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Revenge of Anarchy

Our story begins in another dimension where Anarchy was sitting on a rock thinking of a way of escaping from the prison.

"There's has to be a way I can get out of here," Said Anarchy

Then suddenly Anarchy got an Idea. An awful Idea. Anarchy had a wonderful, awful idea.

A sinister grin slowly crawled across Anarchy's face, "I know just what to do!"

He then used both his claws and ripped a hole into his dimension.

"HA! A loop hole, plot hole!" Said Anarchy "I love it, when it don't make sense. BwaHahaHAha!"

He contined to laughed as he when though the hole back to Equestria.

Later back in Tambelon..

Fluttershy and Thunderlane were having tea with Discord, in front of Fluttershy's cottage.

"And thanks to Fluttershy," said Thunderlane after he drank some tea, "Flash and those three avoided being a Chupacabra's lunch."

"Sounds like a heck of a good time." Said Discord drinking Tea through a crazy straw, "Wish I could have joined. But as the spirit of chaos, I can't go fixing all of your problems, You ponies would never learn anything if I did that would you?"

"Now Discord," Said Fluttershy "You know you can't fix all our problems."

"No," said Discord, "But, I could if I wanted to!"

All of a sudden, the three of them heard what sounded like an angry mob coming from the Castle.

"What in Equestria is all that racket?" asked Discord cleaning out his ear.

"I wonder what's going on in there?" Asked Fluttershy

"I don't know, but I'm goinggo check it out," Said Thunderlane as he spread ahis wings and flew to the throne room.

Fluttershy and Discord looked at each other and shrugged. Discord snapped his fingers making the picnic disappear, as the two decide to investigare for themselves themselves.

Up in the Palace Throne Room, Twilight Sparkle was trying to calm down the angry mob of ponies shouting up at her.

"One at a time everypony," she cried out trying to bring order to the room, "Please calmly try to explaint what's going on!"

"He let loose Rats in the royal kitchen!" Shouted Mr. Cake .

"He broke all the Ponyville school windows!" Shouted Cheerilee.

"And he put a bee hive in our flowers!" Shouted Rose and her two flower pals.

"He poisoned out water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses!" shouted Cranky Doodle Donkey.

"He did?" everypony else in the room exclaimed in disbelief.

"No.." shouted Cranky, "But are we just gonna wait around until he does?"

"Yeah!" shouted everypony in an outrage.

Thunderlane suddenly flew into the room and landed besides Twilight.

"What is going on in here?" he asked the Princess.

"Everypony in Tambelon seems to be at somepony for some reason!" the Princess exclaimed.

"Mad at who?" asked Thunderlane.

"Hellllooooo Equestria!" proclaimed Discord as he entered the throne room with Fluttershy.

The entire herd of mad ponies suddenly turned around and glared at the spirit of chaos.

"Excuse me, Pardon me," as pushed his way through the crowd of ponies toward the throne. "Looking good! Lost weight? What? Why is everypony looking at me? Is their something on my face?"

"That's the guy!" somepony from the crowd shouted, "He's the one who terrorized Tambelon!"

"YEAH!" everypony in the mob shouted out in agreement.

"Wait, what!?" exclaimed Twilight.

"He's a menace!" somepony shouted

"Lock him up and throw away the key!" shouted another.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," shouted Discord waving his hands in front of him, "I have no idea what they're talking about! I haven't done anything.. Today!"

Everypony in the Booed and Hissed at the draconequus.

"He's a liar!" shouted somepony.

"Why that is slander sir!" proclaimed, "I'll have you know I've never told a lie in my life!"

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Thunderlane glared up Discord with raised eyebrows.

"Well, that was technically a lie," said Discord, "Huh?"

"Now wait a minute everypony," said Twilight raising up a hoof, "You actually saw Discord doing these things!"

"Well it certainly looked like Discord!" said Cranky, "Only a heck of a lot creepier!"

"Looked like Discord," asked Twilight suspiciously.

"That's right," said Cheerilee, "It was a draconequus, just like Discord, only redder!"

"Draconequus?!" exclaimed Twilight, Fluttershy, and Thunderlane, "Red!?"

"Okay now, well that's just insulting," said Discord.

That's when the four friends realized there was only on creature in all of Equeastria that could be behind this!

"Wait.." said Discord looking confused, "Did anypony else hear that?"

"Everypony," said Twilight reassuring the crowd, "I can assure you that Discord is not the draconequus you saw.."

"Well he's the only draconequus we know of!" shouted Cranky.

"Buh, Why that is absurd!" proclaimed Discord, "There are plenty of other Draconquui in to world! What are you saying that we all look alike!?"

"Please everypony," said Twilight Sparkle trying to calm the crowd down, "I can assure you that the draconequus you saw was completly different. His name is Anarchy, and he's completely different from Discord.

"Another draconequus?" said Cranky with a raised eyebrow, "..Named Anarchy? And you expect us to believe that!?"

The crowd suddenly roared up into an outrage. Twilight Sparkle was looking more nervous than ever.

"QUUUUIIIIEEEEEEEEEETTT!" shouted Twilight Sparkle using the Royal Voice!

The entire crowd went silent after what she said

"Look everypony," said Fluttershy flying up to Discord, "I assure you that Discord would never do anything like your describing.."

"Sure he's done some things in the past," said Twilight trying to find the right words, "But he's semi reformed!"

"Thank you for the vote of confidence," said Discord and sarcastically.

"Fillies and Gentlecolt's" said Thunderlane with an heir of confidence, "As the Lieutenant of the Royal Guard, I personally assure you I will find the culprit responsible for this and bring him to justice. Now kindly exit the castle in an orderly manner.

The ponies glared up at Discord, but then decided to exit the castle one by one. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Thunderlane stood beside their good friend Discord.

But, just to keep the ponies of Tambelon at ease, Princess Twilight Sparkle decided to have Discord locked up in a magic proof cage, until the real culprit was caught.

"Wait, What?!" exclaimed Discord.

We open on the Tambelon Dungeon where Twilight, Fluttershy, and Thunderlane viewed Discord locked in a large birdcage.

"Thank's a lot Twilight," snarled Discord, "I thought you ponies believed in me."

"We do Discord," said Twilight, "But trust me, your much safer in here then you are out there.."

"Well, excuse me Princess," said Discord crossing his arms.

"Oh Discord, don't worry," said Fluttershy flying up to him, "It's just until we catch the real culprit."

"There's no doubt in my mind that Anarchy is behind this," said Thunderlane.

"Who now?" asked Discord.

"Discord!" said all three ponies at once.

"Oh I'm just messing with you," said Discord in a huff, "But how do you expect to catch him without me? He has Chaos Magic you know."

"And we have the elements of Harmony," said Twilight Sparkle confidently.

"Plus, if he's anything like you," said Thunderlane, "He should have the same weaknesses."

"Oh really," said Discord with his hands on his hips, "And what prey tell are those?"

"An over inflated ego!" said Thunderlane.

Discord grimmaced.

"Don't worry," said Fluttershy comforting Discord, "We'll have Anarchy caught and your good name cleared in not time.

Discord watched as the three ponies walked off leaving him alone in his cage.

It was at that point that Discord started to wonder if he had made the right choice siding with ponies!

"Okay seriously," said Discord, "Does nopony else here that?"

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Thunderlane went off to gather their friends to fan out and search for Anarchy.

But, unfortunately, all of their friends were currently preoccupied.

"We'd love to help Twilight," said Applejack writing out a note "But we gotta finish this delivery by sunup!"

Applejack, turned to Big Mac and Apple Bloom unloading a large cart of apples in the middle of Appleloosa.

"Love to help," said Trenderhoof writing a note, "But we're a little preocupied here!"

He turned to see Troubleshoes struggling to navigate their ship. Don Grif'aun's ship was close behind them, firing on them as the wicked griffon laughed.

"Love to help," wrote Rarity, "But, I'm in Manehatten."

She turned see the flashing lights of a large fashion show going on behind her.

"Love to help," wrote Rainbow Dash, "But can't! Wonderbolt's needed two last minute replacements! In the reserves!

Soarin and Rainbowdash were dressed in there Wonderbolt's unifors, an entire stadium full of fans behind them.

"I would to help," wrote Flash Sentry gritting his teeth, "But I'm kinda busy here.

"Flash" shouted Shining Armor, "Keep your head in the game!"

The Stallion fought off a giant cyclops, while Flash wrote from behind a rock.

"I'm kinda in the middle of something important here Twilight!" wrote down Pinkie Pie.

She and Cheese Sandwich were sitting in the front row of a large circus.

Twilight went over the last of the notes that Spike had burped up. Fluttershy and Thunderlane looked at her in dismay.

"Well that's everypony," said Twilight, "Spike I don't suppose you could..?"

A blinding flash of light suddenly filled the room.

Twilight, Fluttershy, and Thunderlane looked at Spike in disbelief. The young dragon had suddenly started glowing.

"What's happening to me!?" shouted Spike in a panic.

"Oh no," Twilight said worried, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know!?" Said Spike in a panic.

"Okay, Okay," said Twilight trying to calm him down, "I'll just send to Master Shin maybe he knows what to do."

"Okay Twi," Spike said clutching his tail nervously.

Twilight then teleport Spike to Master Shin's temple.

Twilight turned to Thunderlane and Fluttershy, "Okay, that leave out Spike out, I guess we're on our own."

"Let's think fora moment," said Thunderlane, "If we were Anarchy where would we be?"

All of a sudden Fluttershy had an idea "I know..."

Later at the arcade

"Hey?" Shouted Button Mash getting mad when the game stopped working, "What's going on!?"

All the game was showing on scene was green Anarchy dancing while singing.

"Glitch, Glitch, Glitch, Glitch, Glitch, Glitch, Glitch! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ah..." sigher Anarchy on top of the building "I love a good cup of chaos in the morning.. Especially when I frame it on Dipcord! Mwa ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha haa!"

"That what's you think!" Shouted a voice.

Anarchy turned to see Twilight, Fluttershy, and Thunderlane with glares on their faces.

"Huh?" Said Anarchy, "How'd did you knew I would be here?"

"Simple," Said Fluttershy, "If your anything like Discord..You'd be in public places like the Arcade! You're the one who's framing him, aren't you!?"

Anarchy just gave the animal loving mare an unamused face for a few minutes.

"No, I'm just here for the grand tour of you're Kingdom," he said sarcastically, "OF COURSE I'M THE ONE FRAMING DISCORD! You know full well how much I hate that guy's guts..! And I knew that you ponies would jump to the conclusion that he was the one causing all this chaos..! Andthat they couldn't tell the different between me and him.. So I took advantage of that! Boy let me tell ya, you ponies can be so gullible sometimes! Mwa ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha!"

"Now listen here mister!" Fluttershy said while getting u into Anarchy's and giving him the stare, "You are going to stop what you're doing right now, and clean up this mess you made, and then apologize to Discord and everyone right now! Or else..."

"Or else what?" said Anarchy glaring back at her, "You'll keep staring at me with those green eyes, till doomsday? Pleeeeease!"

He then disappeared in a puff.

"Well that didn't work," said Thunderlane. "Anypony else have an idea?"

Twilight teleported herself, Thunderlane and Fluttershy back to the castle to regroup. However, when they got there they were surprised to see that they had visitors.

"King Thorax!?" Twilight said surprised.

"Hello Peincess Twilight." Thorax said with a censured look. "Have we come at a bad time?"

It was King Thorax along with his brother Prince Pharynx and a young shy female changing.

"Oh I forgot you were visting today.." Twilight said embarrassed, "..King Thorax, Prince Pharynx, and who is this?"

Twilight then turn to the younger Changeling.

"Oh this is Ocellus." Said Thorax "She wanted to know about Pony Culture. Say hellp Ocellus."

"Humm...Hello Princess." Ocellus said while kneeling before Twilight.

"Nice to meet you." Said Twilight.

"We heard that Discord is acting out again." Said Pharynx "Need some help?"

"Well it's not Discord per say." Twilight said.

"It's actually another draconequus named Anarchy." Said Thunderlane "And he means business."

"There's another one?" Asked Thorax.

"Yes there is but we need to stop him, but how?" Asked Fluttershy.

Twilight then thought for a moment until a lighlight bulb when off in her head.

Later that night back in Discord's cell.

The poor Sprite of choas was miserable, But it only gets worst when you know who shows up.

"Oh how the "mighty" have fallen."

Discord then turn to see Anarchy with a smug look on his face.

"Oh it's...Ummm...Who are you again?" asked Discord.

"OH COME ON!" Anarchy shouted, "It's me Anarchy you arch nemesis! They guy who framed you for all the choas in Tambelon!"

"Oh right..." Said Discord Sarcastically.

"I suppose it doesn't matter becuse now you are locked up in there and I'm going to be the new sprite of Choas!" Anarchy said before loughing evily. "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Think so do you?" A voice said

Anarchy then stopped laughing and turn to see Discord out of his cell.

"What the?!" Anarchy said surprised.

"And your also out numbered." Another Discord said fallowd by a 3rd Discord.

Anarchy was confused not only their are three Discords but the OG was still in his cage.

"How is this possible!?" Anarchy shouted. "You are supposed to be locked up in there in that magic proof cage!?"

"Wouldn't you like to now?" Discord replied with a smug look on his face.

"Well se about that!" Said Anarch as he used his tail to unlocked the cage and try to figurer out what's going on.

But that was foolish becuse Discord use the chance escape from the cage and pushed Anarchy in.

"Got ya!" Discord said.

"Ha if you still somehow do your magic in here so can I!" Anarchy said snapping claws.

But nothing happened nuch to his confusion.

"Funny thing I wasn't able to, brcuse they were." Discord said as the other three Discords transformers into Thorax Pharynx, and Ocellus. Then Twilight Fluttershy, and Thunderlane flew in.

"What!?" Shouted Anarchy.

"You see...You." Said Discord "There is a magic more powerful then choas and that is Friendship." Then after saying that Discord shiver and sake. "I can't believe I just said that cheesy line."

Yes it was a cheesy line, but this how our story ends apparently...Anarchy is locked up in that magic proof bird cage...Discord thanks his friend and remembers why he's friends with them...His name is cleared...Anarchy vow his revenge...blah blah, blah...

And they all lived Happily Ever After


Everyone in the dungeon panicked, as the whole room began to shake around them. Even Anarchy looked panicked from writhing his cage.

"Okay.. Everyone else heard that right?" Asked Discord

"Yep," said Twilight looking panicked..

"I definitely heard it!" said Thunderlane


"Wait a minute," said Anarchy realizing something, "I know that voice!"


All of sudden yet another draconequus appears! This one an inky black female.

"I am Cosmos, and yes this my big cameo!