• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 3,267 Views, 55 Comments

Not That, Twilight! - Eventide100

Celestia teaches Twilight about teleportation and transfiguration.

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The Happiest Day Of The Princess's Life

"Alright, my faithful student, do you have an overall understanding of the teleportation spell?" Celestia asked, looking down at the filly, who was listening to her mentor's every word.

Twilight reread the spell in the book and glanced up at the ceiling with her initial thinking face, and then she met Celestia's face with a smile as bright, if not, even brighter than the sun itself. "I think I got it."

Celestia smiled. "That's great. Now, show me what you've got."

Twilight stood up and put a look of immense concentration on her face. Her aura came to life and gradually became brighter every second that passed. Eventually, it lit up the walls of the empty room they were in. And then... POOF!!! There was a blinding flash that enveloped the room. However, as a result, much to the filly's disappointment, nothing happened. The light faded and she was still standing in that very same spot. She proceeded to put on an extremely grumpy but delightfully adorable pout on her face. Celestia had to stifle her chuckle.

"Hmph! What did I do wrong," Twilight asked.

Celestia tapped her chin thoughtfully while scrutinizing the spell in the book. "Worry not, my dear, you just skipped an important step." She placed the book down and explained. "You can't just teleport to nowhere. You are required to picture the location you desire to go to. Since you're a beginner, I advise you should begin with a small distance."

Twilight watched her with curiosity. "Why can't I do a long distance?"

"Long distances require more power and focus," Celestia answered.

Twilight sighed. "Okay. I'll try again."

Celestia swivelled her head and tried to find a reasonable distance for the filly to try teleporting across. As her cerise eyes tracked the room, she spotted the perfect spot by the window. "Why not you try teleporting to that window?"

Twilight followed Celestia's gaze and spotted the window. "Oh... okay, princess."

Her horn flares again and her nose scrunches up as her eyebrows furrow. Like before, a lightning-bright light fills the room and Celestia heard the familiar sound of teleporting. When the light faded, Twilight was gone from her spot. Celestia's face lit up. She brought her hooves up and clapped. "Well done, Twilight! You did it." A minute later. "But where did you go?"

"I'm over here!!!" she shouted. Celestia whirled around to the window she pointed to earlier. She found the foal dangling outside. "Help!" she cried.

Celestia lit her golden aura and lifted Twilight up and placed her gently on the ground just beside her hooves. "My goodness, Twilight. You did it! You teleported! I'm so proud of you."

Twilight jumped up and down on her spot. "Yes, yes, yes!!!"

But as she cheered, her horn flashed with uncontrolled magic. Since she was leaning against Celestia's hoof, she ended up teleporting herself and Celestia to another place. Celestia's eyes widened as the magic took hold of them. She squeezed her eyes shut and braced for the impact. A loud explosion drilled into the princess's ears and then silence. Celestia opened her eyes, only to realize she was in the air. She exchanged a wide-eyed look with her student just before both ponies splashed into the water below.

Celestia was underwater. It was a great sensation. One she hadn't felt in a long, long time. She felt lighter than usual and her mane was waving all over. But it brought a soft, spring-like glow to the dark depths of the lake. She relaxed for a minute and melted from the euphoric bliss.

That is...

Until she remembered how she came to this place. Celestia jerked back to reality and looked around frantically for her student. She spotted Twilight somewhere in the distance and flapping around for the surface. Celestia swam over to the filly, moving ever so smoothly. She took Twilight in her hooves and took them to the surface.

Five seconds later and the ponies broke through the top and gasped for oxygen. Twilight held on tight to the princess but her expression was plenty anxious. "I'm so sorry!" she cried. "I'm super sorry, Princess Celestia. I didn't mean to. I just lost control of my magic. I swear, I didn't-"

"It's okay, Twilight," Celestia assured. "I'm not angry. I can't just expect you to be perfect at this when you only began. You will get better with time."

Twilight rubbed one leg over the other. "But I got your beautiful mane all wet."

Celestia giggled. "That's okay. It's just water, it will dry off. And besides..." She leaned and brought her voice down to a whisper. "... That was fun," Celestia finished with a wink.

Twilight laughed. "Yeah, it was."

Celestia swam over to the shore and pulled herself out of the water. Twilight was on her back. Celestia used a quick spell to dry herself and Twilight. She then looked around and tried to identify where they were. "Hmm, I believe you teleported us to the grassy area just beyond Canterlot's mountain. I am slightly surprised you were even capable of teleporting both of us so far. Then again, you are my curious and brilliant young student."

Twilight smiled. "Thank you, princess."

Celestia closed her eyes and teleported them back to the room they were practising magic in. She let Twilight climb off of her. "So far, I can see you have a strong understanding of the teleportation spell. All you need to work on is maintaining more control."

Twilight nodded. "Okay!"

Celestia smiled. "There is one more spell we will study today."

Twilight smiled from ear to ear. Her tail wagged back and forth from her sheer excitement. "And, that wonderful, amazing, and I'm-so-ready-for spell is...?"

Celestia chuckled and answered the filly. "The transfiguration spell!"

Twilight sat on her haunches and set her ears forward. Showing that she was ready to take in every detail her mentor will provide her. She levitated her notebook over to her.

Celestia went on with explaining. "Now listen carefully, Twilight. Lots of students tend to confuse this spell with the teleportation spell as they are very similar to each other. However, the teleportation spell is meant to teleport a live object, whether it is a plant, thing, creature or pony, from one place to another. The transfiguration spell on the other hoof is simply meant to turn one object into another object."

Celestia looked around the room to give her pupil an example. "You see that vase over there?" Twilight stopped scribbling in her notebook and trailed Celestia's gaze. "If I were to cast a transfiguration spell on it, I would basically turn the vase into... a flower. Once the spell clears, you will no longer see the vase there but in its place, you will see the flower. Do you understand?"

Twilight eyed her notes and then beamed at Celestia. "I got it!"

Celestia passed her the Starswirl The Bearded's Book Of Spells Volume 1. Twilight paused for a minute and read the section under the heading TRANSFIGURATION. She placed the book down and looked around the room. Her eyes landed on the vase Celestia pointed out. Her face became her concentration face once more.

"And remember, my dear. The idea of the transfiguration spell is somewhat similar to the teleportation spell. You will be required to picture the other object in your head."

Twilight angled her horn and the bright light blazed on. It lasted for a few seconds. Celestia waited for the pop sound of transfiguration. Only to hear silence. The light faded and the vase was still there.

"Ugghh," Twilight scoffed. She stomped her hoof angrily and lit her horn again. She put in all her might and a second later Celestia heard the pop.

The magic cleared. The vase was gone. And in its place... was a five-layered chocolate cake. Celestia's eyes widened. That was the cake the bakers were working on for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. But that wasn't the main reason Celestia was stunned. The main reason was...

It was a cake!

Celestia was obsessed with cake.

Twilight looked up. "Oohh," she cooed. She spun and faced Celestia. "Did I do it right?" Her eyes were shining.

Celestia gave her a sheepish smile. "Well, yes, Twilight. You did do it right. How else would this..." she flicked her eyes to the cake and felt her mouth water. "... absolutely delicious cake get here?"

Twilight giggled. "Oh yeah."

The baker wandered to the opposite shelf. His eyes went as wide as the moon when he found the cake wasn't there. "Wait! Where is the cake!? BAKERS!!! THERE IS AN AWFUL EMERGENCY!!!"

Twilight moved toward the cake. She leaned over and sniffed it. "Mmmm, this smells so good." She looked all around before biting out a large chunk with her mouth. "It tastes even better!"

Celestia froze when she heard the sound of ponies running in the hall. She had told one of them where she was going to be for the afternoon. She had to hide the cake and Twilight. If the bakers see her chocolate-covered cheeks, they will suspect that the filly stole the cake.

The Sun Princess swiftly grabbed the cake in her magic and stuffed it behind a nearby bookshelf. Then she picked Twilight up and covered her from view with her large, swan-like wings.

The door to their study room burst open. Five panicked bakers skidded to the floor just before the monarch. They paused just to give a quick bow. Then the baker in the center, a green stallion, spilled out his horrifying tale. "Princess, the cake we made for the Summer Sun Celebration is gone!! I was working on the opposite shelf and then I turned around and it wasn't there!! I'm so sorry for my lack of responsibility. Will you ever forgive me?" He threw himself down into a deep bow.

Celestia blinked in surprise. But then her eyes softened. "Hey, hey, it's entirely alright. And why would you apologize? I know you are very responsible." She thought for a minute. "I forgot to tell you this but Canterlot is actually visited by Ghost Ponies every time the Summer Sun Celebration comes. It's a rare occasion, but they come and they apparently really like cake. They must have taken it. But that's alright. And don't be afraid of the Ghost Ponies, they're really friendly."

The bakers exchanged a look of relief. The green stallion turned to the princess. "Th-that's good then."

Celestica smiled. "Worry not, we have plenty of other desserts for the Summer Sun Celebration. And if that doesn't assure you, I promise I will come after and assist you with baking a new cake."

The green stallion looked dumbfounded. "Really? I mean, you don't have to, princess."

Celestia shook her head. "No, I want to help you. No doubt together we can bake a cake twice as fast. Perhaps that cake can be even bigger than the last."

The green stallion smiled. "In that case, thank you very much for your mercy, your highness. And you kind and generous offer." He and the other bakers bowed.

Celestia chuckled and winked at him. "No problem."

After they were gone, Celestia looked down at Twilight. "Phew, that was a close one." She released the filly.

"Wait, princess. Are there actually Ghost Ponies?"

Celestia glanced up in thought. "Hmm maybe. Who knows?"

They both exchanged a laugh. Celestia took out the cake from the bookshelf. "This cake is ours now, but don't tell anypony. Got it?" She whispered.

Twilight nodded. "Yes ma'am."

Celestia cut them both equal slices and they gobbled them up happily. Celestia loved relishing the taste of this wonderful treat.

Once they were done, Twilight's cheeks were covered in chocolate cream and crumbs. Celestia scolded her. "Twilight, you need to remember to eat carefully next time, okay? You got your face all dirty."

Twilight lifted a hoof to her face and wiped the edges of the cream. She brought the hoof to her eyes. "Oh, oops. Sorry. And okay, I'll remember."

Celestia used a handkerchief to wipe the filly's face. "Now, are you ready to practise the two spells some more?"

Twilight bobbed her head with a look of fierce determination. Celestia had the impression that if Twilight were to be the hero of Equestria, she would have the gut to face off any evil of any sort. And if she were to fight them, she wouldn't give up until the very end.

Celestia teleported a bunch of random items on the table set just a meter from the bookshelf. "Let's begin practising the transfiguration spell. I want you to turn these objects into something else."

Twilight faced the table and readied her horn. It sparked to life and with great concentration, she fired a laser at a teacup. A moment later, the teacup became a butterfly. "Woohoo!!" Twilight cheered. While she jumped up and down with excitement on her spot, her horn flashed with out-of-control magic again. "Oh, no," Twilight yelped. But her horn didn't listen and blasted to a book. The resulting flash was brighter than the last. When it cleared, there was... Celestia's crown in its place.

Celestia's eyes went straight up to her head, only to find it missing.

Twilight looked terrified. "Um, I'm so sorry!"

Celestia laughed. She levitated the golden crown back to her head. "It's alright. But here, let me show you how to control your magic. You need to relax and concentrate. Angle your horn and pay attention to the aura."

Twilight did as she was told. She bent her head and her eyes crossed up as she tried to look straight at her filly-sized horn. Twilight's horn glowed again and she was still looking at the magic. This time the aura surrounded Celestia. Celestia called out to her, "No, Twilight. Not that..." Twilight's eyes were wide yet her magic stubbornly carried on. Celestia squeezed her eyes shut and a heartbeat later, a magical explosion rang in her ears.

The next thing she knew, she was hovering above a bunch of chickens. Celestia's blood ran cold. She feared chickens. She didn't know why but she just did. So Celestia lit her horn and teleported herself away seconds before that horrifying impact. If she landed, all those chickens would come on her and look at her and squawk at her. Brrrrr!!!

She reappeared in the study room. Twilight's magic was still spinning crazy. Her eyes had gone white and she was transfiguring things out of random. Celestia gasped when a pony doll became a chicken. The chicken waddled forward and stared into Celestia's soul. Celestia shrieked and threw herself in the air. She needed to stop this. So her aura blazed, a golden sphere filled up the room, and everything turned back to the way it was before.

She landed and Twilight thudded to the floor.

Celestia sighed. "Goodness. That was something."

Twilight looked up with tears in her eyes. "I'm so, so sorry."

Celestia smiled and extended her wing. She pulled the filly close. "There, there, don't be so sad. You won't believe how fun that experience was. With all the boring meetings and delegating stuff I do, this was like a breath of fresh air for me. Really I should be the one thanking you."

Twilight blinked in surprise. "You actually liked that?"

"Mhhhmmm," Celestia responded.

Twilight grinned and stood up again. "In that case, can I try practising the teleportation spell? Please?" She gave her mentor her puppy-eyed face.

Celestia found it impossible to say no to that face. So she relented to the filly's wishes. That could also be an excuse to have some more fun. "Alright, Twilight. Yes, you can."

Twilight grinned a toothy smile. Then she inflated her cheeks and scrunched down her eyebrows. Her aura burst forth and encased both her and Celestia in a fuchsia hue. Celestia's eyes widened for the tenth time that day. "No, not that, Twilight!" she shouted.

Her warning came late as they vanished from their spot. They rematerialized over a hill running right down to a lake. "AHHHHHH," they yelled in unison. They went rolling down the hill. Twilight teleported them again. Approximately two seconds later Celestia and Twilight were keeping their balance on a tree branch.


They were being blown in a powerful hurricane. Celestia spat some of her hair strands out of her mouth. Twilight was holding onto Celestia for dear life.


They were on the Wild Blue Yonder in Las Pegasus. Celestia couldn't help but scream with utter delight. The filly she was with wasn't fairing so well.


Celestia and Twilight landed in the middle of a play in Manehattan. The whole audience stopped cheering immediately and stared at the princess as if she was an alien.


Celestia and Twilight were in the Everfree Forest just beside two very hungry timberwolves. Twilight was too busy panicking and shrieking so Celestia had to pick her up and run. The timberwolves chasing behind.

Celestia unfurled her wings and took off into the air with speed she had no idea she possessed. She did a loop in the air and faced the timberwolves. "Take that!" Celestia taunted. With that, she turned and flew to a nearby open field.

She landed, breathing heavily.

Twilight was speechless. Her eyes met Celestia's. They stared at each other for what felt like a long time. Both ponies fought to catch their breath.

Then Celestia started to laugh.

Twilight stared dumbstruck.

But Celestia continued laughing. She laughed and laughed and laughed. It was a slow, gradually building thing. But it brought Celestia so much joy and happiness. She laughed so much, she had to lie on the grass and put a hoof on her rib. It was slightly aching from all the laughing.

She reached over and pulled Twilight in a hug. "Thank you, Twilight. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. This has been the happiest day of my life. It's been centuries since I've had a good adventure. In the middle of all my work, I never get the chance to just go crazy and enjoy life like that. So thank you."

Eventually, Twilight joined in and they both laughed.

Author's Note:

Hope you like it!!! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 55 )

Okay that cover art is adorable.

Very cozy :twilightsmile:

I see you took inspiration from "Between Dark and Dawn" for Sunbutt's character?

"I forgot to tell you this but Canterlot is actually visited by Ghost Ponies every time the Summer Sun Celebration comes. It's a rare occasion, but they come and they apparently really like cake. They must have taken it. But that's alright. And don't be afraid of the Ghost Ponies, they're really friendly."

Oh, is that how she excuses her cake raids, hmm? :trixieshiftright:

Cute Boi :twilightsmile:

It makes me wonder what Celestia did when she learned the teleportation spell.

No wonder the unicorns are afraid of Cake Ghosts! Another case of the jynxies

Twilight's magic takes a haywire spin and deas things unimaginable


This is a nice story.

Oops! I'll fix that. Thanks

She probably teleported herself to the Sun or (even better!) the human world dimension.

Lol was that really a reference to the Cake Ghosts in Foal Food?

Celestia being a mom was exactly what I needed right now.

Momlestia is Best Tia!! :heart::heart::heart:

What if you could add to the description?

'Third Edit: Audiobook version by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan!'

I'll work on it next if you would like.

That sounds wonderful!!


I half expected Adult Alicorn Twilight to be briefly yanked through time by her filly self, and Celestia has to use memory-wipe spell or call a SMILE agent.

Recorded for the audiobook version. I'll aim to get it edited and finished for Sunday.

My mind wanders I say. It wanders far and wide. It's the skill of an artist :raritywink:

That was a good story.

What Twilight saw as blunders ended up being blessings for Celestia even if the former didn't quite understand it. I especially loved the Ghost Ponies bit.

The mistake ends up being the thing to save the day. And thanks!!

Story keeps randomly changing between present and past tense.

More important problem; there doesn't actually seem to be a cohesive plot here, just a series of insubstantive events that happen without a thematic or causal link that makes this into a compelling conflict-driven story - and those events aren't even very believable to begin with.

It's... cute. And maybe that's all it was supposed to be. But there's not much else besides that to give it a more satisfying depth beneath a sugary surface.

The whole point of this story in particulat, was to be random and not have a carefully planned out plot. In the future, when I want to write a longer story is when plot stuff needs to be looked appropriately upon.
However, I appreciate the feedback nonetheless. No doubt, it will help me write better for my upcoming stories (which I hope I'll have enough :twilightblush: for)
Actually, can you do me a favor, just a small one?

Depends on the favor. What would it be?

Simply review one other story of mine, please.

Yep, I felt the cuteness.
It's SoL and the plot is random by design I think, so I'm not going to write a bare knuckle critique for this one.
The fic would benefit from an editing pass, tho. The flow of the narration is a bit bumpy.

I was skeptical about filly Twilight -filly as in tiny foal- learning/practicing and eventually pulling off teleportation. A spell that apparently 99.x % of adult unicorns never master or even attempt. But I ended up positively surprised and with a big grin on my face. Wittle Twily is adorable, their interaction heartwarming and the complexity of the spells being cast a non-issue.
While immersed in the story it felt totally natural for tiny magic horse to struggle much more with controlling and containing her magic than with understanding and casting top tier spells. I mean, she is Twilight "The Inevitable" Sparkle, of course she could teleport when she was in first grade ... the only question was what else got teleported and where to^^.
I don't think canon Celestia would've taught her dangerous spells at such a young age ... and maybe that was Tia's mistake. (imagine a carefree, even more powerful Twilight with Sunset level self confidence ... yeah, maybe too much awesome)

A fun short fluff piece.

Grammer is my weakness. This story wasn't intended to have any deep purpose. I just wrote out a cute filly Twi, Mommylestia thing.

Ok, the issues here, such as you use past tense and present tense.

Stick to one of them.

I'm working on it. Also, thank you for following!

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