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Chapter 1: After tide

Author's Note:

just to be clear StarGazer is blue, Apple Bloom is red, Cozy Glow is pink and Button Mash is brown. any way hope you enjoy :pinkiehappy: - the star bringer

It's been weeks since I've last seen the surface but it seems that the alien is gone for now as i no longer hear blasting, but is it even safe? well i guess there is only one way to know.
"Where you going Stargazer? Because if your going to the surface I'm coming with you"
"yea I'm going to the surface, but only see if it's safe you can come along if you want" i said to Apple Bloom she was one of the ponies that rushed inside with me, the other two being Cozy glow and Button Mash but no one else, they are either dead or hiding some where else, but I'm starting to lose hope, then again hope is the last thing to expect right now, We head to the surface and all is quiet, the land once lush and full of life now a wasteland of decaying plants and grey dust, but at least it is safe

I watched StarGazer and Apple Bloom go up the stairs and out of the bunker I chose to stay behind with Button. And to think i would've tried to drain Equestria of it's magic if this hadn't happened, But I'm actually thankful for it as if it didn't happen I've would of descended down to evil and put in Tartarus and be there with one of the worst villains ever Tirek but at least Tirek isn't as evil as that Alien: FÅ«jin who wanted nothing but the extinction of our entire planet, I guess I'll just watch some DVDs on StarGazer's FrolicStage 3, I think I'll watch Toy Tale 2
Come on just got to beat this boss, And... Done! Well now what? Looks like I've got to options, 1 go to the surface to see what StarGazer and Apple Bloom are up to OR I watch Toy Tale 2 with Cozy. Hmm... I think I'll just watch Toy tale with Cozy. Because Apple Bloom might just want to be alone with StarGazer for a while, Seeing how she a kinda small crush on him, but only a small one. Ooh! I wonder if we have any apple juice, if not I'll check on the apple tree we have which StarGazer is some how growing.

Me and StarGazer stare into the wasteland for quite a while. I can feel my eyes begin to tear up. I'm just worried about my family. Apple Jack, Big Mac and Granny. I miss them so much! "what's wrong?" I freeze for a moment, not expecting StarGazer to notice me tearing up, "Oh I'm fine it's just... Its just..." I'm struggling to get my words out because I'm on the brink of crying "I JUST MISS MY FAMILY :applecry: " I finally manage to say as I break down into tears. StarGazer comforts me.

Poor Apple Bloom she doesn't deserve to go through this "We Will find them, I promise!" I hear the words slipping out of my mouth " In fact I know how to! follow me! I say as I head back into the bunker with Apple Bloom. I find her sisters hat , which she had given her to, and searched it for any thing and I pull out a strand of blond mane I then searched for any more DNA from Button's and Cozy's parents or siblings and I found two more strands of mane. one cyan and one brown. They were confused of what I was doing, so I would show them. I got out my mystical Gems (the other source of my magic that isn't innate) and absorbed them and tired to activate the tracking spell. After the mist cleared one of my eyes began to glow purple and I could see, very far away, 3 indicators all in the same place. meaning that I could see the other's family. But they were still confused, so I explained it to them and they seemed to get the basic idea so we packed everything and then we went off to find their loved ones.