• Published 2nd Jul 2023
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My Little Pony: Nine Elements Book 2 - BlueBioWolf

A continuation of version of Friendship is Magic that has nine Elements of Harmony and Spike being treated with more respect.

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Chapter 4: The Super-Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 (S2:E15)

My Little Pony: Nine Elements

Book 2

Written by Brandon Nell and Blake Hawkins

Chapter 4: The Super-Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

The fall months were beginning in Ponyville. On this particular day, the sun hadn’t risen yet. Fluttershy was still fast asleep in her bed, when all of a sudden, Rainbow burst open her bedroom windows and crashed into her cottage. Fluttershy woke with a start. “Rainbow Dash?” she asked. “What are you doing here so early?”

“Come on, Fluttershy!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Cider season’s about to start!”

Before Fluttershy had a chance to react, Rainbow yanked her covers off, revealing that she was wearing nothing but a green shirt that only covered half of her barrel. Fluttershy blushed and covered it with her forehooves.

Rainbow, in too much of a rush to question Fluttershy’s choice of pajamas, pushed Fluttershy along in the air. “What’s the rush, Rainbow?”

“We have to get to Sweet Apple Acres before Pinkie does,” Rainbow explained. “Every bucking year, she drinks more cider than anypony else even though there’s a one serving per customer rule! I’m sick of it and I know I’m not the only one.”

“And,” Fluttershy said, after a yawn. “You’re thinking that the two of us flying to Sweet Apple Acres will ensure we get our taste of cider in?”

“If we get there before her,” Rainbow said. “She’s been hogging the cider for too long.”

“Can’t you just ask Pinkie to give you a cup?” Fluttershy asked.

“Don’t you think I already tried that?” Rainbow said. “Every time I try, Pinkie doesn’t notice and chugs the stuff down. She’s so inconsiderate!”

“And I thought I had a hard time getting my words out,” Fluttershy said as an aside. “Anyway, why did you need to drag me along into this? I didn’t mind waiting until the next day.”

“Because,” Rainbow said. “The more ponies ahead of Pinkie, the less likely it is she’ll hog all the cider.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Fluttershy said.

“Just you wait, Flutters,” Rainbow smirked. “You and I are going to enjoy that first day cider one way or another.” Suddenly, the duo saw a network of tents outside Sweet Apple Acres. “What the hay?!” At the very front of the network of tents was a bubblegum pink colored tent with yellow, white, and blue decorations. Pinkie emerged from it as the two pegasi landed.

“Good morning, you two,” the party mare greeted pleasantly.

“Hi, Pinkie,” Fluttershy said.

“Who the buck are all these ponies?” Rainbow demanded.

“Oh,” Pinkie said. “I remembered that Cider Season would be here soon, so, I said it aloud to myself. They must have remembered from my reminder so they set up camp here.” She looked at the number of tents. “I sure hope you’ll be able to get some.”

“We won’t with you at the front,” Rainbow said. “You greedy little–”

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy interrupted. “There’s no need for name-calling!”

“Well, I’m sure you guys will get yours,” Pinkie said obliviously.

Rainbow was fuming. “One of these days, Pinkie,” she muttered. “One of these days… Bang! Zoom! Straight to the moon!”*

When the sun rose, the Apple Family was setting up for Cider Season. Suddenly, Applejack noticed Pinkie at the front of the line.

“Ah, no ya don’t, PInkie,” Applejack snapped. “Not this year! Yer goin’ ta the back of the line this year!”

Pinkie felt insulted. “Why do I have to go to the back of the line?!”

Applejack listed reasons while getting progressively closer to Pinkie’s face. “Ya buy in bulk a lot o’ mugs despite our one mug per customer rule n’ ya don’t share yer extra mugfuls with yer friends!” Pinkie was breaking out in a cold sweat. “But, that ain’t all,” Applejack continued. “Ya cut lines at least three times a day fer cider, yer greedy n’ inconsiderate, n’ because a lot o’ ponies’ll kick yer flank if ya don’t go ta the back o’ the line.”

“Why else?” Pinkie asked nervously as her and Applejack’s noses touched.

“NOW, PINKIE!” Applejack shouted.**

Pinkie yelped and zoomed to the back of the line. Various ponies in line cheered for Applejack. Especially Rainbow. “I might actually get some cider for once!”

“Hopefully, Pinkie will take this lesson to heart,” Fluttershy said.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Spike, and Rarity overheard Applejack’s lecture to Pinkie.

“Whoa,” Spike said. “Pinkie really did all of that?”

“Considering she eats more than the rest of us at our picnics,” Rarity said. “Are you really surprised, darling?”

“I guess not,” Spike answered.

“Out of curiosity,” Twilight asked. “Have you been able to try some of the Apple Family cider, Rarity?”

“Indeed I have,” Rarity confirmed. “They sell both alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties. The former is reserved for legal adults as the sun sets.”

“Ah, good,” Twilight said. “I’m sure both Spike and I will enjoy the non-alcoholic cider.”

“If it has the same quality as the rest of the Apple Family products,” Spike said. “I’m sure it’ll be great.”

“Indeed,” Rarity smiled. “And the fact that all of the funds are put into helping the Apple Family, it gives me more reason to partake.”

“The bits they used building that barn,” Twilight said. “Are long since used up by now. They need as many as they can get.”

“True,” Rarity said. “Caramel helps as best he can without demanding more bits.”

“That’s true,” Spike said. “If he asked for bits, it would defeat the purpose of helping Applejack and her family with their funds.”

“That stallion’s as sweet as his name,” Twilight said.

“He is a good friend indeed,” Rarity smiled. “I’m glad that Applejack has him as her coltfriend.”

At the front of the line, Applejack cleared her throat. “Attention, everypony! Apple Family Cider is now bein’ served!”

Ponies cheered. First up was Lemon Hearts, who was visiting her sister in Ponyville at the time. Lemon Hearts paid for a mugful of cider. Apple Bloom then pulled the lever and poured the tangy brown liquid into a metal mug.

“Thank you,” Lemon said before drinking up.

Next in line was Twinkleshine, also visiting from Canterlot. She paid a gold bit. Apple Bloom poured her mugful. “Thanks,” Twinkleshine said.

Various other ponies had their mugfuls of cider after payment. Finally, it was Rainbow’s turn. The last barrel was attached a while before then. She paid two gold bits.

“Ya only need ta pay one,” Applejack said.

“Keep the change,” Rainbow said. “You need it more than I do.”***

“Aww, thanks, Rainbow,” Applejack smiled. “Serve ‘er up, Apple Bloom!”

Apple Bloom poured Rainbow her mugful. However, the mug was only filled halfway before the spigot sputtered, signifying the supply ran out. Applejack saw this.

“Uh, oh,” Applejack said. “Got ta make an announcement.” Rainbow took her half-full mug. “We’re out o’ this batch fer today. If anypony didn’t get any this mornin’, write yer name on this here clipboard n' we’ll make sure ta have a mugful o’ cider ready fer ya tomorrow.”

“Hey, I’ve gone through years without getting a drop,” Rainbow said. “I’ll take what I can get.”

So, Rainbow had her first sip of cider from her mug. She practically had tears of joy welling in her eyes as she savored the taste. She then flew up a bit. “In your face, Pinkie!” she gloated.

“Hey,” Pinkie smiled, still oblivious from earlier. “Nice to see she finally got a taste.”

“Because you weren’t hogging it all,” Lucky Clover said. “You greedy mare.”

“Come on, everypony,” Fluttershy said. “Tomorrow’s cider will certainly be delicious. After all, good things are worth waiting for.”

“She’s right,” Caramel said. “The Apple Family’s trying their best. If you think you can do better, go ahead and try.”****

“Gladly,” called two unfamiliar voices from a slight distance.

All heads turned in the direction of the voices. Rolling up to the farm was the most unusual contraption any of them had ever seen. It was a steam-powered platform device rolling on wheels. Atop it were two unicorn stallions. They both were pale yellow coat-wise and had red manes and tails with white streaks. They both had green eyes. The difference between one and the other was that one of them had a red handlebar mustache. They both wore yellow strawhats with blue bands, white dress shirts, blue and white striped vests, and black bow ties. The mustachioed unicorn had an almost full apple minus one chunk of it as a Cutie Mark while the clean faced unicorn had one apple slice as his Cutie Mark.

“Well, brother,” the mustachioed stallion said. “Look at what we’ve got here.”

“Quite a sad predicament, brother,” the clean-faced stallion said. “Some of these ponies are hoping for a cool refreshing mug of apple cider.”

“Ponies with thirsty throats and dry tongues,” the mustachioed stallion said. “And wouldn’t you know it, not a drop of cider in sight.”

“But,” the clean-faced stallion continued. “What if we told them that there was no reason for them to be feeling this despair?”

“And why should we believe you?” Spike said. “We don’t even know you.”

“I’m so glad you asked, young drake,” the mustachioed stallion answered. “For you see, my younger brother Flim, that’s him.”

“And my older brother Flam,” said the clean-faced stallion, whose name was Flim. “We’re the Flim-Flam Brothers.”

“Uh, if Flam’s older,” Shoeshine asked. “Wouldn’t it be the Flam-Flim Brothers?”

“Well, which rolls off the tongue better?” Flam casually asked.

Shoeshine tried to say both variations. She admitted to saying Flim-Flam Brothers easier.

“Wait,” Spike said. “Neither of you have a problem with me being a dragon?”

“Hey,” Flim said. “As long as you can pay for our products, you could be a manticore for all we care.”

“Indeed,” Flam said. “To us, a customer is a customer.”*****

“With yer group name,” Applejack snarked. “Customers must be hard ta come by.”

“That’s why we travel throughout Equestria,” Flim said. “We go to the ponies and other creatures.”

“Is there a rest stop between here and the bucking point?” Rainbow asked impatiently.

“We were just about to get there,” Flam said. “You see, our load of locomotion is capable of producing the most delicious and most mouth-watering apple cider anypony, or any dragon, has ever tasted.”

“I highly doubt that,” Rarity said.

“Your skepticism is reasonable,” Flam said. “And we’ll delightfully squash it, won’t we, brother?”

“Absolutely, brother,” Flim replied before turning to Applejack. “Young mare, may we possibly borrow a few of your delicious and delightfully fragrant apples for our demonstration?”

“Well,” Applejack pondered, looking towards Granny Smith. “Ah need the okay from Granny Smith.”

“If’n ya think ya can make good cider with our apples,” Granny Smith said. “Go on, then.”

“Well, brother,” Flam said. “You heard the old mare.”

So, they both fired a burst of magic from their horns and blasted a funnel connected to a tube attached to their device. The machine then began to vacuum apples from their trees into the machine, careful not to vacuum any debris from the tree. The machine then began making cider with the Apple Family apples.

“Our machine is called the Flim Flam Brothers Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000,” Flim explained.

“It takes cider-ready apples,” Flam continued. “And our machine compresses it into delicious and mouth-watering cider quickly and easily.”

Rainbow looked carefully at the mug.

“They may be using your apples, AJ,” Rainbow said. “But, I’m not going to satisfy them by trying the cider they’re making. I may like flying fast, but, after finally getting my taste of the cider your family made, I can appreciate the time and care that went into this.” She placed the mug back. “They could be richer than Princess Celestia and they still couldn’t afford my loyalty.”******

Applejack couldn’t help but smile at Rainbow’s words.

“Besides,” Rainbow added. “Their cider probably tastes bad anyway.”

“The most important ingredient in our cider is quality n’ care,” Granny Smith said.

“It’d taste the same,” Flim said. “Heck, it’ll taste better than anything you bumpkins make.”

Granny Smith then got an uncomfortable twitch in her eye. “What did ya call us?”

“Now, now, Granny,” Applejack said. “Let’s give these fellas a chance. Ya always tell us ta be fair ta others n’ mah friends n’ ah learned ta not judge somepony.”

“Excuse me,” Twilight said to the brothers. “Is it alright if I examine your machine?”

“Please do, missy,” Flam said.

“But,” Flim said. “No touching anything. Not even with magic. We may not have magic that great, but, we can still detect magic signatures.”

So, Twilight looked over the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 carefully. While she wasn’t very mechanically inclined, she had to admit that this machine was quite impressive. After a while, she concluded her examination.

“So, what’s the word?” Spike asked.

“I admit,” Twilight said. “Their machine looks rather impressive. This indicates that those two have some of the best mechanical skills I've ever seen. Still, I really dislike their attitude toward my friend and her family."

“Right,” Spike said. “I’m with AJ and her family.”

“Well,” Flam said. “Regardless, we’re looking for a business partner.”

“We’d be willin’ ta give ya a chance,” Applejack said. “If ya agree ta a 50-50 share o’ the profits.”

“No can do,” Flim said. “We need a 75-25 share with us getting the 75.”

“Then, Ah’m sorry,” Applejack said firmly. “But, it’s no deal.”

“Well,” Flam said. “It looks like we’ve got us competitors, brother.”

“We challenge you to a cider-off!” Flim said. “Winner is named primary cider sellers in Ponyville.”

“Git yer new-fangled machine off our property!” Granny Smith said.

“Very well,” Flam said. “We won’t dignify being here, especially with you being too chicken to face off against us.”

The brothers and their machine left.

The next day, another line was started. This one was much shorter, as it was for those who didn’t get cider the day before. Once again, Pinkie was at the back.

“Are you okay, Applejack?” Fluttershy asked kindly.

“Not really,” Applejack said. “Them Flim-Flam Brothers challenged mah family ta a competition.”

“I get that it can be unnerving for you,” Rainbow said. “I mean, we did promise to go easy on challenging each other after the whole Iron Pony and Running of the Leaves fiascos almost two years back.”

“If you ask me,” Spike said. “Those two were just blowing smoke. I can literally do that, so, I know what I’m talking about.”

“Ah mean,” Applejack said. “Mah family has lived at Sweet Apple Acres fer many a generation, so, ah have the motivation. But, if ah take up this challenge, ah might lose control o’ mah temper n’ hurt somepony, especially somepony ah cared about. If ah do that, ah could make mah family look bad. The money from cider season’s often all we have ta keep us from goin’ under durin’ the winter months. Without it, well, ah don’t want ta think ‘bout what could happen.”

“Hmm,” Twilight said thoughtfully. “Well, would it help if you had somepony to keep your temper in check?” She motioned towards Caramel. Caramel saw Twilight motioning to him and he walked closer to Applejack.

“I want to do anything I can to help you and your family,” Caramel smiled.

“That’s sweet, Caramel,” Applejack said. “But, what if mah family loses?”

“Let me tell you something, AJ,” Rainbow said. “Even if they can provide cider quickly while your family can’t, that’s not the only reason I show up to cider season every year.”

“That’s right,” Fluttershy said. “When Rainbow got her first mugful, she told me that she wanted to support the Apple Family.”

“So, I wasn’t just angry about Pinkie hogging it to herself,” Rainbow said. “I was mad about her robbing me of the chance to pay you some bits even if I didn’t get a drop.”*******

Pinkie was close enough to overhear this and actually listened.

“Oh, Rainbow,” Pinkie said sadly. “I’m so sorry. If I had known that, I wouldn’t have bought so many. It’s just that I love Applejack’s family and the cider she makes. I should have been more considerate. Can you ever forgive me?”

“That depends,” Rainbow said. “Will you actually pick up the first hints I drop? Because over the years, I’ve dropped like 12 hints a day each cider season.”

“Not only will I do that,” Pinkie said. “But, next cider season, I’ll make sure that you’re first in line.”

“And if you somehow do manage to get more than one mug,” Rainbow asked. “You won’t just gulp it all down like you do with the food at all our picnics, potlucks, or other food-related gatherings?”

“If I do,” Piknie said. “I’m going to do like I do in my song and I’m going to share.”

“And you won’t need to be reminded next time?” Rainbow said.

“Spike,” Pinkie said. “Do you have any memory ink left?”

“Sorry, Pinkie,” Spike said. “Caramel used up the remaining supply I had two weeks ago.”

“Oh,” Pinkie said. “But, I’ll do my best to remember. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“Pinkie,” Apple Bloom said. “Ya want yer mugful er not?”

“That’s okay,” Pinkie said. “I can wait until tomorrow.”

“Okay,” Rainbow chuckled. “Who are you and what’d you do with Pinkie Pie?”

Pinkie giggled. “Okay,” she said. “I guess I deserved that.”

So, Rainbow and Pinkie hugged it out. Once they did, Mayor Mare walked up to Applejack and Caramel.

“I have been hearing about this challenge that the Flim-Flam Brothers issued to your family,” she said. “Do you accept?”

“Well,” Applejack said. “Ah feel that if ah try ta prove mah point, ah’ll come off as stubborn n’ rude.”

“So,” Spike dryly queried. “Basically, half of what you’re being now?”

“Yeah, exactly like-” Applejack started before stopping. “Oh.”

“‘Stubborn’,” Twilight said. “Is pretty much one of your defining traits at this point. True, you’ve gotten better, but, you’re still pretty stubborn. Like how you refuse to resort to dishonest means to get further ahead.”

“And on top of that,” Rarity added. “Sweet Apple Acres is your home. Shouldn’t you be willing to protect it, even from the likes of ponies who want to kick you and your family out?”

“Face it, AJ,” Rainbow said. “You and your family need all the bits you can get. If those Flim-Flam Brothers can afford that mechanical monstrosity, they’re clearly not as strapped for bits as you Apples are.”

Applejack listened to what her friends were saying. After thinking it over, she had a look of determination. “Y’all r’ right! Ah can’t let my worries stop us from protectin’ our home. Ah’ll accept their challenge.”

“We’re out o’ cider again!” Apple Bloom called.

“Huh?” Spike said. “That’s quicker than yesterday.”

The ponies looked to see if Pinkie was responsible.

“Don’t look at me,” Pinkie said. “I didn’t have a drop. Besides, I was at the back of the line, remember?”

“So,” Rainbow said. “If Pinkie didn’t hoard the cider, what happened?”

The Flim-Flam brothers returned with their machine.

“So,” Flim asked. “Did you change your mind?”

“Or did you decide to give us and leave your property to us?” Flam asked.

Granny Smith wasn’t pleased.

“We’re takin’ on yer challenge,” Applejack said.

“Very well,” Flim said. The machine dispensed mugs of cider. “First, a little something to keep thirsty throats tided over.”

“Wait a minute!” Applejack said. “Y’all stole mah family’s apples!!!”

“Just ‘cause we gave ya permission yesterday,” Granny Smith grumbled. “Don't mean ya get ta keep usin’ em!”

The brothers pretended they were innocent.

“Why, what an awful acquisition,” Flam said. “Insinuating that we would use apples from your farm without permission.”

“Perhaps,” Flim said. “They merely want ponies to believe that to drive us away because they’re scared of technology.”

“Hey!” Rainbow snapped. “Nopony accuses the Apples of being dishonest!”

Spike stepped up. “While this machine is some pretty respectable piece of work, there’s still the matter of where you get the apples from. While I know better than to make accusations without hard evidence, it’s still suspicious that you showed up just minutes after Applejack and her family ran out of cider and supposedly had fewer apples for the cider in previous years.”********

“Sounds like this little dragon’s too nosy, eh, brother?” Flam said.

“Yes,” Flim replied. “A little dragon detective. Looks like he’s a little fan of Shadow Spade.”

“Shadow what?” Spike asked.

“Oh, she’s the main character of a mystery book series I read,” Rarity said. “Knowing how capable she is in solving mysteries, it must mean that your indications are right.”

Flam cleared his throat. “Well,” he said. “Even if we did take them without permission, what difference does it make? They were all going to be given away in some form anyway, weren’t they, brother?”

“Indeed,” Flim replied. “The only difference is who will be selling them.”

Applejack refused to let this go on.

“Right, that settles it!” Applejack grunted. “If yer fixin’ ta issue a challenge, ya may as well put yer money where yer mouth is!” Applejack then threw her hat onto the ground. The citizens of Ponyville knew that when Applejack did that, it meant that she was done messing around. The crowd of ponies let out a collective gasp. Flim and Flam simply shrugged off this action of Applejack’s.

“That’s more like it,” Flam smirked.

“You better get ready to lose!” Flim sneered.

“Now, wait a little minute!” Applejack said. “Seein’ as this here’s mah family’s farm, ah feel we should set the rules.”

“Well, I suppose that’s fair,” Flam said.

“What do you have in mind?” Flim asked.

“First,” Applejack said. “Y’all can only use our south field. If we win, ya can’t show yer faces ‘round here again.”

“And if we win?” Flim and Flam asked together.

Applejack put on a brave face. “Then,” she said. “Ya can take over this place n’ name it whatever ya want.”

Applejack’s friends couldn’t help but worry.

Flam spoke up. “Understood. You’ll have your family to help you.”

“And we’ll have ours,” Flim said.

“So,” Mayor Mare said. “You both will have up to an hour and a half to prepare as many barrels as possible.”

“35 minutes should be enough,” Flam said.

“That’s fine by us as well,” Applejack nodded.

“35 minutes it is, then!” Flim said.

“Very well,” Mayor Mare said. “Doctor Hooves will monitor the hourglass.”

So, the opposing teams got ready for their match as Doctor Hooves set a large hourglass.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Applejack?” Twilight asked.

“Ah’m sure,” Applejack said. “Y’all said yerself that this is mah home n’ ah should fight for it.” She went to her family. “Alright, everypony. We’ve got ta give it all we got n’ show the Flim Flam Brothers what we’re made of.”

Spike began twiddling his claws as the Flim-Flam Brothers started taking the lead in the first few minutes.

“You want to help, too, don’t you, Spike?” Twilight said, noticing Spike’s behavior.

“Yeah,” Spike said. “But, since we’re not really members of the Apple Family, I’m not sure if it’d be right.”

“Flim-Flam Brothers?” Fluttershy asked. “Is it alright if honorary family members help, too?”

“You’re asking the wrong shmoes, missy,” Flam said. “That’s a question for the referee.”

“That would be my department,” Mayor Mare said. “And, I will allow it on the provision that the Flim-Flam Brothers accept.”

“Go ahead,” Flim said. “It makes no difference to us, right, brother?”

“Right,” Flam said.

“Come on, girls!” Twilight said. “You, too, Spike.”

So, the five mares and Spike joined the Apple Family’s side.

“What’re y’all doin’ here?” Applejack asked.

“We figured you could use some help,” Twilight said. “I have a plan. Fluttershy will help you knock down the apples. Pinkie, Spike, and Apple Bloom will collect the apples. Rarity will help Granny Smith sort the good apples from the bad. Rainbow helps Big McIntosh press. I’ll use my magic to seal the barrels.”

“And I’ll move the barrels,” Caramel said as he stood beside Applejack.

“Ya were doin’ that anyhow,” Apple Bloom said.

“Oh, yeah,” Caramel said.

“You’ll still be keeping Applejack focused as well, Caramel,” Twilight said. “With our efforts combined, the Apple Family might just stand a chance!”

“Thanks, y’all,” Applejack smiled.

All of Applejack’s friends took their positions, increasing the Apple Family output.

“It’s working!” Twilight said. “We’re producing five barrels for every three they produce!”

This caught the Flim-Flam Brothers off-guard. The idea of them losing to hard working ponies and a dragon seemed ludicrous. So, in desperation, they formulated a scheme to get ahead.

“Double the power, brother?” Flim asked.

“It could be risky,” Flam replied. “But, we can’t lose!”

The duo channeled their magic into the machine, causing it to suck up an entire tree. This caused not only apples to be squeezed and compressed into cider, but, also leaves, the bark, the roots, and even dirt from the ground the tree was grown in. Neither brother noticed.

Rainbow, however, noticed that an entire tree was sucked up when she gave a sideways glance. “I don’t think any of that should be in cider,” she said.

“Just focus on grindin’,” Applejack said. “If we cheat, there’s no point in winnin’. We’d just be sinkin’ ta their level n’ losin’ quality. Ya don’t want that, do ya?”

“No, we don’t!” Rainbow said with more confidence in helping her friend. She then got back to grinding. She began doubling her speed. Big McIntosh had a hard time catching up with her, though, but, he powered on.

Soon, the contest was over. Applejack, her friends, and her family were panting to catch their breath while both teams’ barrels were being counted.

“The Flim-Flam Brothers win for most barrels,” Mayor Mare said.

“Ha-ha~!” The Flim-Flam Brothers cheered.

“We knew you didn’t have a chance!” Flim sneered.

“Even with your friends to help you,” Flam retorted.

Spike was beginning to lose his temper. Twilight noticed and put a hoof on his shoulder. “Take it easy, Spike,” she said. “They’re not worth it.”

“Thank y’all for helpin us, though,” Applejack said sadly. “Ah’m glad ah could have y’all by my side.”

“I seem to remember us having a deal,” Flim said. “What about you, brother?”

“I do indeed, brother,” Flam responded. “With us being victors, we’re going to change Sweet Apple Acres into Flim-Flam Farms!”

The Apples sighed in defeat. The other townsponies felt conflicted over what happened.

“Help yourselves to high quality Flim-Flam Brothers brand apple cider, everypony,” Flim announced.

“For the first five minutes,” Flam announced. “All samples are free.”

“Go ahead,” Applejack said. “It’s okay.”

Several mugs were readied. The townsponies looked at the cider and saw things like leaves, twigs, and bark in it, which never happened before with the Apple Family.

“Drink up, everypony,” Flim said. “Down the hatch.”

Cherry Berry, Bon Bon, and Comet Tail each took a mug and studied the contents. Each took experimental tastes. The Flim-Flam brothers waited with anticipation, but, those looks changed when the ponies spat out the awful cider they made.

“Yuck!” the trio declared.

“I can’t get this metal taste off my tongue!” Cherry complained.

“Mine’s got rocks in it!” Bon Bon said with disgust.

“I wouldn’t pay a silver bit for this dreck!” Comet Tail put in.

“You wouldn’t pay one silver bit?” Flam asked.

“No!” Comet said. “This stuff isn’t even worth a copper bit!” Copper bits were a bit denomination below silver that was seldom put into circulation in present day due to most of the cheapest items costing at least a silver bit.*********

The greedy Flim Flam brothers were getting desperate. They whispered to each other.

“Uh,” Flim began. “How about two cups for one copper bit?”

“I wouldn’t pay a copper bit for a single drop!” Bon Bon said.

Flim and Flam gulped nervously.

“Looks as though we’ve encountered a slight problem…” Flam said.

“Nopony wants our product,” Flim said. “Next town?”

“Next town!” Flam responded.

The brothers started their machine and traveled off. Applejack and her family saw the whole exchange. Once the Flim-Flam Brothers were out of sight, they turned back with smiles on their faces.

The Apples watched with smiles. “They’re gone,” Applejack smiled.

“That means Sweet Apple Acres is still in business!” Twilight cheered.

“And the town gets high-quality apple cider!” Caramel said. “Just like I said. Perfection can’t be rushed.”

“Because o’ this competition,” Apple Bloom added. “We have more n’ enough cider for all o’ Ponyville!”

“I’ll wait until everypony else has some before having one myself,” Pinkie said. The entire town gasped. “Is it really that surprising?”

“Yes!” the entire town said.

“Boy,” Twilight said. “Pinkie is really taking her Pinkie promise to heart.”

“Pinkie promises,” Rarity said. “Are one of the few things Pinkie takes seriously.”

“Speakin’ o’ takin’ things seriously,” Applejack said. “Spike, think ya can take a letter fer me? Ah’m ready ta write mah friendship lesson ta Princess Celestia.”

Spike pulled out a quill and parchment. “Got my supplies right here,” he said. “Never go anywhere without them.”

“Uh,” Twinkleshine asked curiously. “Where do you keep those things?”

“That’s not important,” Spike said. “Okay, Applejack. Go ahead.”

Applejack cleared her throat.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, ah learned that ya shouldn’t be afraid ta stand up fer what ya believe in. Ah was also reminded that if ya take yer time n’ do things the right way, yer work’ll speak fer itself. Ah was also reminded that mah friends’ll always be there ta help me n’ ah can count on ‘em no matter what. Ah reckon Pinkie learned a thing er two ‘bout consideration, too. She made a Pinkie promise ta take no more n’ her fair share. If there’s one thing ya can count on Pinkie fer, it’s keepin’ a Pinkie promise.

Yer humble subject,


Spike rolled up the scroll and sent it away.

“Thank ya kindly, Spike,” Applejack smiled. “How would ya like some cider?”

“Sounds great,” Spike smiled. “Uh, non-alcoholic, right?”

“O’ course,” Applejack said. “Ya ain’t old ‘nuff fer alcohol. ‘Sides, with yer fire breath, givin’ ya alcohol wouldn’t be a good idea no how.”

“Thanks,” Spike said. With that, Spike joined his closest friends for a mug of cider.

End of chapter.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter.

*Five points to anyone who can guess that reference.

**Ice Age reference.

***100% legit loyalty.

****Loyal coltfriend.

*****A little decency for the Flim-Flam brothers.

******110% legit loyalty.

*******My idea.

********Comickook dialogue.

*********Another idea by me.

**********A more modest report for Applejack.

Shoutout to Comickook for their ideas.

If you're enjoying the story so far, contact me via private messages if you'd like to help make future chapters.