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Chapter 6-Buckets and Spades

The weather had taken a turn for the worse the next day. The rain simply came down horribly, pounding the soil with mountains of heavy, sustained water that made navigation difficult.

Not that this stopped the railway, though. The Cornish engines all sat under cover, looking out on the scene. Their drivers had come to do routine maintenance to stop rust buildup or any unwanted dirt or grime, but this was growing to be a problem eventually.

Pipp did some work on Sophie's axle boxes as she hid from the rain. "This is very wet," she said to herself, working from under a raincoat. "I'm glad I brought this, as this is torrential."

"Tell me about it," Sophie said. She looked out to see work continuing. "Looks like the Fat Hat followed through with his threat."

The strike plan had somewhat fallen apart, as Sodor's vast reserve of engines proved to be very useful for strike breaking and generally causing plans to fall apart. Right now, other engines were doing their work.

Pipp was still at work when suddenly a voice interrupted her. "Oi, you lot! Listen up!"

Pipp turned to face him. "Sheesh, there's no need to be so rude. You could have asked politely!"

The figure, a railway worker, crossed his arms. "Move your engines out of the shed and onto the sidings."

"Why?" Pipp asked. "It's raining. If they're left out in the rain they could get damaged."

"Orders from the top," the worker said. "Directive from Sir Topham Hatt. The new rules state that sheds can only be used by engines who have earned them through a hard days' work. Your engines are not working, so cannot be in the shed as they have not done a hard days' work."

"Seems a bit unreasonable," Pipp sighed.

"Just move them over, that's an order," the worker said.

"What's the magic word?"

What the worker said next was truly bizarre. "I know you noble types think the world owes you stuff because you happen to have the right dad, but the truth is that we run the world now. Your title means nothing. Unless you want to be banned from the North Western Railway for insubordination, get your engines moved- NOW."

Pipp grumbled as she got into the cab. "Honestly, the nerve of that man. If mom has to put up with that daily I have no clue how she copes."

Eventually, all six engines were moved to a siding.

"It's a bit wet here," Bellerophon said. "Rain isn't good for us."

Pipp hopped down from Sophie's cab and began to make her way to a lineside telephone when she suddenly overheard a conversation between Duck and Oliver.

"I just don't understand what came over him," Oliver said. "He's not usually like this."

"I can only assume stress played a part," Duck said, sadly. "But we can only hope he gets over it when this branch line is done." He whistled as he moved off the trucks.

Pipp was about to report this when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out and took a look.

I have evidence that proves Thomas and Salty are innocent.

Meet me at the yard this evening.


Pipp nodded. "Gotcha, sis."

The previous night, Thomas had helped propel Opaline's equipment down to the big hole in the ground. He stopped before the barrier and waited for Opaline to finish typing the rope to his front coupling hook.

"Hold in position, Thomas," Opaline said. "I'll drop down the rope and investigate whatever is down here, then come back up and report my findings."

"What exactly are you looking for?" Twilight asked.

Opaline smiled. "Legend has it that lost treasure is in the caverns, and if I can find it, well, I shall send it straight to the local museum. After all, treasure when found belongs partly to the crown and partly to whomever found it. So, if we three find it, we'll get to split some of it between us!"

That did interest Twilight. "That would set me and my parents up quite nicely," she said, thinking of the fancy new home they could afford with all that money.

Opaline smiled. "Good girl. Now, lower me down!"

Thomas moved forward slowly with the rope, shifting the weight gradually downwards until he reached the barrier.

"Hold it!" Opaline called. "That's far enough for now. Now, let me just get this headlamp switched on quickly." She flipped a switch and the cavern was suddenly illuminated from the lamp.

And what was down there stunned her. "This is better than I could have dreamed! Thomas, Twilight, I've found it!"

"The treasure!" Thomas said, with a smile, seeing a strange glow from within the hole in the ground.

"No, the map!" Opaline said. "The map that follows the old prophecy written down by Saint Machan nearly two thousand years ago!"

As the sun started to rise, Thomas pulled Opaline up from the hole, the latter of whom looked very pleased. "The map is a big discovery. With it the treasure is as good as found!"

"What was that about a prophecy, Opaline?" Twilight asked.

"Saint Machan wrote it down in his work Historia et miracula Sorodensis," Opaline said. "Translated out of the original Latin, it reads 'follow the road that leads to your dreams, over the hills and mountains. Look for the skies with stars in their eyes.' With this map we are well on the way to finding it!"

She looked over at the rising sun. "Unfortunately, I have other business to attend to today, but I'll return after nightfall- and then we can go looking for the treasure again. How does that sound!"

"Sounds like great fun!" Thomas said. After all the berating and shouting of the other Fat Hat, Opaline was a person who treated him with genuine kindness and friendliness. This was a nice change.

"Well, see you later!" Opaline headed away and vanished off onto the fisherman's path, ready to return later on. She smiled as she waled along. "Unlimited power is finally in my grasp!"

"So, what did you want to talk about, Zipp?" Sunny asked, as they sat around a table. "Seems the strike isn't going as well as we'd planned."

"There's an understatement," Zipp said. "Look, Sunny, I've been doing some digging and I've found something important. Sir Topham Hatt has already submitted an accident report on the explosives incident."

"What does it say?" Izzy asked.

"Well," Zipp said, "the report states that the timer on the explosives was triggered by rough shunting on Salty's part."

"That's not possible," Sunny said. "We'd only just coupled up when the beeping noise started."

"Agreed, matey!" Salty called, from a nearby siding. "That sounds like a load of utter codswallop!"

Zipp noddd. "So, I decided to do some digging of my own into what was used. The class of explosive in those trucks was Delta Nine, a type manufactured by an American firm. I was able to use mom's contacts to contact them, and find out more about this mystery explosive."

"Did it turn up any leads?" Hitch asked.

"Yes," Zipp said. "It turns out that Delta Nine's detonation sequence cannot be triggered by rough shunting or external forces. It can only be started and stopped with a remote detonator unit- the idea is that the explosives can be triggered without having to be anywhere near them, which is sensible, really."

Pipp looked up. "Zipp, are you saying the explosives were set off deliberately?"

"Yeah," Zipp replied. "Whomever had the detonator set them off on purpose from a distance, no doubt for some nefarious scheme. Had Thomas and Salty not reacted quickly, the situation would have been very messy."

"But instead of finding out who triggered, Sir Topham Hatt-"

"Don't use his title," Pipp said. "He's lost the right to it in my books."

"There's the problem," Hitch said. "Removing a peerage is basically impossible, as only Parliament can do it- and they've got bigger fish to fry right now."

"Anyway," Sunny continued. "But instead of finding out who triggered, Sir Topham Hatt chose to put the blame on us. Why? After all we did to help back in November he uses us as scapegoats? This doesn't make any sense."

"But," Zipp said, placing some documents down. "I do have a lead on who may have planted them. CCTV footage shows a mysterious man standing on the top of the neighbouring hills with a device in his hands, and triggering it before walking away. If we zoom in a bit as in Figure 2, we can see the device is almost identical in design to the detonator used for Delta Nine. This story was also corroborated by a worker at the time."

"You've found enough evidence to clear their names!" Misty said. "Zipp, maybe you should consider a career as a lawyer."

"Not really an option for me," Zipp replied. "I kinda have to be ready to go to step into the role of Duchess, and-"

Just then, a large blast of light came from the hole in the ground.

"Did you see that?" Pipp said. "It came from the hole we blasted in the ground!"

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Sunny asked, getting up. "Let's go take a look!"

The six of them proceeded at reasonable speed over to the hole, stopping before the safety barriers, and looked down into the big hole in the ground.

"Can you believe this?" Hitch said. "It's sparkling down there! This is like something out of a fantasy movie!"

And it was. The cavern was wonderfully illuminated by glowing lights and bioluminescent objects, all of which glowed and twinkled in the morning sun.

"This is incredible," Sunny said. "This confirms this is another branch of the caverns! I have to tell dad right away!"

"I'll take some pictures!" Pipp said, and took out her phone with a smile. "Say chee-"

Suddenly, to their shock, there was an extremely loud bang, and the ground started to shake.

"What was that?" Misty asked.

"Get back from the hole!" Zipp shouted. "Run!"

But it was too late. The ground continued to shake, and the lights from below began to flicker even more aggressively. The ground beneath the girls gave way, and they fell screaming into the ground.

Until their screams were suddenly and abruptly heard no more, accompanied by a series of bright flashes from down below.

Back at the work site, Sir Topham Hatt and his men had already arrived. "Seize the documents and destroy them," Sir Topham Hatt said. "News of this cannot get out."

"Yes sir," said a worker, who got to work collecting up the things Zipp had left behind.

Sir Topham Hatt walked onwards to the scene of the ground collapse, seeing a bit more ground missing and the hole slightly larger. "We'll need to reposition the barriers," he said, choosing instead to monitor the scene from the cliff edge nearby.

He looked down with a smile, seeing the pulsating energy from down below. "Well, we know the portal works and can transport people. This is promising."

Just then, a familiar figure appeared. "All done, as ordered," he said.

"Excellent work, Boomer," Sir Topham Hatt said. "Those perpetual thorns in my side are no longer a threat. You did well."

"Any clue where they ended up?" Boomer asked. "And no problem. I know my way around explosives and similar items, so this was easy."

"Does it matter?" Sir Topham Hatt. "All that matters is those meddling kids can meddle no more. Now the grand plan can finally begin."

He and Boomer looked out to sea and saw the mainland from the cliffs. "That shall all be ours," said Boomer. "Three ruling over a nation- me with her by my side."

Sir Topham Hatt laughed. "After all this time, the Sudrian Empire shall finally rise and dominate the lesser nations of Europe- and everybody shall rue the day they stood against Emperor Topham Hatt."

Author's Note:

Well, that was quite the chapter! Thrills, spills, and some chills, plus some new lore.

This rule about apportioning dig spoils is partly true. A portion of any dig found goes to the government, and the remainder can be sold as required-it was quite a bit deal with the Staffordshire Hoard was saved for the nation, for example.

For those who are wondering why STH is seemingly evil- well, it's not him. Back in Topsy Turvy/Reefer Madness we encountered a figure called Emperor Topham Hatt. This is that person.

So, where did the team end up? See if you can guess!