• Published 21st Oct 2023
  • 500 Views, 0 Comments

LOST ON EQUUS - BenjosComixInc

Every hero Isn't born... there made, just like Malvin when he comes across a mysteries well that holds an adventure of a life time, to go on a quest to stop a great evil and save the world known as... EQUUS!

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Prologue: Twist and Turns and Doubts

“Every story has a hero.” …. ''Heroes are known for doing great things like saving a life, or flying to the moon, OR surviving on a mythical planet.”

“But the hero in this story is quite smart and he knows about surviving in the forest. (cough) Anyway… But how did he survive on a dangerous planet, how will we know he survived?”

“My name is Malvin “Larry” Jefferson, and this story is how I survived on a world called Equus…”


Malvin was sleeping while snoring in his room, Malvin was like any teenager he goes to school, He likes to hang with his friends, But he doesn’t listing to the rules he does things his own way. Don’t get him wrong he’s a good kid, but rebellious… He often gets in fights at school, to defend his friends when there picked on, he gets in trouble every time he dose. But he always was a friendly kid to all in school but sometimes he thinks fighting against the injustice will make things better… It didn’t, but no matter, he’s always there for his friend’s, He was a nice guy but his parents didn’t like his rebellious way but they still love him!

Although Malvin’s parents was going to take him to school, Malvin had other plans…

“BZZZZ!!!” His phone went off waking Malvin up, “Uugh…” He groans and checks his phone and remembers what he was going to be doing, he was going to go hiking.

He got up and stretch giving a low “YAWN” as he was done he got up, got rid of his pajamas and changed for hiking, he wore a dark green shirt and gray sweater that had 4 pockets and hoody with long sleeves, and blue jeans that were rolled up to his knees, and a belt around his waist with his shirt tucked but not all the way, and brown boots and blue backpack holding a flashlight, camera, lunch pack, favorite book, his phone, paper and pencil, a pocket knife just in case, and a battery for his camera, and a wallet with $150.

As he got ready for his nature walk he stopped and looked over to his desk that had a photo of his mom dad and him taking a picture together when he was 10.

He watches the picture as he thought, “Sorry mom dad but I just need some time to think for myself, love you.” He reached to grab the photo of his family and put it in his backpack.

After he has got his stuff ready he put his backpack on and was now heading out. He tried not to wake up his parents.

He opens the back door to the backyard and jumps the fence and starts to walk into the woods, as he's walking he pauses and takes a glace over to his home,
He felt like this wasn’t a good idea his mind was telling him to turn back NOW!

He thought that he was just being a wuss, he’s been out to the woods before, so why does he feel d in his decision? So he just through the thought away and continued on with his walk.


It has been 20 mins since Malvin left home, luckily Malvin knew his way around the woods if he got lost he could just use his phone.

“Ahhh…” Malvin gave a sigh in relief that he had peace.
Malvin could here birds tweeting and the wind blowing swiftly against his face it was peaceful.

Malvin gave a deep breath as he opens his eyes, but he stops as he was weirded out on what he was seeing.

He stopped next to a well, and all around it was statues that were three different species of horses one of them was a unicorn, the other was a Pegasus, the last one was a normal horse but something about them wasn't right, and they were all surrounding the well in a circle, moss was all over the statues and the well it made them look old and abandon for many years and now they were ancient, forgotten by man… I think?

Malvin was confused? Malvin’s been around the woods before and he's never seen this before, “What the?...”

He took a few steps forward to the well “Were did this even come from?” He said to himself.

He looks at the well, then sticking his head down it looking at darkness, he grabbed a rock, and drops it down and falls into the abyss, he didn’t hear a thing hit the bottom?
He had a confused face, “How far dose this even go? Malvin said.

Inside the well he can see a small but bright light from the bottom, He reaches his head out to the well looking down at the light. “What In The Actual-“ Malvin was cut off as he felt a gust of wind push him down!?

He felt being pulled down toward the well, as he started to panic he felt it pulling him down. He struggles to get out but the force was pulling him down further!

“No nonono AGH!!!” Malvin screams, And he was slipping he then falls down the well.

He screams as he kept falling, He didn’t think he will die like this so he closed his eyes shut as he waits for his fate.

As he kept falling all he was thinking was that he wished he listened to his gut and stayed at home, He just wished he didn’t even went out and he would be at home with his family and friends but now was too late.

Malvin took one last peek , tears start welling up as he keeps on falling, he can see colors all around him he starts feeling himself falling even faster as he feels weight in his gut.

He then fell unconscious left with Darkness… But the real question is what Adventures awaits him?

Author's Note:

(Cover art by me)

(sad) tag (thriller) tag (mystery) (tag slice of life) tag (tempest shadow) tag

A Hasbro Company. (All rights reserved)
A Benjo's Comix INC. Production.


Bu-BUY!!! (;

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