a moment to realize she wanted to talk here. I really didn't want to do this in front of everyone.

"I meant in private. Please." She gave me a confused look before shrugging and standing up.

"Sure, why not." She followed me out of my bedroom. I caught Fluttershy giving me a smile and thumbs up before I rounded the corner. I lead her to the bathroom.

"Uh, why are we in your family's bathroom?" I slid the window up and removed the screen. I quickly climbed out it and sat down on the roof. I glanced back and Sunset was still standing there staring at me. I gave a nervous laugh and held out my hand.

"It's completely safe, I do this all the time." I reassured her. She hesitantly took my hand and climbed out. She sat next me and I stared at the roofing.

"What do you want to talk about that we had to do it out here?" Sunset asked a few moments of silence.

"It hurt me a lot. A lot, when you avoided me at the Starswirled Music Festival. I'm sorry for running into the churro cart and getting us kicked out repeatedly. And for us missing Postcrush the first night." I said, blinking back tears. "I messed up, badly. Every day you had to relive that first day, I still managed to screw up in a new way, from the kitten loving security guard to The Dazzlings." I finally looked up at Sunset's frowning face.

"You did nothing wrong. I was a selfish bitch, who ignored your feelings the entire time. I was the one in the wrong." She replied.

"You shouldn't call yourself that, you not a bad word." I mumbled. She rolled her eyes and continued talking.

"I made our friends upset at me for abandoning you during one of the loops. But that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was seeing your hurt feelings and me doing nothing to apologize or help you."

Sunset looked down at the roof.

"I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, from abandoning my studies to the fall formal. But the Time Twirler incident? That was the worst thing I've ever done." She looked back at me confused. "I know communication is important and all between people, but that festival was a month ago and we already worked things out. Why bring it back up?" I gave a nervous sigh. Now or never Pinkie, I told myself.

"Because. I like you." I made eye contact and flinched a bit at Sunset's surprised face. "As more than friends. You're kind and strong and fierce when you need to be. Like at the Friendship Games. I understand if you don't feel the same way, I'm annoying. I get excited about the littlest of things, I'm random, I say lots of weird things and...." I was cut off by Sunset's lips pressed against mine. My eyes widened as I kissed her back. Inside, my mind was bouncing all around at the thought of being finally kissed by her. After what seemed like an eternity, we separated and I was panting slightly.

"I like you too. For a while now. You aren't annoying, it's actually quite cute seeing you get so worked up about baking and other things. You're very dedicated to your craft and it's inspiring." Sunset admitted with a red tinge to her cheeks. Based on how hot my mine felt, I'm pretty sure I was blushing too. I played with my pink hair with one hand, twirling it around my pointer finger.

"You also have the cutest pink hair I've ever seen. I love how poofy it is."

"So what do we do now?" I asked nervously. "This changes a lot."

Sunset nodded.

"Well, I think it's obvious what we do now." I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"What's that?" Sunset smirked and rolled her eyes.

"You silly beautiful girl. You ask me out." She snickered.

"Oooooh." I nodded fervently. "Sunset Shimmer, do you wanna go out with me?"

"Yes." Sunset leaned in towards me and I leaned to her. I was about to kiss her when a loud shout got our attention. We spun around, red faced to the rest of the girls standing behind us.

"FINALLY!" Rainbow shouted. Applejack quickly elbowed her in the side and she rubbed her head sheepishly.

"H-how long were you all there?" I asked shyly, hiding behind my pink hair in a manner akin to Fluttershy more than me.

"Since Sunset admitted to making us mad when abandoning you." Rarity admitted. "Me and Fluttershy were against eavesdropping on such a private matter, but Rainbow dragged us here." She smiled at us. "I'm quite happy for you two, I was rooting for you two for a while now."

Applejack tipped a hat at us.

"Ah reckon y'all wanna have some alone time. Come back when y'all are ready. Just don't let the neighbors see ya rolling in the hay." She winked at us and I'm pretty sure my cheeks turned even redder.

"We are not having sex, Applejack." Sunset snapped. "We just started dating five minutes ago, it's way too early for that."

Applejack dragged Rainbow out the bathroom to my bedroom. Fluttershy leaned through the window and patted me on the back.

"I knew you could do it." She whispered before following Rarity out the room. I noticed Marble in the corner of the hallway with a faint smile on her face staring at me. Sunset wrapped an arm around me and we looked up at the stars.

"Looking up at the stars is my favorite thing to do out here. This is my thinking spot. Beautiful, isn't it?" I admired the stars spread across the sky. I pointed at the Big Dipper. "That's my favorite."

Sunset pointed at Orion.

"I like Orion. He had a somewhat tragic story."

"Didn't he say he was going to kill every animal on earth and Gaia got enraged at him and tried to kill him with a scorpion?" I asked. Sunset stared at me surprised look on her face before nodding.

"I didn't take you for a history person."

"I enjoy Greek mythology. Lots of good stories, albeit very tragic stories. From Zeus cheating on Hera to the Titans murdering their father and tossing his severed genitalia into the ocean."

Sunset gave me another kiss and I sighed happily at the kiss.

"You know, I've never kissed anyone till now." I admitted. Sunset's eyes widened.

"Really?" She asked incredulously. "Why wait?" I shrugged.

"I was waiting for someone worth it." I said simply. Sunset smiled mischievously at me.

"Was I worth it?" She purred.

"Yes." I stayed bright red and smiled at her. We gazed up at the stars, pointing out our favorite constellations.

"Wanna know the best part of the whole time loop?" Sunset suddenly asked.

"What's that?" I asked, as I observed Scorpius in the sky.

"The day I made the loop day all about you. Spending time in the maze, winning the bike and eating churros." Sunset admitted, rubbing her head. "I've never had a churro till that day."

"That was a good day. Best time I ever had." I smiled a big grin at her. "How was the churro?"

"It was a bit hard." I giggled at that and winked.

"They were a bit hard to bite into. I can make us some better ones." I yawned.

"Tired?" Sunset smirked.

"Yeah." Sunset climbed through the window and I followed. I put the screen in and shut the window. Sunset lead me to my room and grabbed my hand. I turned a bright shade of red once again at her holding my hand. It was really nice, to say the least.

I slid under my covers and stared at Sunset slip into her sleeping bag.

"What are you doing?" I asked in confusion.

"Going to sleep." I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Not down there silly. We're dating now, you can sleep up here with me." I tossed my blanket open invitatingly and nodded. Sunset hesitated before climbing out of her bag, stepping over a snoring Rainbow and up next to me. I pulled the blanket back over us and snuggled next to her.

"Thanks, Pinkie." Sunset mumbled into my hair as she kissed my forehead.

"No problem." I stared at her eyes till we fell asleep.

Author's Note:

I really liked the development with Sunset and Pinkie with that one short. I was like, that's a good ass ship that never appears on here so I wrote one.

Comments ( 11 )

Is this a submission for the EQG Anniversary Spring Fling Contest?

No. I didn't even know that was a thing


Your story basically fits the criteria. Maybe you should consider submitting it? You could earn some money out of it.

Oh interesting. I'll do that, thank you for letting me know

You need to alter the long description of your story to state that you are submitting this story as an entry into the contest. Otherwise the judges won't even consider your story. Please go over the rules a bit more closely.

Ah thank you. My shift at work started right when I read your comment

Sunset and Pinkie is a woefully underexplored relationship, especially considering the chemistry they have in Sunset’s Backstage Pass, so I was happy to see a SunPie story in the contest. And this is a decently fluffy little bit of it, with a fairly classic premise (the love confession). It does have some problems with character voicing, though, as a lot of lines don’t have much intonation and read flatly at times. Also, I’m not sure if this was simply meant to be an in-joke about Hasbro, but Battleship feels like a weird choice of movie for the Rainbooms, even Rainbow Dash. Regardless, it was nice to have a dose of this pairing, so thank you for the submission.

I'm very glad you liked it. I agreed, Sunpie is my favorite ship for the Sunset now. I actually finished watching Battleship the night I wrote this lmao so that's why it's the movie I picked for the story. And anytime, glad to have taken part of it

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