• Published 7th May 2023
  • 180 Views, 4 Comments

A Spoonful of Sugar - Ameliathefatcat

(Also posted to Ao3) Silver Spoon life gets thrown for a loop after fainting at school

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Chapter 1

Silver Spoon woke up, her head was aching. Not again, she haven’t been feeling her best since her parents left for their trip. She walk to her sister’s kitchen and got a bowl of cereal.

“Morn’ Li’l Spoon,” Vinyl Scratch greeted. Silver managed a smile at her sibling-in-law.

“I don’t want to go to school today. I don’t feel well,” Silver muffled as Octavia walked into the kitchen. The earth pony mare put a hoof on her sister’s forehead.

“You don’t have a fever. You know father’s rules about saying home. I’m sorry,” Octavia whispered.

“How about I pick Li’l Spoon up early. I don’t have anything planned after lunch today,” Vinyl offered. Silver nodded and finished her breakfast. She got her saddle bag ready for the day. She grabbed her lunch and walked to school.

~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~

“Silver Spoon, Silver Spoon.”

Silver Spoon snapped out of her daze as Ms Cheerliee called her name. She looked down at her half finished test.

“Yes Ms Cheerliee,” She muffled.

“Times up for the test, hmmmm, are you feeling ok?” The teacher asked taking the incomplete test back.

“Not really, can I just get some fresh air?” Silver asked sheepishly.

“Ok, can you stay after school to re take your test with me?” Ms Cheerliee asked. Silver nodded as she walked outside to the playground. She was unsteady on her hooves, she was having trouble seeing where she was going. She felt truly terrible, she wanted no need her older sister.


Silver felt her glasses falling off of her face as she walked into somepony.

“Watch where you’re going,” Diamond Tiara

“I’m sorry, Diam- blaaahh,” Silver tried to say before vomiting on her friend. The world started to spin, her vision was double and blurry, her hearing went fuzzy, everything started to slow down. She tried to cry out for Octy but she couldn’t speak at all. Oh sweet Celestia, she was dying. She didn’t want to die. If she died, Octavia would blame herself. The last thing she did alive was vomit on her friend. Would Diamond feel guilty for what happened? Her parents. How would they feel if their daughter died while on their trip? Her brain raced with so many thoughts. Then everything went black

~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

“We still need to run a few more tests, but her blood sugar levels was what made her so sick.”

“Ok doctor. Is she going to be ok?”

“She’s in good hooves Mrs Octavia.”

Silver Spoon wasn’t dead. She was too weak to open her eyes, she just listen to Octavia talk, well more like yelled at the doctors.

“Octy calm down. Li’l Spoon is gonna just fine.”

“Vinyl this is all my fault. I’ve should have let her stay home from school. I can’t calm down, my sister fainted at school. What if it was Record Blast who’s sick?”

Silver felt even worse, Octavia was in distress because of her. Vinyl was trying and failing to calm Octy down.

“Octavia get you need to calm down, go and get some fresh air. I’ll be here with Li’l Spoon.”

Silver heard the door open and close. All she wanted was to hug her sister. She was scared, what was the doctor talking about? What was wrong with her? Was she going to die. Her brain started to rush with a million more thoughts. She wishes her brain would stop. She wishes her body would us it’s strength to open her eyes. She needed to open her eyes to show Octy and Vinyl that she was ok. The lights were harsh when she open her eyes. She looked around the room, she was connected to different machines and had in IV in her front hoof. By looks of it, she had been unconscious for a couple of days. She tried to reach for her glasses but it felt like her limbs weighed a hundred pounds. With magical aura her glasses floated onto her face. With her glasses Silver could truly see her hospital room. Colorful get well soon cards lined the bed side table and nearby shelves, she received many stuff toys as well. Several minutes later Octavia ran into the room and ran to the hospital bed pulling Silver into a tight hug.

“Silvie, Silvie, thank Celestia you woke up,” Octavia cried. Silver started to cry into her sister’s chest. All of her emotions flowing out and into her sister. Vinyl joined the group hung, comforting the sisters. Octavia ran a hoof though Silver Spoon’s mane, trying to comfort the filly.

“Can I come in?” The doctor asked knocking on the door. The doctor walked into the room looking at his clipboard.

“What’s wrong with me? Am I going to die?” Silver asked.

“All of the tests we have ran came back. We were able to rule our leukemia, an eating disorder, a-“

“Just tell us what’s wrong with her,” Vinyl yelled cutting off the doctor.

“Ok, Silver Spoon was in diabetic ketoacidosis when she admit. We were able to bring her blood sugar down to a health levels. We ran tests for type one diabetes, and it came back positive.”

“You are saying my sister has diabetes? Isn’t that the disease that unhealthy ponies get?” Octavia asked.

“That’s type two diabetes. Type one diabetes is a genetic disorder. A specialist is going to explain more to you and help with the lifestyles changes.”

Author's Note:

My first fic here. Sorry if formatting is an issue on mobile.