• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 102 Views, 2 Comments

Equine Impact: For A Tomorrow Without Tears - DecoGalileo

The dragon who defended Hiersindwir for a millennium finally faces his perturbation. What does freedom really mean, when demanded of you by god?

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Shadow Over Hiersindwir

As you gaze upon the skies above, the clouds waved au revior, and brought back the starry night. You greeted the guards at the entrance and try and make your way to the headquarters. I rush up to you with sweep and swoosh through the trail, until we heard a familiar voice, near a small hotel. We approached the two figures, revealing Night Glider, talking to a gal who dons something dark.

"Isn't that Night Glider?" I exclaimed. "Seems she's talking to someone...Let's let her finish, then go say hi?"

"...which is what has brought us to this point in the first place." the woman said. "If you are unable to promptly deal with the Sturmterror threat, then leave the defense of Hiersindwir to the Ya Burv Durnyy. We can put an end to Hiersindwir's dragon issues. All we need to do is bring that monster to the—"

""Monster"?" Night Glider cut her off, with a confused face.

"Yes. What's your point?"

"Ah..." Night Glider slightly sighed. "I'd expect a more professional attitude from your diplomats. Yet here you are saying you want to "put an end" to one of The Four Zephyrs of Hiersindwir? I won't have any of this nonsense in front of the Knights of Günstig." Night Glider glared.

"Heh... Hehehe..." she giggled. "It's not as crazy as you make it sound. Fine. That's enough negotiation for today. At this stage it's simply... an amicable exchange of constructive opinions, no?I'll be sure to make... thorough notes..." she smirked, leaving a pissed Night Glider standing in front of the hotel. You approached slowly to the Night Glider and waved.

"Oh, Traveler, you're back." Night Glider verbalize in relief. "Thanks for your help. The elemental flow is finally stable. The aftermath of Sturmterror's last attack is finally settled for the moment. However, the pressure from the delegation has become too big to be ignored..." Night Glider listed.

"Delegation? From Dili Harbor or Erekutoro City?" I asked.

"Krio. They choose to follow the God of Frost. Their envoys go by a particular name: The Ya Burv Durnyy. Heard of them?" Night Glider verbalized.

"Oh, them. They are super famous. Wait, infamous is more the word..." I scratched my head.

Night Glider sighed. "I don't think killing Sturmterror is the right course of action. The Frost God's Ya Burv During have always coveted the Wind God's power. I don't believe they have Hiersindwir's best interests at heart."

"Speaking of power..." You pondered and looked at Night Glider.

"What is it, Traveler?"

"There's something I need to show the Knights of Günstig." you said, holding on to your pack.

"Oh? Let us head back to headquarters then. We shouldn't discuss important matters... out in the open." Night Glider signaled you to follow her, and I followed, floating by your side.

"Hiersindwir and Krio are considered the same in status. Hiersindwir is independent, and does not belong to any other nation. In fact, despite being referred to as a city, Hiersindwir is a nation. Though, Kiro's Ya Burv Durnyy are known to be the most aggressive diplomats in Equestria..." Night Glider said.

"Makes sense, given the tone of that woman just now — so rude!" I exclaimed, stomping my feet in the air.

Night Glider puts a wing on your back, leading you to the Knights of Günstig's headquarters. You opened the door, for me and Night Glider. I cheered and zoomed inside, and Night Glider gave a slight bow, and mumbled a thank you. Night Glider, invited Capper into the Grandmaster's Office. You took a deep breath, and brought out the crystal, which fell from your bag, but then ascended to somewhere the same level as I am.

Jean carefully circled around the crimson crystal, her eyes focused on its blood red color, and tear drop shape, while Capper holds a stone with elemental resonance being spun in Capper's paws.

"It's a crystal embedded with some kind of power... Capper, are you able to analyze it?" Night Glider said.

"Let me take a look..." Capper's tail brushes against the carpet, and his pupils expanded in curiosity. "Hmm... I can see impurities in the crystal, but upon further inspection... No, I'm sorry, I can't make a proper analysis at the moment. Give me some time. I'll take a look through the library's restricted section." Capper said, rubbing his Geo Vision mark.

"Right. I'll leave the research to you then, Capper." Night Glider smiled.

"Though I wouldn't go getting your hopes up. They are incredibly ancient texts, not to mentio—" Capper approached crystal, until the crystal "struck" him. "Ouch!" he hissed, with vertical pupils, exposed fangs, and fuzzed fur. I gasped and hid behind you, from Capper's appearance. "Gosh, that hurt! The impurities in the crystal... It hurts when I get close..." Capper said, his Vision Mark constantly glowing. Capper wiped of a smudge from his pendant, and focused once more in the mysterious stone.

"I see... It appears to react to Visions." Capper hypothesized. "The impurities and the elemental energy we embody repel each other. It's strange, though. Traveler has elemental abilities as well, but doesn't seem to be affected in the same way."

You turned to Capper. "...". An awkward silence was all you had left.

"Anyway, the crystal would be better left in the hands of my cutie. It will just be a pain if left with us — both literally and metaphorically." Capper purred, smirking.

"Cutie?" You said in surprise. I turned to you, having a face saying: "You're here to find your kin, not a pussy cat!". "Okay. I will keep it."

"...Fascinating." Night Glider raised an eyebrow. "Do you know anything about what makes you special?" she said. You turned to her, and nodded. "I do not know what to make of it either. Well, then, Traveler... The Knights of Favonius have another favor to ask of you.". Night Glider said, with a big smile. You pondered what she has.

Is it...food for Deco? A treating?! Money?!

"Please accept the title of Honorary Knight... and the gratitude of the Acting Grand Master." Night Glider said.

"Honorary Knight... of Günstig!?" I exclaimed.

"We ask for your continued assistance in finding some answers." Night Glider said. "Sturmterror's rage... and strange crystals... I know Hiersindwir's peace hangs in the balance. May the wind open your eyes to the truth. We'll meet back here if you find anything." Night Glider said.

You nodded and approached Capper with a smile.

"It's getting harder to make small talk these days. Even something as innocuous as "what fine weather we're having today" seems to fall completely flat..." Capper moaned.

"Tell me about the library." you said with curiosity. I tiled my head, till my tiara falls from my head, as I turned upside-down.

"You can visit whenever you need to look something up. Naturally the library is free to access. Just don't forget to return books on time, or you'll make my job difficult." Capper said with a blank face. He looked very serious.

"I'd like to know more about monsters."

"The monsters out in the wild? We've got many resources here in the library. Making good use of elemental advantages is the key to winning any battle. By the way, would you be interested in having a part-time job here? We need people to... need people for doing... We just need more people."

You chuckled. "Goodbye."

"You're leaving? Drop by again sometime when you're free." Capper waved goodbye. You then approached Night Glider.

"About Sturmterror, there must be something we are still not aware of..." Night Glider's wings slowly flapped.

"How do we fight Sturmterror?" you asked.

"Its change in size and power really is suspicious. But for the Knights of Günstig, our priority is to deal with the aftermath of this attack. The Grand Master entrusted the Knights of Günstig to me. I cannot let him or the people of Hiersindwir down. I must get to the bottom of this..."

"Tell me about the Ya Burv Durnyy."

"Those people in strange uniforms... are Ya Burv Durnny. They're here as delegates from Krio. Stay away from them. Having contact with them is dangerous, even for innocent travelers."

You nodded in awareness. "Goodbye."

"May the Wind guide you." Night Glider nodded.