• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 582 Views, 2 Comments

Equestria Girls Ninjago: Friendship Games - Digi_Verse

Welcome back to Pedestria! The Ninja and The Main 7 take on a brand new challenge… not the forces of evil magic, but a rival school!

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More That’s Out There

Author's Note:

You’ll really like this chapter… we have a few friends I think you’d never expect to see.

Here we are, a long shot of Crystal Prep, zooming in slowly to the sound of a school bell, then cut to a close-up of two legs walking along a hallway inside. Seen from the knees down, they are attired in long purple socks trimmed with pink ruffles, and the feet sport darker-hued loafers with chunky heels and buckles styled as small crystal shields. The feet stop, framed in a longer shot that shows the light violet skin of Twilight’s exposed legs above the socks, and the camera tilts up to reveal the rest of her.

Pleated skirt, reaching about halfway to her knees, in a dark magenta plaid pattern; pale blue shirt with long sleeves that end in broad gray cuffs secured with tiny diamond-shaped buttons; dark purple necktie; book held to chest. She grimaces slightly, the camera cutting to just behind her and tilting up slowly over a hallway full of students. Some converse, some go to their lockers, others walk past, and none take any notice of the bespectacled girl in the middle of the floor.

The girls wear skirts/shoes/socks/shirts like Twilight’s, but with dark purple ribbon bows at the collars; the boys wear light blue dress shirts and dark purple pants/neckties, with shoes that match the girls’ except in the heel height. All wear dark blue belts and magenta blazers, darker than the skirts, with light blue buttons and gray sleeve cuffs. In addition, all of their blazer and cuff buttons are round, and the girls’ blazers have light blue piping. Twilight’s upper-body wear is an exception: vest rather than a blazer, with the same piping and a dark blue outer belt.

In close-up, her glasses slide down her nose; she nudges them up, takes a deep breath, and starts walking again. The first student she passes elbows her roughly aside.

“Excuse me.” She says as another does the same. “Sorry!”

A little bob-and-weave takes her past three more, after which she gets one more elbow from a disdainful Fleur.

“Pardon me!”

She walks gloomily toward the camera as the view fades to black.

Into a slow pan across a desk in her lab: microscope, rack of test tubes, computer whose monitor displays a picture of her dog Spike with his jaws clamped on a dog biscuit. Two more cuts frame the bulletin board, the camera tilting slowly up to catch all of it, then the pooch himself napping on a swivel chair. One ear flicks up at the sound of footsteps, and in no time he is fully awake, panting happily, and jumping down to set the chair spinning and rolling away. He reaches the door and begins to scratch at it just before it is flung open, tossing him aside with a yelp. Twilight enters and walks to the chair, no longer carrying her book. Now one more peculiarity of her uniform can be seen: the buttons on her vest are not round, but diamond-shaped.

“Spike!” She yelled as she sat down. “SPIIIIIIKE!”

To respond to her yelling, he sticks his head up from an overflowing trash can with a cheerful bark and jumps out to climb onto the desk where she now sits.

“There you are.” She laughs as he licks her face and yips. “Okay, okay!” She reaches for her drawer and pulls out a circular device.

“Last night’s field test confirmed it, Spike.”

She tapped it to turn it on and open it.

“With this device, I can track and contain the bizarre energy coming from Canterlot High!” Spike growled as she said this. “I know you didn’t like me going over there, but I just couldn’t wait!”

“And soon I’ll have all the time I need. All of Crystal Prep is gonna be there for the Friendship Games. I just hope all that rivalry nonsense doesn’t get in the way of my research.” Twilight groaned as Spike became interested in a ladybug flying past than whatever Twilight was saying.

“If I can collect enough data on these EM frequencies—I should be able to extrapolate the waveforms to determine their origin! That would practically guarantee my entrance into the Everton Independent Study Program!” Her excitement causes her to fall out of her chair. “Woah!”

There is a knock at the closed door, which swings open to admit this world’s counterpart of Princess Cadence. Her eyes pop as she takes in the tableau of one prone teen genius getting her face licked by one dog amid one scatter of notes. Cut to Twilight, who pushes Spike away.

“Twilight, you know the rules against pets.” Cadence sighs as she pulls Twilight up.

“Well, Spike isn’t a pet, Dean Cadence, he’s the focus of my research project! Human/canine cohabitation—effects and implications.” She held up the dog and tried to explain herself.

“If you say so. But Principal Cinch is highly allergic, so I suggest you put on a clean shirt.” Cadence pulled a loose hair off of Twilight’s shoulder.


“Because she wants to see you.”

“Ooh! Maybe she has news about my application to Everton!” Twilight smiled as Cadence rested a hand on her shoulder. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. Are you sure that’s what you really want?”

“Why wouldn’t it be? A program that allows me to focus all my attention on my own advanced math and science projects? What a dream come true!” Twilight said ecstatically.

“But there aren’t any classrooms with other students. You’ll be doing everything on your own.”

“That is why it’s called an independent study program.”

“I just don’t want you to miss out on anything, that’s all. Being around other people isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes it’s how you learn the most about yourself.” Cadence reasoned. “I guess…” Twilight responded uncertainly.

“Meet you in Principal Cinch’s office in a few minutes?” She asked as she received a nod from Twilight and walked out.

“What’s she so worried about? Everton is exactly what I need right now.” She sighed and began walking out. “It’s not like I have anything left to learn at crystal prep.”

Outside the lab; she emerges and closes the door behind her, then steels herself for a walk down a mostly-empty hallway, dodging two passersby.)

Twilight: I’ve walked through all these halls before

She turns to look in through the window of a closed classroom door.

I’ve been in and out of every door, whoa

Zoom in on the pane; a math class is in progress.

There’s nothing in this school that I don’t know

Fleur leans into view on the other side and pulls down a shade to block Twilight’s view. The latter’s surprised reflection now appears, and she walks past a nearby trophy case.

In every class my grade’s the best, the highest score on every test

The fingertips she runs over its glass front curl into a fist and pull away.

I think that means it’s time for me to go

I know there’s more that’s out there, and I just haven’t found it yet


I know there’s more that’s out there, another me I haven’t met

Turning a corner into the lobby, she does a little fancy footwork to stay out of the way of other students on the move.

Twilight: This school is full of people, but still I don’t belong

now standing still; two girls glare at her and she hurries away

They only dream of winning, look at me like something’s wrong

Maybe I’m better off alone

glancing up a staircase, starting to climb it

Will I find what I’m looking for if I just do it on my own?

I know there’s more that’s out there, something to fill this hole inside

She stops on a landing to gaze out the window; cut to outside it and zoom out, framing it in one of the blue crystal towers that flank the front entrance.

I know there’s more that’s out there, and I’m not afraid to try

Back to her, climbing the stairs again.

There’s only so much this school can offer, and I’m not saying that it’s wrong

She reaches a broad rotunda at another landing and leans against a lustrous wall.

But I know there’s more that’s out there, ’cause I’ve been searching all along

Now she steps farther onto the floor, the camera tracking slowly around her.

Twilight: Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls

So much to learn, I can’t see it all

she starts up the next flight of stairs.

There’s something out there calling me

And it’s a mystery that I can’t wait to see

’Cause I know there’s more that’s out there, another place, another way

Reaching the top, she faces a broad closed door flanked by benches and steps toward it.

And I know there’s more that’s out there, and I’ll find out someday

I’ll find out someday…

close-up of the brass knob as she grasps and turns it, revealing a sliver of a very dimly lit space beyond, then to a point a few feet up. The door creaks open to expose a close-up of a single round overhead fixture casting its light almost straight down from a high vaulted ceiling, and a slow tilt down picks out an identical one several yards back. Bookcases and cabinets are set up along the side and back walls, and a high bookshelf runs the full circuit of the room. The farther of the two lights shines on an imposing desk; an ornate, high-backed chair is placed behind this, its back to the camera, and each far corner of the room sports a pillar topped by a brass spheroid set with a mosaic of blue crystal pieces.

Cut to inside this room, the camera pointing out at a very nervous Twilight. Cadence stands off to the side opposite the door, in front of a group of shelves loaded with plaques and trophies, and two more pillars with the odd brass/crystal creations are placed in these two corners. Twilight hesitantly steps across the empty expanse of floor, the camera zooming out slightly to frame the front edge of the desk and a sliver of a figure seated in the chair. Blue-clad shoulder, multi-toned purple hair arranged in a bun at the nape of the neck.

The teen sits herself on a stool in front of the desk, whereupon the camera cuts to the door as it is pushed shut by a figure concealed behind it. This one is male, with blue eyes in a white face and slightly unruly, three-tone blue hair—the human version of Shining Armor.

“Shining Armor? Why is my brother here?” Twilight stared, confused. “As an alumni, Principal Cinch thought he could provide some unique perspective.” Cadence explained.

“Perspective on what?”

The chair swivels to present all of the figure sitting in it, Abacus Cinch, as the camera zooms in. Older woman; very pale blue skin; hair carefully arranged; dangling pearl earrings; pale pink-violet eyes with pale lavender shadow, behind half-moon glasses; beauty mark on left cheek; purple blazer with lapels and diamond-shaped buttons in lighter hues; medium blue, high-collared blouse; deep red lipstick. Resting her elbows on her desk, she holds her hands folded at throat level. Her face is set in a patrician expression of aristocratic haughtiness, accented by one raised eyebrow, and her voice is a perfect match for it, with an occasional roll on the R’s.

“Why, the Friendship Games, of course.” The woman said. She stands up to speak to Shining. “You competed in the Games, did you not, Shining Armor?”

“I did.”

“And do you happen to recall who won?” Chinch asked. “Crystal Prep did. We always win.” He chuckled.

“We always win.” Cinch began to pace around the room. “Why did you call me?” Twilight asked. Now the principal has circled around to a group of trophies on display at a side wall.

“Twilight, I’ll be honest. It doesn’t matter whether or not Crystal Prep wins or loses.” She plucked a trophy from the shelf and up comes a cloth, which she rubs over the surface until it reflects her severe countenance.

“The important thing is that we are expected to win because Crystal Prep has a reputation.” She puts the trophy back up and walks to Twilight, leaning down to her.

“And it is that reputation…my reputation—that is responsible for everything we have here. For everything you’ve done here. And you’ve done quite a lot, haven’t you?”

“I don't know… I guess,” Twilight responded nervously. “Oh don’t be modest. You’re the best student this school has ever seen. What I can’t understand is why my best student wouldn’t want to compete.” Cinch returned to her desk. “In the Friendship Games?”

“Look, Twilie. I know it’s not really your thing, but representing the school is kind of a big deal. Plus, they could really use your help.” Shining explained.

“It seems Canterlot High is undergoing something of a renaissance. Test scores are up, grades, even athletics are on the rise.” Cinch began. “And new students applied there during a little event they had… these new students have some of the best records I’ve ever seen!” She gasped at the records.

“One of them has already developed a flying car? 80-0 in one on one soccer, in 1 quarter? It’s almost like these students are from a different world. You see, they are developing somewhat of a reputation. This cannot happen!”

“Principal Cinch, I can’t possibly participate in the Games! My work here is very—” Twilight began, which Cinch cut her off. “Ah, yes. Your work. Cadence, could you and Shining Armor find my contact sheet for the Everton Independent Study Program?”

“Of course.” Shining opens the door, lets her exit first, then follows her out and pulls it shut.

“I understand you’ve applied.” She snaps her fingers.

Out of the darkness comes a boy with black hair and a green streak, his skin is ghost green and he wears the male crystal prep outfit, while on the other side of Cinch comes a girl with black skin and white hair tied into a bun, with the female outfit and an evil grin on her face. You already know who these two are….

“Morro? Harumi?” Twilight looked at the two of them, shocked. “What are you doing here?”

Chinch brings up a file folder from another drawer and assumes the smug manner of someone who has an adversary backed into a corner.

“You see, one of the advantages of having a reputation is a certain amount of influence in such things. So, let me offer you a deal. In return for contributing your agile mind to these Games I will use my influence to guarantee your application is approved.”

“But Twilight, do you know who owns Everton?” Harumi spoke up, hand on her hip.

“Y-your father?” Twilight answered.

“Right. So I suppose, we could just, you know, deny it.” Harumi smirked.

It was then Morro’s time to speak. “You see, I was able to convince Aunt Cinch to let Canterlot have 12 students move on… while it may look like a benefit for them, it’s more for us, as too many members will slow them down.”

“Until I snuck into Canterlot High and saw this.” Harumi pulled out her phone and shoved a video into Twilight’s face.

It showed Kai skillfully kicking the ball in ways that hadn’t even been seen before. Kicking it into the air and flipping to kick it straight into the goal.

“It’s like they’re ninja, or CHS figured out how to make super humans.” Harumi rolled her eyes. “Some of them are insanely smart too, which is why we need you.”

“We’ve already got 11 other people to get with them, so you should really join, or… say goodbye to Everton.” Morro Smiled. However, it wasn’t a warm smile. More of an evil one.

Cinch called the attention back to her.

“What do you think I should do?”