• Published 5th Jun 2023
  • 501 Views, 15 Comments

Dragon of Steel II - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to "Dragon of Steel", familiarity with the former is strongly recommended. Based on "Superman II", both the theatrical version and the Donner cut.) Spike, as Super Dragon, is pitted against Garble and two other dragons.

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Last Survivor

Super Dragon glared at and sized up Garble from behind his mask. "You and your fellow dragons have caused more than enough destruction and terror for one lifetime. The threat you pose to others must end, now."

Garble hissed and spat back. "That's never gonna happen! You should be on our side! We are the true followers, not those noble dragon following pansies! It's because of them our race was all but wiped out, our colony destroyed!"

"I don't know what happened to other dragons in and out of Equestria," Super Dragon retorted. "But I was sent here specifically so that I could defend Equestria from any who would threaten it. And that includes the likes of you," Then he warned. "I'm only gonna say this once, so you'd better listen: Give up right now, or you'll see what happens when I don't hold anything back. I already took down your associates, you won't be any different."

"You tell him, Super Dragon!" Rainbow Dash cheered as she had now wiggled free of Garble's embrace.

Garble turned back to Rainbow Dash, and his eyes narrowed. "Stay out of this, pony! This is between him and I! You wanna make it between you and I?!"

Rainbow adopted a fighting pose. "I'm not scared of you! You only got the best of me before by playing dirty."

The red scaled dragon just roared. "Then I'll show you no mercy! If you ally yourself with my enemies, you'll meet the same fate as them!" He proceeded to try to fly forward and lunge at Rainbow.

Super Dragon wouldn't let Garble do so, he grabbed his fellow dragon by the tail and wouldn't let go. "Leave the ponies out of this! I'm the one you want, Garble."

The teenage dragon reluctantly agreed as he felt his anger boil over. "Oh, you're really getting under my scales! I don't know why, but something about you is very familiar. Like I've seen you before," He shook his head. "Whatever. Powers or no powers, everyone who gets in my way will be crushed!"

"I see you won't listen to reason," Super Dragon unhappily sighed as he reluctantly released his grip on Garble. "Just remember, you started this fight when you could've walked away."

"Enough talk, let's fight!" Garble bellowed as he pounded on his chest! "I am not afraid of you."

Super Dragon didn't know what exactly to expect from Garble, but in the back of his mind he was thinking to himself. "I need to make this quick. Word of what happened in Cloudsdale is sure to draw Princess Celestia's attention. She won't be anywhere near as forgiving with Garble after what he's done. At least if I can take down Garble before then, maybe I can spare him from a fate like permanent banishment."

Garble, for his part, simply brandished his claws as he tried to get close to Super Dragon. But Super Dragon wisely kept his distance, making use of his powerful heat vision to keep Garble at bay.

Then, suddenly, Super Dragon swooped up high! Garble was prevented from following him by the harsh glare of the sun, and it was too late by the time he saw his opponent and fellow dragon come flying down, hitting him hard with a fist. Garble began to plunge towards the ground! Yet he soon recovered and straightened out, stopping his descent in its tracks. "Nice try. You can't defeat me that easily!" He taunted.

"Good thing I'm just warming up, then." Super Dragon replied as he took a deep breath, held it for a moment and then unleashed a powerful barrage of flames.

Garble only laughed. "Nice flame breath, loser. Let me show you how it's done!" And the red scaled dragon proceeded to shoot out blue flames that easily overpowered the ones from Super Dragon. "That's right. You may be strong, but so am I!" Then, suddenly, it dawned on him. "Wait! I think I get it, now. Those powers of yours, you got them from someone, didn't you? I'll bet it was that old coot Brimstone."

Super Dragon nodded. "So you've finally noticed. I'm impressed," And he pointed to the symbol on his chest. "I would've thought you of all creatures would recognize this symbol sooner: It's a symbol of the home I came from, and in that world this symbol stands for hope and justice."

Garble rolled his eyes. "Ugh, spare me your dramatic speech! You truly are Brimstone's heir, you sound just like him," With renewed vigor, he then flew forward and locked claws with Super Dragon while snapping. "I hate that old gezer! He was the one who betrayed Grunt, Groan and I and banished us from the dragon lands long ago! All because we didn't wanna follow that stupid code he insisted on making every dragon follow."

Super Dragon tried to push back against Garble in the tug of war to the best of his ability, all the while arguing. "I don't know what happened between my father and you, but that doesn't give you the excuse to come here and cause trouble. I promised to protect Equestria no matter what, and that's a promise I intend to keep!"

The red scaled dragon just cruely laughed. "It will be the end of you, son of Brimstone! You are a disgrace to true dragons everywhere!" He proceeded to take advantage of his close proximity to his opponent, and unleashed another mighty burst of flames!

Super Dragon didn't have time to react before the flames hit him square in the face! Luckily, he wasn't hurt. But something he had gone to great lengths to conceal was now exposed. His mask had been burnt up, his face was now visible to all!

When Garble saw the eyes free of the mask, his shock was soon replaced by deep disgust. "Well, well, well," He coldly and cruelly taunted. "If isn't the namby pamby pony-loving pipsqueak himself? Amazing how a simple mask and cape could trick me into not recognizing you until now, Spike."

Spike realized it would be pointless to try to deny the truth, even if he wished more than anything he could. He silently made a note to himself to get a mask that was fire-proof in the future. "Garble, please," He insisted as his tone of voice didn't change. "I don't wanna have to fight you anymore! We don't have to be enemies!"

"It's too late for that!" Garble cruelly hissed in reply. "A pony loving dragon like you has no business being anything close to a match for me!" Then an idea came into his head. "But I know your weakness. I know how to make you hurt." And with a furious flap of his wings, he took off!

"What does he-" Spike began, only to gasp as the realization struck him! "OH NO!" He cried out loud and chased after Garble as quickly as he could! All the while, he was thinking to himself. "If he hurts her in any way, I'll never forgive him! I'll make him wish he was never born!" And he silently hoped that the pony he cared most about would be able to get to safety.

Alas, Rarity was helping Twilight to detain Grunt and Groan after having the good fortune to stumble upon them soon after Super Dragon had left them behind. "You ruffians are so lucky Super Dragon got to you first," She scolded the white and purple scaled dragons. "If Princess Celestia or Princess Luna had gotten their hooves on you, you'd wish you were dead."

"That's enough, Rarity," Twilight protested as she used her magic in conjunction with Rarity's to maintain a magical bubble around the two captive dragons. "We just need to hold them until Sp... I mean Super Dragon gets back. Then we can decide together how we'll punish them for their crimes."

"I sure hope he's okay," Rarity commented with concern. "I know he has all those incredible superpowers, but I still can't help but worry about him all the same."

Suddenly and without warning, a dark silhouette appeared in the sky overhead, followed by the sound of fierce and frantic flapping of wings.

Twilight was the first to look up, and gasped as she saw the sight of Garble fast closing in! "Rarity, run!" She instructed! "I'll hold him off until Super Dragon gets here!"

"No!" Rarity protested as she stood her ground, horn at the ready. "I may not be as magically skilled as you are, Twilight. But I still know how to defend myself."

Meanwhile, Spike was following close behind. And when he saw Garble swooping down in front of Rarity and Twilight, he shouted at the top of his lungs! "Garble, I'm warning you now, you stay away from those ponies! Don't even lay a claw on them!"

"Or what?" Garble taunted back with indifference. "You think your threats scare me?! You won't do anything to me if it means the ponies you care about are in danger. Surrender to me, however, and I might just let them go unharmed. What's the choice going to be, Super Dragon? Better hurry, I don't have all day."

Author's Note:

Rest assured, there will be a resolution to Garble's abrupt hostage situation. And Twilight and Rarity will not be completely on the sidelines when it happens.