• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2012
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Comments ( 18 )

I'm just imagining her using one of his game controllers' vibration function in desperation.

Same, then I imagine button would get pissy and complain about it being wet. haha

Damn, as much as I like video games. Having a very needy and sexy girlfriend wanting you so badly is a very missed lifetime opportunity. Especially now that she tried the zebra special.

Who knows. Might lead into others. I hope you enjoyed the story. :D

Sweetie Belle heat started a week early, She was hoping Button Mash would help her with it being her boyfriend... Button seems much more interested in playing Video games though than taking notice of her problem.

Your punctuation needs work. Also, I can't figure out why you capitalized "video".

Thanks for pointing that out. Gonna fix that and improve it.

As for the video, I have no clue. Fat finger maybe? Regardless, thanks for the feedback. If you see anymore please let me know. I don't have an editor for these so its easy to miss them with self editing.



I'm sure Love Tap has connections that might help getting her a https://kotaku.com/gamings-first-vibrator-turns-15-years-old-this-weekend-1790954050

It's unfortunate that Rez got a remake, but it's incompatible with the original accessory.

In your honest opinion,would you call what they just did cheating?

Yeah, It's questionable. I feel in context it is because she does care for Button still. I was trying to play around with the weird grey area that many will find a bit touchy.

I thought so. Well,might as well see where this goes now that I've started reading this.

I just hope that this doesn't with neither one of them having a broken heart.

No promises.
He's gotta get his eyes off that video game of his for that to happen.
But he's gotta get to super secret bonus level, bonus level 420 that you get by having 69 coins and 69 lives, then getting a Munster energy drink code with his cheetah bag's promo code that has a chance to win one million dollars! Think of his high score! ;3

Nicely done, can’t wait to read next chapter. Will we see how Zakia got Cream Heart too? .

Maybe, I have some ideas. I cant make any promises though.

Comment posted by Max Ksenofil deleted May 1st, 2023

For those who want to see the full version of the cover pic, check out 2158669 on Derpi.


I would say you missed some of the most pertinent mistakes.

Sweetie Belle heat started a week earlier than expect. She planned on having her boyfriend help her with her problem. Unfortunately, he is to preoccupid with other things... Specificly his video games.

1) - ... Sweetie Belle's heat ... - the heat, as an "item" belongs to Sweetie, so it requires a possessive apostraphe and "s" after Sweetie Belle.

2) - ... A week earlier than expected ... - you "expect" a thing to happen in the future something that has happened already comes after expectation,, so in this case the expected is in the past tense.

3) - ... She had planned on ... or ... She'd planned on ... - Context of the paragraph makes this a pretty clear tense mistake.

4) - ... He is too preoccupied with ... - A two-fer, can't quickly or neatly sum-up the "to, two, too" rule, but you used the wrong one here, and missed an "e" in preoccupied.

5) - ... Specifically his video games ... - Typo in "specifically".

And that's just the first paragraph, and not counting the passive voice that litters the whole thing.

While I don't generally "like" zebra-dom / striping stories, just being that genre doesn't automatically get a thumbs down from me, "different horses for different courses" as the saying goes, the bad grammar here does.

Thanks I'll check these over.

That's fair, we all have our preferences.

That's for pointing the grammar issues. I will give them a look. I might get a proof reader in the future.

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