• Published 4th Jun 2023
  • 405 Views, 0 Comments

Grimlock - KirinNirikarereallyc001

After the fall of Cybertron, Grimlock was launched into orbit after destroying shockwaves space bridge. He eventually finds his crash site to be on a new primitive world ruled be organic matter.

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Grimlock, Friend?

Author's Note:

So this was a intresting idea I came up with while doing nothing today—June 1, 2023— while recovering from wisdom tooth surgery. Decided to give it a sort of fairytale spin like the actual show, and combine one of my all time favorite video game characters (and tv show and movie character) in said setting.
Enjoy the read and remember to continue to be creative!

Once upon a time, an alien crashed into the surface of the earth…

Grimlock awoke slowly. Once all his systems came online, he was greeted with the sight of fire, a crater, and destroyed primitive life forms. “Ugh… what happen? Can’t remember… past!” Grimlock said aggressively aggravated by the slowness of his thinking.

With ease, he was able to get out of the crater of his making. He began to walk forward with no since of direction and limited capability to think or remember. “Hard to think. Must find others…” he mumbled to himself, before he was stopped by a manticore that pounced on his right leg and began to attack him!

“AUGH!” Grimlock growled. Once he spotted the manticore, he grabbed it by the mane and threw it into some near by rocks. Feeling threatened he arms himself with a huge sword he was all too familiar with. It glows orange with searing heat, capable of slicing decepticons in half. He paused for a moment, realizing he could remember his enemies. “Good. Memory not corrupt as… first thought.” He said with a pause. The manticore had gotten back on its feet and kneeled in an aggressive stance. Grimlock held his sword with both hands, recognizing this creature was looking for a fight. He paid it no mind, but he noticed his core temperature was rising, as he became more frustrated with the inability to remember more of his past.

While he was distracted by this, the manticore pounced on his head, and caused Grimlock to fall backward. “No! Ugh!” He grumbled as he fell back. When he landed, he yet again located the same mane of the manticore and grabbed it again. Grimlock threw him off again, this time it’s landing was accompanied by the sounds of trees being smashed and a distant splash as the manticore landed in a near by pond.

Grimlock got up, like he always did, and made a sprint for the manticores immediate location. “…not bad! For a walking tank…” a voice said in his mind. “Huh? Who there?” He said sprinting still. No answer came but the sound of something squishing under his chassis made a disgusting sound. Almost like he stepped on a… insecticon. “rrrr…b u g s…” Grimlock growls, not for a second stopping his sprint. Little does he know, he just ended the life of a manticore in mere minutes without meaning too.

“I feel terrible…” another voice says. This one much lower than the previous voice. That voice and a bunch of others begin to merge together as he continues to sprint. His core temperature begins to rise to almost critical levels, as Grimlock grows from frustrated to angry. “The voices… why can’t i-I re-member?!”

He eventually becomes so lost in thought he does not feel himself sprinting in a field, leaving behind the everfree forest that he crash landed in, and making a bee line to a densely populated area: Ponyville.

He soon feels himself crushing things beneath his feet. He does not seem to intrested in that thought as he keeps trying to remember these voices and their origins. He does this for five minutes until a beam of foreign energy strikes his left side and makes him wobble into a cluster of crushable objects. “Agh!” He says, tripping over something and falling forward on his chest. Another strike to his back snaps him into reality and he stands up on his feet. When he looks toward the direction of the point of origin of which the line of energy traveled, he was greeted by another purple beam that stroke his chest. “Energy?” Grimlock mumbled. His thoughts were interrupted which proved to be the boiling point of Grimlocks anger. His chassis began radiating heat and glowing a dark orange red color. Using this heat, he decided to transform. Going down on all fours he felt his legs become one, and his hands become his feet. His chest stretched and shot forward which became his head. And with an ear deafening roar Grimlock transformed into a great fire breathing beast.

His legs which was now a tail smashed through more squishy structures, much to the annoyance of Grimlock. He was used to working with more space than enclosed walls, much like the structures of the arena’s in the Decepticon city of Kaon. His thoughts were still not clear, as he began to mindlessly shoot a great flame of plasma and magma into the air toward the origin of the beams that had been shooting at him.

Each time he thought he eliminated the threat, he was met by another beam from a new origin point. He would swing his whole body in that direction, causing more mayhem, and reignite his fire breath to the origin. “I Grimlock! I Smash you to pieces!” Grimlock said in anger. Until that same beam of energy hit his head. His vision blurred and before he could regain his sight, another beam hit his head. He felt his body transform back, and he fell forward in a passed out state.

His vision returned. At first all he could see was green. He tried getting up, but he found himself in binds. “Huh? Ugh! Gggrrrr!!! Augh!” He struggled. Worming his body trying to get out of his bonds, when a voice boomed into his sound receptors. “MOVE NOT, CREATURE!”

This voice caused him to flinch and become angrier. But he still found himself unable to move. “Grimlock, hate, CHAINS! LET GRIMLOCK FREE!” He shouted. He was then calmed down when another beam of enegergy came into contact with his head. “Ugh! Rrrr…”

He could not quite place it, but those shocks of energy felt so… familiar. As his anger came back down to frustration, he looked to see who was keeping him down. When he looked up he saw three figures in a row, as well as a crowd of similar creatures who all looked scared. There was a white equine and a dark blue equine creature, each with a translucent mane flowing behind them. And a smaller purple equine with a normal mane. Each of them wore crowns, indicating to Grimlock they were the authority on this planet… or so they thought. “You! Let Grimlock Go! Must find Team!” He shouted, much to the confusion of Celestia Luna and Twilight Sparkle, whom all stood in front of Grimlock right now. As he struggled, the Princesses learned this being has seemingly limitless energy, which was a threat in itself if they could not get him to stop squirming. Twilight finally spoke and gave her command. “Stop moving, Grimlock. You’re not getting out of those bonds until you calm down.” She said. Grimlock heard Twilight, but did not comply. She shot another beam at his head but missed ever so slightly and found her way into his circuitry! “AAUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!” Grimlock screamed. When the princess heard this she immediately stopped, and saw the giant stop squirming and flopped down in pain, with heavy grunts. “Ha…ha…ha..ha..ha…ha…ha….ha, you…hurt…Grimlock…ha..ha” Grimlock said while panting. Twilight knelt down to his head. “I’m sorry Grimlock. I did not mean to Inflect pain on you at all. I just needed you to stop moving.” Twilight, feeling sympathy for causing a living creature so much sudden pain. All Grimlock did was pant. For it had been so long since he had felt so much pain in so many seconds. It was at this moment he began to remember everything that had happened. From the sea of rust and Sludges death. To Shockwaves Lab and the horrible experiments that psychotic Decepticon put him and his remaining team members through. He then remembers that he and Swoop flew to the space bridge, but when they got too close he lost contact with Swoop. He then remembered killing so many Decepticons—all of them crushing beneath his feet and schishcabobbing them with his mighty sword—and eventually killing Shockwave. The last thing he remembered was the tower exploded and his systems went offline with him seeing the entire war torn orb that was his home: Cybertron.

Although Grimlock was no longer very intelligent, it did not take the mind of Shockwave to realize that he was no longer on the same planet as his team. He was on a new planet with new life forms. Life forms he had brought harm to. This is when he spoke again. “Grimlock, sorry for getting angry. Grimlock not hurt anyone now. Grimlock calm.” He said to the Purple pony. “Good. That’s great to hear.” She said. Twilight then became enticed by his never ending movements. She, nor had any other pony, seen anything so advanced before. It made flim and flams super speedy cider squeezy 6000 seem like a toy compared to this giant that lay before them all. Not to mention all the carnage he just did. Although he said he was sorry, not even Tirek, a centaur with powerful magic, could turn buildings into rubble as fast as this giant had. He was Dangerous, and yet he was sorry. This clawed at the Princess curiosity, so she began asking questions. “Grimlock? Why did you attack Ponyville? What are you after?”

Although Grimlock was incapable of expression, his tone was more than enough to indicate he did not understand the question. “Attack? Ponyville? My Rampage, hurt others? Grimlock no meant harm. Grimlock sorry.” The princesses picked up that he had no Ill intent toward ponykind after that. His next sentence really assured that. “Grimlock not from your world. I come from Cybertron. Grimlock is Alien to your world.” He said.

Twilight looks at Grimlock with amazement and then Luna and Celestia with amazement, who shared the equal look of amazement. They were all pretty much thinking the same thing. ‘An alien life form? On earth? How?’

“Don’t remember how I got here. To your w-world. Looking for someone. Someone, not on your world. Someone, very far away now. Grimlock is alone.” Grimlock said without solemn. And yet it came out that way anyways. The Princesses released him of the bonds and watched as Grimlock rose to his feet. The dirt and mud of his rampage earlier fell off his chassis as all of his parts moved quickly to adjust to standing up. Grimlock was very VERY tall in fact he had a perfect view of what he had done. To say he was ashamed would be an understatement. He felt like a monster. “Did anyone…die?” He asked the princesses.

Celestia spoke. “Fortunately it seemes you somehow missed all of the ponies in Ponyville during your rampage. Although, I sent some scouts to search your trail in the everfree forest. All they found was a dead manticore, squished to nothing more than a bag of flour.” She explained.

“Your rampage also had devastating affects upon the vegetation of the everfree forest. Shockingly, none of it is growing back. I suspect that has something to do with you Grimlock.” Luna said.

“And then there is of course… the town.” Twilight said. Although Grimlock could not show it, his guilt was very heavy. “I sorry. I no mean anyone harm. Grimlock accept punishment.”

The princesses looked at each other. They had recognized that this being was not one to bring destruction on purpose. They nodded to each other and looked to Grimlock. “Do you think you can help us rebuild Ponyville?”

Grimlock thought, and with a few seconds gave his answer. “Grimlock no Perceptor. But Grimlock help fix.” He said.

Grimlock had been working non stop for months to fix the damage he caused. As he put the last roof on the last damaged house, he heard the crowds behind him celebrate his work. He felt some of the crowd members hug his legs. And the Pegasus hug the upper part of his chassis. He felt happy, being around these ponies. They welcomed him even after his destroyed most of their peaceful village. They still called him a friend. For the first time in eons, Grimlock felt no need to fight or strategize against a war that would never end. He felt like he could be happy here, and in truth that’s all he really wanted: to be happy. “Grimlock!” A voice called to him. He turned around and saw Princess Twilight, and a few others he did not recognize. He kneeled to their level fully recognizing Princess Twilight as his superior. “I am very proud of the effort you put into fixing your mistake. And because of this I have decided to make you not only the very first alien resident on earth, but also the very first alien resident in Ponyville. Grimlock I, princess Twilight Sparkle of Friendship, invite you to live in Ponyville.” She said formally. “Grimlock, accept.” He said. The town roared with joy at their new friend. Grimlock bowed to his princess and silently pledged loyalty to the one that offered him friendship even after his devastating mistake. The towns ponies pretty much all hugged him, and welcomed him to their town.

Grimlock later came to know Twilights friends as very important ponies by the names of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. He was also introduced to Cadance and Shining Armor, and their child Flurry Heart. Celestia and Luna were the last to recognize Grimlock as an official citizen of Equestria, and welcomed him with open hooves. After all of this, Grimlock edited his vow and swore to protect all of the ponies he had become friends with. Grimlock went on to face down Tirek in an epic battle to protect the Princesses magic. Rescuing his friends from the changeling queen chrysalis, and became best friends with Spike, Ember and Thorax. After all the cutie mark conflict, Grimlock came to know Trixie and Starlight Glimmer as good friends of his as well. As well as because of Grimlock, there was an alternation of when Tempest Shadow came to attack the friendship festival. Putting his vow to good use he was able to get in front of the princesses and protect them from Tempests weapons. He was immune to the curse of the misfortune Crystal and was able to single handedly take down the half dozen airships that came with the attack. Tempest being unable to succeed because of the mighty giant tried to retreat, but found herself instead surviving a falling air ship impact with her command ship. Tempest’s invasion was stopped before it could even begin. Realizing her last chance to get her horn back was gone she broke down and began to cry.

Fortunately Grimlock was able to break the obsidian surrounding her heart and found out Tempest was a desperate Unicorn who was subjected to bad friends and a missing horn. Grimlock testified of his life prior to his life on earth and got to personally show Tempest the path to friendship. Tempest then admitted that she was not invading Canterlot alone and that soon enough the Storm king would arrive. When that moment came, Grimlock yet again put down the rabbed dog within minutes of throwing things and smashing things. Grimlock single handedly defeated an entire army of yeti and a mad satyr king bent on power and marketing, and brought him to the hooves of Luna Celestia Cadance and Twilight.

For his Crimes, Storm King was banished to Tartarus and never heard from again—much more merciful then his true outcome—and tempest went on to tell the enslaved parts of the world Storm King would never be a threat again. Upon hearing this, the Hippogriffs came out of hiding and made a treaty with the ponies. Twilight went on to open her magic school and teach all the creatures of Equestria the wonders of friendship. When Sombra reinvaded, Grimlock had never felt so useless. Because king Sombra was an immortal Umbrum and could not be harmed, Grimlock had no choice but to rely on the help of others. He learned that was not such a bad thing and became useful for the last ever attack on Equestria. The last combat notable action of Grimlock the Giant’s record, was the final battle against Tirek, Chrysalis, and the new threat—to his optics—Empress Cozy Glow whom he thought was the long lost sibling of Flurry Heart. Later he found out that Cozy was a psychotic Pegasus with a god complex, and felt no sympathy for her when she was imprisoned in stone along with chrysalis and Tirek.

Grimlock got to know Discord after that whole ordeal, and got even closer to Spike and even Big McIntosh and Sugarbelle once he started being asked to help around the apple farm, and come hang out on guys night when he, discord, Spike and Bic Mac got together for their game of Ogres & Oubliettes. Grimlock goes on his immortal functions and now serves Twilight and Cadance, as well as Shining Armor and the grown up Flurry Heart, now that Luna and Celestia retired from their evidently long reign. From time to Time the giant goes to see Celestia and Luna in silver shoals and gets to talk to them.

Grimlock went from a war torn intellect ridden monster alien, to one of the most beloved and celebrated heroes in equestrian history. And they all lived happily ever after.

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