• Published 9th Jun 2023
  • 5,577 Views, 101 Comments

Before the Night - Nugget27

A human wakes up in a magical pony land a couple of years before Luna’s banishment.

  • ...

A Date with the Night

I made sure to get a fuckload of caffeine in my system for tonight. Luna and I were finally going to have our first date, and I was dressed very dumbly; no suit, no tie, nothing. Just me, myself, and I. God, I don’t know if I am even fit to date a Princess with how unprepared I am for this. And I could tell that Luna was beautiful, but my human brain could not find her ‘sexy’. Yeah, I may not care about her being a pony anymore, but that mental barrier in my head is something I’m just gonna have to get over.

“Ostri, stop being nervous. You’re only dating Luna.”

“She’s a Princess, Blaze.”

“Yet you were willing to court her and be completely normal around her for the most part.”

“Because I now realize what that implies, Blaze…” I sighed. “God I am-”

“I’m ready, Ostri!” Luna came strolling down stairs in a white dress, a plain, simple white dress that snuggly hugged her barrel and ended in a nice skirt. It was a bit jarring, seeing a pony in a dress, but… Holy shit. It was just a simple dress and Luna was gorgeous in it! My brain sputtered and wheezed as it tried its best to figure out what the fuck I was supposed to say. Luna simply looked incredible despite my earlier reservations; she was hotI opened my mouth to come up with a very intellectual response:

“W-w-huh? Wuba?” Luna simply giggled as I slapped myself. “Sorry, I’m just at a loss for words. How the hell did I score a lady like you?”

“By simply showing me kindness, Ostri. You were the first pony I’ve met that’s treated me… like I’m a pony and not a demon. You also appear to admire my appearance whereas everypony else considers me crazy and unapproachable. And with responses like that, I don’t need words to know what you think of me…” Luna spun around and shook her rear. “Like what you’re seeing at least?”

“Yes.” What the fuck is wrong with me?

“Ostri’s mind is questioning his body’s desires, your highness. Make sure you treat his brain nicely; a kiss will probably break it.” Blaze chuckled. “He also likes your legs.” Fuck you, Ostri. “And now he wants to have intercourse with me. I think your stallion is broken, Luna.” I… am going to hang myself. “And he’s suicidal.” I hate you. “That’s rude, Ostri.”

“I… your telepathy is rather scary, Blaze. You best not be sharing my thoughts with him, like you’re vocalizing his thoughts.”

“I’m merely responding to his thoughts, Luna… and telling you about how he likes your legs and makeup.”

“Listen, they’re really nice legs, and your makeup is subtle enough that it actually highlights the best parts about your face, Luna. I… still don’t know how the fuck I scored you, but I’m happy for it.”

“Now, you two lovebirds are going to go out there and get to know each other better; I know you two haven’t properly dated yet, despite you two being a couple for all of winter. And while you two are doing that, Celestia promised to pet and cuddle with me and I groom her in exchange. So shoo! Get out of here!” With that, me and Luna found ourselves sitting on the steps up to the castle, with me having a picnic basket full of things to make a nice dinner with.

“I don’t suppose we’ll be going to a restaurant anytime soon?” I asked.

“...Restaurant?” Luna smacked her lips, trying to get a feel for the word. “What on Equus is a restaurant, Ostri?”

“It’s a human thing, a business opens up that sells food. But it’s specially prepared and uses unique recipes the restaurant came up with. Usually humans ate at them to celebrate, some made fast-food restaurants that only serve to get food out to people as soon as possible for a quick meal. Sometimes humans went out to have dinner or lunch with somebody they’re going on a date with,” I lifted the picnic basket with a grunt. “I had this just in case; I can still cook you something over an open fire.”

“Well, I was hoping to just have a nice, relaxing stroll with you, but a picnic under moonlight does sound quite nice. We can sit, admire the stars, or the softer shades that the stars reveal to us. You know how to cook, though?”

“Luna, I’ve literally made meals for both you and Celestia, that you enjoyed a lot I might add. I can cook reasonably well. I’m no gourmet chef, but I know my way around a grill… that said I’m just putting together a taco salad, warming up some chili, and making a few fruit sandwiches for us… I’ve even got something called mash potatoes I know you’ll enjoy.” I nearly tripped immediately upon taking a step down the stairs. Only fuck Luna to catch me and the basket of food in her magic. “Fuck… I can barely walk on four hooves; why did I think I can go up and down steps with three?”

Luna simply giggled. “I’m going to have to teach you to fly and walk properly; you can walk, but it’s like watching a big foal. Your steps have a lot of spring, but there’s no rhythm. I’m surprised you could run so fast despite that.” Luna hefted the basket onto her back where it perfectly stayed as she followed me downstairs. “and this basket is a bit heavy for me and I have earth pony strength. Why did you think you could carry it?”

“It’s tradition amongst human males to carry things for females.”

“It’s the other way around for us ponies, Ostri.” I blinked. “I’m not surprised that you didn’t know this at all. But there is a higher birth rate of mares than stallions. It’s why stallions having multiple wives is normal. Mares are also usually more dominant, which is why I find your behavior sexy; you don’t take anything from anyone and never back down. And usually, it’s the mare trying to impress the stallion, hence why I am actually wearing a dress for this. And if anything, I should be cooking for you, but the last time I cooked something, I melted the pot I was using to cook with.” Huh.

“We take turns trying to impress each other? Because it's usually the other way around for humans.”

“We could, but I do enjoy being pampered… I would not mind if you tried to impress and lather me in love, Ostri. I would quite enjoy it.”

“Bet. I know how to groom ponies now because Blaze taught me; between your ears are also a favorite spot for me to massage.” I chuckled as we finally made it to a field fit for a picnic. The streets of Everfree were cleaned up rather nicely despite there being a literal massacre happening, but then again, only one street was bloodied and burnt and covered in burnt feathers and fur. We quickly laid the picnic blanket out and Luna quickly emptied the basket with her magic while we settled down.

I couldn’t help but admire as Luna’s mane and tail waved and sparkled like the night sky; they were stunning. “Luna, why does your mane flow like that?”

“It’s due to my connection to the Moon, Ostri. I can move it, and that requires a lot of magic. It also helps that alicorns simply have more magic than normal unicorns with us storing magic from pegasi and earth ponies along with unicorn magic. So this is how my body passively exhausts extra magic without burning itself out due to how much magic it is outputting. Hence why my mane does… this.” Luna pulled out the bowl of mash potatoes and cocked her head.

“Well, it’s gorgeous, so I don’t mind if it’s just a way of expelling extra magic.” I handed Luna a spoon. “Try that shit out, you’ll love it. Personally, I believe it still needs gravy, but that requires meat.” Luna grimaced at that, before using the spoon to scoop out some of the creamy goodness that were the potatoes. Her eyes simply widened and it was adorable. “So, how are the taters?”

“This… Ostri, are you certain you don’t wish to work in the Royal Kitchens? I would love to eat this everyday!”

“I’m certain. I don’t like cooking for other people, Luna. I just did it tonight because you are worth cooking for; the way your eyes lit up was adorable.” I took a spoonful of taters myself, and quickly got a fire going. In a few moments, I had a container of chili being warmed over it. “Once that’s boiling, it’s ready. Put some of that over the potatoes; you’ll get hit with flavor town.” I took a sandwich and took a bite. “As a man who once lived in the midwest, chili is a must-have.” Luna nodded and waited to do as I suggested.

She emptied the bowl of potatoes when she did that. We had a light hearted chat, I shared more about my past, and Luna told a war story after I gave her some puppy eyes. Of course, I was hella impressed, and Luna loved telling stories to ‘impress the stallion’ as she put it. Out chatting ended up with me using her shoulder as a pillow while she tried out the rest of the food I prepared. “You know, Ostri, I believe you could work in the Royal Kitchens should you ever need a more stable source of income; you shouldn’t even have to work while you’re with me. But since you’re insistent on working, you would be paid lavishly for dishes like this.” Luna lifted the empty bowl of chili and mashed potatoes.

“That’s a comfort food; not very nutritious, but it makes you feel better. As a princess, you need something that’s actually good for you and keeps you fueled up. This is good as a meal every now and then, but everyday? Nah, it wouldn’t be very good for you Luna.” Luna sighed. “I know, my cooking is top tier and totally original in terms of recipes.” kissed her on the cheek. “If I had the ability to, I would whole-heartedly introduce you to so many unhealthy human snacks that you wouldn’t know what to actually choose when you want something to snack on…” I nuzzled Luna.

“I believe…” Luna teleported the basket and the blanket away to some random location. “Is it time for us to stroll around the city? The nobles are out and about, so you can impress me by punching them in the nose if they insult me!”

“That… would make them even more scared of you; thinking you summoned a pony shaped golem to attack people or some shit- I don’t fucking know. If somebody does insult you though, I will happily tell them to shove their heads up their ass,” I gestured to all of Luna. “If they consider you a horrible monster, then something’s wrong with them. You’re pretty as hell, sexy as fuck, and overall just a fun lady to hangout with. If I wasn't dating you, I’d still hang around you just to hang out with such a lovely lady such as yourself.”

“You charmer,” Luna giggled.

“Stop doing that. It’s stupidly cute and it will kill me from heartburn. Stop. Being. Cute.” Luna giggled again. “Stop! My heart!” I brought a hoof to my chest and fell to the ground and rolled around. “Argh! I hopped back up and wrapped my forelegs around the princess’s neck. “I guess I will have to kidnap you and take you away! Come come! The time for your sacrifice is nigh!” In reality, the two of us just walked around town, and Luna was laughing up a storm by the time I was done with my whole pirate shtick. I couldn’t help it whenever my act would crack when a noble looked our way in sheer, raw confusion and awe.

Yes, you bunch of retards, Luna is mine. Y’all had your chance and you fucked it up by socially isolating her for so fucking long.

When the two of us were finally done making our way around town, Luna removed her dress and laid on her back in the middle of a field. I joined her shortly afterwards, and we began staring up at the sky in silence until Luna decided to break that serene moment. “I think I should begin teaching you how to properly fight and fly; you’ve spent how long as a flightless chicken? If you’re going to be doing a majority of the planning for battles from now on, because of how effective your first plan was, then you’ll need to learn how to fight. Afterall, I am going off your previous performance, and you decided to be the main reason why the plan worked at all, mister.

“I’m down. I wanna fly,” I pointed at my wings. “No point in having these if I don’t use them. So I might as well… well, learn to use them. As for fighting, I wouldn’t mind doing that either. How else can I impress you if I’m not some, big, strong stallion that can keep you safe and fight by your side in a ‘proper battle’ where we line up in front of people shooting at us and meet them halfway through a field to get our asses kicked because half of our men were shot on the walk up to them.”

“Not like that sort of fighting, Ostri, proper hoof to hoof combat. I’m mostly self taught; I don’t think anypony’s ever seen my style before due to it being hastily put together while I was twelve, after seeing various fighting styles, because I had no time to actually learn.”

“I’m still down, I’m looking forward to you kicking my ass for the first few weeks.”

“Oh please, I’ll kiss any boo boos that I cause, away at the end of every lesson. You will walk away at a skill that should make it so, if you need to, you will be able to defend yourself. It’s standard that every guard learns a very basic form of any martial art that they choose, and I will have you walking away as a master.”

“Well, it was always a dream of mine to become a karate kid, so I’m down. I get to see you put those legs of yours to work, and you get to punish me for being an idiot yesterday. So it’s a win-win.”

Luna giggled. “It is indeed, Ostri. Though if you like my legs so much…” She wrapped those nice legs around my neck and laid her head on top of mine. “I believe we should begin heading back; it’s almost your bedtime, colt.”

“Fine, Mom, I’ll go to sleep.” We both rolled onto our stomachs before quickly getting up to go home. The walk back was quiet and peaceful, not the awkward type where the two participating in the silence were made or had no idea as to what to say. No, crickets were chirping, it was night, owls would occasionally ‘who’ and squawk. It was worth being quiet to hear the night’s ambience. The Night was truly a stunning thing, and the woman tied to said night was equally so. That woman owes my world.

The next few weeks blew over relatively quickly, Luna and I would spar, Luna would heal me, and I was slowly becoming nocturnal in order to keep up with her better. Did I keep up? No, Luna’s fucking cracked at fighting and was kicking my ass. She did it so often, and pulled her punches, but she only made sure she wouldn’t accidentally break or cause permanent damage that she could not immediately heal. Apparently Luna’s well versed in magic, but healing magic is more in Celestia’s skillset. Again, Luna was the sword, Celestia the shield, together the two of them could kick some serious ass. Overall, it was kinda fun, because inbetween learning to fight, I would learn how to fly after face planting, hitting trees, bushes, a house, Celestia’s bedroom window, Celestia herself promptly afterwards, and a log. Celestia made sure I was kept far away from the castle after I hit her window.

“Fuck!” I somehow hit the castle anyway. “God! I am so fucking bad at this, that it’s like my wings want to fuck me in the ass!”

“That is an interesting way of saying you are bad at flying and you hate it.”

“Well, I don’t hate it, but it’s so fucking much, just to get used to a set of limbs that humans don’t naturally have. I don’t even have a problem controlling them! I just suck at being a person, I guess, and can barely function.”

“You scored a hit on me earlier, only to stop, hug my head, and start apologizing for hitting my shoulder, Ostri. You’re at least improving in one aspect… and flying isn’t for everypony.”

“Yeah, that’s true. At least I can get somewhere, now it’s a matter of not crashing into shit whenever I get to that somewhere.” I sighed. “You know what? Fuck it. I’m spiteful, I’m mad. I’m gonna be spending a lot of time flying around; can’t get better if I don’t fly, after all. I am going to be the best god damn flier the world’s ever seen!” I raised a hoof up. “...As long as I am not near Everfree. Celestia was not happy when I crashed into her, her bed, and broke said bed by crashing into it. Somehow Celly and I were perfectly fine…” God, I still owe her a cuddle session. Yes, that was Tia’s price for the repairs of her bed to not be on me.

For now, she stole Blaze and was using her as a bed whenever nighttime came around. That bastard! That’s my fuckin’ fox!

“If you somehow become the fastest, and one of the best fliers in Equestria, I may have to kiss you and marry you; nopony is very fast. Not even myself or Tia, and we’re one of the faster fliers purely due to our wingspan.”

“And you gave me more of a reason to learn how to fly better. I am going to fly better, and you will fucking see me break the god damn sound barrier!”

I began to train like nothing else matters. I only stopped to eat, or to pet Blaze while eating.

Author's Note:

next chapter I shall begin setting up the end. it won’t be a happy one.