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Comments ( 169 )

Now, That's a story I'd follow, seeing how the World of MLP would clash with the violent and corrupted one of The Boys. Can't wait to see more chapters!!!!

Hrm.. Interesting start, for sure. But I do have a few questions that weren't covered in the description or from reading this first chapter. Since Sunset/Alicorn brought up the portal and going back home as a plan, and with how much she's done in this world, here is my first question - How long has it been since she first appeared/when will the portal open again? It's very unclear given everything that she said. She's clearly been there for a while with everything she has done and learned, but she also talked like it's going to be a while till it opens again. Given that the portal is only closed for 2.5 years, placing her timeline is a bit difficult.
My second question is when in the The Boys show is this story taking place?


the The Boys show

It might be the original comic. Just saying. :trixieshiftright:

.................. Right I forgot about that. :facehoof: Thank you for the reminder.

The original comics is more "rapey" and is f***** up by itself anyway. So, I can actually side with this version of Sunset with this story.

I don't hate canon sunset. I just don't like some of her versions in your own stories. ( Mostly because of the constant rapey stuff on people/ponies that I think don't deserve it. And her being a total ass sometimes, even if she is "right" most of the time.. )

Your Sunset's that I do like or "tolerate" are just a handful.

Thank God that the show itself totally take a different direction that I could like it myself.

Taking place in the comic series

And right before the G-Men arch

And what about how long Sunset has been in this world?

Yup and all the stuff that happen in the comics has happen and the events will mostly remain the same

It would not surprise me if Vought assumes that Sunset was either given a defective injection or a superior one than theirs when she first appeared.

Well this story got my attention!

Well, let's see how it develops here, it's good

Ok never read the boys comic but knows it goes dark and wonder how she meet the boys.

My co worker used to be a singer as well.
Did ok, met a lot of famous Singers, and hung out with them.
He said the Rock life was great at first then got boring, the endless rides gets on your nerves, and thus why the Heavy Metal bands do all the crazy shit.
Because they are bored, stressed, or just testing the waters.
He talked about signing autorraphs, and how ti was hell.

Be four hours to sign goes to 10 hours, hands hurt so much from repeat signing.
worst yet the reason it last so long is the people getting auto graphs go tot he back of the line with new stuff to sign, willing to put up with the repeated standing line as they get stuff signed, books, pictures, instruments, over and over to sell on line.

Finished the second chapter, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the story thus far.
Thanks for writing it. :twilightsmile:

“She’s as popular as ever,” Jack said.

“Alicorn just appeared and boom she’s super popular. Where does she come from, anyways?” A-Train ask.

“Have no idea, all I know is that she made herself known to the company 7 years ago and has been getting all the attention,” Jack said. “But it is true that she completely believes that she’s from a magical world where she’s a unicorn.” (1)

“Really? She brought into the origin story the sales team came up for her?” A-Train ask.

“The sales team didn’t came up with that. She did, she’s the one who came up with it and had the entire thing written down giving them the entire backstory,” Jack said.

“She’s a nut job who believes, her own lies?” A-Train asked.

“A nut job who is making billions by herself, and the most popular superhero. Plus the company loves her, she’s making more money with her brand than anyone else,” Jack said.

“How much?” A-Train ask.

“Over 8 billion for the company,” Jack said.

“Shit, no wonder the company ordered us not to mess with her,” A-Train said.

“That cunt is taking more from her brand than what she’s giving the company,” Jack said.

I would love to see all of their shocked faces, when they find out that Sunset is literally telling the truth. When Celestia does show up as proof.

“Yeah, yeah, she’s very skillful with her powers. Heard it all before, that cunt thinks she’s so big and mighty and better then everyone else,” Jake said.

Says you calling a pot a kettle black. :ajbemused:

( Basically, a Class-A Hypocrite he is. )

The Boys was first published in 2006 which is the year I’m going with for the year where the events that happen in the comics take place. Sunset appeared on Earth of The Boys world in 1999. So she’s been on Earth for 7 years.

I hope that Sunset and the Dazzlings being here, that most events from the comics WON'T end up as bad or worse like it usually does in canon. You know what I mean, right?

Some things thanks to the Drazzlings appearing the same time as the first heroes did. All the sex drugs and violence for the supers who go into music helps deflect some of the bad stuff that happens as would you really think it’s strange for a rocker no matter if they have powers or not trashing up a place?

“Have no idea, all I know is that she made herself known to the company 7 years ago and has been getting all the attention,” Jack said. “But it is true that she completely believes that she’s from a magical world where she’s a unicorn.” (1)

Hold up.... According to my comment on the previous chapter you said she's only been in the this world for 2 years... :rainbowhuh:

I changed my mind on that, needed to make it longer once I added the drazzlings

As much as I'm enjoying this bizarre crossover, I wish you'd taken your time while conceiving and writing this. Primarily while using the maxim of 'show, don't tell'.

You spent over 90% of this opening chapter, the most important part of the story since it's what's supposed to draw in the readers, giving us no less than three (3) info dumps and exposition. In fact a good chunk of that exposition was the same material repeated over, if in a different context.

What would've been a more interesting thing to do would've been to show us the differences involved. Show us how Alicorn treated her fans, employees, and 'coworkers'. Show us some of the interactions and tensions between her and the Seven to establish their group dynamics. Show us how she trains her underlings and just how/why they are/were considered defects to their parent company. And show us what led to The Boys coming to the decision to try and ally or at least use the Alicorn for their own ends.

Any and all of those suggestions could've worked greatly as an opening chapter and/or arc for the story. Instead, we're getting a rush job.

I get it. You want to get your story out there as quickly as possible, or don't have a lot of time to spare, or are lacking confidence in your work on the story. So, you compromise with yourself. Better to get it out there while it's still good than to let it fester and fade as you lose interest in it.

I get it. But I still disagree with it.

And yet MORE of the exposition. Please stop telling us this stuff and show us. I mean, can you HONESTLY see these guys talking about how/why Alicorn is so much better than they are in every way so calmly and clearly? With no cussing or derogatory remarks or anything like that?

Please understand that I DO like the idea of this story. Sunset leaving a positive mark on the world BEFORE she goes back and steals Twilight's crown? I don't see many stories like that. And it TOTALLY makes sense why she doing what she has in this context.

You just need to start showing us the story, rather than dropping so much background info on us!! Seriously, this stuff takes up like 70%-90% of the chapter!! Where's the drama, adventure, intrigue, and romance?! Where's the story?!

Another great chapter. I'm starting to think to watch the boys. Is it a good series?
Didn't expected Alicorn to be that ruthless but it fits Sunset before being rainbowed by Twilight. I don't remember, does she still want to take over Equestria?

Homelander Vs. Omniman
Bully Vs. Warrior
Sunnyset Vs. G-Men
even worse out come since Sunnyset was drawing it out

Yup she’s been preparing herself for it

Now THAT is a big improvement! Good job! I foresee a...confrontation with Homelander coming.


Seriously!? Even after her being one of the best, if not THE best "good" superheroine in this corrupt world. Along with having a loyal following, and owns a billion-dollar company, tv show/fandom, AND a amusement park!!!

But, she STILL haven't gotten over for what happened in Equestia!?

I do understand that Celestia f****** up as a "mother".

But, considering that Sunset has seen the worst of the worst kinds of people on earth ( Like Homelander, most of the Seven, and other corrupt "superheroes" ).

That I thought seeing those kinds of bad people over these last seven years disgust her so greatly. That Sunset look herself in the mirror, and decided to finally change her once antagonistic/negative traits and ways. And not end up like the rest of this "heroic pretenders", and their greedy corporation.

Still felt it's immature for her if she still goes her through with her conquest/hostile takeover/coup plan over her mother's throne?

Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Yeah I know but that’s the driving force that kept Sunset going for all of those years. Like in cannon of the series.


Well, hopefully Celestia has a very damn good excuse to stop Sunset from doing something she will eventually and "probably" regret. ( Like making that coup/hostile takeover plan of hers for example. )

Then again, why the hell that after these so many years. Didn't Celestia freaking didn't contact Sunset at all!?

Or have the audacity to replace Sunset with Twilight ( That IF Twilight, Spike, their five friends, Trixie, or especially Luna learn the whole truth. They all will be rightfully disgusted with Celestia too. Celestia really has some f***** up family issues. )?

Alicorn zooms in on Trixie, the human counterpart of her old classmate. She has looked around since she gain frame and wealth, finding people who are the counterparts of people she knew before. She found her counterpart name Samantha here who looks like her but for the yellow streak in her hair and missing the orange skin. Who is the daughter of Celestia’s counterpart, looks different but the voice she knows too well. It wasn’t that hard for her to figure out that she’s the princess’s daughter after that.

Even in this corrupt superhero-centered society and different world. This earth still have the alternate human versions of our favorite Equestria/Equis characters ( Just like Equestria Girl's world was before. ).

And it seems that Sunset herself finally met her own human counterpart called Samantha.

Along with Sunset knowing the dreadful truth that Celestia is really her real mother this whole damn time! Uh oh, Celestia. You're in huge trouble.

Yeah, Celestia has some frickin explaining to do on why she didn't tell Sunset, or treat her a whole lot better from before?

I can still understand why Sunset wants to take the throne from her "mother, after she gets back to Equestria.

Alicorn eyes narrowed as she spotted Chinese tourists making a mess in the art exhibit area just to get some pictures, with the mother just allowing her kid to break an art exhibit. She lifted the Chinese tourist up from the rope off area and seeing that the security guards quickly came over and escorted the tourists out of her park. They be ban from the park for a year and if they had a room at the hotel in the park, they lose it. Which she’s legally covered by the agreement that all guests have to read and agree to before they can enter. Which many fail to read and just agreed to it. Allowing her to kick out any guest who cause damage to the park or commit crimes or other things. And the mother just allowing her kid destroy an art exhibit which the security cameras caught on video, is one of them. Not to mention the fine they be billed for to cover the cost of fixing the damage done to the art piece. (4)

Yeah, you can't make that over cliche excuse that you can't read or speak english, despite that you are a foreign here.

The amusement park rule's ( Or any other public place in general. ) always have different language versions to warn everybody not to do these type of criminal shit.

Breaking property is still illegal.

The art exhibit is part of the Equestrian art contest where professional artist and fans are allowed to submit art pieces, ranging from paintings to statues. With signs and barriers that makes it clear that guests aren’t allowed to touch the art. There is also a kid section where younger artist are allowed to enter. With her judging the art pieces which if pick would become apart of Equestrian cannon, while the kids would get a gift card and get their own pony self be put as a background pony.

That is actually very wholesome and nice for this version of Sunset in your stories.

The biggest secret of the park is why she choose this place to make her home. Alicorn reaching the basement which has the vault, storage, old fashion boiler room, water heater, wine room, fruit cellar, and the laundry room. Alicorn enters the laundry room where opening the storage closet for the laundry supplies, she slides the hidden door on the floor that’s 5 feet thick to keep anyone from just stepping on it and feeling that it’s hollow underneath.

Flying down the hole that has no ladder or anything on the sides and closing the hidden door with her power, Alicorn headed down deep into the earth. Alicorn stops herself as she reaches near the bottom that is covered in stone spikes and enters the underground cave system. This land use to be a forest and deep underground is a cave system full of crystals which are full of magic. The magic contained within the geodes originated from Equestria through a small dimensional rift.

So her mansion, property, and the amusement park is basically once apart of this version of the Everfree Forest this whole time?

That totally explains on why Sunset is a OP Powerhouse in here. And the possible hundreds ( Or even Thousands ) of those magical geodes with various hidden potential and magical abilities, is straight overkill too.

Heck, I bet she use those to "upgrade" or "enhanced" her loyal superhero ally/followers as her personal army against Homelander, most of the Seven, the other corrupt and bad "superheroes", the Vought Corporation itself ( And even Billy Butcher himself, IF he snaps near the end from the original comics. Hopefully for his, and the others from the Boys sake, it won't come to that, and that they'll survive. And might take Sunset's potential future offer to join her. ). ) when it comes down to it.

And later on, against Celestia too, right? :pinkiecrazy:

Since coming to the human world Alicorn has been searching for magic, as she realized that the old stories of humans are real and that meant the old legends of Dream Valley would also be true. She found the grave of Megan Williams and dug it up, revealing that she was buried with the legendary Rainbow of Light in the heart shape necklace. The most powerful magical item of Equestria, buried with its last user in another world where it would had remain lost and forgotten by all. So of course she took it and told the remains of the heroine, Megan that for what she has plan she needs it more then she needs it being dead and all.

P.S. Okay, clearly Sunset has some mental and emotional problems that she eventually needs to deal with.

Since she is clearly having her "hidden agenda and quite nefarious" anti-hero/anti-villain monologue to a literal fricking corpse of Megan William's own grave of all people!? :applejackconfused:

Now with the legendary Rainbow of Light from the original G1/G3 era added in her magic arsenal. Celestia is clearly f***** a hundred times over.

I love to see how the Rainbow of Light will fare against the Elements of Harmony in a colorful laser blast struggle like in Dragon Ball. ( IF Twilight and her friends are still in Sunset's way. )

Alicorn search for more magic items, using her own magic to detect the magic that surrounds them like she did for the Rainbow of Light. She found the Time Twirler and Memory Stone both lost magical artifacts of Equestria. Making her realize that Equestria has been using the human world as a dumping ground for centuries and that there would be lots more objects to be found and people from her world as well. It’s how she met the Dazzling sisters when she detected their magic and formed a partnership with them to return back to their home world.

I admit, I will slide with Sunset this time, with this overarching issue in the fandom. Where Starswirl or even Celestia stupidity dump all of these highly dangerous, and quite OP magical items/artifacts into a very inhabited planet like our Earth for example!!!???

What happens if the Vought Corporation itself, or Homelander, or even Billy Butcher get to them first!!?? :facehoof:

Thank God Sunset have them all, so far!

Why the hell can't Starswirl or Sunbutt find a different planet that is totally 100% uninhabited ( Like the other planets in our solar system. ) to dump all those rather dangerous op artifacts instead?

Or dump them all inside an asteroid, or inside our moon, or inside the sun/star, or even a freaking black hole if they were smart enough?

But clearly they freaking aren't.

P.S. Does Sunset also found that face mirror 🪞 artifact that Jupiter has in that one Equestria Girls episode.

Or found that second hidden portal under the sand, on that small tropical island from that other particular Equestria Girls episode as well?

Welp, due to Starswirls and even Celestia's own incompetence. Sunset has now two additional very OP magical Artifacts/Items ( And many more to come ) in her collection.

Entering the cave, she turn on the gas powered generator lighting up the cave system. The underground lair has a ventilation system that pumps fresh air that activates now that there’s power, which she installed herself with the system being connected to the one for the basement and manor. Folding tables have the magic items she has found on them, or the ones she made using the crystals of the cave. But the real prize is in the back of the cave, the horse statue pedestal where she came out of when she enter this world.

“A couple more months and I can leave and get what's mine by birthright,” Alicorn said as she press her hand on the pedestal.

Alicorn walks to the table that has the journal that's connected to the one her mother has. She flips it open to the last page written on it. Her eyes narrowed as she sees that it's still blank, with the only thing written is her plea for help. A call for help that has never been answered, not in all the years she's been here waiting for a reply.

"At least this makes what I'm going to do to you so much easier," Alicorn said looking at the blank page. She had kept the journal and the page blank, for the faint hope that her mother would contact her. But she never did and once she's back she can ask her why she never did and could have avoided what she's planning to do, once she's back.

Keeping and hidden the first portal of Equestria ( The high school horse statue pedestal. ) is very logical and smart, once Sunset is ready to go back there.

And I like to see on how Celestia will bumbly come up with a clear weak-ass excuse on why the heck didn't she try to contact or even found a way to get to Sunset this whole time!?

Sunset in the story is morally grey, where she does heart warming things and can do nightmare fuel things. Which with her planning on becoming the ruler of equestria she be making choices that will help some and hurt others, like in real life. Where some things that were good choices at the time turn bad later.

It’s the reason why her costume is grey


So about that face mirror, and that second portal under that tropical island?


Do you agree of what I said about Celestia's and Starswirl's incompetence of dumping those magical items/artifacts on earth?

And also dumping the Dazzlings there too.

And I'm clearly questioning Sunset's mentality when she's talking to the grave of Megan Williams?

They’re just like they are in cannon, throwing and ignoring things till they come up again. The out of sight and out of mind thing where instead of taking care of it, they just leave it for later and a small problem is now a big one.

As for grave robbing, it is for the rainbow of light which would just be forgotten and left there if she hadn’t. I never got why you would be buried with something as you can’t take it with you and if it’s valuable why not just give it to someone instead of having it buried with you.

To me I think it's cause she wants to know...she wants to know WHY Celestia her "mother" never wrote in the book she knows Celestia has access to the pages like she does after she had put in a plea for help YEARS ago... if my mom suddenly just never texted me again but I knew she was alive and this had gone on for years I would get angry and wonder why she never texted back and that it better be a DANG good reason.

And she would get more magic stuff than she needs just in case she has to fight her so she has a 100% chance of winning if it comes to it....atleast from what I know about any version of sunset anyway.


They’re just like they are in cannon, throwing and ignoring things till they come up again. The out of sight and out of mind thing where instead of taking care of it, they just leave it for later and a small problem is now a big one.

Well, it will obviously bite those two morons in the ass. Since Sunset will of course use every single one to take out Celestia, possibly Twilight, her friends, the elements, and her army.

As for grave robbing, it is for the rainbow of light which would just be forgotten and left there if she hadn’t. I never got why you would be buried with something as you can’t take it with you and if it’s valuable why not just give it to someone instead of having it buried with you.

It should really be kept in the Canterlot vault for safety.

But............... Sunset: Finders keepers. :pinkiecrazy:


One more thing;

So her mansion, property, and the amusement park is basically once apart of this version of the Everfree Forest this whole time?

That totally explains on why Sunset is a OP Powerhouse in here. And the possible hundreds ( Or even Thousands ) of those magical geodes with various hidden potential and magical abilities, is straight overkill too.

Heck, I bet she use those to "upgrade" or "enhanced" her loyal superhero ally/followers as her personal army against Homelander, most of the Seven, the other corrupt and bad "superheroes", the Vought Corporation itself ( And even Billy Butcher himself, IF he snaps near the end from the original comics. Hopefully for his, and the others from the Boys sake, it won't come to that, and that they'll survive. And might take Sunset's potential future offer to join her. ). ) when it comes down to it.

And later on, against Celestia too, right? :pinkiecrazy:

Keeping and hidden the first portal of Equestria ( The high school horse statue pedestal. ) is very logical and smart, once Sunset is ready to go back there.

And I like to see on how Celestia will bumbly come up with a clear weak-ass excuse on why the heck didn't she try to contact or even found a way to get to Sunset this whole time!?

Yup Sunset in my stories are mostly her getting back at her mother figure for just abandoning her and never even mentioning her or talking about her. Plus seeing how Sunset would have been still a young pony, and she’s still in high school would mean Celestia left a child with no support and only what she had on her to fend for herself in another world. Like you still in elementary or junior high being left in another country with just what you had when you got there.

Nice and twilight being forced to train rather then relied on the elements looking forward on se what happens keep up the great work👍👍👍.

Alicorn already emptied the royal library of the magic books and stole from the royal treasury. She also destroyed Celestia’s hidden stashes of cakes she keeps around the library, by putting cockroaches on them. Speaking of Celestia, she’ll be busy in the Day court hearing from nobles. She has plenty of time and the guards are still a joke. She only had to deal with 2 guards who were in the guard room eating before she knock them out and take the keys from them.

SAVAGE, Sunset. :rainbowlaugh:

“An old student of mine, before Twilight. She learn about my cakes I hide around and would take them for herself,” Celestia said before putting that memory aside. “But that’s not important. What’s important is that someone somehow stole so much and from what the two guards remember, they were in the guard room when they were knock out with them only being out for less then an hour at best.”

I can't believe you already gave yourself a very good "clue/hint" on who the "thief" ( Sunset ) really is. Because come on, WHO ELSE knows your cake stash in the first place?

You could have already figured out that Sunset is the thief if you THINK hard enough, or even care enough that Sunset is back for payback against you?

Celestia really sucks ass at mystery games or as a detective.

And "not important" my ass. Sunset is literally your freaking daughter for pete's sake! I actually don't blame Sunset for doing all of this against you, in the long run.

All of her plans for Twilight are now have to either be abandon or change. Then there’s the lost of the elements, without them the enemies of Equestria will have little to fear. The word is already spreading and the ponies are in a panic, and she has no idea who stole it.

Suck it, you sunbitch!

Landing in front of the vault she saw the magic door still there, she opens the vault and saw what caused the alarm to go off. The floor has a large hole and the chest that if moved without despelling the magic protection would cause the alarm to go off. Celestia realized that while the door is magical protected, the walls of the vault aren't, she leaps down the hole and race through the tunnels. She saw that the underground vaults have all been open and from what she can see as she race down the hallways.

She wondered how the thief managed to enter the underground vault area. The answer came to her as where the toilet use to be is a hole leading down to the underground tunnels where the changelings had hide themselves before the invasion. She never thought anyone would go and come up from underneath.

Smart thinking on breaking through the floor instead. And Celestia really is a moron on not thinking things through like this?

So Discord is still caught!

I think it's possible that Zecora or Butcher found the portal! and the twilight irgent how dafon erfärt!

the funniest thing would be Luna and Twilight solving it ((not Celestia)) HAHAHA

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