• Published 21st Jul 2023
  • 436 Views, 4 Comments

Love strikes back (with a vengeance) - Alank2

Chrysalis has a new plan; take the Crystal Hearts and its power for herself. After all, it's filled to the brim with pure love, and barely protected. But the Queen of Changelings has no idea how dangerous this plan could be for her... and Equestria.

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How easy it is to fall (and how hard to realize it)

Two years ago, caves under Canterlot.

“I’m amazed you’re still generating so much love, Cadance.” Chrysalis mused, slowly sucking love out of the helpless alicorn. “How long was it, weeks? Most of the ponies I capture start to run low already, but you? You still have so much love inside you.”

Cadance whimpered quietly, trying in vain to hold on to her love for Shining Armor. Her emotions slowly left her, leaving behind only cold emptiness. “Please, stop.” She whispered through tears.

“Oh, would you look at that. Drained already.” Chrysalis stopped feeding, taking a step back and stretching. “I wonder how long will you last, before you give up.”

“I will… never give up.” Cadance said weakly. “I will love Shining Armor forever, and you will lose. Somepony will stop you!”

“Oh, please.” Chrysalis scoffed, planting her hoof on the weakened alicorn’s body, directly above her heart. “We both know you have no love left inside you right now. You can’t even remember what it is.”

“You’re wrong!” Cadance lied. She knew what love was, she was the Princess of Love, and she loved Shining Armor… right?

“Suit yourself. The more you try to feel love, the better for me.” Chrysalis smiled triumphantly. “The more power for me. You are just making it all so much easier.”

“No…” Cadance tried to say something, anything, but found her words failing her. How long was she here, on mercy of this monster? It all blurred together at this point.

“Well, time for me to go. I have so many things to prepare for my wedding.” The Queen smiled sadistically. “But worry not, I will not leave you alone.”

“No, please. Don’t.” Cadance pleaded, but Chrysalis only laughed and cast a spell on the alicorn, teleporting out moments later.

As it always did, Cadance’s vision and hearing split for a moment, before changing to a new perspective. She was now forced to see and hear through the eyes and ears of Chrysalis, and the changeling made sure to make the best use out of it to torment her prisoner.

“There you are, honey!” Shining Armor said happily, trotting to the impostor and hugging her. “Where were you?”

“Oh, you know, there are so many things to be done these days.” Chrysalis answered, hugging him back with a smile, taking immense satisfaction from the suffering her prisoner felt at this sight. “It feels like I’m split between two places at times.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re here now. I missed you.” Shining Armor answered, nuzzling her and radiating love.

“Oh, I missed you too, trust me.” Chrysalis answered with satisfaction.

Deep below Canterlot, Cadance kept crying. She hated Chrysalis so much right now, this feeling filled the void inside her where her love used to be.

And on this rich soil inside her soul, a seed of darkness was planted, waiting to sprout.

Two years later.

This time, Chrysalis had a perfect plan.

The fiasco at the wedding wasn’t her fault, of course. How was she supposed to know that even fully drained Shining Armor could still cast his anti-changeling spell under right circumstances? It was totally unexpected, and if not for that, she would have won that day and ruled Equestria forever.

But since that plan failed, she needed a new one. And conveniently, the very same alicorn who thwarted her plans once now gave her the means to succeed. This ‘Crystal Empire’ she heard about recently was something she barely remembered from the old times, always shrouded in darkness and suffering harsh storms under Sombra’s rule. But now, it was supposedly a warm paradise, powered by an ancient artifact – the Crystal Heart.

And this relic was filled with pure love. It was an all-you-can-eat buffet, a source of power unlike any other. All the love she sucked out of Shining Armor back then was nothing compared to the love of entire kingdom, and it also included the love of both Cadance and her husband; in other words, it was probably the most powerful artifact remaining in Equestria.

And it was just there, waiting for her to come and claim it. Twilight Sparkle and her friends were back in Ponyville, too far to be a nuisance this time. Celestia and Luna were in Canterlot, equally distant. The Heart was practically undefended!

The crystal ponies were even more pathetic then other pony races, prone to just surrendering to Sombra the moment he showed himself; and she was vastly superior to that old tyrant. The only creatures standing between her and total control of the Heart were Cadance and Shining Armor, and they would not be a problem at all thanks to her superior intellect.

The plan was simple. First, wait util the two are separated; even these disgusting lovey-dovey ponies had to do things on their own sometimes, after all Cadance was acting like she was an actual ruler (Her, a ruler? What a joke!) and her husband was a ‘captain’ of their ‘guard’. Their responsibilities would force them apart at least occasionally.

In the meantime, Chrysalis and her changelings would replace enough members of the castle guard to ensure they had numerical advantage. Out of these two, Shining Armor was obviously the more dangerous one; even Chrysalis had to grudgingly admit that his spells were capable of just throwing her changelings out of the city and forcing them to trek back through the freezing wasteland.

Cadance, despite being an alicorn, was of no danger at all. Chryslalis defeated her once already, and the Queen had no doubts she could do so again. Just in case, she would make sure to attack while some of her changelings were around, to ensure they could just swarm her with numbers. She would be easily captured, and Chrysalis could drain her love without any resistance.

Then it would be time to take care of Shining Armor. Chrysalis was sure that the sight of his wife, defeated and drained of love, would shatter his confidence and made him an easy target. If not, she just needed to threaten him with hurting Cadance to make him surrender. Their mutual love was such a big weakness, it was easy to exploit.

And then, she would have all the power to herself. She would suck the Heart dry, and challenge Equestria once again. They wouldn’t even know what hit them, and she would then sit on the throne in Canterlot, a ruler of all ponies. After that, it would be time for the rest of the world. Gryphus and Zebrica were so full of life, as well, and so weak. They would stand no chance against her hive.

Chrysalis knew her plan was perfect, as she led her changelings north into the frozen reaches of the Crystal Empire. After all, who could possibly stop her this time?

The best part of the plan was that the ponies made it even easier for her and her group of changelings to reach the city. There was now a regular train connection between Equestria and the Crystal Empire, and Chrysalis – posing as a unicorn archeologist – was sitting in a comfort and warmth instead of the harsh cold outside.

Changelings, unlike ponies, had exoskeletons. While this gave them many advantages, it also meant that they were susceptible to extreme cold; their shells could painfully crack, leaving them exposed to the elements. They could change into ponies, but while it would save them from freezing instantly they were still vulnerable to cold in these forms, just like normal ponies were. Traveling through wind and snow, while having to wear warm (and heavy) clothing was exhausting, on top of having to keep up their new forms for the entire journey.

Therefore, having the comfort and luxury of a train was vastly preferable. The stupid ponies inside didn’t even realize they were travelling alongside entire squad of changeling infiltrators and their queen, too excited about their destination. Chrysalis was playing her role perfectly, lost in a book and apparently ignoring everypony around her, but inside she was smirking triumphantly.

The city itself was different then any Equestrian one, for sure, and crystal ponies looked different as well. While somepony else would probably pay more attention to it, Chrysalis was focused on something else, something far more interesting to her. Love.

It was everywhere, permeating the air. It was a smell of a royal feast, just waiting for her. She dared not to try and take it for now – after all, there was a chance that Cadance would notice something unusual if Chrysalis just started feasting here and there. The changelings had to stick to the plan.

First annoying surprise came when one of her infiltrators tried to change into a crystal pony. It was much more draining then most normal forms; apparently their unusual, semi-translucent forms were the result of high saturation of love inside them, and the only way to fake it was to use excessive amounts of energy to emulate it. Still, it was doable, even if it would drain her infiltrators quickly.

Then they realized that feeding on the crystal ponies was, for now, out of question. Somehow, every single pony in the city was connected to the Heart, and Chrysalis was worried about the artifact alarming everypony if it detected any kind of tampering. She had no idea what the actual powers of the Heart were, but if it was enough to banish Sombra she would rather not risk finding out herself. They were limited to what energy they had stored inside themselves, for now.

Both these issues were just small hiccups in the plan, and Chrysalis was still sure of the victory. And even better, the occasion to strike presented itself on the next day – apparently Shining Armor was on some kind of patrol, leaving Cadance alone in the castle. It was a better opportunity then the one she planned for; Chrysalis could take control over entire Crystal Empire by the time he came back, and there was no risk of a poorly-timed spell throwing her changelings out of the city. Perfect! Upon learning of this, she instantly put her plan into motion.

Replacing some members of the palace guards was a walk in a park for a team of experienced changeling infiltrators. Chrysalis herself took form of one of them, standing next to the door leading to Cadance’s room. Soon, the alicorn would come back from her throne room, not realizing that every guard she passed on her way was a changeling. The moment she would open the door to her room, she would be simultaneously attacked by Chrysalis and other ‘guards’ hiding in corridors nearby.

Chrysalis could already feel the sweet taste of victory as a tired alicorn slowly walked towards her room, oblivious to changelings hiding around. “Good evening, Princess.” The Queen said, her voice perfectly mimicking the guard she was replacing. Inside, she was ready to pounce on Cadance the moment the alicorn moved closer.

“Good evening, Chrysalis.” Cadance answered casually, passing her by and moving down the corridor, not sparing a look towards her room or the shocked changeling. “Long time no see.”

“… What.” Chrysalis deadpanned, too surprised to act for a moment. Fortunately, that moment passed quickly. “How did you know?” She tried to shake off the surprise, getting ready to attack before the alicorn runs away.

To her surprise, her target seemed to have no intention of running. “I felt you some time ago. You’re not as sneaky as you think you are, Chrysalis.” Cadance looked at the monster who tormented her all those months ago. To her surprisel, Chrysalis saw no fear, and not even anger, but… satisfaction? “And I was waiting for you.”

“You, waiting? For me?” This was turning out much different then what Chrysalis expected. Somehow, she had a feeling she was missing something, something important, but she ignored it. It was just the weakest alicorn, alone, surrounded by her infiltrators. She already won. “Whatever, ‘princess’.” The Queen said with sarcasm. “You have lost!”

In response, Cadance slowly closed her eyes and sighed. “You know, I imagined our meeting many times.” She informed the Queen in front of her, still not opening her eyes. She didn’t need to; she could see each and every changeling crystal clear, even with eyes close. They all radiated stolen love. “I thought of so many things I could say to you. Do to you. I had dreams of vengeance, of so many different ways I could hurt you. Make you pay for what you did.”

“You, hurt me?” Chrysalis asked with incredulity. Was she for real? “I have defeated you before, easily I may add, and I can do it again!”

“But then, that’s the whole problem, isn’t it?” Cadance continued, ignoring the changelings around her, eyes still closed. “It is so easy to give in to hatred, to vengeance. Luna told me much about it.”

“Enough of your blabbering! Seize her!” Chrysalis ordered angrily, and the changelings sprang into action.

And Princess Amore Mi Cadenza, the alicorn of Love, opened her eyes. They were shining with power, so bright it was almost blinding as her might was unleashed.

The changelings closest to her were the first to feel it. Something inside them twisted, as if alive, tearing at them, trying to wiggle free. They screamed and instinctively jumped away, shaking in fear.

Chrysalis felt it moment ago, her eyes widening. “What did you do?!” She demanded, reflexively taking a step back.

“You recognize it, don’t you?” The Princess answered, her voice now closer to Royal Canterlot Voice, power radiating from her; the crystal walls of the corridor shined in all colors of the rainbow, multicolored light casting no shadows and banishing all darkness. “When was the first time you learned how to do it? It was long ago, wasn’t it? So long that this love is almost gone now.”

“What are you talking about?” Chrysalis demanded once again, powering up her horn. She fired a beam of green energy, but to her shock it dissipated harmlessly before reaching the alicorn in front of her. “How are you doing this?!”

“Was it the drone who disobeyed, and was drained as a punishment?” A small bit of Chrysalis’s power tore away from her, and the Queen shuddered in sudden pain. “A former Queen you defeated, and took her power for yourself?” Another bit of strength left her, and the ruler of Changelings started to shake in fear.

“Stop it!” Chrysalis shouted, trying to wrestle her power back; but she couldn’t. The alicorn was now like an endless void, sucking all the love in. “How are you doing this?!” The Queen screamed in fury, another beam of magic dissipating harmlessly as its power was absorbed by the alicorn in front of her.

“Did you really think you were the only one who can manipulate Love?” Princess asked, her power only growing. All other changelings screamed in fear and run away, feeling their very essence dissolving and unraveling just from standing next to the alicorn. “I am Mi Amore Cadenza, the Princess of Love. And you are just a parasite, feeding on what does not belong to you!”

The Queen fought back with all her strength. This couldn’t be happening! She was Chrysalis, the ruler of changelings, she could not be bested in her own domain. She was the one who consumed the love, she would not be the one consumed in turn!

“You are truly full of Love.” The alicorn’s voice boomed in the corridor, growing in intensity as Chrysalis was slowly drained of her power. “Your bodies are build out of it. Old love, crystalized in a material form, like a corrupted, warped version of the Heart.” The alicorn pulled a single string of crystalized love, deep inside Chrysalis. The changeling suddenly fell on the ground, as one of her legs gave out under her. “How dare you use my husband’s love like this! To sustain yourself on it, on something that does not belong to you. It’s mine!”

Chrysalis panicked inside, the full scale of her mistake now apparent to her. For all her power and experience, she was like a unicorn trying to wrestle the control of the sun from Celestia. She could not match the power in front of her.
But strength was not all Chrysalis had, and she desperately thought of a plan that could save her. It was her only chance, using words were might have failed.

“You hurt me.” The alicorn said, her voice so warm now it felt like it burned. “You sucked my love out of me and you enjoyed it. You taunted me, used Shining Armor to hurt me even more. And worst, you hurt him. Did you ever consider how it feels, the love slipping away?” Cadance pulled with her power, and Chrysalis screamed in agony. “It feels like a part of you dying, over and over! Can you feel it now, you monster?!”

“I guess… I was… wrong.” Chrysalis croaked out in pain, and the alicorn halted for a moment. The Queen managed a weak, triumphant smile. “It feels so nice… doesn’t it? Now that you defeated me, you just need to… take my power, and throne will be yours… my Queen.” The word left a bitter taste in her mouth, but it was her only chance. She hoped she understood Cadance well enough to make her stop this attack.

The alicorn hesitated for a moment. “I am nothing like you!”

Chrysalis could feel her strength returning slowly; as she was no longer being drained, she could even slowly get up, although the pain was still there. “Do you not want it? Take your revenge, all of it. I am defenseless.” The Queen swallowed her pride and bowed. She needed just a moment of hesitation to slip away. “Just take it. Tear me apart, and feed upon my power.”

It was enough to shake the alicorn out of it. Chrysalis felt the change in the air, and instantly bolted out of the corridor. She run to a closest window and flew out, away from the palace.

She couldn’t risk taking the train. She had to just fly back to the Hive, as fast as possible. She didn’t care about other changelings right now; she needed to run away, before that alicorn changes her mind. And after that, she would not come close to Cadance without a new, better plan. Preferably one where she would be on the other side of continent.

As the Queen of Changeling fought the freezing cold and a tangle of fear inside her, she hated it. She hated ponies, Crystal Empire, Cadance, everything! She hurt, and she feared, and she hated.
And she was so cold and hungry.

In the palace, the powerful and mighty Princess of Love was gone. Only Cadance remained, sad and lonely.

She spared Twilight the details of what Chrysalis did once she had her captive. How the changeling enjoyed tormenting her, how she used her control over Shining Armor to hurt her. How she forced Cadance to look through her eyes and see everypony believing the fake alicorn, how everypony just believed Chrysalis and had no doubts. Even Celestia.

And it hurt. It hurt almost as much as Chrysalis occasionally visiting her to drain her of what little power she regained in the meantime. It was the most horrible pain Cadance ever felt, her emotions slipping away. Leaving her in a state where she couldn’t find any love for Shining Armor inside her, and in these darkest moments she knew she truly did not love him. Many days and night she spent like this, crying over the feeling she lost.

Even after being free, and the love between her and her husband blooming again, her old emotions were lost. Forever. She couldn’t even remember these feelings properly, they were shrouded in a fog inside her mind.

Shining Armor took it much better then her. He oftentimes joked that he was the luckiest stallion ever, having the opportunity to fall in love with her again. And it was thanks to their love that she smiled and laughed, and they loved each other deeply still until this day. If anything, their love only grew deeper and stronger through this adversity.

But it was so tempting. She could feel her old love, still inside that monster. And she had the power to tore it out, to take it back. To relive those amazing feeling, to once again have them inside her. Was it not just, was it not right, to take what belonged to her?

She could understand Luna falling to darkness much better now. It felt so right. After all, wasn’t she deserving of it? Worthy? She had the power to take what was rightfully hers, why not do this?

Cadance shuddered in her palace, but in the end she smiled weakly. She triumphed, in the end. She could feel Chrysalis running away, slipping away from the range where she could fell and follow her; and she let her go as the alicorn focused on freeing the imprisoned palace guards. She would remain herself. She would enjoy the love she shared with her husband, and not dwell on the past. She would look towards their happy future, together.

Cadance smiled weakly. In the end, she resisted the temptation. Love was not tainted, and the Crystal Heart shimmered with power bright and pure, protecting the Crystal Empire from the vengeful cold around it.

Author's Note:

I've grown quite interested in Cadance lately, and while writing a different story started to wonder how horrible the process of having one's love sucked out must be. How painful, mentally scarring and traumatizing.

And as a result, we have this short story showing Cadance dealing with the trauma left by Chrysalis back in the Canterlot Wedding episode, as she is provoked into action by someone stealing and corrupting what she holds dearest. It may feel a little out of character, and it was the point; Nightmare Moon also isn't truly Luna, she's a corrupted version of her, born from just the negative emotions she felt.

Here we have a tiny taste of what somepony with power over emotions could do in her own corrupted version. And it is not pretty.

Comments ( 4 )

A well written piece. Have a like and fav!

Don't mess with the Princess of Food.

Yep, messing with Cadance can be a very bad choice for changelings, as we can see here. Thank you for the comment!

I am glad you liked this story, and thank you.

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