• Published 9th Jul 2023
  • 295 Views, 4 Comments

A Night at the Gala - Locomotion

Locomotion and Hornette are invited to attend the Grand Galloping Gala. How will the other guests take to them?

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Chapter 4: Full of Surprises

From the top of the grand staircase in Canterlot Castle's entrance hall, Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Flash Sentry looked on welcomingly as the Gala guests began to arrive. To one side, Blueblood stood by and greeted each of the attendees with a polite smile as the herald called out their names; occasionally directing a fond glance to the azure blue mare in a fetching purple ballgown standing next to him.

“Announcing Prince Shining Armour and Princesses Cadance and Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire!”

A broad smile of delight spread across Blueblood's face as he trotted forward. “Cadance!” he remarked. “So glad you could make it!”

“Wonderful to see you again, Blueblood,” beamed Cadance, drawing him into a hug. Blueblood warmly returned it, but barely had the chance to pull back before Flurry Heart jumped up and enveloped him in an embrace of her own. A light chuckle escaped his lips as he wrapped an arm around her, his other one reaching out to shake hooves with Shining Armour.

“Wow, Blueblood,” he quipped, “what's Trixie been doing to you over these last few years? You wouldn't have been caught dead hugging a little filly before she came along.”

Blueblood scoffed in a dignified manner, but the hearty smirk on his lips spoilt the effect. “And what would a commoner know about how a prince carries himself?” he retorted.

“Give it up, Blueblood,” chided Trixie playfully, “we all know you're a big softie underneath. Even that mare from your past couldn't change you for good.”

“I have you to thank for that, Trixie darling,” murmured Blueblood gratefully. “Anyway, how's my favourite little niece?”

“Aw, come on, Uncle Blueblood,” giggled Flurry Heart, “I'm your only niece.”

Blueblood smirked again and rolled his eyes. “Not for long, I hope,” he quipped. “The way your Auntie Twilight seems to be getting on with young Flash Sentry, I'd say it's only a matter of time before you get a cousin or two.”

Flurry Heart sighed longingly as she relaxed her grip on her uncle. “I'd like that,” she agreed. “It's great living in the Crystal Castle, but it does get boring without other foals to play with.”

“I can vouch for that,” put in Cadance gravely. “Few visitors to the castle ever seem to bring children with them, and from what I can tell, the only times she gets to be with foals of her age group is when she goes to visit Twilight.”

“Hmm...I'm sorry to hear that,” sympathised Blueblood; but before he could continue, the umpteenth bugle call in the last few minutes promptly distracted his attention.

“Announcing the Ponyville Councillors of Friendship – Lady Rarity and her husband Sir Spike the Dragon; Councillor Pinkie Pie and her husband Braeburn of Appleloosa; Councillor Fluttershy and her husband Macintosh Apple; and Councillor Applejack and her husband Caramel!”

All four royals, as well as Trixie, turned to give the arrivals a friendly greeting as they entered. Blueblood's genial smile faltered a little at the sight of Rarity, who gave him a polite but wary glance; even though she had learned from Trixie about his change of tune, the unpleasant memories of her own first encounter with him still stuck in her mind. “Quite the turnout tonight, wouldn't you say?” he remarked to Shining Armour, trying to distract himself from his own embarrassment.

“Yes, quite. I'm only surprised Rainbow Dash isn't with them.”

“She'll be out waiting to give an aerial display,” Cadance pointed out. “Wonderbolts, remember?”

“They won't be the only ones putting on a show,” put in Trixie. “Princess Celestia allowed me to give a magic display later tonight – and take a wild guess as to who put in a good word for me,” beaming lovingly up at Blueblood.

“Well, I couldn't say no to the Great and Powerful Trixie, could I?”

Trixie's reply was cut off by the herald called out the next few arrivals; “Announcing Locomotion and Hornette, CPM, Star of Rockhoof, and their guests Firelli Brazen and Mistral!”

For a moment, Blueblood was confused – but when he looked towards the doorway again, all became clear as he saw a teenaged changeling mare in a light pink ballgown and a red-furred unicorn stallion in a top-hat enter the castle. The stallion looked around apprehensively, as if he expected somepony to walk over and slap him in the face; but it was the changeling who really caught Blueblood's attention. She clearly didn't want to be here, and seemed to be trying her best to hide behind her baby blue mane.

“Isn't that the same changeling who helped overthrow Chrysalis?” he ventured.

“Why, so she is,” said Cadance, pleasantly surprised to see Hornette again. “Shiny and I were at their medal award ceremony in Ponyville last year. Such a pleasant creature she was; but pretty shy to boot.”

“Hmm...yes, I see.” Blueblood's brow furrowed. He didn't even need to ask the changeling's name she was so well known; nor did he question why she looked so insecure. With so many ponies around, and none of her own kind as far as he could see, it was all too obvious to him.

To add to that, the moment their names had been called out, all eyes had turned in Locomotion and Hornette's direction. Some simply stared in sullen puzzlement and unspoken disdain, while others waited expectantly as if they anticipated some kind of speech from the young couple – but it never came. The unexpected attention only made them even more uncomfortable than they already were; and when at last Locomotion did speak, he could only manage two awkward, nervous words plucked out of thin air – “No comment.”

Most of the other guests muttered to each other in disappointment, and Blueblood frowned anxiously. “Hmm,” he thought aloud. “I fear a little...intervention might be needed here.”

“What do you mean?” quizzed Trixie.

“I'm sure those two won't mind me pulling a few strings here and there,” finished Blueblood cryptically, and made his way to the ballroom without explaining any further. Trixie, still puzzled, followed suit, while Cadance, Shining Armour and Flurry Heart went for a hearty chat with Twilight. Hornette caught a glimpse of them, but was too shy even to say hello; and Locomotion was more concerned with concealing his embarrassment than attempting to greet them himself.

“Too much?” whispered Firelli sympathetically.

“I'll say it was,” muttered Locomotion. “I didn't expect an inquisition the moment I walked through the door.” He groaned under his breath, holding a hoof against his face as the herald announced Scootaloo, Rumble, Apple Bloom, Featherweight, Sweetie-Belle and Lickety-Split. “What a way to start the evening!”

“Never mind, Loco, the night's still young. Shall we go and see where the buffet table is? You'll probably feel better after you've had something to eat.”

“And maybe a chat with the princesses, eh?” put in Mistral brightly. “They did personally invite you, after all.”

Locomotion shook his head uncertainly. “They'll probably be too busy with other ponies to even notice us. Besides, I'm hardly worthy to kiss their boots, let alone speak to them.”

“Is that so?” Hornette jumped at the sound of the disembodied voice, but Locomotion only groaned again in dismay. “Well, as Princess Celestia's consort, surely I count as royalty myself, am I right or am I right? Therefore...” and before they knew what was going on, Discord materialised in front of them wearing what Locomotion could only describe as some kind of circus ringmaster outfit. “Want some?” he offered, holding out one of his boots. “It's orange-flavoured.”

“Good evening to you too, Discord,” smiled Firelli politely.

“Oh, it certainly should be! To have a couple of BIG names at this BIG event,” chortled Discord knowingly, growing in size as he spoke, “is always a BIG pleasure indeed.”

“Is it now?” scoffed Locomotion sarcastically. “Well, where can I find them?”

“Right here, you silly little pony!” replied Discord with an amused smirk. “You and that darling changeling marefriend of yours – you're the couple of the hour, and you didn't...say,” he interrupted himself, gazing down in feigned bemusement at Hornette, who seemed to be cowering a little under his enlarged stature. “You're a lot smaller than I remember – either that or I'm getting bigger. Look at me from the side,” fiddling with his newly acquired pot belly, “do I look different to you?”

“No, Discord, you've always looked an absolute weirdo,” retorted Locomotion impatiently, “and none of us have any time for this.”

“Now, now, Loco,” chided Discord, shrinking back to his normal size and girth, “no need to get so...wound up!” As if to drive the point home, he pulled a key out of nowhere, stuck it in his earhole and twisted it a few times. “I'll have you know I'm just trying to provide the key to your enjoyment this evening. In fact, I've even got a list of things for you to achieve tonight,” he added, producing a clipboard out of thin air and hovering it in front of Locomotion and Hornette.

But Locomotion only scowled at what he saw. “Oh, don't be stupid, Discord!” he snapped. “None of that's gonna happen and you know it!”

“Loco!” exclaimed Firelli. “Was there any need for that?”

“No, there was no need for him to egg us on like this!” argued Locomotion crossly. “We've got enough to worry about without that oversized mongrel working us up for nothing!”

Discord nearly fell over in mock dismay. “Are you doubting my intuition, my dear Loco?!”

“Your integrity, more like.”

“Oh, please,” continued Discord innocently, “what would I have to gain by playing the fool with you both? By the time I'm done – and I'm willing to bet on it – you two will be thanking me (and others) for helping you show what you really are – the belles of the ball, the stars of the show, the talk of the town, the good of the Gala...”

“Ha!” dismissed Locomotion. “I'd be surprised if that turned out to be true.”

“You and me both,” murmured Hornette timidly.

“Oh really?” A cheeky smirk returned to Discord's face. “Honestly, Loco, have you even met me? Discord, the Spirit of Chaos? The one creature who can do anything he wants at the snap of a finger? I'm full of surprises...”

Hornette cocked her head at the musical tone of Discord's voice. “Is he...singing?” she wondered out loud, before realising with embarrassment what an obvious question that was.

As all of you can see...”

“Sounds like it,” observed Mistral, more curious than puzzled. Locomotion didn't bother to offer his own opinion – he just sighed irritably and buried his face in his right hoof.

My presence brings pizazz into the hall...”

Before their very eyes, Discord vanished in a puff of smoke, only to reappear right between Locomotion and Hornette, causing them both to flinch. The red-furred unicorn slowly lowered his hoof and turned to glare at him, but Discord, unfazed, pretended not to notice his annoyance and carried on singing.

I'm full of surprises...
Let it be said of me,
I don't find being surprising hard at all!”

“Oh, grief, here we go,” muttered Locomotion as all the lights inexplicably went out. When they came back on again, the first thing they saw was Discord striding out from behind one of the marble pillars in an impromptu dance routine, now sporting a spangly jacket and bow tie and holding a gold-topped cane.

I'm full of surprises,
As all of you can see;
My presence brings pizazz into the ball...”

As if to punctuate that point, a sprinkling of multicoloured confetti began raining down, accompanied by a chorus of disembodied cheers as Discord went from tap dancing to backward somersaults. Next, a trio of spotlights beamed down, one after another, each on a separate part of the entrance hall; and in each one, Discord magically appeared and struck a different pose.

I'm full of surprises;
Let it be said of me,
I don't find being surprising hard at all!”

He certainly doesn't seem to have trouble being confusing, thought Hornette, who was already growing a little dizzy. Discord seemed to be everywhere and nowhere all at the same time – even right in front of her in a court jester's outfit!

Some might think me a clown,
Who's madder than a box of frogs...

Which was exactly what Discord presented to her – it was only a small box, about as big as her hoof, but when Hornette opened it, she was startled and bemused to see nearly three dozen of the aforementioned amphibians jumping out one after the other. It took her a second or two to recover, but Discord had already resumed his previous garb and was performing a waltz with an invisible partner.

But I'd much rather be here at the Gala
Than let myself go to the dogs!”

His head changed into that of a wolf at that point, and he let out three sharp barks. But Locomotion didn't find his fancy display at all amusing; as soon as he thought Discord wasn't looking, he discretely gestured to Hornette that they should move on to the ballroom. Hornette obeyed, but neither of them made it more than a few paces before the draconequus appeared in front of them again.

I'm full of surprises,
No matter where you go...”

Exasperated, Locomotion turned the other way in a vain attempt to find a Royal Guard and complain about Discord – only to flinch back again in anguish as his path was blocked once more.

I stage some of the finest shows around...”

Hornette gazed almost desperately back at the hallway leading to the ballroom, hoping for a way out. Instead, she was greeted by the sight of multiple Discord clones holding out their canes in an arch, while Discord himself danced boisterously between them, occasionally spinning his own cane.

I'm full of surprises;
As everyone should know,
Surprises, in my presence, do abound
Yes, I believe my surprises will astound!”

The clones all vanished in a puff of smoke, and Discord floated upwards to hover with his head under an unlit chandelier, pointing at it as he sang.

And that's how you'll soon realise...”

The chandelier lit up to a high-pitched ding that sounded like a bright idea popping into someone's head. Discord vanished again at that point, reappearing in a prison uniform with a ball and chain anchoring him to the floor, and hung his head in a guilty manner as shadows loomed over him intimidatingly.

That socialites may judge and penalise...”

Hornette, visibly disturbed, opened her mouth to ask for clarification; but Firelli, who up to that point had been too mesmerised to say anything, gave her a hasty nudge and whispered, “You don't want to know.” The young changeling barely had a chance to let it sink in before Discord, resuming his original outfit, reached out and pulled her and Locomotion together until they were cheek to cheek.

But even they can be allies!
I tell no lies!”

He stood up again, holding his arms above his head as if in genial triumph. But even if he felt it, he could already see that his celebration was premature; for Locomotion had clearly had enough of his groundless optimism, and wasn't willing to hear him out any further. He snorted derisively and rolled his eyes, muttering to himself, “Well, there's a big surprise!” in a very cynical and obstinate tone of voice as he and Hornette made for the ballroom. Firelli and Mistral trotted after them, leaving behind a very disappointed Discord.