• Published 8th Jul 2023
  • 414 Views, 11 Comments

In the clink! - Serenity Darkmoon Raven

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Chapter 2

Then after a long night, it was morning. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and got out of bed. She then looked around, she saw the beds of the other inmates, the rusty sink with a small blue toothbrush sitting in the edge of the sink, a white and marble toilet. She sighed and said, "Oh... it was not a nightmare... I.. I am actually i- in.. prison.." She looked down, her grin is now upside down. The floor was clean with a few wrappers on the floor, the cell smelled nice though.

Then, all of a sudden she heard growling, she looked around but there was no pony in the cell, then she looked down and realized it was her stomach making all the noise. She looked up and said, "I am hungry, time to eat.." Then she said, "I wonder what they will serve for breakfast!" She walked out of the cell, the flickering lights and snoring of the other prisoners greeted her.

As she walked through the hallway to get to the cafeteria, the lights hanging from the ceiling were flickering, the snoring of prisoners can also be heard, along with some prisoners with an upside down curved grin banging on the cell bars. The walls were a bit rusty, there was a spider web on the left corner of the wall. Rainbow Dash slowly walked through the hallway, fear was in her heart, she asked herself in her head, "Will I survive here? I know I am tough but I am scared, I have never been in a situation like this..." She then said, "No no, I have nothing to fear, I am the toughest and fastest pony ever, if I can survive those rude and violent bullies in flying school and fly camp I can survive this.. besides Twilight and the others will bail me out.. or maybe spitfire will bail me out.. I am their best wonderbolt.. without me, the wonderbolt show would be boring and horrible!"

She then glanced at one cell, a green pony with white hair has a white tube in her mouth, inside the small white tube seemed to be green stuff inside. The pony had a tired look on her face, her eyes were redshot like if she was crying for hours. She also wore a black eye patch on her left eye. Rainbow Dash asked in a curious tone, "What are you doing?"

The pony in the cell removed the small white tube and yelled in a muffled tone, "Smoking weed, now beat it, bitch!" Then she put the small white tube in her mouth and continued smoking. Rainbow Dash was shocked when she heard that, she then thinks that that pony is here for having weed, Equestria especially Ponyville, has a zero tolerance policy towards drugs because they are addicting and dangerous. Part of Rainbow Dash wants to beat up that pony but if she does she would be charged with assault and/or ponyslaughter. She stick her tongue out at the pony smoking weed and walked away.

Then after a few minutes of walking, she saw a white sign that is the shape of an arrow pointing to the right, the words on the sign are printed in black, "Cafeteria" Rainbow Dash then followed the sign, it was a long hallway, there were some cells on Rainbow's left and right. There were several lightbulbs that were flickering. A creepy and scary vibe crept upon Rainbow Dash.

Then after what seemed like ages, Rainbow Dash entered the cafeteria. The cafeteria was a huge room, there were several orange tables, a long line of ponies with green trays, there were about five to ten police ponies in the room. There were red phones that were on the wall, next to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash then grabbed a green tray that was in a stack sitting on a brown table. The line was long but the prisoners were being served quickly..

Then after a while, it was Rainbow Dash's time to grab something to eat, there was a great variety of food, one container had sliced bacon, it was red and came in silly shapes. One container had yellow scrambled eggs, one container had brown pancakes soaked in brown, maple syrup. One container even had doughnuts, some had vanilla frosting, some had strawberry frosting, many had chocolate frosting. There was even Boston cream doughnuts.

Rainbow Dash then grabbed some food, she grabbed some scrambled eggs, some doughnuts and a small pile of sliced bacon. She then walked over and there was a small orange cooler, it had many drinks like water, orange juice, apple juice, prune juice, cola and even milks. Rainbow Dash grabbed the can with cola and put it on her tray. She then walked out of line, she looked around and found a table.

She then saw an orange table on the way back, Daring Do was sitting there, it looked like she was eating the brown pancakes soaked in maple syrup. There were two other ponies sitting there, one mare with a green coat and light blue mane and tail and a stallion with orange coat and green mane and tail. Rainbow then pulled out her wings and flew over to where Daring Do and the other two ponies were sitting. Then she landed behind Daring Do and yelled, "Hey Daring Do!"

Daring Do turned around and said, "Oh hey Dash! Come sit with us!" Rainbow Dash then walked forward and sat next to Daring Do. The stallion with the orange coat and green mane and had brown eyes said, "So you are Dash? I... heard about you.. you are a wonderbolt... you were on the news... last night!"

Rainbow Dash then said, "Yep that's me... I'm Dash the coolest Wonderbolt."

The stallion then replied in a raspy tone, "That's cool... my name is Mechanic Hoof... I was a wonderbolt but I had an accident.. and had to retire.. this was five years ago... but after me being cut off from the Wonderbolts, I work as a mechanic.. pay was bad but helping ponies was a great experience for me... but you.. you might be asking.. why am I here... I am here for Attempted Murder... some pricks were playing this game called ding dong ditch, ponies were doing that to me for months, it was annoying.. one day I grabbed my gun and walked over and then some ponies were running away, I then used my gun and the bullet missed, one of my neighbors.. may not have liked that and called the cops.. and now I am here.."


Daring Do jumped into the conversation by saying, "That seems horrible.. I am here for grand larceny!"

The mare with a green coat, ice blue eyes, an eye patch on her left eye and light blue mane swallowed her bacon and said, "Well, I am here for breaking and entering... my neighbor owes me some bits and hasn't paid me the bits in months.. I was tired of waiting for her to pay the bits so I broke into her house and got around 1,000 bits and an old ping pong table valued at around a hundred dollars. I tried to sneak out but that failed I was caught, I got twenty-five years.. I am respected in prison!"

Then, the three ponies look at Rainbow Dash, while they were saying why they are here and their life story Rainbow Dash was eating her food. Then, the mare with a green coat, ice blue eyes, an eye patch on her left eye and light blue mane asked, "Dash, why are you here? You killed somepony? You shoplift?"

Rainbow Dash said, "Well, I am here because of Flying Under the Influence, Ponyslaughter, and Public intoxication. I think I don't deserve to be here!"

The stallion that sat next to the mare with the breaking and Entering and theft charge drank his prune juice, he smelt the juice and yelled, "Ugh, this smells like shit!" He then nervouslly and firmly grabbed the drink and took a few sips.

He then said, "The smell is bad but it taste quite good.. bit fruity..."

There was a short silence among the four ponies, the mare with a green coat, ice blue eyes, an eye patch on her left eye and light blue mane said, "That's bad... I am surprise you are here... you seem like a nice pony.. aren't you in the Wonderbolts!"

Rainbow Dash replied, "Yeah, I am!" she had pride in her heart, "I am a proud Wonderbolt and nobody can take that away from me!"

Then one of the guards in a white uniform, black tie and black pants walked over to where the four ponies were sitting and he then said, "Uh.. are you Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash then turned around and said, "Yeah, why? Am I getting out of here? Did the judge finally use his brain?"

The guard shook his head and replied, "No.. sorry Dash... I am here because there is somepony who wants to talk to you!"

Rainbow Dash grin started growing larger and larger. She then said, "Okay!" Then Rainbow Dash up from the table. The guard escorted Rainbow Dash to the room, where ponies can talk to the condemned prisoners. Rainbow Dash and the guard arrived, there was ponies sitting in the chairs holding the telephone as they talk to the condemned prisoners who are behind the undestoryable glass and wearing a degrading orange jumpsuit. Then, Rainbow Dash sat on the black chair and grabbed the telephone.

Sitting across from her was Spitfire, she was not a happy camper, she had a disappointed look on her face, there were little and few bags under her eyes. Rainbow Dash then said, "Hey Spitfire... are.. you here to bail me out?"

Spitfire shook her head, she said, "No, I am not... I am here to tell you bad news.."

Rainbow Dash grin turned upside down, she then said, "What are you here for?"

SpitFire took a deep breath and looked down, she then looked at Rainbow Dash and said, "Rainbow.. I am sorry but.."

There was a silence among them, after a few seconds Rainbow Dash said, "But.. what?"

Spitfire said, "You're being cut from the Wonderbolts." When Rainbow Dash heard that she got shocked, she was remembering when the stallion from earlier said that he was forced to leave the Wonderbolts after an accident. She looked down, her eyes were widen. She then looked at Spitfire.

Rainbow yelled, "WHAT? But why.. what did I do to deserve this... I am one of best wonderbolts ever.. and without me the Wonderbolt show would be boring.. why Spitfire... please don't cut me from the Wonderbolts! I beg you.."

Spitfire sighed and said, "You were convicted and now have a criminal record, we can't have that ruin the Wonderbolt's reputation, also you disobeyed me... I told you not to fly because you are drunk.. but you didn't listen and see what happened, you bumped into the mail pony and caused a death.. that was my cousin... disobedience is a serious crime in the wonderbolts.."

Rainbow Dash then yelled, "Nooo no fair... I mean.. don't some of the Wonderbolts have a criminal record? how come they aren't being cut from the Wonderbolts... why is life cruel and degrading!?"

Spitfire then replied, "Look Dash, some crimes won't ban you or get you cut from the wonderbolts.. but serious crimes like disobedience, murder, drug offenses, or foalnapping gets you cut from the Wonderbolts and banned from rejoining.. and those Wonderbolts have a criminal record before they joined the Wonderbolts.. but it was a decade ago and it said they were rehabilitated or the offense was expunged. Ponies with criminal records can expunged crimes from their criminal record but not serious crimes like drug offenses, foalnapping, murder, attempted murder, etc. so we thought that the crime they did wasn't serious enough that it has to stay on their criminal record for life."

Spit Fire then said, "Look Dash, I like you. Not romantically.. I think you are a good Wonderbolt and a good flier.. but we need to let you go because of your conviction and disobedience!"

Spitfire got up and said, "Good bye!" and walked away.

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe it, she has been fired from the Wonderbolts, her dream job. She felt rage and anger fill up in her. Anger was filling up in her heart. She then yelled, "Fuck you Spitfire, you dirty cunt!"

Rainbow Dash said, "Wonderbolts are nothing without me! ME!" she had an angry look on her face, her grin was curved upside down. She then punched the glass but it didn't crack or break, not even a little bit. Everypony was staring in the room staring at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash looked down and said, "Oh what's the point... why did I do that.. I could just join the Wonderbolts when I get out of her.. I didn't commit a serious crime.. why am I soo stupid?"

Then, later it was free time, Rainbow was sitting in the bed, she had a sad look on her face and she then sighed, she was thinking and reflecting about her life and what happend so far. She replays the events that happened yesterday and today in her mind. She remembers bumping to Derpy, causing a pony to die, being sent to court also being condemned, being sent to prison, and today, she was cut from the Wonderbolts. She sighed and asked herself, "Why did I just listen to Spitfire.. why didn't I just walk or try getting a taxi driver to take me? WHY did I drink alcohol yesterday?"

She moaned and punch the wall that was next to her, Rainbow's hoof was red and Rainbow Dash growled, "Ow," she then said, "Stupid wall!"

Rainbow Dash's eyes were being flooded with water, a few tears racing down her face. She then yelled while crying, "WHY DID I DO THAT? oh.."