• Published 12th Jul 2023
  • 1,667 Views, 47 Comments

Generosity's Wakfu - steel soul

Rarity finds herself taking care of a colt who came crashing into her home from out of thin air.

  • ...

Chapter 2

The sun would be in its uppermost peak when the girls had finally gotten a table. Rarity, who had been quite distraught, had began to feel much better after the luncheon with Twilight. With bellies full, the two mares began to chat about how their weeks had gone and other mundane topics. Any other day it would have seen just like any other day. The shimmering sun shining softly upon Ponyville's residents. The cool spring breeze fluttering a gentle leaf on the wind. It was honesty perfect. Despite the happy atmosphere however, the two couldn't help but turn the topic back to their newest little visitor. Or rather the not so small amount of damage he had caused Rarity's home.

Thankfully, a certain lavender mare was a student to the embodiment of the sun.

"I honestly can't thank Princess Celestia enough for agreeing to help me with my home," Rarity said, gratitude seeping from the tone of her voice. "Not only that, but replacing that rare fabric as well..." She shook her head slowly. "I think I'll owe her more then a few dresses by the time this is over."

Twilight smiled. "I'm sure she's just glad she is able to help. And I'm pretty sure that she isn't expecting anything in return, Rarity. Princess Celestia is always just happy to assist her subjects in their time of need."

The fashionista nodded. "You're right, I'm sure. But it just makes me even more indebted to her." Placing her cup down after taking a sip, she sighed softly. "With most of my worries out of the way now I think Its the colt that we should be focusing on, is it not? You told me before that you had visited the hospital before coming to my boutique, did you not?"

The lavender mare's smile faded. "I did...and Like I said before, I was told that it might be a while before he wakes up on his own."

"Then I'll just have to hope to Celestia that he does. How about...where he came from then? A colt with such unique clothing, tattered as it was, somepony must have seen him before."

Another shake of Twilight's head caused Rarity's ears to droop. "Sorry, but I also had looked around the guard station for missing foal posters. There was no pony there that looked like him." The lavender mare folded her hooves across her chest. "However he got here, it would have had to been magical in nature."

"So you think it was some kind of magical portal?" Rarity asked, worried. "Do you think it will happen again?"

Twilight hummed as she tapped her chin, pondering her friend's question. "At this point in time, It's hard to say for sure. Something like this has never happened before after all. At least to my knowledge." She smiled softly. "But from the magical samples I took from the area last night and today, any magic residue that was left is gone. So...if nothing else, I'm eighty percent positive that it won't happen again...no...eighty-five."

"Well, eighty-five is a passing grade so that's a bit of a comfort, at least." Rarity mused after a heavy sigh.

"Passing grade or not I'll keep an eye on it as the workers work on your house. From what I hear they are starting this afternoon."

"So quickly...I'll really have to make those dresses for the Princess now." the alabaster mare mused. "And for you as well. While I do have to say it, it pays to have friends in high places."

"You don't have to do anything for me Rarity." She smiled. "But knowing you, you will do so all the same. So thanks in advance." Twilight took a slip of her own drink before placing the cup back on the table, her face growing somewhat serious. "I...There was something else about the colt. Something the princess said I could share with you."

The alabaster mare blinked. "Oh?"

"He...well...by all accounts, he looked like an normal earth pony, but...When the doctor's removed his hat I..." She shook her head, trying to find the right words. "There were a pair of wings, right on top of his head.

Rarity's eyes widened in shock at her friend's revelation. "What do you mean, wings on top of his head?" she asked, moving a bit closer towards the mare.

"I mean just that, Rarity. The shape of them were more akin to that of a bat or a dragon but they were a fully formed pair of wings." Twilight leaned back in her chair, frowning. "They were small and they were glowing like it was some kind of magic spell." She paused. "I...don't know how else to say it but...the strangest thing about they was that I could see them twitching... And because of that, I do believe that they are attached to his head."

Rarity sat in stunned silence as she tried to process the information she had just been given. Wings on top of a colt's head? It sounded absurd, almost impossible. Yet, she knew Twilight wouldn't lie about something like this.

"Do you think it was some kind of mutation?" The fashionista finally asked, still in shock.

"It's one possibility," her friend replied. "I've never heard of anything like it before. Magic can do some incredibly strange things if left to its own devices after all."

Rarity nodded slowly, still trying to wrap her head around the idea. Despite that, she could tell that her friend had another theory altogether in mind. She moved a bit closer, whispering her question. "I can feel a but in that, Twilight. What are you thinking?"

The lavender mare frowned, looking away from her friend. "I...Do have a few other possibilities, but...one seems to stand out the most out of all of them."

"Well go on darling. Tell me."

Twilight hesitated, looking over at her friend. "I...didn't want to upset you, and its not proven yet so who's to say that I'm right."

Rarity leaned in closer to Twilight. "Please, Twilight. Even if you think it might not have happened, I want to know what you are thinking."

The lavender mare took a deep breath before continuing. "Well, it's just a theory, but...I think he might have been experimented on." She allowed herself to pause, allowing her friend to take in her words.

"I...what do you...mean?" Rarity asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"There are some ponies out there who have been known to use magic for unethical purposes. And those wings...They were unnatural for a pony to have as you well know. At least, I have never heard of pony's born with them. I can only guess that...he was test subject."

The alabaster mare's eyes widened in horror. "You mean someone did this to him on purpose?"

Twilight nodded solemnly. "It's a possibility, and would explain a few things. I had done some research about ponies who had practiced dark magic in the past and there were writings that mention a spell that could create a hybrid between different speices. Something called...Grafting. It's an extremely dangerous and illegal practice, but I'm sure some unicorns still practice it in secret out there."

"Dear Celestia," Rarity whispered, feeling sick to her stomach. "That poor colt. What kind of monster would do something like that?"

"I...Don't know..." Her friend told her, lowering her her head. "Its just..." Twilight trailed off, her thoughts clearly troubled.

"I...We have to do something," Rarity said firmly, her voice filled with determination. "We can't just sit here and do nothing while someone out there is doing these terrible things."

"I know that but still, it's just one possibility." The lavender mare reminded her. "Maybe the wings are just a mutation and we are worrying over nothing about that." She frowned. "but that doesn't change the fact that he was beaten the way he was. None of his wounds were self inflected by any means, at least that is what I'm told."

Rarity nodded slowly, her mind racing. She couldn't just sit still knowing that there might be somepony out there, performing these atrocities. "We have to do something." She repeated, the only thing she could think to say.

"The Princesses assured me that they are looking into it on their end." the lavender mare responded. "And I'm allow to look into on my end as well. Still, its barely been a day since the colt appeared so for now, all we can do is wait."

The fashionista could only nod. "I suppose, then, we should focus on helping the colt in any way we can then. If he was experimented on, he'll be terrified and alone when he wakes up."

"That's not a bad idea, Rarity. I'll make sure to inform the hospital staff to let us know when he wakes up. We kind of are the ones in charge of him after all. Maybe we can bring him some food and some toys to help him feel more comfortable when he does."

Rarity nodded in agreement, relieved that she could help in some way. "Yes, and I'll make sure to bring some of my softest blankets and pillows. It may not be much but it can at least give him some comfort."

The two friends sat in silence for a few moments, lost in their own thoughts. The weight of the situation was heavy on their hearts, but they knew they had to remain strong for the colt.

"I just hope he's okay," Rarity said softly.

"I do too," Twilight replied. "And we'll do everything in our power to make sure he's taken care of."

Rarity's ears perked as she sat up as a thought slipped into her mind. "Oh! What about that strange, round little bird? The one that was with him?"

Her friend's eyes widened at that. "Oh yes. That little yellow bird. You said that it was with the colt when he appeared in your home right?" at Rarity's nod, she continued. "Well that's another mystery then... I've read more then a few books on birds and I've never seen one like it before in my life."

Rarity's eyes widened with curiosity. "Really? Do you think it could be some kind of magical creature then?"

"It's possible," the lavender mare replied. "I haven't been able to find any information on it yet, like I said, but I'm sure there are some knowledgeable ponies out there who might know more."

"Well, we could always ask Fluttershy," Rarity suggested. "She's an expert on animals and might be able to shed some light on the subject."

"Already ahead of you on that one, Rarity. I had asked Fluttershy to come with me to the hospital when I went to visit him today." She sighed softly. "It was hard to keep her calm when she saw the condition of the colt...but...with her help, we managed to get the little bird to come along with us. Right now, Fluttershy is taking care of it. Maybe she can learn something from it—she has a gift for communicating with creatures, as you well know."

"Of that I do Twilight." the white mare sipped a bit of her tea. "All we can do right now is wait then."

The lavender mare nodded in agreement before leaning in her chair once again. "Where are you staying by the way? I found you in your home but you couldn't have possibly stayed there all night."

The fashionista waved a hoof. "I put myself up in a nearby hotel, after dropping Sweetie back off with my parents of course. If anything I needed her to feel safe after everything that happened last night"

"I can understand." Twilight took a sip of her own tea. "Well, if you need anything or if you want to talk about anything, just let me know. I'm sure that this whole thing has to be stressful for you."

Rarity smiled gratefully at her friend. "Thank you, Twilight. That means a lot to me."

"Anytime. What are friends for?"


The Royal Capital of Canterlot

"And with that, it is the end of the royal sessions. Please follow the guards out in an orderly manner."

The room erupted into chatter as the various nobles and dignitaries began to shuffle out of the grand hall. The noise would quite down when only a few figures remained. Two of them being just unicorns, one a young female and the other, an aging stallion.

The last however was that of a mare taller than the rest. A regal figure distinguished by her flowing colorful mane and golden crown. Her gaze rested upon the white female unicorn with a deep brown mane and glasses perched on her nose. "Are those all the meetings I have today, Miss Inkwell?"

"Yes, Your Highness," Inkwell replied, shuffling through her notes after adjusting her glasses. "But there's one more thing I would like to bring to your attention. It's regarding the recent incident at Ponyville."

"The one with Twilight's friend. Rarity, If I'm correct." The princess responded, her ears flicking softly as she sat bolt up in her chair. Her usually stoic face being replaced by that of one that looked like a worried mother. "Has there been an update on the colt's condition?"

"Aside from the doctors being unsure of what caused his injuries or the abnormalities that brought him to Ponyville, the only update I can give is that he is stable at the moment." Raven replied. "Still sleeping within Ponyville General as of my last update."

The princess sighed, figuring that was the case. She still didn't like it. She returned to her more calm posture. "And Miss Rarity's house? Do you know the ETA on when my builders will start with the repairs to her home, Kibitz?" She turned towards the older stallion as she asked.

"They should be there now Princess." The stallion responded, stroking his mustache as he talked. "And the overall time it will take will at least be two days. It is what I told Miss Sparkle after all."

"Excellent," the princess said with a nod. "I want to make sure Rarity has a comfortable and safe place to stay during this difficult time as well."

"Of course, Your Highness," Kibitz replied with a bow. "As of now she is staying in a nearby hotel within Ponyville. I'll personally take a train down in the morning to reimburse her for all her lodgings for the other night as well as for the next two."

"Very well done, Kibitz," the princess said with a nod of approval. "And what about the investigation? Has there been any progress on that front?"

Inkwell cleared her throat before answering. "With Twilight's findings from yesterday and today, we have what we need on the magical front, Your Highness. However, there are still no leads as to who caused everything. If nothing else, Twilight believes it was a portal of some kind. As for where it led from, that is still a mystery."

Leave it to Twilight to already have her own theories already. The princess nodded thoughtfully. "I understand. Let Twilight continue her on investigation then."

"Already done, Your Highness," Inkwell replied. "We'll make sure to keep you updated on any developments as well."

"Very good," the princess praised the young mare with a smile. "Keep up the good work, both of you. And please give my regards to Twilight and Rarity when you see then Kibitz."

Kibitz bowed once more, his mustache twitching slightly. "But of course, Princess. I'll make sure to pass along your well wishes to the both of them."

The princess gave one more nod in agreement before striding off out of the grand hall. Her mind was swirling with what had happened in Ponyville. She couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right, that the story of a colt appearing out of nowhere with strange wounds wasn't the entire truth, whatever that truth was.

She made her way to her private chambers, slipping though the door before closing it in turn. Making her way towards her personal desk, she would stop mid stride before looking off to a dark corner of the room.

"I did not know you were back, Luna." She spoke, softly. "I take it you have good news on Discord's statue?"

From the shadows stepped out a tall and elegant mare with a dark blue coat and a flowing mane of stars. It was Princess Luna, sister to Celestia and co-ruler of Equestria. "Indeed, sister," she replied. "Discord remains petrified. He poses no threat to anyone or anypony."

The princess of the sun sighed softly. "That is good news indeed...but it just leaves more questions unanswered."

"Questions unanswered, indeed," Luna repeated. The mare made her way towards her older sister, giving her a gentle nuzzle. One thousand years apart and I can tell when you are unease sister. What troubles thou?"

Celesita chuckled softly. "Guess I'm still an opened book to you..." She sighed softly "The incident in Ponyville. I fear there is more to it than what we currently know. Even with Twilight investigating, there are still too many unknowns." She looked away from her sister, towards the darkening sky though her balcony's window. "Were you...able to look within his dreams, Luna?"

The princess of the night took a moment to respond, her expression turning serious. "We have tried, sister. But the foal's dreams are muddled and chaotic, as if he himself doesn't understand what is happening to him. There is nothing to glean from them at the present, We fear. It is possible that his mind is shielding him from the truth of what happend, but until he has a proper dream..."

Celestia frowned, her mind racing with possibilities. "I see." It wasn't the answer she wanted to hear but she had expected it to some extent.

Luna continued after a while. "We will continue to monitor his dreams later tonight, sister. Perhaps there is something We have missed."

The elder sister smiled. "Thank you, Luna. Your assistance is invaluable, as always. Just do not push yourself too hard. Do you understand."

Luna clicked her tongue. "Naturally. I would not do anything you wouldn't do for the ponies we love sister." She turned to leave, only stopping before she reached the balcony. "Have thou...seen the colt thouself, Tia?" Her voice was cool...clam even.

Celestia did not like it when she used that tone of voice.

"No, not yet. I wanted to give him some time to heal before I visit. I don't want to overwhelm him."

Celestia's words She knew her sister well, even after their long separation of one thousand years. Luna's discerning eyes met Celestia's just as the the older mare turned her head away. Right away, she recognized her sister's true reasons, which ran deeper than just wanting to give the colt time to heal.

"We understand, but be sure to go see him when you can, sister. When do, you will realize how far We are willing to go to discover who harmed the colt." She cast her gaze behind her, her eyes burning with barely contained rage. "They won't have seen the moon for many nights by the time We finished with them. So they better pray you find them first...dear sister" Her voice was laced with cold anger as she spoke the last part, shivering even her older sister to the bone. With a powerful sweep of her wings, she flew into the twilight sky, leaving her sister behind once more.