• Published 14th Jun 2023
  • 3,671 Views, 33 Comments

I Did WHO!? - leaha

Sunset Shimmer doesn't remember what happened at the last night's party. And worse yet, she can't remember just which one of the Twilight's she slept with

  • ...

In Which Sunset Shimmer Loses Her Mind

As the golden sun graced the sky with its luminous presence, the sun's rays reflected off the messy room at its sight, illuminating the room with a ghostly glow. Hell, it was too sunny for Sunset's sake. Had she been in Equestria, she'd be damn well cursing out Celestia for such a balmy morning after the crazy shit that went down last night. I mean, she didn't exactly remember what happened. But throbbing temples, a parched mouth and the taste of puke left in her throat weren't good signs.

With a deep exhale, her face pressed into the cushioned surface, a muffled groan escaped Sunset's lips. 'This is gonna be a long day, isn't it?' She asked herself mentally. As she turned around, attempting to get up, her legs hit something. Or rather, someone. 'Fuck'. She mumbled under her breath. Well, she knew something stupid was bound to happen after all that drinking. She just hoped it wouldn't happen to her, and oh boy, was she wrong.

With a mixture of dread and intrigue, Sunset reached out her hand and pulled back the covers, revealing the person nestled within. Her features no longer obscured by the bedding, Twilight Fucking Sparkle appeared serene, undisturbed by the intrusion of her friend. Unaware of the mindfuck her best friend was going through, she turned her back on her friend and persisted in her deep slumber. Now, Sunset Shimmer was absolutely lost in her thoughts. She had two problems with this predicament. One, she slept with her best friend, and two, she didn't know which one of her best friends she slept with last night. Sunset cussed herself for inviting Princess Twilight. Had Sunset known having both of them around would cause such a mess, she wouldn't have asked. Well, okay, that was a lie. She loved both of her Twilights dearly. She just hasn't realised how deep that love was, apparently. So Sunset did what only a sane person would do in this situation. Getting the fuck out of there.

Sunset closed the bedroom door as discreetly as possible and started her search for the one thing that would help her get answers on this mess. Her phone. The fiery redhead found herself desperately searching for her misplaced phone. The room, adorned with a rather colourful decor and mementoes of her adventures from last night, became a whirlwind of activity as Sunset frantically moved from one spot to another, meticulously scanning every nook and cranny in her quest to locate the one thing that could save her. To everybody's surprise, amidst the chaos of her frantic searching, her eyes spotted a glimmer of familiarity atop the countertop. Her missing phone was there, untouched and awaiting her attention. So Sunset called whom she thought was the best at handling a situation like this. Applejack.

Sunset Shimmer dialled Applejack's number, hoping to find answers amidst this fuckery. As the phone rang, her anticipation built, yearning to piece together the missing fragments of whatever the fucking fuck happened last night. Applejack, still recovering from her own hangover, answered the call;

''Hey, sugarcube, how are ya?'' she asked, subtly probing to gauge Sunset's memory of the night.

"Hey, Applejack, I'm good good good totally good" she began tentatively. "Okay, so I just wanted to ask if you recall anything particularly weird happening last night.''

Applejack's voice carried a hint of hesitation as she responded to Sunset's inquiry. "Well, I mean, yeah, there were plenty of weird things happenin'," she admitted, her tone cautious. Sensing Sunset's unease, gently pressing for more details. "I'm gonna need you to be more specific, sugarcube." Applejack wanted to understand the full extent of what Sunset was referring to. Sunset, her voice lacking enthusiasm, took a deep breath before reluctantly responding, "Uh, something that involves kissing and maybe possibly probably more."

Applejack's response carried a tinge of anger and frustration as she interrupted Sunset. "I've already had Rainbow Dash pestering me about making out with Rarity, alright!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with irritation. ''We were drunk off our minds with whatever Pinkie gave us in that cocktail!''

"Actua—" Sunset Shimmer began to interject, her voice filled with shock and confusion, but cut off her sentence. The weight of Applejack's words left her stunned and unable to process what she just heard. As the realisation sunk in, Sunset lost it, and she erupted, yelling,


''Seriously, Sunset, I expect this kind of thing from Rainbow Dash, not you," Applejack's disappointed voice cuts through the tension. However, Applejack's annoyance quickly takes over as she continues, "And also, you ain't the one to be preaching to me about shit, seeing as what you were doin' with Fluttershy. Going off to rooms alone, gigglin' under bedsheets, doin' whatever gays do under sheets.''

"I- what??" Sunset stammers in confusion, her mind reeling from Applejack's accusation. "What do you mean, Fluttershy?!" Sunset's voice escalates, a mix of confusion, frustration, and an unexpected tinge of arousal.

"Oh my God, I am a fucking whore," Sunset's voice quivered with disappointment and self-condemnation. "I was gonna ask you if you knew which Twilight I did last night, but this, this is fucked up... I mean Fluttershy?!" Sunset's voice trembled, clearly she wasn't expecting this.

"Well, I don't wanna hear anymore about the gays," Applejack declared, her voice filled with exhaustion. The weight of the situation and the revelation of Sunset's actions seem to have pushed her to her limit. Applejack's words carried a sense of resignation as she expressed her need for distance and some fucking drugs. "I'm just gonna take a Vicodin and drink until I pass out, sugarcube. Hope you figure this out."

Sunset Shimmer found herself caught in a swirl of uncertainty and unease. Her heart was heavy with worry as she contemplated reaching out to her dear friend, Fluttershy. 'I mean it's Fluttershy we're talking about right? Worst case scenario, we'll remain forever awkward and never talk again.' Summoning her courage and determination to address the swirling uncertainties in her heart, Sunset Shimmer reached for her phone and dialled Fluttershy's number. The familiar chime rang in her ears, echoing the nervous thumping of her heart. After a few rings, the call connected, and to Sunset's relief, Fluttershy's voice greeted her warmly on the other end. A mixture of nervousness and relief flooded Sunset as she struggled to find what to say to her.

"Heeey, Fluttershy," Sunset's voice quivered with nervousness as she mustered the courage to ask the question that had her going crazy.
"How... how are you feeling?"

Fluttershy picked up on Sunset's apprehension, her voice infused with warmth and concern. "Oh, Sunset, I'm doing alright, thank you. Is everything okay? You sound a little nervous."

''Yeah about last night..'' Sunset Shimmer started speaking tentatively, her voice filled with a hint of uncertainty and concern. "Yeah, look, I don't remember what happened last night, but Applejack told me some things, and I wanted to see how you were doing after what happened..." Her words trailed off slightly as she struggled to find the right way to express herself. There was a genuine sincerity in her eyes as she reached out, hoping to bridge the gap that had formed between them. The events of the previous night seemed shrouded in a foggy haze, but the gravity of the situation was evident in the way she sought to mend their connection.

''Oh Sunset, I'm so glad we did that last night!'' Fluttershy exclaimed joyfully. Sunset was rendered speechless, unsure of how to respond to that reaction.

Sunset's voice carried a hint of surprise and disbelief as she responded, "You...are?" Her eyebrows raised in astonishment, her eyes widening slightly at Fluttershy's enthusiastic declaration. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, and her mind raced to process Fluttershy's unexpected reaction.
''I-I mean, of course! Me too...'' she trailed off.

Fluttershy's voice trembled with a mixture of nervousness and curiosity as she began, "Um, well, I've never really let anyone touch it before... let alone do it together with someone." She paused for a moment, her cheeks flushing a delicate shade of pink. "I mean, I never thought someone could hold in their mouth for that long."


''Don't even get me started on the part where you started stroking it! Who could've thought it'd make the entire thing better! It was hilarious.'' Fluttershy exclaimed, her voice filled with amusement as she chuckled.

''A lot of people, actually.'' She was staring at the ground now.

''Anyways, was there anything else you wanted to talk to me about or-''

''YES! I mean, you wouldn't happen to know what happened to me and Twilight after we, uhh did...that?'' Sunset's voice grew hurried and flustered as she quickly interjected, desperately attempting to divert the conversation.

''Oh, I'm sorry Sunset, you know how I get after doing the thing that we did last night. I fell asleep after you left.''

''Thanks anyways, this conversation has been really enlighting, to say the least...''

"But if you wanna learn more about yesterday..." Fluttershy paused, her voice dropping to a hushed tone as if sharing a secret. "You could just ask Pinkie Pie."

Her words hung in the air, Fluttershy's suggestion carried an air of certainty as if she had firsthand knowledge of Pinkie Pie's activities. "She was recording the whole night, after all," Fluttershy concluded softly, emphasizing Pinkie Pie's dedication to documenting every occasion.

''She was? I mean, of course, she was, I was there, aha. I remember everything!'' Sunset Shimmer's voice echoed through the air, breaking the tranquillity with her abrupt and somewhat forced laughter. Her words spilt out hurriedly as if she was attempting to assert her presence and reassure herself. There was a hint of unease beneath the surface as if she were trying to convince not only Fluttershy but also herself that she held a firm grasp on the events of the previous night.

"Well, I've gotta go now, Sunny," Fluttershy muttered quietly, her voice barely audible. There was a hint of hesitance in her tone as if she was uncertain about what she was about to say next. Her words hung in the air for a moment, leaving an air of anticipation.

"But if you wanna smoke more marijuana, call me," Fluttershy added, her words slipping out unexpectedly and abruptly ending the call.

Feeling perplexed by Fluttershy's unexpected invitation, Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath, attempting to process the situation. The mention of marijuana and the sudden departure of Fluttershy left her with a mix of confusion and uncertainty. 'So we didn't even fuck?! What was the point of this entire conversation Ughhh.' However, rather than dwelling on the perplexing conversation, she made a decision to focus on finding answers from another source - Pinkie Pie.
Summoning a deep breath, Sunset Shimmer mustered the determination to carry out her plan. She picked up her phone and dialled Pinkie Pie's number, hoping that Pinkie's recordings could shed light on the events of whatever the loving fuck happened last night.

''Hiya Sunset! How ya feeling, are you good? Or bad, you could be feeling bad, it's totally okay to be feeling bad! I mean, your BFF is here to put a smile on your face alway-''

''I'M OKAY I'M OKAY,'' Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Sunset Shimmer got straight to the point.

"Okay, Pinkie, I'm just gonna get to the point," she began, her voice determined. "Can you please send me the recordings of last night? I really, really, really need to know what happened, and I don't have the energy to explain why, okay?"

Her words carried a sense of desperation as if every fibre of her being relied on those recordings to uncover the truth. Sunset Shimmer's request lacked the usual pleasantries and explanations she would typically provide, showcasing her urgency and the weight of her need to understand the events of the previous night. She hoped that Pinkie Pie, known for her understanding and willingness to share, would grasp the importance of the situation without requiring further explanation.

''Ohhhh, well do you want the part where you were taking body shots from Rainbow or the part where you started to cry to the Twilights™ about how you are in love with both of them but you can't be with either of them because you're forever stuck feeling lost in both worlds?''


As Pinkie Pie's words reverberated through the phone, Sunset Shimmer's heart skipped a beat. The nonchalant tone in Pinkie's voice sent a shiver down her spine, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread creeping over her. The mention of body shots and fucking pathetic confessions caught her completely off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless. Sunset Shimmer's mind raced, trying to process the information that Pinkie was casually presenting. Her face turned pale, a mixture of shock, bewilderment, and vulnerability washing over her. And of course, Pinkie's creepy smile, seemingly visible even through the phone screen, only added to the eerie atmosphere.

''You know what, I don't even wanna unpack that right now, just send me second the video.''


Sunset Shimmer's heart pounded in her chest as she anxiously awaited the arrival of the video from Pinkie Pie. Her mind was filled with a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from anticipation to fear and uncertainty. The truth she longed for, the confirmation of which Twilight she had the night of twelve insane orgasms with, seemed to rest solely within the confines of that video. Every passing second felt like an eternity as Sunset Shimmer's eyes remained fixed on her phone screen, her focus solely on the incoming message. The room around her seemed to fade into the background, the anticipation of the revelation consuming her thoughts. Finally, a notification chimed, and Sunset Shimmer's heart skipped a beat. She hastily unlocked her phone and opened the message, her trembling fingers pressing play on the video file. The screen came to life, revealing the contents that held the answers she so desperately sought. As the video began playing, Sunset Shimmer felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. She wished she could disappear and hide under the covers, wanting to escape this fucking cringe moment she found herself in. Hearing her own drunken ramblings, Sunset Shimmer's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

''Princess Twilight you're like...like this, goddess who just wants like the best for everyone and like you're so cool and so smart and like regal like whenever I see you I just see myself but like better and I wanna hit that like please''

Okay, she wanted to kill herself. So, she frantically skipped ahead in the video. She was determined to save herself from the outrageousness of her own word. With each skipped moment, Sunset Shimmer hoped to move past the embarrassing confession and escape the discomfort that came with it. Her heart raced as she tried to find a point in the video where the embarrassing scene was no longer visible or audible but it just kept going on and on.

Though Sunset Shimmer's frantic skipping might have provided a temporary escape, it wasn't over yet.

''And Twilight, you're like this silly goose who just like wants people to like them and like you're so afraid to like fuck up and spit on people like a goose but in your heart, you're like so kind and also smart and like idk hot and I also wanna hit that.''

''Uh, do you even know what goose is?''

''Honestly, I'm surprised I can like still talk at all.''

Okay, cringe and killing-yourself-worthy was an understatement. She needed to go back in time to stop her from ever existing after seeing whatever the fuck this mess was. So, Sunset Shimmer continued to skip ahead, desperately trying to distance herself from her awful moments, she suddenly stumbled upon a scene that caught her attention. One of the Twilights on the screen was shown holding her hand and getting close to her. The unexpected sight piqued Sunset Shimmer's curiosity and momentarily distracted her from her previous embarrassment. She found herself intrigued by the unfolding mystery within the video. As Sunset Shimmer's mind was consumed with thoughts of which Twilight she may have spent the night with, the door swung open suddenly, revealing the figure standing in the doorway was none other than the Twilight who had been sleeping next to her that very morning.

Twilight Sparkle's voice broke the silence with a chirpy greeting, "Good morning, Sunset." Her tone carried a mix of warmth and friendliness. The interruption caused Sunset Shimmer's mind to whirl with a flurry of emotions and thoughts.

Caught off guard by Twilight's cheerful demeanour, Sunset Shimmer attempted to gather her composure. She returned the greeting with a somewhat hesitant, "Heeey...Twilight,"

The air between them held a subtle tension, with unspoken questions lingering in the room. But Twilight's chirpy tone and friendly demeanour hinted at a desire to handle the situation with grace and understanding. However, Sunset's mind raced, contemplating the next steps to navigate this absolutely fucking awkward encounter. Sunset Shimmer mustered up the courage to break the tension by addressing the elephant in the room. With her gaze fixed on the kitchen carpet, she posed a seemingly innocent question, "Soooo... How did you sleep last night?"

Her attempt to initiate a conversation about the events of the previous night was evident, even though her nervousness was palpable. Sunset Shimmer's question hung in the air, creating a brief pause that emphasized the weight of the situation.

Twilight Sparkle, whoever one that is, ever observant and understanding, took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. Her voice carried a gentle tone as she replied,

"I slept well, thank you. How about you?"

Sunset Shimmer took a deep breath, realizing that trying to navigate a situation she had no memory of was becoming increasingly difficult. With honesty and vulnerability, she confessed to Twilight, "Actually, last night is a bit of a blur. Could you remind me exactly what happened?"

Her admission laid bare her lack of recollection and her desire for clarity. Sunset Shimmer understood that relying on Twilight's account of the events would provide her with a better understanding of the situation and possibly save herself from asking even more stupid questions to one of her best friends.

''Oh well, we did a ton of things! There was the time when you started tickling me and I threw up on you. Then you got rid of your clothes and told me you were in love with me again for some reason and then started cryin-''

''Wait wait wait, when I, uhh, confessed my love to you or whatever. Do you remember what exactly did I say?''

Sunset Shimmer's request for specific details regarding her confession signalled her desire to understand the extent of her intoxicated ramblings. She sought clarification and hoped to differentiate her interactions with both Twilights, she could identify which Twilight she was currently conversing with.

''Oh you said something like 'Twilight you're so hot and smart and I wanna marry you' or something. I don't really remember.''

As Sunset Shimmer listened to Twilight's recollection of her confession, her hopes of discerning which Twilight she had been speaking to were quickly dashed. The realisation hit Sunset Shimmer with a mix of amusement and frustration. It became clear that her attempt to differentiate between the Twilights based on her confession was futile, as the alcohol-induced state had blurred the lines between their interactions. Acknowledging the shared intoxication, Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. As the laughter subsided, Sunset Shimmer shifted her focus from trying to figure out the exact details of her confession to the broader understanding that all parties involved had been affected by alcohol. This realization brought a sense of relief, as it meant that her intoxicated ramblings could be attributed to the influence of the moment rather than being a true reflection of her feelings but whatever happened did happen.

''You know what, Twilight. We were both incredibly drunk and out of our minds, anyway. So let's just forget this ever happe-''

''Are you saying you didn't like the 12 orgasms we gave you?''

''Wha- NO! I mean, no, no of course not. I'm just saying that neither of us were necessarily in the best headspace when it happened, and I'm NOT saying I didn't enjo- WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE DID YOU JUST SAY WE??''

''Yeah, the other me went home after her parents found out about drinking, and I was gonna go back to Equestria but you basically begged me to stay with you. It was kinda clingy, to be honest.''


Sunset Shimmer, overwhelmed by the absurdity of the situation couldn't help but succumb to a momentary burst of frustration. In an exaggerated display, she dramatically kneeled down and let out a theatrical yell of


Author's Note:

yeah i haven't written in 3 years and I've been off my meds for a week now so the creative juices just started flowing to me i wrote this piece of work in a day whilst listening to taylor swift so do what you want with this information and i hope you enjoyed it

Comments ( 33 )

Yeah I haven't written in 3 years and I've been off my meds for a week now

This explains everything. And not in a good way :facehoof:.

i wrote this piece of work in a day whilst listening to taylor swift

This is a perfectly respectable first amateur horsewords, even if it's very informal in style and kind of sweary and I had no idea you were listening to Taylor Swift, did you find that seemed to influence your writing style much?

Also I'm happy the Twilights found a way to deal with the love triangle!

So...congratulations on your first official horsewords!

nice work:twilightsmile:

so freaking good

yeah i haven't written in 3 years and I've been off my meds for a week now so the creative juices just started flowing to me

Yeah, ever listen or read the list of side effects most pills have? You should be glad all you were lowered to was a unimaginative office drone.

Good story

honestly yeah!! but i think when im writing comedy id like to be less formal and play with the situation a lot more so hence all the swearing:twilightsmile:
and also I listened to taylor's reputation album non stop writing this so do what you want with this information lol:twilightblush:

That was funny and fun to read :rainbowlaugh:

Truly, this is the WORST POSSIBLE THING! :raritydespair:


Sunset got to have the threesome of her dreams, and can't even remember it. Truly, a fate worse than death... Good thing it's damn funny. I do have reservations about Applejack referring to her friends as "The Gays," especially considering how she admitted to snogging Rarity, but I can't say it takes away too much from the story. Overall, a fun read, and a great start to my day. Thanks for this!


and also I listened to taylor's reputation album non stop writing this so do what you want with this information lol:twilightblush:

I just think different people's writing techniques and their results are interesting, that's all!


I do have reservations about Applejack referring to her friends as "The Gays," especially considering how she admitted to snogging Rarity,

I guess I took that as Applejack using 'the Gays' not so much to refer to a category of people, as maybe more of a role or an activity.

Maybe, from Applejack's point of view, when Applejack gets drunk enough, she comes down with 'the Gays.'

But the next day she doesn't want to talk about it.

Ah, the old crossfade. Not for amateurs. Rookie mistake, Sunset. Rookie mistake.

This is super minor, but the 'Twilights' in the story description shouldn't have an apostrophe, since it's a plural, not a possessive. :twilightsheepish:

''Ohhhh, well do you want the part where you were taking body shots from Rainbow or the part where you started to cry to the Twilights™ about how you are in love with both of them but you can't be with either of them because you're forever stuck feeling lost in both worlds?''

Pinkie pie totally added that trademark


Cue the senfeild theme

Applejack desperately trying to jump back in that closet I see...



Why choose either one when you can go for both Twilights at the same time, huh Sunset?

fixed it, thank you!!!!


That is the appropriate reaction in this circumstance, Sunset.

Writing a Sunlight fic while listening to Taylor Swift... I know this feel. :moustache:


A reasonable reaction

This should really have a tragedy tag.

OOF poor Sunset lol

Well, guess there's only one thing to do: invite them over again for a second, sober round.

Because that requires Sunset to do the smart thing. But that's boring.

I haven't really read an MLP fic in 3 years, and I found this funny and relatable

Remember sunset, you shouldn't mix booze and weed.

Astounding story hammered out hilariously with all the right marks.

''Thanks anyways, this conversation has been really enlighting, to say the least...''

Hilarious, nicely played.


OMC, Poor Sunny!! Dammit, Pinkie did you get it on film?


"Well, I don't wanna hear anymore about the gays,"

My sister in Harmony,you're one of them

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