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Chapter 10 - The Double

Author's Note:

This chapter may trigger

I couldn't believe it, I had finally found Jack's double, they were very similar, he got in the driver's seat and started driving, I started to follow him, although I was on foot, I had memorized the license plate, I took advantage and radioed that I had found a spy, and I was following him, discreetly, checked my pistol to see if it was loaded, then adjusted my jacket and hat, then straightened my posture so as not to arouse suspicion, then, a car it stopped by my side, from there, an Intelligence agent got out, in which he handed me the car keys, soon, I got in, started and went back to chasing the same car as before.

A few minutes of pursuit later, we had entered the bus station, I was seeing the signs, and we were leaving Canterlot and entering Ponyville, maybe I was following him to the lair, maybe not, it started to rain, I had to slow down, as well as the other cars, then, turned into a street where there were the richest people in the city, I found this fact strange, but I continued the pursuit. He stopped at a bus stop, with that, 2 more people got into the car going to the back seat, and he went back to driving, following his way to the gas station, I stopped the car near the station, but not too much, the The car phone rang, and I answered:

"Hello?" I spoke.

"How's the chase going?" Dash asked.

"So far the spy has picked up 2 new agents." I reported.

"Where are you now?" she asked.

"We're at a Ponyville gas station, their license plate is TSO-3481." I informed.

"Thanks so much for the info, I'll chase them on the traffic cams!" she said.

"Understood, anything I'll call you!" I exclaimed and hung up.

They finished filling up the car and started driving again, I, in turn, chased them again, turning a corner, the 2 men in the back seat started shooting at me, I pulled out my gun and started shooting back , they hit my mirror and accelerated, I accelerated with them, so as not to lose sight of them, I hit their bumper, causing a part to drag on the ground, they were shooting at the windshield emu to try to blind me, but it didn't work very right, so Dash called me again:

"Sniper, I'm coming over there!" she said.

"Right." I replied.

We stayed a few more minutes in pursuit, they turned into another street, which followed beside a river, I analyzed the place, and I saw that there was a pole with a telephone booth next to it, so I shot at the booth, which in turn released strong sparks, making the driver cover his face while turning the car, I took the moment to hit the car's tire, which lowered its speed, then, I stepped on the gas and hit the enemy car and making them sideways to my car , but it didn't last long until they left the track, with one of them taking advantage and hitting my window, I lowered and then skidded the car, leaving it parked in the gutter, then, I got out of the car, and Rainbow and Pinkie appeared in another car:

"Are you okay?" she asked, worried.

"It was just an accident...how are we going to explain this to the media?" I said, as we walked towards the river.

"I don't know, it's hard to come up with a narrative." she replied.

"However we invent the story…" I started to speak while opening the car door.

"SNIPER BEWARE!" she interrupted me, as she jumped on top of me, saving my skin.

"Thank you Madam!" I thanked as I got up.

"On the bright side, we now have 3 new inmates." she said, while disarming the 2 who were in the back seat.

"True…" I said, grabbing the driver by the collar and throwing him to the ground.

"I think that after this, it will be difficult to keep the Civil Police out." Pinkie said, while taking one of the shooters out of the car.

"It doesn't worry me so much, we just need Rarity to come up with something coherent." Dash replied, grabbing the other shooter.

“Not to mention the lady who takes care of the police part." I said.

"You almost get shot again." Dash said.

"I've never actually been shot before, I guess I'm a lucky soldier." I replied.

"Wow…" she exclaimed.

We tied the hands of the enemy agents with Hellerman tape, and put them in Pinkie and Rainbow's car, the car I had driven was taken by one of ours, while the 3 of us went to a junkyard, getting there, we took out the enemies from the car and we kneel them in front of the wall, and we begin the interrogation:

"Let's be quick, who are you?" Dash asked.

"Nobody that interests you!" replied the double of Jack, who was also the driver of the car.

"Look... looks like we have someone tough here..." Dash said, who then punched him in the face.

"Let's do it like this, hand over everything you know and your families won't get your heads as a memento." Pinkie said.

"Pinkie, we can't do this without knowing who their family is." I told her.

"We don't need to know who their families are and do that, until dawn we'll get the information!" Dash said.

August 20, 1950 | 5:32 pm | cold and rainy
We got information from the 3 after long hours of interrogation, names, addresses, groups, secret messages, then we arrested them at the Pentagon, so Rainbow and I were walking around the city afterwards:

"Who knew it would be so easy." she said.

"If you had let me interrogate them, I think by 2pm I would have gotten what we wanted." I spoke.

"Yeah, you're more experienced." she agreed, while lighting a cigarette.

"Sometimes psychological torture is more effective than physical pain." I informed.

"I should have thought of that sooner...but how come you've never been shot until today?" she asked, offering her cigarette.

"In fact, I don't even know, or I was very agile or they had terrible aim." I replied, after taking a drag on the cigarette.

"The funniest thing is that I am Minister of Defense and I have never been to a war before." she said.

"You're actually Minister of Defense in times of war, so I guess that counts." I said.

"Thinking about it, really, I'm participating in a war being the Minister of Defense." she said.

"So... what did you think of the costumes?" I asked.

"I liked the new suits, especially the one with the visor." she replied.

"What it was? Did you like my detachment in that outfit?" I asked as a joke and started laughing.

"Maybe…" she said, who started to laugh along with her, which she soon asked. "What was your favorite?"

"One that serves for direct confrontation." I replied.

"I thought you were going to say that was the one I was using." she said, laughing.

"That one is also good, but the direct confrontation has more armor." I pointed.

"You have one...let's get one more!" she stated, looking at a man wearing a mask and heading towards some alleys.

We headed towards the alleys, readying our weapons, we went ahead, chasing the guy, we made urban progression, at a safe distance from him, then we heard a shot and ducked:

“Damn it." Dash exclaimed.

"If it's up to 4 I think we can move forward easily." I stated.

There were sounds of rifles and automatic weapons, and there were certainly more than 4 people, we were hidden behind some stairs, the civilians who were nearby ran for their lives, entering their homes and fleeing to other exits:

"We can't lose him!" I spoke.

"And I don't know about it?" she said ironically, while shooting in blind shot mode.

"How much ammo?" I asked.

"So I can reload everything 5 times, how many cartridges are there?" she replied, and asking me the same thing.

"I have 15 clips left, 150 bullets in all!" I replied.

"Lucky...had to be 9mm?" she questioned.

"That's it for today, my dear, I only use a revolver outside of Equestria." I replied.

"Let's call backup!" she said.

"It's a good one." I agreed, picking up my radio and warning that we needed help.

We heard 2 enemies screaming, so I started shooting together, but I was aiming, I shot 4 times, killing 3 enemies, I did a quick count and there were 30 people with guns:

"There are more than 30, I don't know if we can catch our man." I informed.

"Is there something we can use to move forward safely?" she asked.

"I can't tell, I don't have a stun grenade or anything, if they had vehicles here or at least fog would help, this is not my kind of urban combat environment." I spoke.

"Are you listening to this?" she asked.

It was the police arriving, someone had called the police, the situation would be less difficult now, we looked at the place we had come, some police were approaching with shields and rifles, it was our chance to advance:

"This is Rainbow Dash, we need support to catch an individual!" she said, addressing the police.

"We are with you!" said one of the police wearing a shield.

When they approached us, we got up and stayed behind him, the shield was resisting the bullets very well, we started to kill the enemy agents faster, after clearing the area, we had 5 wounded:

"Take them to the Pentagon, Intelligence handles it from here, I want a shield too, Sniper, stay behind me!" she ordered, picking up a shield.

"Yes ma'am!" I obeyed and stayed right behind her.

"Stick with me!" she said.

I stayed very close to her and we started to advance quickly, almost running, we couldn't waste time, it was our chance to find someone apparently essential for the counterintelligence part, so we found him, who soon started to run, we accelerated the pace to reach him, after a few seconds, I just shot him, making him fall:

"End of the line!" I stated as I approached him.

"End of the line? That's what we'll see…" he said, pulling out his gun, which was soon kicked in the hand.

I grabbed him by the collar and pinned him against the wall, and took off his mask, green skin, orange forelock, blue eyes, 1.78, same description as Jack had given, really, it was our man:

"Now it's up to you, Sniper!" said Rainbow.

"Are you a couple?" he asked mockingly.

"I'm the one asking the questions here!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, boss, you're in charge…" he said, mockingly again.

"For who you work?" I asked.

"Depends on who pays the most...it's a fair price for the answers." he said, who soon took a punch.

True, I'm fair price on this item. Dash replied.

"What is your origin?" I asked.

"Gypsy." he replied.

"Right, 'Sir Gypsy', speak all you know!" I ordered.

"Tsc... they're going to kill me anyway, so there you go, there are a lot of beggars here in Equestria who are actually from Stalliongrad and Germaneighia, mainly from Stalliongrad, they are commanded by Steam Colt, one of the Soviet Generals." he began to open the game.

"KEEP GOING!" Dash said, throwing him against another wall.

"Argh... moving on, we're taking projects from Star Powder and Black Plate so we know what we're dealing with, as our vehicles aren't being as efficient lately, Break Tower, our Ruler is getting heavier and heavier on the production part in mass, he plans to send a missile here soon…" said the guy.

"Missile? What kind of missile?" I questioned.

"Atomic missile, he wa..." he got shot in the head.

By reaction, we aim in the direction the shot came from, Derpy had pulled the trigger, she released the gun as soon as we aimed at her:

"We're interrogating him!" Dash said.

"Damn, Derpy, you should have warned people you were around." I warned her.

"Sorry, I thought she was going to kill him..." she said, a little sad.

"Well... I'll let this one go, since you're a newbie and because I've known you for years, but don't ever do that again." Dash said.

"Okay…" Derpy said.

"Burn the body, Sniper want to go to my place?" she said.

"Why not?" I spoke.

We walked again, but this time heading towards the Pentagon, I offered to drive to her house, we took my car, and we went to her house, it was my first time there, there were family photos, competitions, medals, trophies, a sofa with a table, it was a good house, it had 3 floors too:

"Well... welcome to my home." she welcomed me.

"Beautiful house." I complimented.

"Thanks." she thanked.

"I never got to ask this, but... what motivated you to join the army?" I asked.

"Well... let's say it was a second option, I was already an athlete since school, I always liked sports, but I never thought about what I really wanted to do, so I enlisted." she replied, going towards another room.

"With me it was almost like that, but Celestia showed me that way." I spoke.

"Was it what you wanted?" she asked.

"When I was 10 I was already working in a car wash, I went through other experiences, but I joined the army." I answered her.

"That's not what I asked…" she said, who had come back with 2 Champagne flutes she then topped up. “I asked you if you wanted to be in the military.”

“To tell you the truth, yes, I don't know why, but yes.” I replied, taking a flute.

“Anyway, to the new information we got today!” she exclaimed, raising her glass.

“To the new information!” I celebrated together, raising my glass.

We toasted and drank Champagne, we talked for hours, before we were just boss and subordinate, we became friends, we created bonds, we got to know each other better, we started telling stories about our past, experiences:

“Now I'm curious, what's your biggest secret?” she asked.

“Well, it's a long story…” I said.

“Does it involve a crime?” she questioned.

“Well…” I was in doubt if I counted or not.

“Come on, we're just talking, what are we talking about? Robbery?” she said.

“You know that at the end of the Second War, Aryanne was executed by military and paramilitary forces, right?” I spoke.

“Yes, to this day no one knows who these people were…” she said.

“I was one of them.” I stated.

“…” she was speechless.

“And I...raped her several times.” I added.

“So you committed...a War Crime?” she was stunned.

“I was 24 at the time, I thought it would be fair for me to commit a Crime against her, as she had done a lot of bad things.” I said.

“I never imagined you would be able to do this.” she said.

“We all have something bad we've done…” I said.

“Erh...do you know how to dance?” she said, breaking the mood.

“What?” I said.

“It's important to know things for espionage.” she said.

“Well, I know about ballroom dancing.” I replied.

“Can you teach me?” she asked.

“Is there vinyl there?” I asked.

“Do you prefer jazz or blues?” she asked.

“Jazz.” I replied.

She went to a shelf and took a CD to put on the vinyl, and I started to instruct:

“Now, one step to the…” I started to speak.

“Are you sure that's how it's done?” she questioned.

“That's what I learned 10 years ago.” I said

“If you say so…” she replied.

“Well, 1 left, 2 right.” I instruct.

“That's it?” she said, following the instructions.

“Now stick with me!” I exclaimed, lifting our arms.

“AH!” - she exclaimed.

“Now, lean back.” I instruct.

“Like this?” she asked, leaning back as I held her.

“This now comes back and we're going to repeat this.” I spoke

I was teaching her to dance, teaching her new movements and an efficient way to move to another place with the movements without arousing suspicion, until I held her for the last time, she looked into my eyes:

“Erh...are you alright?” I asked.

“Erh...yes, yes, of course…” she said.

Suddenly, we kissed and went to her room.

To be continued!!!