• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 961 Views, 44 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

  • ...

ACT I: Episode 4: Chapter 15

“We need to figure out a way to beat him.” Twilight pondered.

“Please don’t.” Kiwimon looked panicked. “Seadramon will only get angrier. When he first arrived, some digimon did try to stand up to him, but they could not stand his mighty tempter especially when he uses his ice blast. That cold is very harmful to us plant digimon...”

“Believe it or not. My friends and I have been through a lot together. I think we can handle it.” Sunset said with a smirk, crossing her arms. Flash would just nod before adding.

“It’s true. These girls are amazing.”

"But we never fought monsters like that before coming to his world..." Fluttershy mumbled.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell we have soooome experience. Kinda....ish? Like that time we fought Microchip's Toaster robot thing?" Pinkie reminded.


"I agree with Fluttershy, darling. Despite that example and fighting some dreadful super villains this is still a far cry from our usual heroic exploits."

"But that is why we are here. To help all of you." Their digimon companions stood together with Dracomon, Liollmon, and Hawkmon at the front of their group.

"We will give it everything we got to make sure that tyrant gets put down."

"Yeah Flash! You know we got your backs."

"YOU KNOW IT! He thinks he's so cool, but let'ssee how he handles our new powers!"

"That does mean a lot." Sunset replied.

“NO!” Kamemon would shout as everyone in surprise turned to him. Pinkie would kneel down.

“Come on Kammy, we need to do this. Don’t you want to help?”

“I do, but you will just get hurt!”

“Oh Kammy! Sometimes you have to get a little rough in order to make others happy. And all these digimon really need it. I know you’re scared, but we need to do this Kammy.” Kamemon would twiddle his hands as he shifted before slowly nodding. Pinkie would hug the turtle in a tight embrace as the others laughed. Even Palmon would join in as Kiwimon’s expression brightened.

“What are you planning?”

“We drain the lake!” Rainbow shouted her suggestion. Everyone looked at her, filling the air with dead silence. Twilight stared at her in annoyance as she was the one one to break the silence.

“And how would we do that?”

“With a hose!”

“And where will we get one? Hmm?”



“WAIT!” Pinkie surprises everyone with her outburst. She would blush in embarrassment before continuing.

“Why not get Floramon involved?”

“What do you mean?”

“Think about it! Remember the incident at the cave cliff? What if we get her to poison that mean serpent when we get close enough!”

“That….could work. After all it did work with that large bird.”

“Yeah…and she is a plant digimon. We could pretend she’s an offering and when the time is right-”

“BAM face full of poison!” Rainbow jumped up exclaiming. Rarity would show some concern as she looked at Floramon at eye level.

"Let's go over this then. Floramon will be the bait to lure Seadramon. Once she distracts him long enough Flash, Rainbow, and I will lead our partners in the battle. The rest of you will follow suit and provide back up. Most of the group nodded in confirmation."

“Are you okay with this?”

“Well…no…but its a good plan…”

“NO!” Kamemon called out as everyone turned to him.

“She could get hurt!”

“Come on Kammy! We've been through this! We have to.”

“Do not worry old friend. We will all be here. Together.” Dracomon assured the little army turtle as he put a claw on his shoulder.

“This sounds like a solid plan. If everyone is in agreement…”

“I agree wit Sunset. This could catch Seadramon off guard. Liollmon and I and the others who can fight likewise can strike.” Flash commented. Everyone would slowly nod. Even Kamemon slowly as Pinkie patted his head with a smile. Pinkie then lit up as she bounced up and ran past everyone. Everyone looked puzzled as they looked to the direction she went.


As everyone looked outside they would see a pink blur as all the younger digimon would be given an assortment of treats, balloons, and even party favors. A round the area surrounding Kiwimon’s hut it would be decorated like an outdoor party. Balloons, confetti, and streamers would decorate everywhere. Kamemon looked at her in confusion when he walked outside. All the younger plant digimon would see this and get drawn to the spectacle.

“Come one come all! Time for a party!”

“Uh Pinkie Pie is this actually appropriate?” Applejack asked but Pinkie shushed her when putting a finger to her lip.

“It is more than ever! Look at them! They need this.” As the bigger digimon looked annoyed or even disgusted, the smaller digimon would light up with joy as they surrounded the pink girl. The bubbly young lady would give them snacks, play with and play party games. Kiwimon would look puzzled.

“What is she doing?”

“Throwing a party.” Applejack clarified, but Fluttershy shook her head and smiled.

“No…making them smile.” After hearing that Kamemon just stared at Pinkie then walked slowly to join in the fun. As the little digimon got piggy back rides even Kamemon got a ride as they both giggled and played together.

“Hey Pinkie?”

“What is it Kammy?”

“How can you be so happy? I mean, aren’t you scared?”

“Oh I am, but that's why you gotta have a party! You never know what will happen tomorrow, that’s why you gotta live it up today!”


"Oh I just wished I was back at home! I could bake all sorts of yummy treats, get balloons, streamers, confetti, get some games, old school and new school- oh the possibilities are endless- Oh maybe make some makeshift blindfolds for a big village spread pin the tail on the donkey and-" She would get interrupted by Kamemon letting out a joy filled giggle as it turned to laughter. He found her rambling amusing as Pinkie smiled at him and hugged him tight.

“Now come on little Kammy join the fun! EVERYBODY!” Pinkie would give her friends snacks and sweets as well as everyone as far as she could see.