• Published 19th Jun 2023
  • 1,035 Views, 14 Comments

The Strange Friend in Misty's Shadow - Twilyx360

Misty grows distant from her friends. But her friends show her that they are not mad after she amended for her mistakes. And comfort her to banish her fears.

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The Strange Friend in Misty's Shadow

It had been about two weeks since Opaline’s encounter. And everypony’s reactions were pretty mixed.

Between the anger, fear, confusion and stress. And even theories of what else she did. Was she the cause of equestria’s division? It would’ve made sense to divide & conquer.

The underlying fact that she might in fact return with her new powers. Only time will tell when she would strike.

Everypony knew they needed to be ready. And they knew that if they stayed together they would defeat her.

It took a while for everypony to calm themselves before the storm. So they simply returned to their normal lives. At least for now.

But not for Misty… her life had changed radically. So where was Misty?


That night everypony was taking it easy and relaxing when Sunny asked. “Has anypony seen Misty? I haven’t seen her since we encountered Opaline.”

“I have.” Said Zipp

“Same” Said Pipp

“I have too. I even asked how she was doing but she didn’t hear.” Said Hitch.

“I did too. But she looked terrible!” Said Izzy.

“How terrible?” asked Zipp.

“Well. She looked really tired and sad. Basically she looked like everypony in Bridlewood before the big change. By the way um, Has anypony been feeling bad for Misty?” Asked Izzy.

“Yeah, She’s been distant ever since the encounter.” Said Zipp.

“I only saw her once since then. And well, she definitely saw me but she looked… afraid. She looked at me like she was panicking and ran off.” Said Hitch sadly.

“I only saw her once too. And I-I just wanted to talk to her.” Said Pipp.

“She had been through a lot lately. Opaline was the only life she ever knew. It must’ve been an intense experience to finally make things right, and break that wheel.” Said Sunny.

Everyone looked at Sunny wide eyed. “Yeah…” said Pipp sadly.

“She makes a point. Opaline was basically her parent. She did say ‘ever since I was a filly’ And that ‘backstory’ Misty told us at the sleep-over. No doubt that’s another lie from Opaline.” Said Zipp.

“I agree. How could Misty have thought any different? Opaline must be an expert at lies and manipulation.” said Sunny.

And Pipp shuddered in anger. “Ugh! What kind of pony does that!?”

“I know…” said Izzy.

Just then. There was two knocks at the door.

“Huh?” asked Sunny.

“Who could that be?” asked Izzy.

Sunny opened the door. Nopony was there. “Hello?” Shouted Sunny.

Just when she was about to close the door she heard somepony shout back. “Don’t!”

She opened the door again and stepped outside looking around. And the other four stood at the doorstep.

Nopony saw anything until somepony poked their head out from behind the bushes.

Sunny looked in the bush.

It was Misty.

Everypony stepped towards the bush and saw her. She looked very shy, looking away from their faces. She was holding a picture frame and the friendship bracelet that they given her.

“Misty?” Asked Sunny.

And so Misty stepped out of the bush. Shivering while keeping the picture frame hidden from view.

“Hi. S-Sunny.” Said Misty.

“Misty? What brings you here?” Asked Sunny.

Suddenly Misty started tearing up.

“I…” Misty was stuttering. She was barely able to speak.

Everypony walked up to her. Surrounding her with looks of concern.

And she sat down with her head hanging low.

Sunny placed a hoof on her shoulder and asked. “Misty? Are you alright?”

Misty grabbed Sunny’s hoof clutching it. And she cried.

It wasn’t explosive sobbing. But just silently shedding tears while struggling to make a sound.

Everypony stood by her side as they all walked back into the brighthouse.


Everypony sat around Misty in a circle as she struggled to speak. She started breathing heavily as she tried.

“Misty…? Are you still upset about what happened?” Asked Sunny in a calming reassuring tone.

“…I let you all down… I took him away… He got hurt.

You all got h-hur…t” and her speaking devolved into more crying.

“You don’t have to… hear me. I won’t say…” Misty was now hiding her face from everypony behind the picture frame. Holding the front of it in front of her face.

And then Sunny remembered.


“Don’t say anything! We don’t want to hear it!”

-End Flashback-

“Oh…” and Sunny realized. She also remembered when she and Hitch had that conversation after the canterlogic presentation. Just before Izzy first arrived. She almost lost him. And she remembered how it really got her.

That line really must have gotten to Misty.

Sunny moved the picture from her face and she finally got a good look at the front of it.

It was the first picture of all six of them. Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp, Hitch & Misty all together.

“No… please I.” Misty sobbed.

“…I’m creepy am I?! I’m never gonna be good enough for you am I!?…” Misty cried further.

“Misty. You’re not creepy. And you already showed you can be a better pony.” Said Sunny as she leaned in and hugged her.

Misty immediately wrapped her hooves around her.

And then everypony else joined in the hug. Hitch, Izzy, Zipp & Pipp all wrapping their hooves around each other in a warm loving embrace as Misty leaned her head in closer.

Misty had dreamed of a moment like this for so long. And here it was the moment that helped her sleep at night finally realized.

“You set everything right in the end Misty. You really did save the day. Without you we wouldn’t have escaped with Sparky. Don’t forget that.” Said Zipp.

“You just need a little love Misty. That can always help somepony on the right trail.” Said Izzy.

“You were just sad and really needed to be loved. That says something good about somepony like you. We’re definitely more than what Opaline gave right?” Said Pipp.

And suddenly out of nowhere Sparky was waddling towards the hug. Misty briefly opened her eyes as he crawled on top of the pile towards her face.

And he booped her nose with his claw. “Heheheha” Sparky chuckled.

And she smiled and said. “Thank you little guy.” As he booped her nose again and chuckled.

“Heh. He does that. You don’t need to be afraid of him or me. I’m not like that.

Just don’t beat ‘yourself’ up over that Misty.

We’re still your friends. Do you still believe that?” Asked Hitch.

And Misty nodded yes.

“Then you can believe that you can love you.” Hitch finished.

When the group hug broke Sunny smiled at Misty and the picture.

“It helps you sleep doesn’t it?” Asked Sunny.

“How did you know?” Asked Misty.

“I think about my friends all the time whenever I go to sleep.

Remembering everything we did together. Makes me feel so calmed and relaxed that puts me to sleep.

One night I was dreaming about us and I was so happy that I turned into an Alicorn.” Sunny Chuckled.

Misty smiled. “Yeah. It helps a lot. You all helped me with so much.

I just wish I…

I mean. I’m glad I was able to help all of you. And that I was able to do the right thing.

And I promise. I won’t be so hard on myself. Just as long as I don’t have to cope with it alone.”

Sunny placed her hoof on Misty’s. “Well Misty. You’re not alone.”

Izzy placed her hoof in. Along with Hitch, Pipp & Zipp. And everypony said in unison. “Hoof to heart.”

As they bumped and threw their hooves in the air.

“And hey. We’re really glad you stood up against Opaline.” Said Zipp.

“I agree. That must’ve taken a lot of bravery.” Said Sunny.

“And courage.” Said Pipp.

“Thanks guys.

And yeah. It did take a lot.” Misty sighed as she continued.

“All my life. I did whatever Opaline wanted. Every day that was all I thought of in my head. ‘Please Opaline’ and when you guys came around it just changed to. ‘Please my friends’ I don’t know why.” Misty finished.

And Sunny spoke up. “It’s because you wanted Opaline’s love. And that’s something she never gave you. Misty I know you were raised by Opaline. But the way Opaline treated you is not normal. She didn’t care about you. She was using you for her own selfish quest for power. But look at us. We do care about you and always will.”

Misty frowned “Well I did always feel happier with you guys. And well, after actually meeting and spending time with you all. I just… I really didn’t want to go back to Opaline.”

“It’s because you didn’t know what a supportive group of friends felt like. But spending time with us must’ve been the first time you finally realized what one felt like.” Said Pipp.

Sunny clapped her hooves. “Well said Pipp.”

Pipp smiled. “What can I say? I learned a lot from all of you.”

“I’m sure Misty learned a lot from us too. Right?” Asked Hitch.

“Oh, yeah I did. In fact I probably learned a lot more from you guys than I ever learned from Opaline.” Misty smiled.

“Aww thanks Misty.” Izzy said as she moved in to hug her.

“It’s true though. I don’t think I would’ve learned who ‘she’ really is if I didn’t meet you. Remember when you found that book Zipp?” Asked Misty.

“Yeah. Ancient Alicorns. Speaking of which I wanted to ask. Misty? Don’t you feel uncomfortable talking about Opaline?” Asked Zipp.

“Well. A little but not completely. I don’t know. I guess now that I’m finally talking to you guys about her I don’t really feel as scared to say anything. I know that sounds weird.” Said Misty.

“Not really. It’s actually normal. We’ll hear anything you have to say about her Misty.

Never be afraid to speak your mind.” Said Sunny.

“Thank you guys. I don’t know what to say… your all so sweet.” Said Misty.

“You’ve been through a lot lately Misty. I don’t know what it was like with Opaline but I promise you don’t have to be afraid of saying anything to us. We’re all just chill, ready to listen and help.” Said Zipp.

“Well. When I was with Opaline I wasn’t really allowed to speak my mind because it wasn’t my place to. I could only speak if I was spoken to. If I didn’t she would say I was being rude and she’d get angry at me. And if I did… she didn’t really react well. She kept telling me that whatever I was worried about didn’t matter, or that I was being unreasonable and petty, or that other ponies had it worse than me.” Misty explained as echoes of Opaline’s rage rang in her mind.

“That doesn’t mean you should never speak at all. You never interrupted any of us. She was gaslighting you Misty. And no pony should EVER! Do that to anypony.” Sunny was slightly stressed when she heard this.

“Gaslighting?” Asked Misty.

“It’s when somepony makes you doubt yourself just to keep you quiet. Or when somepony puts words in your mouth. It is awful! And no pony should ever, ever do that!” Sunny stressed on that point hard. It was a trigger.

“Uh Sunny? Are you ok?” Asked Zipp.

“Sorry It’s just a force of habit…” said Sunny calming down. “Ok. There’s a bit more to it then that but you get the point?” Asked Sunny.

“Yeah.” Said Misty.

“Before I became an Alicorn. Everypony hated me… like I didn’t matter. Like what I was fighting for didn’t matter. And even when I did. It didn’t stop. Some ponies only love Alicorn me, and some of them don’t care about what I care about now.” Said Sunny.

Misty moved in and hugged her. “I care.” She whispered. “Thanks Misty.” Said Sunny.

And the two sat back down.

“Hey Misty. I wanted to ask. Why didn’t you leave if she was that awful to you?” Asked Zipp.

And so Misty continued. “Remember how I was very embarrassed about showing you I didn’t have a cutie mark? Well yeah, Opaline always told me that everypony would hate me for not having a cutie mark. She even told me she could give one to me so I didn’t leave. I was afraid to. I didn’t know what else to do.”

And Zipp remembered. The night the attended that masquerade dance party. Misty ultimately revealed her biggest insecurity. Manipulation by Opaline yet again…

“Oh…” said Zipp.

Zipp suddenly felt a pit of guilt form in her as she remembered how she got the confession out of her. It didn’t really feel good in hindsight now that she knew everything that was going on with this poor mare.

“Misty. I think I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have forced that confession or make you feel cornered. And I am so sorry if I made you feel scared. I didn’t know that was happening to you. And I don’t blame myself for that. But I still should’ve been a bit more casual and considerate about it. I was just so sure something was happening that I just wanted the answers right there. And I’m sorry that happened.” Said Zipp.

“Well. Zipp, I’m actually kind of relieved that I told you when I did. And when I told everypony else too.
I think if I didn’t tell then. I probably never would. And I probably wouldn’t have my cutie mark now. Yeah I felt a little scared but you also helped me take a huge weight off my chest. And honestly I’m so glad you’re still good with me.” And so Misty Hugged Zipp. And Zipp hugged back. “Of course Misty. We’re friends right?”

“I thought you would still be mad though.” Said Misty.

“I’m not. I think that’s just pointless.” Said Zipp.

“Thanks Zipp.” Said Misty.

Suddenly Pipp was crying tears of joy. “Ahhh the feels! It’s making me so happy!”

Everypony felt it that night. There was just such a warm welcoming aura of happiness and acceptance that night that everyone needed.

And Misty was still processing all of this. Being shown this much love and compassion. Finally feeling all that pressure she put on herself for years just finally leave.

“I know you never grew up in bridlewood like I did. But you would still fit right in. Everypony has been so much happier over there since the big change happened. And they all turned out ok. Like me. I never really had any friends before the big change. But it wasn’t because the ponies didn’t like me there. Everypony ended up being really nice after the change. They were just sad before it happened. And they were just as afraid to reach out as I was because everypony was afraid of pegasi & earth ponies. But they were missing something. And then I got this letter.” Said Izzy as she held out a small letter with a crude drawing.

Sunny’s old letter she sent out with her dad.

“No pony really cared what I did. So I just did what I loved and I always felt great. And when I finally wanted to go to maretime bay. No pony cared about that either. And then you know the rest!” Izzy said with a smile.

“But how did you feel happy if nopony cared?” Asked Misty.

“Well there was one who did care. Me! I knew when I got that letter, that one day. Ponies would love what I was making because I did. I knew that if I had friends in Maretime Bay they would be excited to see me no matter what. And somepony was.” Izzy smiled at Sunny.

And finally Hitch spoke up. “And if I didn’t get to know any of you. I probably wouldn’t have realized how much ponies and creatures alike really love me. Anypony could’ve gotten somepony else but they got me. And so now I’m doing just that, whenever somepony is in a jam I always try to be very compassionate and let them know that I’m here for them no matter what. Because that’s what they would do for me. Everypony just needs a little love in their life right?” Asked Hitch.

“Absolutely.” As she moved in closer hugging Hitch.

“Don’t forget that sheriff~” said Zipp booping his nose.

And Hitch chuckled and Blushed.

Sparky waddled into Hitch’s lap and laid down asleep. And Hitch rubbing his head.

“Thank you everypony.” Said Misty as they all piled into one last group hug.

“Sunny can you take a picture of this?” Asked Pipp.

“Sure.” Said Sunny as she turned into her Alicorn self. She levitated the phone in front of them and took a picture of the group hug.


Before Misty headed back into Maretime Bay. She turned around and asked. “Guys can I ask one last thing?”

“Of course. What is it?” Asked Sunny.

Misty’s eyes went wide as she asked. “Please don’t leave me. I just hate being all alone.”

“Of course we won’t. We promise won’t ever leave you. If you promise you won’t leave us.” Said Sunny.

“Absolutely Sunny.” Misty gave Sunny a hug and she left the brighthouse for the night.

As she left she made one last stop on the beach looking up at the stars.

“Happy Birthday old friend. I wonder if I should tell them about you? You really were the first friend I ever had. I just wish I listened to you before…” Misty took a deep breath.

She remembered somepony who was really important to her. Her secret friend. The only friend she ever had before she met everypony in maretime bay.

“Opaline stopped you… for good.” And Misty started crying.

“I…I love you… I miss you. But I will never forget you.” Said Misty as she lit up her horn and closed her eyes.

And suddenly in the Mist of her eyes she saw the star twinkle bright over the dark sky. As she remembered that if it wasn’t for her old friend.

She wouldn’t have found these ponies or trusted them. In a way this was a birthday present. But for somepony else.

Somepony special. Like Misty Brightdawn.

Author's Note:

In Loving Memory of Alisha Nicole Cannan
(June 19th 2001 - April 9th 2021)

Comments ( 14 )

OK, good story. But the sudden paragraphs in the middle of sentences is very distracting.

I’d really recommend going back and editing, because it hurts the presentation of the story and I want to like this more.

What am I seeing?

Ok. I think I know what you’re talking about because I think this is the first time I tried this style of writing.


Alrighty then I think I got it right this time.

Who is Alisha Nicole Cannan?

An old friend of mine.

She was a small content creator used to be known as “Heartpaw Phoenix.”

Thank you for answering my question.

Thank you for answering my question.

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. *gives you a hug*

You're very welcome.

Ok so I should probably comment on this story's success. After 3 days of posting, it seems like it's officially been a noticed and appreciated story. Ironically enough, this story took 3 days to complete as well. Which surprises me, part of me hopes it wouldn't come across as if I rushed through it.

Though with this story I had a much more casual mindset when it came to this story. I literally created this story as a bit of a side project. It just wasn't a massive fanfic project that took like 3 and a half months to write like "I Love the Star in You" Did. And yes, it was mostly due to Chapter 4's release just being so perfectly timed. (Even though it came out on the 6th rather than the 7th like I was told for some reason.)

In less than 5 hours the story reached the popular page. And now that I finally wrote a one-shot story like I wanted to I finally have a good idea of what one looks like. But before I get into this can we please take a moment for G5. An aspect of MLP that is so overhated that it led me to becoming an isolationist... and that only ended in like the past few weeks, I guess. (Part of me thinks this part of my story is just beginning.)

Now on some level I realize that whenever someone really looks for content online. I mostly realize that they're looking for comfort food essentially. And with this story I wanted to deliver just that, in fact as I wrote this, I had one mental note in my head. "Make the story feel like it's 'hugging you' " That's what I ran with. And well another huge factor behind this was because at the time, I was writing. Between June 17th til the 19th. I was dealing with severe drama of my own. Like it greatly hurt how I thought I could interact socially with people online. Combine this with Chapter 4's release that happened just a few weeks prior with Misty's plotline. It was basically inevitable this would happen.

Another factor that may have also helped was this time my drama was more... I guess sympathetic although I prefer the term empathetic.

There was just so much riding into this with so little and I had no idea it would become this popular. Let alone be a gift for my dead friend...Sometimes I feel like she gave me a gift though.

Honestly there's a lot of Misty sympathy/empathy stories as of late. After the release of chapter 4 I might link a few of them here to promote other authors. Idk if they were inspired by mine though, I know mine came out earlier but still.

That's one fat Misty for the cover art and I love it.

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