• Published 17th Jul 2023
  • 678 Views, 15 Comments

Clandestine - gloamish

Twilight and Starlight really could stand to be more careful, but they can't keep their hooves off each other whenever their friends leave the room.

  • ...


"Oh, and everypony who's anypony in Canterlot will be there!" Rarity trilled, pausing to pop a bite of pancake doused in maple syrup in her mouth. Twilight munched happily away at her own stack, piled high with whipped cream and dusted with cinnamon and pecans. Starlight, who had clearly tuned out from the details of the latest fashion du jour, had nearly finished hers and was using the precious remaining scraps to swipe up what she could of the blackberry compote that pooled on her plate.

"Even, uh... Sapphire Shores?" Twilight hazarded, topping off her coffee with the last of the pot.

Rarity chuckled at her friend's habit of lumping celebrities together as if fame was a craft of its own. Luckily, she was correct. "Yes, darling. Even Sapphire. But I really must be on my way! I have bags to pack, after all. I'll see both of you in a few days to tell you everything."

"Can't wait," Starlight said, the flatness of her tone mostly masked by the mouthful of pancake she spoke around, fruity syrup smeared on her face.

"Tata!" With that, Rarity twirled out of the room like a summer breeze, headed back to Canterlot.

She liked Twilight's castle, certainly, but the green windows in the kitchen gave it a bit of a sickly aura, so she was happy to be trotting through the crystal halls, back to the bright blue of summer skies. However, just as she was at the doors, the sun so close at hoof, she remembered with a jolt the scarf she'd left on the table. She turned about face, hoping the other two hadn't gotten any breakfast on it. It was just such an exciting piece, she couldn't help but show it off a little early.

"Goodness, I'd forget my own horseshoes if they weren't nailed on! Twilight, could you pass me my scarf?" she called into the kitchen.

She trotted through the entryway and saw both of her friends' stares fixed on her, eyes wide. She glanced behind her, then around the kitchen for whatever was causing such terror, then back at them. Starlight had already schooled her expression into something bored with a near-unnoticeable curl of her lips, and Twilight looked worse than before. "Whatever's the matter, you two?"

"Oh, Twilight's just worried about you, is all," Starlight said soothingly, patting a hoof on one of Twilight's, which was braced on the table. "Are you feeling alright, Rarity? Forgetfulness is a symptom of heatstroke, and it's a bit hot today, especially coming here in that scarf."

Rarity laughed. "Oh, no, I'm quite fine. Just a little slip. You couldn't be more correct, however, heatstroke is a true danger this late into the summer! Twilight, could I trouble you for some water?"

"O— Oh, yeah, of course! Totally," Twilight responded, displaying her typical prowess at telekinesis as she bundled the scarf carefully, opened the fridge, and poured a glass of water from a pitcher within. Rarity sipped it gratefully, then stowed the scarf in her saddlebags.

She turned to go, but paused and clicked her tongue. "Twilight, there's some compote on your cheek." Twilight froze, no doubt mortified. Thankfully some of her princess lessons about decorum must have been sinking in. A napkin suspended in blue magic dabbed at the mark in question until Rarity was satisfied. "See you!" she called, trotting out into the sunny Ponyville day.

"... Do you think she put together that I didn't have berry compote on my pancakes?"

"You know how she is when a show's coming up. We could've done it on the table and she would've kept going on about sequins."


"What? You've got nothing to worry about. Nopony will find out about your dirty little secret."

"You know I don't think of you like that, Star..."

"Well you should start! It's hot."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of!"

"I'm your student! You're taking advantage of me."

"You graduated!"

"So did you! And that particular fantasy would still be scandalous, wouldn't it?"

"Princess Celestia is a thousand years older than me! And I'm nearly a decade younger than you!"

"Huh. I guess I never thought about that. Does that make me a cougar?"

"... Maybe..."

A snicker. "I was kidding about that little fantasy, Twilight. Do you have a thing for older mares after all?"

"Th— There's nothing wrong with having an appreciation for maturity! Like Rarity and her wines! It's a sign of refinement."

A slurp. "Still had some compote on your other cheek, Miss Refinement."

"And whose fault is that?" A yelp and splatter, the clatter of plates. Wood against crystal: a chair fallen over.

"Whipped cream armaments were outlawed in the Pinkie Conventions! She gave me a presentation and everything!"

"It'd be hard keeping you a secret if you dragged me before the tribunal, Glimmer." Another slurp.

"... I guess you could be pardoned. If you show me you're willing to be reformed, that is."

A giggle. "And how could I prove that? A comprehensive syllabus of friendship lessons?"

"We're a little past friendship lessons, here."

A wobbling note: "W— we're not friends?"

"No I mean we're— Of course we're friends! You're my best friend! I was being sexy!"

"By saying we're not friends?!"

"By saying that we're now firmly in the territory of lust lessons. And I think that makes me the teacher."

A snort. "Lust lessons? Seriously? I'll have to tell Cadence that you're encroaching on her territory. What lurid past have you hidden that makes you so qualified to be the Princess of Lust, hmm?"

"I've read books!!!"

"Oh! Well, clearly this is more your wheelhouse than poor illiterate Twilight Sparkle. I literally lived in a library, Glimmer."

"Ugh!! Shut up!"

"Oh? Are you starting the lesson? Has the school bell rung?"


"Shall I leave an apple on your de— mmph!"

A groan of annoyance, or a moan of delight, muffled by another's lips.

Wet almost-silence, a sucking pop.

"... Aaah, help! My teacher's taking advantage of me, a helpless foa— mmmm. Wait, do that again."

"Oh? Could the illustrious Twilight Sparkle still have something to learn after all?"

Author's Note:

howdy! this one's kinda sloppy (and not just from the makeouts) but ive made my peace with it

i'm having a lot of trouble writing starlight, tbh. she's easily in my top 3 characters, but whenever i tackle her i'm torn between two wolves inside me

1) the starlight of our town, confident and domineering, reacts to friendship lessons like Limmy Steelandfeathers going "idunngeddit"

2) the starlight of the rest of the show, intelligent and incisive but often more prone to freakouts than twilight. basically traumatized by her past and unwilling to be put in any role of responsibility

i know these are just two halves of the same pony but the show didn't really do a great job of showing the gradation between the two - i kinda got whiplash from how fast they redeemed her. they even removed her cute lil terf bangs!!

anyway this is all just dialectics but i've never been great at that. this fic is definitely more of the first starlight, because i think in reaction to twilight she kind of balances out her freakouts. she doesn't like being the sole responsible one, but she LOVES being a supporting character - i guess she was kind of made to be twilight's foil, so it makes sense. i've got another fic cooking with her playing a prominent part, and it's definitely more of the second starlight, where she's grappling with what redemption means, and the confidence she had to leave behind as part of it.

but this fic isn't for any of that! it's for ponies kissing!! i'll probably add a couple more chapters before i wrap it.