• Published 27th Jun 2023
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Ramil Sable - Kawat3ngusan

Twilight visits her friend Somnambula, and discovers that she is not from Equestria but from Zebrafrica and that she had a pegasus friend in her childhood.

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The meeting between the two young mares

The Chronicles of the Dragonheart Pegasi
Ramil Sable

The meeting between the two young mares

Twilight was very busy with her new role as princess of Equestria, but there was always something to do and she often didn't know where to start,

-“I have to do a lot of things this week, Spike is it possible that some paper is missing? ”-
-“ Don't worry Twilight, the sheets are there, I counted them three times, after all it's only the Equestria's anniversary party”-
-"Only? Do you realize it's an important anniversary? Celestia and Luna have always done a great job for this day, and it's in exactly three days, I have to check the guards, visit the various clubs in the cities, and who knows what else"-
-“Relax Twilight, maybe you should take a nap, so your mind will be fresher”-
-"But I can't sleep, there's a lot of things to do"-,

Twilight returned to her papers, while Spike didn't know what to say or do, then he heard a knock on the door and went to open it.
And it was an unexpected visit,

-“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, what a surprise”-, the two former princesses were dressed in holiday clothes, Celestia was happy to see her palace again and also Spike.
-“Hi Spike, it's good to see you and Twilight again”-, but Twilight was so busy with her papers that she didn't notice anything,
-"Why are you here? Are you visiting to check out Twilight's work?”

Luna corrected him
-“Actually we are here for the Equestria's anniversary, and we would like to help Twilight”-
-"She is going crazy for that anniversary, as you can see she doesn't give up"-
-“Maybe you should talk to her, sister”-
-“I'm going, Luna”-,

Celestia approached Twilight and called her, when Twilight saw her, she hugged her former teacher tightly,
-“Princess Celestia, what a surprise, what are you doing here?”-
-“I think you and I will have to talk”-.

So in front of a good tea and biscuits they started talking,

-“Everything is so complicated, I know that being the Princess of Equestria wasn't easy, but I didn't expect so many complicated things for an anniversary”-, Celestia smiled,
-“Dear Twilight, you can't hope for everything to go well, after all your coronation didn't go as you planned either”-
-"It's true, but what if I fail this event?"-
-"You don't have to think about it, rather Luna and I are here because retirement is very boring, and we wanted to spend some time with our subjects"-
-"But I can't ask you to help me, I have to do it by myself"-
-“ Twilight, you don't have to ask for anything, we'll be the ones to help you, we really miss life here at the palace”-, Luna then had an idea,
-“I have an idea Celestia, why don't we take Twilight's place for a while? She's already been on the throne for a long time, and you didn't want to go back to our holiday resort" -
-“ It's a wonderful idea, Twilight, you go to rest, take a trip, we will be here as soon as you return, we will take care of the anniversary of Equestria”-
-"But I can't ask you to….."-
-“Silence, as your teacher I'm sure of what I'm saying, now go pack your bags and Spike will help you, a little distraction will do you good, we'll take care of talking to the citizens”-.

Celestia insisted so much that Twilight finally gave in, so she and Spike said their goodbyes and left Canterlot on a train.
The journey was long and Twilight had brought several books, while Spike took a nap.
After some time he woke up, and he spoke to Twilight,

-“Tell me, Twilight, which destination did you choose from the ones I gave you in the brochures?”-
-"Actually none, because I chose a destination that I've never had the chance to go there, one of those"-
-“And which one did you choose, then?”-
-“The Somnambula village, it will be beautiful, it is such a characteristic place, and there will be no need for a guide, we will ask Somnambula to guide us”-
-"But she is busy in that village, wasn't it better to send her a message before?"-
-“Then it means that we will stay in a hotel, what's the problem? I always wanted to see that village”-
-"In fact, it could be an excellent distraction from palace life"-.

After a few hours they arrived in the south of Equestria, right at the stop of the Somnambula Village.
Twilight and Spike packed up and looked around for their pegasus friend, the village wasn't huge but it wasn't small either so they didn't know where to start.
They asked to a pony if he knew where Somnambula was, and he pointed to a temple to the west where she was praying.
Twilight and Spike went to that temple, then they saw with surprise that there was Starswirl near it.
The old wizard turned and saw Twilight,

-“Oh Princess Twilight, how nice to see you”-
-“ Hi Starswirl, what are you doing here?”-
-“I'm here because I have to talk to Somnambula, I'm waiting out of the temple, and what are you two doing here? ”-
-“ We are on holiday, to distract ourselves from palace life, and I thought of visiting the village of Somnambula, I know little about this village”-
-“ Then you should visit the museum and the library there are still some old ancient papyri, you just need someone local pony to translate them for you”-
-“But what is Somnambula doing in that temple?”-
-“She is praying, once a month she goes to that temple and prays”-
-“Pray…for whom?”-
-“For a friend of hers, a dear friend of hers, a friend she never saw again, and she is buried there”-,

Twilight saw a sign near the temple, she went over and read it
-“Temple of Ramil Sable? Normally there should be temples dedicated to gods, who was Ramil?”-
-"I told you, she was Somnambula's best friend"-
-“But I know the stories of her, and none of the stories mention the name of Ramil Sable”-
-"Somnambula had promised to tell me her story and in fact today I asked her to tell me, maybe she will tell you"-,

Twilight climbed the stairs, but two guard ponies stopped her,
-“Sorry, no one from outside the village can enter”-
-"What? But how dare you, I'm Princess Twilight”-
-“I'm sorry princess, but we have rules, no one except the villagers can enter this temple”-.

Twilight felt offended, but at that moment Somnambula came out, who had heard those voices, who spoke to the guards, and asked to let her friends pass this time.
Twilight saw how beautiful the temple was, filled with hieroglyphics and lit by flaming torches, then she saw weapons in display cases.

-“but….but these are divine weapons, they belonged to the great Equigyptian gods, what are they doing here?”-, Somnambula explained to her,
-“These weapons, dear Twilight, I handled who knows how many years ago, and they are here because they belonged to my friend Ramil”-

Twilight was impressed,
-"But you've never had a weapon, in all your stories you've never used weapons"-
-"You are always full of questions, before clarifying the matter first let me finish praying in front of this sarcophagus"-.

Somnambula stood in front of an Equigyptian sarcophagus and opened it, then joined the hooves and prayed, Spike looked inside the sarcophagus, inside there was a pegasus mummy with an amulet.

-“Ehm…Somnambula? Is that a real mummy? Isn't there a danger that it will wake up and hurt us?”-
Still keeping her eyes closed she replied,
-“Don't worry Spike, she won't wake up, and then she couldn't hurt us, this is my friend Ramil Sable's mummy”-, Twilight also saw the mummy, and noticed the amulet around her neck,

-"That's a really nice amulet"-
-“That my dear Twilight, is a unique amulet in the world, it is Khepri's amulet”-
-“Khepri? The famous scarab god? How did she get it?”
-“I'll explain everything to you when we get to my house, first let me pray for her, once a month I come to this temple and I pray for her, who will now be among the Equigyptian gods”-.

After two minutes Somnambula closed the sarcophagus, and then escorted everyone out of the temple, and then led them to her house.

-“Dear Twilight, would you like a good tea? ”-
-“I would love to”-
-“Then I'll prepare it for you, Spike and Starswirl”-.

Somnambula brought a tray with sweets and teas after about ten minutes, then she sat down at a table with them, and asked Twilight a question,
-"So dear Twilight, what leads you to my village?"-
-“ I'm here on vacation, the princesses are back for a while, so I thought of visiting you, but I didn't expect to find Starswirl as well”-
-"He is here because I promised him some time ago to tell him the story of my friend Ramil"-
-“Now that I've learned these things, there are many questions I'd like to ask you, who is this Ramil Sable? And if she really was your friend why doesn't she appear in your stories? And then….did you really meet the Equigyptian gods?”-,

Somnambula was happy with all that curiosity, so from a wardrobe she took some papyri with drawings, several ponies were drawn, she pointed to herself then there was a pegasus next to her, she was light green, she had green eyes, the mane was orange, and the tail was orange with a blue center line, she wore a forehead covering on her head, and a blue cloak on her back and her cutie mark was a green beetle, also Twilight saw a strange thing, the pegasus had red stripes on her head, muzzle, body and legs.
Twilight saw that drawing

-“ How strange, a pegasus with stripes, very particular”-, Somnambula added something,
-“It is particular because Ramil was a half-blood, her father was a pegasus, a Gallic warrior from Gaul, while her mother was a zebra ”-
Twilight was incredulous,
-"What? A zebra? But I've never heard of situations of zebras and ponies having children”-
-“Nowadays it doesn't happen, yet at the time when the zebras came to our village many ponies married zebras, and Ramil was one of these crossbreeds, but the children that were born were either zebras, or they were ponies with black stripes, but she was the only pony with red stripes, because her father had a red mustache and mane”-
-“In which village sorry? I can't understand anything, weren't you born in Equestria? ”-
-“ No Twilight, I was born in Equigypt, in Zebrafrica”-
-"How is it possible?"-,

Starswirl laughed,
-"Eh eh, dear Twilight, I too was incredulous like you, but then Somnambula explained me better"-.
And Somnambula clarified the conversation better to Twilight,
-“See Twilight, all the stories they tell about me are true, but I lived in Equigypt, I had adventures there too and with my dear friend Ramil”-
-"But how come they don't talk about her?"-
-“You see Twilight, the legend of Ramil is handed down in this village and only in this village, because she was a heroine for us and if her weapons and her temple were known, some thief with bad scruples could steal them, even if those weapons are protected by strong magic, only Ramil and I could use them, in common pony hooves they would become normal weapons” -
-"But Ramil why is she dead?"-

Somnambula grieved,
-“ It's a very sad thing, when the gods told us to leave Equigypt to come here to Equestria, she had to leave and I had to come here, but she promised to come back, and in fact she did come back, but unfortunately I wasn't here waiting for her"
-" How come?"-
-“ You should know, I was already chosen by Stygian to be part of the Pillars of Equestria, and so when we trapped the Pony of Shadow I ended up with my friends in Limbo, and when I returned to my village after you freed us I found out from descendants of Ramil that she came here, she kept her promise, sadly she couldn't know where I was, people told me that she searched all over Equestria even in the Duat, but she didn't find me, then she gave up looking for me and ruled the village in my place, to protect what I had left, she made other adventures without me, adventures that are written in the papyri of the temple and in the house of her descendants, she also discovered that the Sphinx that I had exiled had returned, unfortunately that time I was not there, Ramil slew the Sphinx with her weapons”-
-“With her weapons? Your friend was a bit violent”-
-“Yes, it's true, Ramil used her brain but often preferred to use her muscles, but if she killed the Sphinx it's because that beast had insulted my name”-
-“Ah I see, so Ramil just defended you, I guess it must have been hard for you to find out that when you came back that your friend had come looking for you but she didn't find you”-
-"Yes, for me it was a bad strike to the heart, that's why once a month I pray in her temple that the inhabitants at the time built for her, however it is now I tell you her story, and believe me no one will tell you it better than someone lived with her, that is I her best friend, we just have to take a long leap in time, in the ancient Equigypt”-.

In the past

We are in Zebrafrica, in an unspecified point of Equigypt, when the territory was under the influence of the Greyks and Roarmans, we are in the original village of Somnambula called Harim, the village is very large there are pyramids, a royal palace, a large city of Equigyptian houses, a large market, the river Nile which runs through the village makes the nearby land fertile.
In all the streets there were several ponies and unicorns and pegasi, but they weren't the only ones there were also several male and female zebras, they all wore light clothes to protect themselves from the heat, and in the streets and in the markets you could see other creatures, like the Abadas, unicorns that resembled antelopes with two horns, one on the forehead and the other near the muzzle, then the Kelpies, ponies with a mane made of water, and also the Okapis, who were often merchants.
Somnambula was a filly at the time, she was not so small, but not big either, she was walking through the streets with her mother, they approached a stall run by an Okapi, they had to buy food, the Okapi illustrated his food ,

-"Please ma'am, today I have some good fruit, dates, coconut, desert berries, cactus water, I also have seaweed that some fishermen gave me, if you are looking for fresh fish I could direct you to a friend of mine further on ”-,

Somnambula's mother agreed, however she chose some food from the okapi, however when she took the bag two hooded ponies appeared and with part of the hood covering their muzzles, they had daggers with them, they intended to make a robbery,
-“This is a robbery, p
ut your hooves in sight, we want your money”-, the okapi gave up,
-“Okay, okay, I'll give you the money, but don't hurt me”-, one of those ponies saw Somnambula's mother's bag,
-“Hey you pegasus, give us the bag”-,
-“No, stop, you can't do it, I know there are guards around here”-
-“Give me the bag I said”-, the pony forcefully took the pegasus bag, then they both laughed and ran away, Somanmbula was incredulous,
-"It's incredible, how can some people behave?"-, but a scream was heard from a rooftop,

-“DON'T BE AFRAID, PONY, THE WARRIOR OF SEKHMET IS HERE TO HELP YOU”-, Somnambula looked up and saw on the roof a pony with a white dress that covered his hooves and body, also wearing the mask of a gold lioness and his voice sounded modified.
The so called warrior of Sekhmet jumped to another roof, and ran fast to chase the two thieving ponies, the villains hadn't noticed him, meanwhile he was catching up with them, then he jumped to another roof, then jumped on them, he thumped them with his hooves, then another pony came around the corner,

-“Hey you, warrior of Sekmet? Leave my boys alone”-, the pony took a dagger, the warrior looked at him,
-“Stealing is wrong, didn't they teach you that? ”-
-“ They didn't teach me anything”-, the pony charged and tried to hit the warrior, but he dodged, so he took another weapon, an axe, the warrior began to look angry,
-“ So you seek war, and let it be war ”-, the warrior took from his belt a khopesch, an Equigyptian curved golden sword, there was a good confrontation of slashes and the thief pony seemed in trouble, in the end the warrior he hit several times and knocked him down, all three thieving ponies were down, at which time some royal guards arrived.
Somnambula and her mother and the okapi had seen the scene, the warrior approached them,

-“Here, this bag and this money are yours, the warrior of Sekhmet greets you”-, after saying that phrase the warrior pony made a long jump and ran away across the roofs,
Somnambula was incredulous,
-"Who was that, mom?"-
-“I don't know, Somnambula dear, I don't know”-, one of the royal guards in armor approached, it was a male zebra, who explained everything,
-“That one there, is the warrior of Sekhmet, he wears the mask of the goddess Sekmet, to bring justice to our city, no one knows who he is, or where he comes from, he suddenly appeared, and since he has been here our work it's easier"-,
Somnambula's mother recognized the guard,
-“ But I know you, you are Hamzah, one of the pharaoh's guards”-
-" Exactly ma'am, and I know you since your husband is a scribe of the Pharaoh"-
-"But since when did that warrior appear?"-
-" For a few days, no one has known him yet, and we don't know anything about him, we only know that he is our ally, and he knows how to fight well, he has already stopped several thieves"-
-“He must be one very dedicated to the gods if he wears the mask of the goddess Sekhmet”-
-“It must surely be like this, now I'll leave you to your errands, while I go back to the palace”-.
Somnambula saw the zebra go away,
-" Mom? But who was that zebra? ”-
-“ His name is Hamzah, and he is one of the pharaoh's guards, also he is one of the prince Hisan's guards, since dad works at the palace we will introduce you to the pharaoh and his son, it will be convenient for you, if we talk well you could one day take your father's place and become a councilor to the pharaoh's son"-
-"but I….I don't know if I can become a councilor"-
-"You are already very wise dear Somnambula, you will be an excellent councilor, now let's go back to the shopping"-.

Once back home, Somnambula saw from outside the window the palace of the pharaoh, and she noticed something strange, she saw the warrior of Sekmet jumping from one roof to another, and then entered the palace through a window.
For young Somnambula it seemed strange so she went to tell her mother, who didn't know how to answer,

-"I don't understand, my baby, maybe he went to talk to the pharaoh, or he saw a thief entering the palace, I don't know, why on earth should this new hero enter the palace?"-,

Somnambula didn't know what to think, also because she had met this hero only today, but she thought of going in the afternoon to talk to her friend Hisan.
Luckily thanks to her parents, Somnambula and Hisan were already friends so she was allowed to go around the palace.
Somnambula went to the palace in the afternoon, the guards let her through, she then looked for Prince Hisan, the servants told her that the prince was studying in his room and could not be disturbed, but Somnambula knocked on the room, and Hisan went out,

-“ 'awh marhaban Somnambula (Oh, hello Somnambula) ”-
-“marhaban ya 'amir (Hail, prince)”-
-“What are you doing here?”-
-“You see….I'm here because I would like to talk to you”-
-"No problem, I talk to my teacher and ask her if I can take a break"-. Hisan closed the door, then after a while he came out and closed it.
-“She said yes, I can rest for a while, so what did you want to tell me?”-
-“Come with me, it's better to find a place just for the two of us”-, Hisan followed the pegasus and they walked around the palace, Somnambula told the prince about the Warrior of Sekhmet,
-“I understand, I heard about him, or rather, the guards informed me about him, he seems to leave a message to the guards to know where to meet them to catch evildoers, but I have never seen this warrior”-
-“ I wanted to tell you that just this morning I saw the warrior jump between the roofs and sneak into the window of your building”-
-"Are you sure? I didn't see anything, did you try asking the guards? They are the ones who have to control intrusions into the building”-
-"Now I'm going to ask the guards, will you come with me?"-

Somnambula and Hisan went to some guards, she said about the warrior's intrusion into the palace, but no guard had seen him, it was very strange, but then the zebra arrived that the pegasus met at the market, he replied,

-"Dear Somnambula, don't worry, I met him"-
-"Seriously? And you didn't do anything?”
-“Why should I? The Sekhmet Warrior is on our side sometimes he stops to chat with me, but I don't know his identity either, then he goes away, he doesn't do anything wrong, he just searches the palace, that's all, like us guards do " -.
At that moment a female zebra as big as Hamzah arrived, she wore a green cloak on her back, gold earrings and rings on her neck,

-“ Hey, Hamzah? Have you seen your sister?”
-“Oh, no mom, she right now… .. she should be with Hisan”-
-"But I see that the prince is here, so Ramil where is she?"-,

Hisan explained himself,
-"Excuse me Mrs. Mimea, I asked your daughter if I could take a break, now I'm in the company of my friend Somnambula"-
-“How are your studies with my daughter, prince?”-
-“They are fine, I don't want to create an accident between our races”-
-"And it won't happen, but if you need advice just know that my son and my daughter are always there to help you, I have to go, see you Hamzah"-
-“ Tuonane baadaye, mama (See you later, mom)”-,

the two zebras left, only Somnambula and Hisan remained.

But she wanted to know some things,
-“Sorry Hisan? But may I know who those two are?”
-“ Does that mean you've never met Hamzah? He is my father's only zebra guard, and he is perhaps one of the strongest, the other zebra is Mimea, she is his mother"-
-“ I had never noticed the zebras here at the palace”-
-"You're not a good observer, they live near the palace, and sometimes they live here with my father's request, they were part of a tribe of zebras, who however decided to come and live here in Harim, Mrs. Mimea is a kind of doctor, she prepares potions and ointments made from ingredients that only her people know, she is the family doctor, and my father allowed her son Hamzah to become his guard, for being a zebra he is very strong and trained a lot”-
-"From the first dialogue it seems that they have another member, who gives you lessons, a zebra gives you lessons?"-
-“Well, she's not really a zebra, she's a female though…it's better that I let you know her, I've known her for much longer than you”-.

Hisan accompanied Somnambula to the royal chamber,
-“Here she is, Somnambula, she is my teacher”-,
Somnambula saw a pegasus who was looking out the window, and then she turned towards them, she was light green in colour, she had green eyes, the mane was orange, and the tail was orange with a blue center line, she wore a forehead cover on her head, and a blue cloak on her back, and had red stripes on her body, Somnambula was surprised, she had never seen a pony like this, Hisan introduced her to she,
-“Dear Somnambula, this is Ramil Sable, dear Ramil, this is Somnambula, she is also my dear friend”-,

the striped pegasus approached Somnambula,
-“So you are Hisan's friend? Nimefurahi kukutana nawe”-
-"What? I don't think I understand."
-“It is a phrase in the Zwahili language, it means Nice to meet you”-, Hisan explained to Somnambula,

-"Ramil is teaching me the languages of her people and in the meantime she makes me revise Equigyptian"-
-"I don't understand, why should you know the languages of zebras?"-
-“It's my father who wants it, he wants me to have good relations with other races, not everyone speaks our language in the city, so sometimes I need Hamzah or Ramil, they know different languages of these lands, and Ramil she helps me, and although she is a foreigner she is much better than me with hieroglyphics”-
-“But…I don't understand”-, Ramil approached the prince,
-"Dear Prince, I left a papyrus with some exercises, I'll leave you alone and you will do them, while I go around the palace"-
-"Go ahead, Ramil, I'll try to make fewer mistakes"-
-"Mistakes are made because then they can be corrected, practice makes perfect, now I'm going"-,

Ramil went away, and Hisan sat on his bench.
-"Somnambula sorry, but I have to do my homework, see you another time"-
-"Okay, in the meantime I have to go one way"-.

Somnambula closed the door and then started looking for the striped pegasus, she found her walking along a terrace with plants.
She walked up to her and spoke to her,
-“ Hey sorry? You are…..you are Ramil…..right?”-, the striped pegasus turned towards her,
-"Of course, and from what I understand you are Somnambula, I already knew about you but it's the first time I've seen you, Hisan told me about you, you're his friend"-
-"Exactly, but I would like to ask you some things"-
-" What is it about?"-
-“ I met your brother and your mother, but…..there is one thing that intrigues me”-
-“Is it about the fact that I have a zebra mother and a zebra brother while I am a pegasus with stripes?”-
-"I didn't mean to insult you, it's just that I've never seen a pegasus like you"-
-“Let me explain, my mother was married to a zebra chief named Ghassan, but then they moved with their people here, my brother was little, when they came to live here Ghassan decided to be a gladiator in the various arenas of the Equigypt"-
-"And where is he?"-
-“He….he always carried a lot of money for his family, unfortunately years ago he was killed by a gladiator fire dragon and died”-
-" Oh sorry"-
-"I never knew him, but Ghassan wasn't my father, my real father was a Gallic warrior from Gaul, my mother saved him from a Roarman ship because he had been captured as a slave, she hid him here, then love was born between the two, and then……after many months I was born, my father had a red mane and mustache, that's why I have red stripes, it is not a common thing that the pony son of a zebra and a pony has colored stripes, they are usually black, mine is a special case”-
-“Your father must surely be a lucky guy to have known your mother”-
-"He was, my brother didn't consider him a stepfather, on the contrary they trained together, and I trained with them too, unfortunately he died three years ago too"-
-"I'm sorry, your mother has lost two husbands"-
-“ And my brother and I lost a father, my father decided to be a gladiator too, he brought a lot of money too, but unfortunately he too lost his life against a gladiator fire dragon”-
-“What a bad choice”-
-"My father decided so, but the will to fight is inside me as well as in my brother, Hamzah has never considered me a stepsister, but he loves me even if I'm a half blood, maybe sometimes he loves me too much, he and I often train, after all I being a pegasus half zebra I'm fast, agile and resistant, and honestly I would like to do more for my people, I usually help my mother to get the ingredients in the desert and in the oases, at sometimes we have to travel far to reach the savannah and look for ingredients there too, fortunately we zebras have the knowledge of various Zebrafrican languages, and modestly I was able to learn Equigyptian in a short time, after all my name is partly Equigyptian and part Prench, since my father was from Gaul, I am lucky to have my brother, and also to have my mother, but I would have liked to fight together with my father”-
-“Fighting is very dangerous”-
-“I know, but I am very strong, I train with Hamzah's friend guards, and then many other zebras have chosen to fight in various arenas, especially my aunt zebra Nyasi, she is a strong gladiatress and no one has yet defeated, she is my mother's older sister, but my mother doesn't want me to be a gladiatress”-
-"After what happened to your two fathers, it seems normal to me that your mother is worried"-
-"but I don't want to be a gladiator, I want to be a guard, protect my people, protect the pharaoh and the prince and...and if I had friends I would protect them too"-
-“ Does that mean you don't have any friends?”-
-“ My only friend is my brother Hamzah, I've never had the chance to make friends, apart from Hisan, but I don't know if he can always be my friend, he's still the prince, some ponies and okapis look at me strange maybe because I'm a pegasus with stripes”-.

Ramil was silent and thoughtful, but Somnambula wanted to talk to her,
-" What's up?"-
-“ I also don't have any friends, except Hisan, and from the way I see you, you look like you are one year older than me, I mean, I don't care about your stripes, I think you are unique and that makes you special, and then…..is your cutie mark a beetle?” -, the striped pegasus looked at the cutie mark which was really a green beetle,
-“ Yes, in my tribe we didn't worship your gods, when we came here we converted to your religion, there are many gods we pray to, such as Horus, Thoth, Isis, Osiris, Sekhmet and also Khepri, the scarab god, one day when I was little I prayed in front of the statue of Khepri and the cutie mark appeared, I think it represents my connection with the gods”-
-“ It's a cutie mark with a nice meaning, I'd like to know more about your people”-
-“I think we will have to make the presentations better than we did”-, Ramil handed the hoof to Somnambula,
-“Dear Somnambula, I am Ramil Sable, and both of my names mean sand”-
-“ And I am Somnambula, in the ancient language it means she who walks in the dark”-
-“ I hope this can be the beginning of a new friendship”-
-“I hope so too, by the way do you know anything about the Sekhmet Warrior?”-.
-"I only know him by reputation, he is a very agile avenger"-
-“Your brother said he met him several times”-
-“Every pony has his fortunes”-

To be continued.....

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro