• Published 2nd Sep 2023
  • 980 Views, 82 Comments

SL-5: Love, Fluff, and Thunder - RadBunny

Having escaped the Silos, Arcane, Astral, and Sassi try to adjust to the normal life that now awaits them. But evil never sleeps, and when it digs its claws into Equestria, the three three friends are on the frontlines. But they've got lots of ammo.

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Intermission: Shifting Gears (Author Comment)

Hello everyone! Radbunny here.

So, I'm at a bit of an impasse, and thought I'd share my thoughts; a bit of a stream of consciousness that hopefully makes sense.

A recent comment on SL-5 prompted me to think things over, and honestly, I can't thank them enough for it. Due to life circumstances, updates to this story have been sporadic (obviously,) and the comment also caused me to think about, or rather, accept a few things about this story.

I've got a significant portion written, 200 pages in a word document to be precise. And yet, there's an underlying problem with it all.

While yes, there's not much motivation on my part right now, that's due to multiple factors. I've got a bunch of other RL projects I am working on. That actually includes getting the first of an entire series of books ready for formal beta-reading, editing, and publishing, which takes priority over FimFiction stuff, but that's not the entirety of it.

What I realized, is that I want to, and need to shift gears.

SL-5, and the "Radverse" Series in general was a fantastic journey and a blast to write; I also learned a ton from it! However, SL-5 had a lot of problems, mainly stemming from me not planning ahead and building up various things, or having certain arcs drag on far too long. Stakes were raised more and more, and without proper background, it just became fragmented. Which, to be fair, makes sense. The original trilogy that influenced this one (Timeless, Sunspots, Cure for a Toxin,) was meant to be self contained. As the stories have progressed, so have the stakes and scope been raised and elevated. I've stayed with the similar universe and characters for a long, long time over multiple stories. The "Radverse", if you will.

What I really enjoyed from this comment was that they noticed things started to fall apart as soon as those stakes and overall scope was increased; and they were right. I can write high-stakes and extremely powerful creatures, but it needs to be planned out to avoid the pitfalls of just being more "high stakes, more power, more EVERYTHING" for the sake of tension. And that planning wasn't there from the start, and I tried my best to fill in the gaps as I went, with obviously mixed results.

Which comes to the impasse with this story.

I know how I'd want this story to continue to go; I've written a good amount and have an outline. But that's just it though- it would be more of the same. It'd be a fun romp, to be sure. But there's nothing that new about it compared to SL-5, not in the same way that SL-5 introduced things. This story has action, romance, freaky creatures, sure. But the more I've thought about it, the more I've realized it's a re-blended SL-5, and is starting to show some of the same failings. And that's not terribly fun to write, nor to read.

I want to put things out for people to read that I have fun writing. If I don't have fun writing it, it's likely not going to be terribly fun to read. And there's some more ideas that I've already got 30+ pages written in that take a new direction, and one that would involve the readers as well! (Such as voting/commenting on events to occur in the next chapter or two.)

And I'd love to get started on that. But, I don't want to just cancel this story and say that's it.

There's very few, if any stories I leave unfinished on this platform. But this might be the one. So, I leave it to the comments to decide how you'd like me to proceed. I can stop the chapters now, or I can publish what I have up to the decent stopping point, and mark the story as complete at that good point- which is about 12 chapters from here. (There's more I've written after that, but there isn't a good stopping point.) It'd naturally be a cliffhanger in some respects, but it also would serve as a nice and satisfying conclusion in other respects. I assume that's what people would want, but I wanted to make sure, as the adage for "he who assumes" holds true.

So, I'm curious on your thoughts on all of this. It has been a bit of a crazy few weeks over here, and while this is more of a journal, it's applicable to this story, hence why I'm publishing it as a chapter.

The two potential stories to be next would be these; and I'm curious if either sound more or less interesting. I'm leaning towards the first, but both have very different settings and characters.

The Frost: (A good number of comment-driven chapters/arcs are planned.)
Alloy Aegis started at the bottom. No parents, no money, and no chance of being anything but one of 'those pony orphans' in a big city with a non-pony majority. At last, after years of grinding labor, he had finally secured a well-paying job as a fabrication technician. Life was good, and he even had a date!

Sure, there were rumors of a harsh winter, but everyone dismissed that as fearful gossip. Surely that's all it was...right?

Four words hidden within a job contract made Alloy wonder if all was what it seemed. They loomed far more threatening than the storm-clouds on the horizon.

"Save who you can."

The truth of the disaster hit his life as fast as the frost did. When the lights go out, Alloy is shown what the cost of survival truly is.

How much will you give when hope freezes over? What will it take to thaw both physical walls of ice, and the frost that settles into the hearts of all survivors?

Beneath the Clouds: (Few, if any comment-driven chapters/arcs planned.) Equus is a hazardous wasteland. After decades of environmental pollution from the powerful Flim Flam corporation and multiple magical mishaps, a world once inhabited by ponies, kirins, gryphons, and more, is now utterly toxic to all life. In their desperate flight to an orbiting space station, the survivors of the exodus picked up a viral hitchhiker which now sickens much of the previously-healthy population.

Fern Lopper is the next in the line of dozens of scouts sent to the surface to prepare for another large-scale expedition. No family, few friends, a broad skillset, and thus the perfect candidate to secure a new landing site.

His life expectancy? Measured in days.
The dangers? Too many to count.
The local flora? Usually deadly to the touch.
Command assured the stallion that he was the only intelligent creature on the entire planet. He was completely alone.

For Fern’s sake, it’s a good thing they were wrong.