• Published 1st Aug 2023
  • 1,530 Views, 87 Comments

Left Behind - origami

Another "What if?" scenario story. What would have happened if Thorax hadn't been catapulted away from Canterlot by Cadance and Shining's shield?

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Chapter 4

The ponies left in the throne room spent a portion of the time discussing the events of the day and their future plans. Shining Armor was asked what he would do when he returned from his honeymoon, but he didn't give a clear answer. Most ponies were certain of one thing: the stallion would want justice for what had been done to him. More than likely, once it was confirmed that the changelings were in the badlands, he lead a military campaign against them.

That thought had worried Princess Cadance greatly. She knew that any campaign against the changelings could quickly evolve into a war, and that would keep her husband away from her, and depending on the outcome of situations, could take him from her altogether. She hoped that the situation could be resolved diplomatically; she imagined the changelings wouldn't be too happy with their queen after the events of the day.

Eventually, all thoughts about the attack were set aside as the conversation was turned towards the upcoming nuptials. Cadance told Twilight and her friends that Shining and her had reviewed everything and decided that most of the changes that needed to be done were minor, and that the couple could be married the following day.

Twillight and her friends cheered at the news, happy that the wedding would be resumed so quickly. The lavender unicorn gave her brother a hug and told him how proud she was. This caused the stallion to blush a bit, not used to receiving praise from his younger sibling.

Applejack offered to bring some of the food she had made for the reception dinner so everypony could eat, but Cadance insisted that they wait for Celestia and Luna to return. "I imagine they're both just as famished as we are," she reasoned.

The princesses returned a few moments later, and everypony bowed to them.

"Please rise, my little ponies," Celestia told the group, who all stood back up.

"Princess Celestia," Shining addresses the princess, "did you discover any new information?"

"Unfortunately, no. We tried to begin with a few simple questions, but the changeling was so nervous, he nearly broke out into a panic. I did manage to calm him down with a breathing exercise, and we were able to get him to give at least one answer, but when we questioned him on his truthfulness, he did finally start panicking. He fell from his chair and backed himself into a corner. I tried to take a calmer approach with him, but my sister's patience grew thin and she barked at the changeling in the Royal Canterlot Voice."

Celestia then frowned. "The changeling was so terrified at that moment that he soiled himself."

Luna blushed a bit in embarrassment from her sister describing the last event.

"Oh, dear!" Fluttershy whimpered, feeling a bit of concern for the prisoner.

Captain Shining Armor, however, smiled ever-so-slightly at hearing that.

"I attempted to get him to calm down again and place him back in his seat," Celestia continued, "but he became fitful when I tried to levitate him. Ultimately, I had to cast a sleeping spell on him and ordered that he be taken to the dungeon for the time being. We have special cells for holding prisoners like changelings down there."

"Special cells?" Twilight asked, her curiosity piqued.

"They're made for very powerful creatures," Celestia explained, "or ones with unique magic, such as the changelings. The cells have sconces made with the purest quartz crystals we could find, mined directly from the frozen north. The enchantments placed upon them hold stronger than any other gem in existence, and can go for nearly three thousand years before needing to be recharged."

"As for their purpose, the enchantments prevent any magic whatsoever from being used in those cells, even our own. The only way around it is to have a quartz crystal with the correct nullifying enchantment, which is known to only Princess Luna and myself."

"Interesting," Twilight commented as she wrote down the information on a scroll. However, a golden aura suddenly took the scroll from her and set it aflame.

"I'm sorry, Twilight," Celestia frowned at her pupil, "but with the changelings still at large, I don't want to take any chances. If they get a hold of that information, they could try to use it against us."

Twilight looked at the ashen remains of her scroll sadly, but turned to her teacher and bowed. "I understand."

"Getting back to the topic at hoof," Luna said to the group, "my sister and I were only able to confirm that the prisoner has no idea why the shield spell that Princess Cadance and Captain Shining Armor cast spared him from harm while it sent every remaining changeling from the city like they had been shot from a catapult."

Everypony took in the information they had just learned. This lone changeling had somehow avoided being sent rocketing towards the horizon. He had surrendered without so much as a fight, and when interrogated by the princesses, essentially broke down and soiled himself.

"Which is why I believe my sister and I should refrain from interviewing this changeling for the time being," Celestia concluded.

Luna nodded in agreement. "We shall appoint another pony to ask questions in our stead."

Shining Armor stepped forward. "I volunteer to conduct the next interview."

Celestia looked at him with a frown. "Again, Captain Armor, I will not allow you to interview the prisoner."

Shining grit his teeth but didn't say anything.

"As we have said before, you have been too affected by the events from earlier today, and the prolonged attack against you that has been going on for who knows how long. I will not risk the life of this prisoner because you wish to interrogate them yourself. If we do agree to you conducting an interview, then it will be under our direct supervision, but since our presence appears to frighten the prisoner into a state of being unable to answer any of our questions, that interview will not be for quite some time yet."

Shining Armor did his best to keep himself calm. In truth, he wanted to lash out at both princesses for refusing him the opportunity to personally question this changeling. He knew that if he was given the opportunity, he could get this Thorax to sing like a canary, but since the princesses had forbidden him, he would have to hope that the pony who was selected to give the next interview could get the desired information from him.

"I understand your highnesses," Shining said with a bow, "but who will you choose to question this prisoner next?"

Luna decided to answer the captain now. "We have discussed the matter, and feel that Twilight's suggestion earlier of allowing her and Miss Applejack to interview the prisoner fits this new requirement quite well."

The concealed anger that Shining had was brought forth with the princess's declaration. "WHAT?!"

Celestia looked sternly at the captain. "Are you raising your voice to my sister?"

The unicorn suddenly realized what he had done and backed away, head bowed and tailed tucked between his legs. "N-No, your highness."

Luna continued speaking, "We believe both Twilight and Applejack are the two ponies that can best help in this matter. Of course, they will need clearance to access the holding cells where the prisoner is kept, and it will take until at least tomorrow morning before all the paperwork is completed and properly notarized."

Shining grit his teeth. "Your highnesses, I must voice my disagreement on this matter. I don't feel comfortable with the idea of my little sister being allowed to go down in that dungeon to be left alone with that... thing."

Celestia's frown grew a bit sterner. "Your sister and Miss Applejack will not be alone, captain. We have guards down there who will keep watch to ensure that nothing happens to them. Combined with the enchantments in place and the charmed crystals we will provide them, those two will be as safe as we can possibly make them."

Shining went to protest, but Luna called his attention to her. "I would make peace with this decision if I were you, captain. Your current behavior could be taken as a sign of insubordination, and we could choose to demote you from your current role. Both you and I know the hard work and dedication you put into it, and I admit truthfully that it would pain me greatly to have to put such a black mark on your exemplary record of service."

The stallion, having no other means of protest he could voice, dipped his head in defeat. "Of course, your highness."

Celestia smiled. "Now that that matter is settled, what say we have some food and go to bed? All of today's events have built up a sizable appetite in me."

Everypony nodded in agreement as they followed the princesses out. Shining Armor lingered behind for a few moments, reflecting on all that just happened and frowning.

I'm the captain of the royal guard, he thought to himself,My job is to protect the princesses and ponies of Equestria from harm, but how can I do that with the princesses preventing me from doing my job? They refuse me the right to interview this prisoner when I know I can get him to start talking! It's almost like...

Shining Armor grew nervous and fearful as he considered the thought.

What if... they don't trust me to do my job anymore?

The stallion thought on this for a moment before shaking his head.

Of course they still trust you, he decided. If they didn't, they would've named a new captain, and Luna wouldn't have threatened me with a demotion if I had already been demoted.

Trying to put any more negative thoughts out of his head, the unicorn hurried to catch up to the party making their way to dinner.

Author's Note:

Clearly Ol' Queen Chryssy has left a bit of an unpleasant (putting it mildly) mark on Shining. Hopefully he gets himself under control and doesn't do something stupid he'll regret.

Next chapter, we'll see how Twilight and Applejack's interview with Thorax goes.