• Published 18th Jun 2023
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Sweet Affection: Young Love - Masterob

An Equestria Girls version of Sweet Affection, the love story between Rumble and Sweetie Belle.

  • ...

A Pleasent Walk

The following day after school, The Crusaders were at it again. Another day meant another chance to earn their marks and establish their legacy.

"Alright girls, to the park and fast! I have some new ideas that will guarantee success for us!" Scootaoo confidently stated.

"It's not something that's going to endanger our lives or anything, is it?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Seriously Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo said. "You won't make it far in life if you start worrying about silly things like bodily harm."

"...You can't be serious," Sweetie Belle said. "Look, how about we try baking cookies or something."

"We tried that last time, remember?" Apple Bloom said.

Flashback to Three Months ago.

Within the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner, the Cutie Mar Crusaders had managed to convince the owners, Carrot Cake and his wife Cup Cake to let them use the kitchen to bake some cookies. It would not only give them a chance to earn their marks, but also a chance for them to earn some bits.

Apple Bloom was seen with a mixing bowl, aggressively stirring and making a large mess in the process as the batter started spilling on the counter and staining the wall.

Sweetie Belle tried bringing the ingredients over, but she carried too much at once, spilling a large chunk of it on the floor, nearly slipping and creating more of a mess.

Scootaloo put some in, checking the time in regard to how long it needs to bake. "Hm...so if it takes twenty minutes at 450...I just gotta go like ten times higher to have them done in two minutes!"

Needless to say, smoke alarms began to go off as the sprinklers came raining down on the trio of misfits.

Upon returning home, both Mr. and Mrs. Cake stared in disbelief at the mess caused by this young trio as they sheepishly stood below the pouring sprinklers.

"Well...at least they got some good practice," the top employee Pinkie Pie said. "Plus, it could be worse."

Suddenly a ceiling fan crashed down onto a nearby table startling everyone present.

"We'll get the brooms," Apple Bloom said.

Present Day

"Okay, so even if that was a failure, we could try again, and this time actually follow the recipe," Sweetie Belle said.

"That'd be great, the problem is that the Cakes don't want us in their kitchen again," Apple Bloom said.

"I still say they overreacted," Scootaloo said.

"You dang near caused a fire, if anything they were very generous in their reaction," Apple Bloom said. "Mah point is that we're not really allowed to work there again, and most other places wouldn't even think to give us a chance."

"Well there's gotta be something we can do," Scootaloo said. As the girls walked, they noticed a familiar boy running right past them.

"Hey, wasn't that Rumble?" Apple Bloom asked, Sweetie Belle immediately blushing.

"I think so," Scootaloo called to him. "Yo! Rumble!"

"Huh?" Rumble turned around, spotting the three girls. The moment he laid eyes on Sweetie Belle, his face turned a shade of red. "Oh, hi girls."

"You seem to be in a hurry, late for something or did you just feel like running?" Scootaloo asked. "I know you athletic types do anything to get that cardio in. The reason I do know is because I'm pretty athletic myself."

"Oh really?" Apple Bloom teased.

"Yeah really, I ride a scooter! Its literally in my name to be athletic!" Scootaloo said.

"You are pretty rad on a scooter," Rumble said. "But to answer your question, I am in a bit of a hurry. I need to get down to the store to pick up some things that I'm going to need later for some fun activities."

"Oh, heading to some sports store then?" Scootaloo asked. "Could we tag along? We're running low on ideas to earn our marks and this store could be of good use to us. We might find something neat there."

"Wait, us? Walking with Rumble!?" Sweetie Belle looked to be in a bit of a panic. "I wasn't ready for this!"

"If you want to come by, that's fine," Rumble said. "We can all take a jog, get the cardio going."

"I can totally handle that," Scootaloo said. "Not sure about Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle."

"You know Scootaloo, ah may not be the athlete that you are, but that don't mean I can't be athletic," Apple Bloom said. "Keep in mind, ah work on a farm in mah spare time. Carrying buckets of apples, moving logs, wheel carts, all that stuff."

"You must be pretty strong to do all that," Rumble said.

"Got that right," Apple Bloom said, flexing her arm. "Scootaloo may have speed, but ah got strength. How many girls mah age have muscles like these?"

"I got those in my legs," Scootaloo said, showing off her quads.

"So do I," Apple Bloom said, showing off as well. "It ain't just arm strength that gets us through a workout."

"I can totally do upper body strength," Scootaloo said. "I bet I can find weights at the store and get super buff, just like your brother!"

"Please, even Applejack has a hard time reaching the muscle mass that Big Macintosh has," Apple Bloom said. "And she works as hard as he does."

"I can totally pull it off," Scootaloo said.

"Just try to be careful, not to sound discriminatory, but it's risky for girls to develop muscle like that," Rumble said. "You can still work your upper body but understand your own body's limits."

"Mah sis and I are fully aware of that," Apple Bloom said. "Scootaloo however..."

"I can still get really strong," Scootaloo said, flexing her own arms.

"You know that ain't what I'm taling about miss 'strong legs'," Apple Bloom said. "They look good but you know they have their limits."

"I can break past my limits, no problem," Scootaloo said.

"I'm sure you can Scootaloo, personally I don't want to get all buff," Rumble said. "I want to prioritize my speed, plus having muscles just doesn't suit me. I keep in shape but I don't want to get too big."

"Mah point being, if you need someone to run with ya, I'm yer girl," Apple Bloom said, then turned to the third girl. "What about you Sweetie Belle?"

"You've been really quiet, more than usual," Scootaloo said.

"Huh!?" Sweetie Belle immediately freaked out. "It's nothing, I swear!"

"Uh...alright then..." Scootaloo said. "Still, you up for a jog or is that too much for your little lady legs?"

"Hey! I can so jog!" Sweetie Belle said. "Lead the way and I'll follow."

"Jogging's fine, let's just try not to get carried away with it," Apple Bloom said. "Talking to you there, Scootaloo."

"I'll be just fine. I bet we jog so well that we earn our mark," Scootaloo said.

"Don't worry about getting your mark, just have fun, that's all that matters," Rumble said.

"You never got yers either, did ya?" Apple Bloom asked.

"No, and that's fine by me, I'm not doing this to be put in a box with other fancy things," Rumble said, getting into a running position. "I do it because I want to."

Rumble immediately started running, Scootaloo being the first to follow, "Wait for me!"

"Come on Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom said, running to join her friends.

Sweetie Belle furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance, "Great, now I gotta do cardio. This is gonna suck!"

Rumble began running, looking back to see that Scootaloo was catching up to him, and without her scooter too. She had good leg muscles, so he wasn't too surprised, but he also wasn't going to go easy on her now that he has an idea of how much she can do.

"Think you can pick up the pace?" Rumble asked.

"Hey I'm trying to be nice and not embarrass you with my skills, but if you're that interested in being emasculated," Scootaloo went further. "Then I'm happy to oblige!"

"Oh I don't think so!" Rumble said, picking up the pace.

Apple Bloom was still following behind, the girl looking a bit worried, "Hey slow down! Don't overexert yerself!"

Sweetie Belle was still behind, the girl panting and sweating profusely, "I am...not built...for running!"

"Ha! I'm going to beat you there, Rumble!" Scootaloo boasted.

"Oh you wish!" Rumble said, picking up the pace. "Just wait until I catch up to you!"

Scootaloo could see that Rumble was getting closer, the boy faster than he looked. "I am not making this easy! Now behold as I reach Mach Five and-"

Suddenly Scootaloo felt a strain in her leg, her lower calf reacting in pain as the girl fell over, hitting the ground hard as she held her leg in pain.

"Scootaloo!" Rumble shouted in worry as he knelt by her side. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Yeah...totally fine, I...gah!" Scootaloo held her leg in pain. "Oh sweet heavens this...totally does not hurt because I am a badass like that."

"Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom scolded as she caught up. "Oh good grief, ah told you to take it easy!"

"Hey I'm totally fine, I just tripped," Scootaloo insisted.

"Right, you 'tripped', because you aggrivated yer legs when you weren't supposed to!" Apple Bloom said.

"My legs are fine," Scootaloo said. "So I got a little sore, big deal."

"The big deal is that you know yer legs are built weak! You can't add so much pressure to them like you do!" Apple Bloom said.

"They're not that weak!" Scootaloo said.

"Oh save it," Apple Bloom said.

"Um, what's happening?" Rumble asked.

"Scootaloo was born with a condition," Apple Bloom said grabbing an emergency band-aid from her bag. "Her legs are kind of...not fully supported."

"Apparently I get a little bit hurt if I run too fast on them," Scootaloo said.

"Point is, she can't overexert herself," Apple Bloom said. "She's going to risk tearing her muscles."

"I...I had no idea, I'm really sorry for pushing you Scootaloo," Rumble said.

"No, it's my fault, ah should have warned ya," Apple Bloom said. "Ah tend to forget how thickheaded Scootaloo can be."

"I'm not THAT thickheaded," Scootaloo said.

"Will you shut up already!?" Apple Bloom shouted, startling Scootaloo. "Ah swear, you just find new ways to make me worry sometimes."

Scootaloo started to feel a bit guilty, while she had no trouble brushing it off, she knows her friends care a lot about her and her safety. "Sorry AB."

"Just...please be careful," Apple Bloom said as she finished patching it up. "That should keep you stable, but don't walk on it fer now. Otherwise you'll risk tearing the muscle."

"You got it," Scootaloo said as both Rumble and Apple Bloom helped her up. "Though if I did get hurt, maybe I'll get a mark for best injury."

"I'll injure yer face if you don't can it!" Apple Bloom warned, holding her fist in front of Scootaloo's eyes.

"R-right, sorry," Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle finally caught up, the girl completely out of breath, "So, is this the place?" She took note of Scootaloo's injury. "Oh come on! Scootaloo hurt herself again!?"

"Maybe," Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle groaned in annoyance, "Of course this happened. This is why running sucks!"

"Quit yer whining," Apple Bloom said, helping Scootaloo walk.

"I don't need help, I got this," Scootaloo said, trying to walk on her own. "I just have to avoid putting pressure."

"Ugh, stop being so dang stubborn, will ya?" Apple Bloom said.

While the two argued, Rumble turned his attention to Sweetie Belle, the boy feeling a bit shy bit willing to try and talk. "So...this happen often?"

"Yeah, kind of," Sweetie Belle said, just as shy herself.

"...So, Scootaloo's a bit on the stubborn side, huh?" Rumble said.

"That's putting it mildly, she acts like she's invincible sometimes," Sweetie Belle said. "Like I get she's got an athlete's heart and maybe it sucks that she can't compete in track like she wanted to, but she's got other talents."

"Yeah, she can ride the scooter," Rumble pointed out.

"That's what I tell her, even if she can't run, she can still go as fast as she likes, but she's so dead set on pushing past her limits," Sweetie Belle said.

"Even athletes must know their own limitations," Rumble said. "I wouldn't push my body to do something it couldn't, that's not competitive, that's just reckless."

"Maybe you can get through to her, or your brother," Sweetie Belle said. "Scootaloo is such a thrill seeker and I'm worried it's going to really get her hurt. This isn't even the first time she's hurt herself like this. One time it was so bad, she needed a cast."

"Ouch," Rumble said. "Wait, that winter when she had the cast on her leg then..."

"From running to fast, trying to emulate Rainbow Dash," Sweetie Belle said. "Even the same girl she admired and tried to copy tried lecturing her about it. Though I do know Rainbow Dash felt guilty too since she feels like she pushed Scootaloo pretty hard at the time."

"So she didn't know about Scootaloo's limitations?" Rumble asked.

"I think she knew a little, Scootaloo just reassured her that it's nothing," Sweetie Belle said. "She's just that stubborn."

"Seriously, just let me walk," Scootaloo said.

"Stop arguing with me on this, ah wanna help ya!" Apple Bloom scolded.

"I'm never gonna get better at this if I always get help," Scootaloo said.

"Better how? It's a physical condition," Apple Bloom frustratingly pointed out.

"For now," Scootaloo said, irritating Apple Bloom.

Sweetie Belle shook her head in annoyance, "Thing is...Scootaloo is in such heavy denial about all this. I tell her that she's fine on the scooter, but since she didn't get her mark on it for whatever reason, she figured she's not that great."

"Those marks are too judgmental on a person," Rumble said. "That's why I'm not worried about mine. I just want to do my own thing."

"Sometimes I just want to forget about it too, but both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo keep roping me into their nonsense, especially Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said. "That and part of me does want my mark. I feel so self conscious anytime I hear Diamond Tiara brag about hers and makes me wonder why I don't have one."

"Comparing yourself to others is always a mistake, that's why I try to gauge my accomplishments by my own merit," Rumble said. "Of course, I'm not perfect at it, even I sometimes wonder why I'm not like Thunderlane. But I also tell myself that I will get there at my own pace and hopefully surpass him."

"That's a great way to look at it," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah well, I try my best," Rumble said, then saw the two girls in front were moving ahead. "Let's try to help Scootaloo, if she'll let us."

"I can manage that," Sweetie Belle said.

After a bit of effort, the kids made their way into the sports store, Scootaloo immediately getting starry eyed. "Holy crap, this place looks awesome!" She immediately tried running and tripped, falling on her face

"Dang it Scootaloo! If you keep doing that I'm going to hurt you myself!" Apple Bloom shouted.

Rumble made his way to the shin guard area, the boy joined by a curious Sweetie Belle.

"Shin guards?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Shin guards are good for biking," Rumble said. "Me and my brother thought about going to a park and riding bicycles up a mountain with his friends Flitter and Cloudchaser."

"That sounds fun, I think," Sweetie Belle said.

"If you're an athlete, most noncompetitive people wouldn't do some strenuous that," Rumble said. "Well maybe if you liked exploring, leisurely bike rides are nice too. But when my adrenaline gets pumping, I take it up a level."

"Like Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, I just really like the rush," Rumble said. "On top of that, these guards would be good if I wanted to try another sport. Like maybe soccer, or hockey, or even cricket."

"Cricket? That's a funny sounding sport," Sweetie Belle said.

"It's more fun that it looks," Rumble said, turning around. "I might also need a new helmet, again for the biking."

"Oooh, that looks cute," Sweetie Belle said, picking up a pink one that had a rose pattern design. She then placed it on her head. "It fits."

"That looks really nice on you," Rumble said, the boy blushing a bit. "I'd say get it, but I have a feeling you're not into sports."

"Well I'm not but I'm all for leisurely bike rides," Sweetie Belle said. "That and I do find myself roped into my friends' shenanigans."

"Oh right, like that go-kart," Rumble said. "You know, I might be able to help next time you need it. My brother can arrange something a bit safer."

"I'll think about it," Sweetie Belle said, placing the helmet back. "What else did you need?"

Rumble grabbed his own helmet, a blue and silver design. "This is one, I'll grab some shin guards too."

"Try these," Sweetie Belle said, picking one of a similar design. "They match."

"Thanks," Rumble said. "Maybe I can get some sneakers too."

"What kind?" Sweetie Belle asked.

The two walked down an aisle, scanning over the sneakers present. Rumble looked amazed by the choices. Sweetie Belle by comparison wasn't as interested, but she did find some of them cute.

"Those look nice," Rumble said, looking down on a black one with a lightning pattern. "But...dang, way to rich for my salary."

"You have a salary?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Well not exactly," Rumble said. "Sometimes I might try typical business stuff like selling lemonade, or doing paper routes."

"Paper routes? Cool," Sweetie Belle said. "I tried working for the school paper once, it didn't go so well."

"So I've heard," Rumble said.

"Eh, guess it went around, but we fixed everything by the end of it," Sweetie Belle said.

"Well regardless, I can't afford these," Rumble said."It's fine, I got enough for these two. Mostly because they're on sale, that and my brother spotted me some bits since I helped him with some cooking."

"Lucky you," Sweetie Belle said. "They look so well made too."

"Yeah, they do have a nice style," Rumble said, placing the items on the counter, awaiting the cashier.

"Also, you cook?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Not professionally, I just help my brother out in the kitchen," Rumble said. "Cooking's kind of fun though, it's a nice way to relax after a long day of working out."

"That's impressive," Sweetie Belle said.

"You can thank my brother, he likes cooking too," Rumble said. "That's one other thing we have in common."

"Sounds like you and your brother are pretty close," Sweetie Belle said.

"Close as we can be," Rumble said, paying for his stuff. "You have a sister right?"

"Yeah, Rarity," Sweetie Belle said. "She's great and all but she can be a pain."

"Wow really?" Rumble asked. "I've never gotten that vibe. I don't talk to her much but when we do, she seems really nice."

"My sister is very nice, and she's a great sister," Sweetie Belle said. "But she can be way too dramatic at times. She needs things to be so perfect and if I try to help her with something, she shoos me off."

"Oh wow," Rumble said.

"I shouldn't complain, my sister always looks out for me, but I want a little more than that," Sweetie Belle said. "I just want a sister who appreciates my worth as a person, not some nuisance she has to watch over because our parents make her."

"I hear your parents travel a lot," Rumble said.

"My dad's a coach, and mom's his assistant," Sweetie Belle said.

"Wow, a coach?" Rumble asked. "Amazing that your dad's a coach and you are...well, not athletic."

"Well daddy never pushed me or my sister into sports, he didn't want his little girls getting hurt," Sweetie Belle said. "Fine by me and my sister. I respect athletes but I don't want to be one."

"I totally get that," Rumble said, placing his stuff in a bag. "So, what are you girls planning to do later?"

"I don't know, with Scootaloo hurt, I doubt we'll be doing much for our marks," Sweetie Belle said. "Even if Scootaloo did want to, no way Apple Bloom would let her."

"I was gonna stop off and get some ice cream, you girls wanna join?" Rumble asked. "I might have enough left for all of you."

"Thanks but we can cover ourselves," Sweetie Belle said, then called out to her friends. "Apple Bloom! Scootaloo! Where are you!?"

"Right here," Scootaloo said, placing some sports balls on the counter. "How much for these."

"Scootaloo, ain't no way you can afford all this," Apple Bloom said.

"Wanna bet?" Scootaloo said, confidently taking out a credit card.

Later on.

"Stupid credit card, I knew Diamond Tiara tricked me!" Scootaloo said as she grabbed her ice cream.

"What made you think it was an actual credit card?" Apple Bloom asked, taking hers as they all sat together on a bench.

"Why did you want all those balls anyway?" Rumble asked.

"For sports, that's why," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah but...it seemed so illogical," Rumble said.

"Don't try to make sense out of what Scootaloo does, it'll hurt yer brain," Apple Bloom said.

"Hey! Don't be a jerk!" Scootaloo said.

"Well thanks fer letting us join you Rumble, we should hang out some more," Apple Bloom said.

"You should totally be one of us, a Cutie Mark Crusader," Scootaloo said.

"Eh, I can do without the title," Rumble said. "Still, I enjoyed this too, you girls are great."

"Ha, you like us," Scootaloo said. "We don't blame you, we're pretty awesome after all."

"Don't be too boastful," Apple Bloom warned.

"Hey, I can be boastful if I damn well want to," Scootaloo said.

As Sweetie Belle licked her ice cream, her attention was focused on Rumble. This was the most she got to spend time with him and it was a great time for her. He was very nice and fun to talk to.

Mutually, Rumble seemed to be happy talking with Sweetie Belle, learning more about her filled his heart with joy, and he eagerly awaited this chance again.

Later on everyone had gone their separate ways, Rumble going home and greeting his brother. "Yo Thunderlane. What's up?"

"Hey bro, did you get what you needed today?" Thunderlane asked as he read a sports magazine.

"Totally," Rumble said. "I also got to hang out with some girls."

Thunderlane glanced at his brother, "Girls huh? Lucky you. Anyone I know?"

"Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle," Rumble said.

"Wow, those three huh," Thunderlane said.

"It was fun, they were really nice, especially Sweetie Belle," Rumble said.

"That's great, happy for ya," Thunderlane said. "Fair warning, I should have said this sooner but, maybe be careful talking about girls right now."

"Huh? Why?" Rumble asked.

Suddenly he felt a shadow cast over him. Looking aside he spotted Flitter and Cloudchaser, a look of awe and curiosity on their faces.

"Girls you say?" Flitter asked.

"Spill it, squirt," Cloudchaser said.

"...Crap," Rumble lamented.

Meanwhile Sweetie Belle had gone home, spotting Fluttershy and Twilight sitting on a couch, talking to Rarity.

"And then, you would not believe what Lyra did after knocking over all that paint," Rarity said, then heard her sister walk by. "Oh, Sweetie Belle, how was your day?"

"Fine, I hung out with the girls," Sweetie Belle said.

"That's nice, you didn't do anything dangerous, did you?" Rarity asked.

"Not this time, thought Scootaloo hurt herself running," Sweetie Belle said.

"Again?" Fluttershy asked.

"It wasn't too bad, was it?" Twilight asked.

"No, Apple Bloom patched her up," Sweetie Belle said. "She's fine, she made it to the sports store with no problem."

"Well I should go see her later," Fluttershy said.

"What were you doing at the sports store?" Rarity asked. "You never liked going in those."

"I don't, but I did like talking to Rumble," Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity raised her eyebrow, "Rumble? You mean...Thunderlane's little brother?"

"Oh yeah, forgot to mention," Sweetie Belle said. "I was hanging out with Rumble too."

"I know him, he likes comic books," Twilight said. "And anything sports related."

"He's very nice too," Sweetie Belle said.

"Right..." Rarity said, somewhat suspicious. "Well, glad you had fun. Just remember, fun with boys is better in a group."

"Uh, alright?" Sweetie Belle said. "Catch you later."

Rarity waved her sister off, then lamented, "Great, she's hanging out with a boy now."

"Come on, why are you so worried?" Twilight asked. "He's a sweet boy after all."

"Still a boy, I don't want him getting any funny ideas with my darling Sweetie Belle," Rarity said.

"Rumble is a very responsible young man, and your sister's a smart girl," Twilight said. "It'll be fine."

"I sure hope so, dear," Rarity said.

Sweetie Belle laid in bed, satisfied with the day and eager for more adventures. "See you tomorrow, Rumble."

Both teens are now one step closer to their common goal, their chance to get to know one another and build something special with each other.