• Published 26th Sep 2012
  • 798 Views, 31 Comments

Electro Spark - Joshweiser22

This is a story about my OC Electro Spark where she goes through journeys and even meets the mane 6!

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Years 9-15

Everything seemed to be very heavy on my shoulders from that point on. Everything seemed dreary. Nothing seemed fun to me anymore. I felt as though I had nothing left to live for. I was VERY wrong but at that point, that's all I could say. My cousins tried cheering me up but even they couldn't do anything. Not my parents or anypony. I doubt even my brother could cheer me up but he couldn't even if he wanted to as he was off somewhere at some job that was too confidential to even tell his family.

That's how I spent the next few years. I eventually thought that maybe I was thinking all wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have been acting the way I was. Instead I could start anew. That's what I did. I told everypony that I was moving out. I was going to start fresh in Ponyville. It didn't take me too long to get there but once I did. I made a house. I literally made a house. Out of hay and straw. I wanted to stay away from electricity as much as I could to make sure nothing could spark my magic without me being able to control it.

After staying there a couple days, I decided to go for a walk. Get my mind off things. If I met anypony, I'd act as if nothing was going on in my mind. Sure enough, I did meet a pony. His name was Shadow Flash. We introduced ourselves and he invited me to a party. I had just become friends with him and he told me that this was he going away party. I was devastated. Why did I always have to lose my friends...

Luckily, I met two more ponies named Hunter and Golden Rod at his party. Actually, Hunter wasn't a pony, he was a griffon. Golden Rod was very arrogant but I made it a goal of mine to become her friend at some point although she seemed to be annoyed by me. I haven't seen her since that day but I'm hoping I'll be able to talk to her once more. Hunter on the other hand is still my friend up to this day.

Shadow Flash told me the reason why he was leaving and I couldn't believe my ears. Apparently Shadow's parents were forcing him to marry Golden Rod and he didn't even want to! They were going to be forced to move to Manehatten. I tried to convince him to stay and to disobey. That's normally something I wouldn't do but given what he told me, he really should have. He should have stayed in Ponyville. Unfortunately, he didn't listen and he left Ponyville the next day.

The next two ponies I met were Kuroi Shiroi and Fire Sparkle. I keep calling them ponies but although Fire Sparkle was a pony, Kuroi wasn't. Kuroi was a zebra. A mad scientist zebra so I learned later on. Fire was the one who showed me the first location in Ponyville other than the Town Square. She brought me to the Sugar Cube Corner. I think I ordered a cupcake although I can't remember exactly.

The next day I went for a walk and I saw a pony sitting on a bench. When I got closer I noticed it wasn't a pony at all. It was actually a griffon! The only other griffon I knew was Hunter so I went up to her and asked if she knew him. After introducing ourselves, she told me her name was Sheila and I found out that Hunter was her father! Small world! I thought me and her were to become good friends and I was right. For some reason, there was a huge blizzard day after I met Sheila.

I had a feeling something was wrong so I went looking for Sheila. Sure enough, I found her on the same bench I saw her at the day before. But I was also right about my feeling. She was unconscious on the bench. I picked her up and brought her to my home. I gave her some medicine and went looking for Hunter. I had learned that he lived in the EverFree forest so I went looking for him there. Sure enough, I found him and he was unconscious as well. I tried waking him up and got really emotional. I thought I was just for Sheila sake but now I know differently...anyway, with all the stress of new hurt friends, past stress, and just trying to keep up a new life, I fell unconscious (of course). I was terrified again, hoping that nothing like which happened with Dirty would happen now.

I soon woke up with Hunter next to me. I told him Sheila was home and we both ran there. Sheila, however, was missing. She wasn't in the bed where I left her. After looking everywhere, we found her in the cupboard. We brought her to the medtent and I asked Hunter what had happened. He told me that he just saw a bright flash of light and that's all he could remember. Memory lapse, unconsciousness, and a flash of light. That sounded very familiar. And although it was a good thing this time because it woke Hunter up, I still didn't like it because that means it can happen again. Then again maybe I could use them for good like I just did if I learned how to control them.

Soon I met another pony named Slash. He was depressed and said he had nothing to live for because his music player was broken. A bit extreme but I told him I would help him anyway. He seemed like a good guy. I wonder why he was so into his music.

Right then wasn't a good time to help so I went looking for him the next day. I found him in the EverFree forest. He was trying to get help from Kuroi. They both had to go and as luck would have it, Hunter appeared. Sheila was still sick so I followed him to where he said she was at. It happened to be another pony's home. Her name was Light Spark. She was very mysterious. Hunter was trying to get her to help out Sheila because we didn't know why she was so sick. Soon another pony named Sonic Blitz came in. A bird named Bess was still perched atop Light Spark's head. She kept glaring at me for some reason. She swooped down and attacked so I ran outside and ran back home. I didn't exactly know what had happened to Hunter but I found out later. At this point, I was just hoping that both Hunter and Sheila were alright.