• Published 26th Jul 2023
  • 1,956 Views, 128 Comments

Rainbow Point Paradox - Aether Nexus

When Dash and Twilight reset time, the main 6 must work out why the Equestria they have found themselves in, is far different than the one they remember.

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Chapter 7 - A long night

Twilight was finally able to get to bed, snores filled the room from the basket next to her bed, at least Spike was able to get some decent sleep. The last few hours had been an eye-opening experience for her, and a brutal wake-up call to just how different this life was.

Apparently, Cadence had delivered a letter demanding reparations for the damage caused the previous day, when she’d hatched Spike, although the figures quoted were beyond ridiculous since the reparations quoted could probably replace the entire roof five times over. What Twilight couldn’t believe was that the letter was signed by Queen Celestia, accompanied by a long list of titles that the Celestia she knew would have died of embarrassment to be called, even if they were true.

Of course, the sum of bits was impossible to pay, but two alternatives were given, the most palatable was that she was to be taken away by Cadence, to a remote town where Twilight could be taught to control her magic, and until judged fit by Celestia herself, she would be banned from stepping hoof in any Equestrian city, or seeing her family. The third option was still giving her bouts of nausea since she’s been told the final option, was her horn, or perhaps what made her nauseous was that her own mother was in favour of that option, as in her words “No child of mine will land in the hooves of that traitor. Anything else is a preferable price.”

If she found out that Shining was masquerading as a mare to guard Cadence, she would probably have an aneurysm.

As it happened, Twilight's family were part of a cult of fanatics, known as the “Sun Speakers”, and according to Twilight Velvet, they could trace their lineage over 800 years. If her mother's claim was true, it would be one of the most accurate Geneology charts she’d ever heard of.

After Cadence had left, Twilight had been subjected to an hour-long presentation of the greatness of Celestia, and how their family had always fought for her greatness, from notable military leaders to industrialists. 300 years ago, her ancestor, Violent Sun, had prevented a movement by unicorns to create something called, a ‘union’. As her mother put it, everyone should work as hard as possible for Celestia's greatness, such things as fair pay, and workers' rights was the lower class being greedy.

The worst thing was, that the “Sun Seekers” were a large political group, while they weren’t directly controlled by Celestia, Twilight Velvet mentioned the Queen praising them for their actions, the only exception, to her greatest frustration, was when Celestia had made it clear that they were not to harm or hinder the “heretical pegacorn who dared call herself a princess”.

Manipulating her mother had been easy, instead of losing her daughter to Cadence, Twilight had suggested a different view on the matter. If Cadence were to look after her, she could cause trouble, which would affect her ability to act in court and drastically weaken her position for decades to come.

That was when Shining came home, just in time to hear their mother paise her for the plan, she even gloated to him, that “their little Sparkle would be doing Celestias’ work, disrupting the pegacorns heresy.” Shining only smiled, but Twilight saw the sadness in his eyes, she could only hope she’d be able to make it up to him.

Nothing of the Mare she once called mother was in this pony, Twilight rolled over and hugged Smarty Pants a little tighter, hopefully, she’ll get her real mother back soon.

As she found herself in the eternal void that she’d come to call the dreamscape, she called out to her friend, seeking their magic, as she pulled, motes of green appeared around her.

“Howdy Sugarcube, you alright?”


On the balcony of her study, Celestia looked up at the ominous moon, floating in the sky, an eternal reminder that her greatest enemy was still waiting to return. If only she had been stronger, she could have killed the monster once and for all instead of simply sealing it away.

Celestia's gaze was broken by a knock at her studies door. Turning away from her adversary, she trotted into the room, followed by her ever-present blade, she sat at her table and gave herself a moment to gather her thoughts. Her desk was littered with reports that still needed reviewing, mostly the boring weekly or monthly forms that needed her approval. Most of today had been spent preparing accommodation and a training routine for Equestria's newest princess and a little something for Cadence’s ward, all that was left was to have attendants assigned to her, the boring humdrum of Yaks breaking their buildings, and guard patrols could wait.

Clearing her throat, she responded to her late-night guest, “Enter.”

Celestia frowned as a light blue aura enveloped the handle and opened the door to reveal Cadence.

“Thou art late Princess, the tea we prepared has grown cold.”

“I’m sorry your Highness, Twilight Velvet was less than happy with my presence.”

“Indeed, and her answer?”

Cadence flinched, unable to match Celestia's gaze, “She needs more time.”

“When ponies lie, they avert their eyes, just as you have now. Learn to control yourself or your enemies will walk over you. Now, since I misheard you, what did Twilight Velvet say?”

Cadence's ears drooped, she had to at least try, for Twilight's sake, but she couldn’t lie to Celestia. “Twilight Velvet has refused to release her daughter into my custody, though her husband is against taking ... against the other option.”

Celestia hummed to herself, she knew that Velvet would be unhappy but to be willing to go to such lengths to spite Cadence. The Sun Seekers were getting out of hoof, though what did she expect, they called themselves Celestial Berzerkers over 800 years ago, until she rained them in.

Culling their more militaristic tendencies had become a necessity 800 years ago, they grew too bold from her approval, and in their desire to please her they invaded the Diamond Mountains, dragging Equestria into a war with the Diamon Dogs that she was not prepared for. Sadly she could not risk another reprimand at this time, not with time running out, she would need them as insurance against Nightmare Moon.

“No matter, if she hath not changed her mind by sunset tomorrow, we will personally intercede in the matter. Now onto tonight's business.” Using a wing to open one of the tables draws, Celestia withdrew a satchel with her hooves and placed the bundle on the table between Cadence and herself. “We have prepared arcane material for young Twilight, thy duty is to ensure Miss Twilight is able to understand the contents and replicate the magics.”

Cadence opened the satchel with her magic, and brought out a single large tome, seeing the cover made her baulk, “You Highness, there must be a mistake, this book must be at least 1000 years old”!

“1204 years to be exact. The magic taught by unicorns in this age is insufficient, therefore she will learn from the one who taught us.”

Cadence was shocked, she’d never imagined such a book could still exist, Celestia had never shown it to her before, even when they were on good terms. “But, it's in Old Equish, a filly her age would certainly have trouble learning a second language.”

Celestia smirked, “Then tis good that thou studied Old Equish, instead of galavanting around with Colts.”

Whatever was about to be said was interrupted by frantic knocking at the door.

“Cease that racket and enter!” Barked Celestia.

Barreling through the door came a rather disheveled pegasus wearing a hastily thrown-on uniform. While most ponies would assume the mare was a simple clerk, a pencil pusher for the Equestrian Government, Celestia knew that only one branch would dare interrupt her at this hour.

“Your Majesty, and your Highness, err.” The mare stopped, looking between the two alicorns.

“If the missive thou bring is of such import, that an audience is required at this hour, then our present company may hear it as well, and for your sake Silent Sentry, it had better be important. Or your career in our Intelligence Service will end tonight.”

The mare gulped but gathered herself, and stood to attention. “Yes your Majesty, a situation has arisen regarding the Alicorn filly known as Rainbow Dash.”

That got Celestia's attention. Yesterday, her agents had made contact with the filly's parent, while not of reputable repute or class, the fact that his daughter had become an alicorn would soon change that, she’d be seeing to it personally if necessary. Studying the agent in front of her, she could tell that Silent Sentry was still hesitant to speak in front of Cadance, perhaps she had been too harsh in public about the younger princess in recent months if her agents were cautious about speaking around the younger alicorn.

“Continue Agent.”

“Well, as reported, we confirmed last night that the filly was indeed an alicorn, though unable to manipulate objects, she could produce a glow on her horn, but when we visited again this afternoon, we discovered her father was inebriated, and while mostly incoherent, we were able to ascertain that he had kicked Rainbow Dash out of his house.”

Celestia felt a migraine coming on. With all the chaos of the last few days, the discovery that the prismatic explosion had resulted in the apotheosis of a new alicorn had been nothing short of a miracle.

“What madness possessed this curr to ‘kick out’ a future princess from his house, who is also his daughter.”

“Well, Your Majesty, we sent most of our units to locate the filly, but, apparently Rainbow Dash awoke this morning as a pegasus, no horn in sight, from what we have pieced together, this caused a fight between Mr Hothoof any Rainbow Dash, he claims to have told her to, ‘get out of my house,’ afterward he started drinking. We have not managed to extract more information from Mr Hothoof at this time.”

Celestia felt an eye twitch, “Agent Sentry, has this claim been verified?”

A pointless question, she already knew the answer but her agents must have some news. Perhaps a cult had dared to snatch an alicorn for their own machinations, or a new changeling queen had cobbled together a hive large enough to infiltrate Equestria, and had managed to swap the filly out from under her nose? Maybe a local gang attempting to gain some ransom bits?

“Well, I'm sorry your Majesty, but as of the last check-in five minutes ago, we have yet to find any trace or leads in regards to Rainbow Dash.”

Celestia was stunned, one of the most powerful creatures in existence had been discovered on her doorstep, only to disappear within 24 hours, which also coincided with the seals on Nightmare Moon’s seal fracturing, and no pony knew how any of it had happened. To the horror of both Agent Sentry and Cadence, for the first time in almost 1000 years, Celestia’s sword fell to the floor.


The moon had passed its halfway point in the night sky, however, that did not matter, after all, in the city that never sleeps, ponies always fill the streets.

Had any of the ponies been paying attention to their surroundings, they might have spotted a pony who was trying to blend in, sneaking from shadow to shadow, and wearing an oversized coat, despite the lack of rain.

To call this pony a mare would be generous, while technically she was an adult, she still had a bit left to grow.

Yesterday, she’d made a mistake, or perhaps she hadn’t. She’d wanted knowledge, or was it power, perhaps recognition, yes, it was a mistake, if she could undo what she did, life would be so much easier.

She slumped against a wall to try and steady her thoughts, she hadn’t slept for two days and her head swam with knowledge that didn’t make sense, of a time that couldn’t have been. After all, there was no friendship in Equestria, no one would ever care about an orphaned unicorn.

Making her way down to the docks while drawing as little attention to herself as possible, Sunset Shimmer was certain of only one thing.

She had to get away from Equestria.

Author's Note:

:pinkiehappy: Shimmy, I wonder where she's heading :pinkiehappy:

Sorry for the delay, let me know what you think in the comments :)

I'll try to reply properly :twilightblush:.