• Published 24th Jul 2023
  • 872 Views, 30 Comments

The Chronicles of Andy Hunter- New Life in Equestria - AndyHunter

It was a day like any other, until a portal took me to Equestria with no way to return to America, anyone would be scared in that situation, but me? I can't be happier

  • ...

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Fluttershy gathered her animal friends around her in the cozy living room of her cottage. The fireplace crackled softly, casting a warm, inviting glow across the room. Her animal companions, including Angel Bunny, Harry, Hummingway, Constance and several others, nestled close to her, eager for the tale she was about to share.

"Alright, everycreature" Fluttershy began with a gentle smile, "In this noon, I'm going to tell you all a very special story. It's a tale of adventure and wonder, much like our own little adventures here in the Everfree Forest!"

The animals chirped and hopped with excitement, their eyes wide and curious.

"This story is about a pony named Alice," Fluttershy continued, "And her extraordinary journey through a magical land. Are you all ready?"

Her audience responded with a chorus of enthusiastic nods and squeaks.

Fluttershy cleared her throat and began to spin her tale.

"Once upon a time, in the peaceful land of Equestria, there lived a young pony named Alice. Alice was a curious and kindhearted pony, always eager to explore the world around her. One sunny day, while she was picnicking near the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, she spotted something quite unusual"

Fluttershy's voice took on a dreamy quality as she described Alice's discovery.

"Alice saw a peculiar rabbit, you see, but this wasn't just any rabbit. It was a white rabbit with a waistcoat and a pocket watch, and it was hurrying along as if it were terribly late for something important."

The animals leaned in closer, their eyes locked onto Fluttershy as she continued her tale.

"Unable to resist her curiosity, Alice decided to follow the rabbit into the heart of the Everfree Forest. She ventured through the dense foliage, passing by colorful mushrooms and talking flowers. It was a place unlike any she had ever seen, a world filled with enchantment and wonder"

As Fluttershy described Alice's adventures, the animals imagined themselves in her place, embarking on a whimsical journey through a magical forest.

"Along her journey, Alice met all sorts of fascinating characters," Fluttershy said with a fond smile. "There was the wise Cheshire Cat, who always had a mischievous grin, and the Mad Hatter, who hosted tea parties that lasted forever"

Fluttershy's voice became animated as she portrayed the characters in her story.

"And then there was the Queen of Hearts, who ruled over a kingdom of playing cards and loved to shout, off with their heads!' Alice found herself in the midst of a grand adventure, filled with puzzles and riddles, all while trying to find her way back home"

Fluttershy's tale continued, weaving a whimsical narrative of Alice's encounters and her quest to unravel the mysteries of this magical land. The animals listened intently, hanging on every word.

"Through her journey" Fluttershy concluded, "Alice discovered that the world can be a strange and beautiful place, filled with unexpected friends and endless possibilities. And in the end, she realized that home was wherever her heart felt the most love and happiness"

As Fluttershy finished her story, the animals applauded with joyful chirps and applause. They were delighted by the enchanting tale she had shared.

"It looks like Fluttershy is having story time with her animals," I said to Cheerilee as she hugged me, and I still held her in my arms.

"I can even hear their applause. It must have been a good story. I wonder what it was about," Cheerilee's voice was filled with curiosity as she nestled against me, her warm embrace making me feel a sense of contentment.

I approached the door knocking to the Overworld melody from Super Mario Bros Wii. It was a habit that I had had for years and will surely never go away.

"Fluttershy it's me, Andy, and Cheerilee. Can you please open the door?" I called out, my voice filled with warmth and eagerness.

"Give me a second, I'll open the door!" Fluttershy said as she trotted towards the door with a calm and carefree tone.

"Take your time, Fluttershy" I replied, my voice filled with patience and a hint of excitement.

Fluttershy opened the door "Andy, it's good to see you! And I also see that you made a new friend"

I greeted Fluttershy with a warm smile. "Hi Flutters. I'm glad to see you too! I wanted to let you know that I'll be staying at Cheerilee's house for the night. I didn't want you to worry if you didn't see me around"

Fluttershy replied with a gentle smile, her eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and relief "Thank you for letting me know, Andy. I appreciate it"

Fluttershy's curiosity piqued as she noticed the close bond between me and Cheerilee "Wait a second... are you two a couple?" she asked with a soft and friendly tone.

Cheerilee blushed as she spoke, her heartwarming words filling the room "Well... we are in the process, for now we are just friends. We met today at school and the way he cares about me, how Andy treats the other ponies with respect, and how talented he is with the instrument he has, when I heard him play that song... my heart skipped a beat, and that made me believe that Andy could be the light of my life," she confessed, her voice filled with admiration for me. Fluttershy couldn't help but smile at the budding connection between us.

"Wow, Cheerilee, that was incredibly sweet," Fluttershy said with excitement in her voice. Her kind words touched my heart deeply. I wasn't accustomed to hearing such praise, and I couldn't help but feel a warm blush of embarrassment creeping onto my cheeks.

"I hope you two are very happy together. Please take good care of him for me, alright?" Fluttershy added with a playful and caring tone, expressing her fondness for both of us.

"Haha, thanks, I will," Cheerilee responded with a warm smile. As I glanced towards the forest, I noticed some strange sounds. There was an eerie, pained cry that echoed through the air, almost like an injured animal. It resembled a bird's call, but there was an unmistakable note of distress in it.

I gently lowered Cheerilee back to the ground and furrowed my brow in concern "What's wrong, Andy?" she inquired, her voice filled with curiosity.

"In the forest, I heard a bird, and it sounds like it's hurt," I replied urgently. "I have to go help it!"

Cheerilee looked at me with a worried expression and asked, "Can I go with you?"

I replied with a serious and protective tone, "No, I'm sorry, Cheerilee. It's better that you and Fluttershy stay here. It seems like the sound is coming from deeper in the forest, and I wouldn't want you both to get hurt. I don't know what I might find in there, but with my abilities, maybe I can handle it"

Fluttershy expressed her concern, "Are you sure you want to go alone, Andy?"

"Of course, I can take care of myself, remember that friendly fight I had with Rainbow Dash? That will be enough," I reassured Fluttershy with a confident smile.

"I do remember that... but I don't know..." Fluttershy hesitated, her worry evident.

Cheerilee stepped closer to Fluttershy, placing a comforting hoof on her. "Have some faith, Fluttershy. I'm sure Andy knows what he's doing. Let's trust in his capabilities," she reassured Fluttershy with a warm smile.

"Thank you Cheerilee. I'll be back, I promise, in the meantime stay inside the house, I'll be right back when I rescue the animal, no matter how late I'm going to come back no matter what it costs me." To give Fluttershy confidence and so that Cheerilee can see my skills, I did several handsprings backwards with elegance and precision and then took a big jump turning 360 degrees in the air.

As I executed my agile acrobatics and sprinted off towards the forest, I couldn't help but glance back for a moment. I saw the expressions on Cheerilee and Fluttershy's faces.

Cheerilee wore an impressed and slightly awestruck expression. Her eyes widened, and her cheeks blushed as she watched me move with such grace and confidence. She seemed genuinely captivated by my display of skill and determination.

Fluttershy, on the other hoof, displayed a mix of emotions. Her eyes reflected her concern for my safety, but there was also a glimmer of hope and admiration. She watched me with a blend of worry and pride, hoping that I would return safely from my mission.

As I disappeared into the forest, I could only hope that my actions had given them both the reassurance they needed.

Entering the dense forest, I found myself surrounded by towering trees whose branches reached high into the sky, their thick foliage forming a natural canopy that blocked most of the sunlight. Shafts of golden light pierced through occasional gaps in the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor below.

The air was cool and slightly damp, carrying with it the earthy scent of moss and decaying leaves. The forest floor was a carpet of fallen leaves, creating a soft, rustling underfoot as I moved. Shafts of light illuminated patches of colorful wildflowers that dotted the forest floor, providing a stark contrast to the otherwise green and brown surroundings.

The sounds of the forest enveloped me as I ventured deeper. The chirping of birds, the distant chatter of small creatures, and the occasional rustle of unseen wildlife filled the air with a symphony of natural sounds.

Yet, amid this symphony, one sound stood out—the desperate cry of the injured animal, growing louder with each step I took. It was a haunting sound, filled with pain and distress, as if the creature was using the last of its energy to call for help.

Driven by the urgency of the situation, I quickened my pace, pushing deeper into the forest's heart, determined to locate the source of that anguished cry.

The trail of thin red lines, unmistakably blood, led me deeper into the forest with each step, serving as a grim and unsettling guide. Fortunately, the sunny weather worked in my favor, as the bloodstains would remain visible and not be washed away by rain.

As I followed the trail, my heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and dread. I knew that I was getting closer to the injured animal, but the sight that awaited me filled me with shock and disbelief.

When I finally reached the source of the blood trail, my breath caught in my throat, and I stood frozen for a moment. Before me, lying on the forest floor, was a chocobo. It's vibrant, feathered body was stained with blood, and its normally bright, expressive eyes were dim with pain. It was evident that the chocobo had suffered a severe injury.

My initial shock gave way to a surge of empathy and determination. I knew I had to help this magnificent creature from one of my favorite games, but the sight of the wounded chocobo left me with a daunting question: how would I save it?

Gently approaching the wounded chocobo, I realized that I couldn't simply drag or pull the injured creature. Doing so would likely worsen its already severe wounds, and I couldn't afford to take that risk.

This chocobo was an adult, significantly larger and taller than me. The thought of carrying it was daunting, especially given my limited physical strength. However, I knew I had no other choice. The urgency of the situation left me with a singular goal: to get the Chocobo to Zecora's as quickly and carefully as possible.

With determination in my heart, I took a deep breath, crouched down, and carefully lifted the injured chocobo onto my back. The bird's weight pressed down on me, but I refused to let it deter me. This creature's life depended on my actions, and I was determined to see it through. Bracing myself, I began the slow and arduous journey back to Zecora's hut, every step a testament to my determination to save this magnificent creature's life.

"Zecora, I need your help," I managed to say, my voice trembling with urgency as I approached her hut. Zecora turned towards us, and her initial surprise quickly gave way to concern as she took in the sight of the injured chocobo. The gravity of the situation was apparent, and I could only hope that she had a solution to save the creature's life.

"Bring the wounded one inside, do not despair, let us provide," Zecora spoke in her trademark rhyming manner, her voice filled with a reassuring calmness that helped ease my anxiety. She gestured for me to carefully lay the injured chocobo down on a soft mat she had prepared.

"Thank you very much for your help Zecora. I fully trust you that you can help the chocobo, I know you must have many questions but I will answer them all in due time"
I told Zecora as I leaned against one of the walls of her house sighing from exhaustion.

Zecora nodded in acknowledgment of my words, her focus turning to the wounded chocobo "Questions will wait, for now, we mend, let us ensure this chocobo will mend," she replied, her attention fully on her work as she prepared to tend to the injured bird.

Feeling a mix of relief and weariness, I stood by, ready to assist if needed, and with the promise of answering her questions later, I allowed myself a moment to catch my breath.

My body mainly my face was full of sweat. I took off my leather jacket which made me very hot, in these areas the wind hardly blew.

To help Zecora I asked "Is there anything you need, Zecora?"

Zecora continued her work with focused determination, carefully tending to the chocobo's injuries. She glanced up at me briefly, acknowledging my offer of help.

"A poultice, a bandage, and some herbs, fetch them now, for it greatly perturbs," she rhymed, indicating the various ingredients she required to treat the chocobo's wounds. With a nod, I hurried to gather the necessary supplies, eager to assist in any way I could.

As I gathered the supplies Zecora had requested, I couldn't help but notice her deep in thought, her gaze fixed on the chocobo's wounds. After handing her the poultice, bandage, and various herbs, she inspected them carefully, and then her eyes widened as if she'd realized something important.

"Iris plant, I do require, for the potion to truly inspire," she rhymed, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. It became clear that the missing ingredient was essential to the chocobo's recovery.

I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll find the iris plant for you, Zecora. Just tell me where I can found one"

Zecora nodded appreciatively and began her work on treating the chocobo's wounds. After a moment, she looked up and spoke in rhymes to provide me with the necessary instructions.

"To find the iris plant, head north with care, through the woods where diamond dogs sometimes dare. Into the mines, their domain so vast, you'll face challenges, but the iris will be your prize at last," she advised, her words filled with both wisdom and concern.

Her guidance was clear, and I knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy. But the chocobo's life depended on it, and I was ready to face whatever challenges awaited me in the diamond dog mines to obtain the Iris plant.

With Zecora's instructions and the map Twilight gave me, I set off on my journey toward the diamond dog mines. As I left Zecora's hut, the green field she had mentioned was clearly marked on my map, and it seemed like a reasonable place to search for the iris plant.

The path ahead was filled with uncertainty, but my determination to save the injured chocobo spurred me forward. With each step, I drew closer to the diamond dog mines, ready to face whatever challenges awaited me in my quest to obtain the iris plant.

While I was running, three dogs had come out of their hiding place, and each one had distinctive features that I remembered well. Rover, with his shaggy fur, stepped forward confidently. Fido, who bore a striking resemblance to the Grinch, his scarred eye still a prominent feature, grinned menacingly. Spot, known for his unusually large ears, seemed more curious than aggressive.

As I faced them, memories of their past actions flooded my mind. I couldn't help but mutter to myself, "These pelotudos again" The tension in the air was palpable as we stood there, sizing each other up.

"Look, dude, I don't have time for this; I'm just passing through," I exclaimed, keeping a wary eye on each of them.

"You don't need to lie, I know you came here to steal our gems" Rover told me in a threatening manner.

Rover's obsession with gems, which he shared with his companions, seemed rather peculiar. I couldn't help but add a sarcastic touch to my thoughts. And why do they want the gems anyway? It's not like they go out shopping at the neighborhood chinese supermarket.

"I don't want your gems," I retorted, my annoyance growing by the second. "I was just passing through here, and what I have to do is none of your business"

"I don't believe anything you say, monkey, everyone who passes by here only wants gems and I'm sure you do too. If you don't want problems, you better go back where you came from" Fido said in a serious tone, he had a spear with him.

Fido's threatening words didn't sit well with me. I took a step back, ready to defend myself if necessary, but still trying to avoid a confrontation.

"Look, I really don't want any trouble," I said firmly, hoping to defuse the situation. "I just need to pass through here to find something important. If you let me go peacefully, I won't cause any problems"

The tense standoff continued, and I couldn't help but wonder if these diamond dogs would be willing to listen to reason or if I'd have to find another way to reach the iris plant and save the injured chocobo.

"Let you pass? And take our gems while we don't see you? Fido attack him with your spear and see if he understands the hard way" Spot's words were met with a menacing nod from Fido. It was clear that reasoning with these diamond dogs would be a challenge.

As Fido advanced with his spear raised, I knew I had to act quickly to defend myself.

It wasn't worth reasoning with them, as Fido approached I positioned myself in Wushu stance.

Andy Hunter vs. Diamond Dogs

It would be useful, to keep my balance and stay on my feet if he tries to sweep me.

Fido with his spear tried to hit me in the stomach, I quickly fell to the ground extending and opening my legs, the spear had passed in the center my legs.

Fido was going to try to hit me on one of my legs, I quickly stood up on my hands and spread them even further dodging his attack.

Fido was going to hit me in the lower part, with my hands on the ground I gained momentum, being in the air I did a split-mid air and when I returned to the ground I attacked him with a roundhouse kick in the face and breaking his wooden spear in two parts.

Fido had fallen to the ground, but it seemed like he was still going to continue fighting.

Rover and Spot exchanged surprised glances and then both nodded, reaching an agreement to attack me at the same time.

They both headed towards me at the same time.

I stopped his fists by grabbing them, I swept Rover, throwing him to the ground, and I punched Spot in the face.

Spot recoiled from the pain and I counterattacked by jumping high and kneeing him in the face.

Fido was going to attack me from behind, I had noticed his shadow looking at the floor for a few moments, he was going to punch me but I ducked in time and elbowed him in the chest.

Fido had crouched down a little due to the pain, I did a small backflip while being on Fido's back, I kicked Rover with both legs, Spot was coming from the left and I also kicked him in the face making him fall to the ground.

Even though I was on Fido's back, Rover headed towards me trying to grab my leg to make me fall, before he grabbed me I did a big frontflip doing several turns in the air.

When I returned to the ground I had lost my balance a little, spot took the opportunity to hit me on the nose, I was going to block it with my elbow but it was too late, I started doing several backflips to gain distance.

I breathed a little and noticed that I was bleeding from my nose, no wonder with their long arms and spaghetti legs.

I ran my hand over my nose, noticing my blood, I clenched my fist fiercely determined to beat the shit out of these fools.

I'm going to change my strategy, I'm going to use drunken boxing, maybe it will help me make my attacks less predictable and confuse them with erratic movements. If it worked during a practice I had in my dojo, why not here?

Spot was the one closest to me, we were both staring at each other waiting for who would attack first, my erratic movements made it difficult for Spot when to attack.

I pretended to fall to the ground, Spot took the opportunity to attack me but I quickly joined my legs around his neck and spun quickly.

Spot also began to spin in the air, I stood up quickly to punch him in the stomach and send him flying in a straight line towards Fido, Spot's body impacted Fido both falling to the ground.

Rover came running towards me, he tried to hit me with a right paw, I had blocked it with my arm, he grabbed my hip with his other paw and threw me towards a tree that was nearby, with one of the branches of the tree, I swung back where Rover was extending my legs to kick him in the face with both legs.

From the branch I returned to the ground doing several sideflips, Rover had recovered from the kick, he tried to hit me but I dodged it with consecutive sideflips, Spot too, dodging his attack with a backhandspring.

With a stone that was on the ground, I quickly picked it up with my feet as if it were a soccer ball, with all my strength I kicked the stone quickly towards Fido.

The stone had hit Fido knee, causing him to kneel on the floor.

I ran towards Fido, took momentum from his knee, and executed a 360-degree kick, landing it squarely in his face. Spot, who had turned around to attack me, wasn't spared either; in mid-air, I managed to land a swift kick right to his nose.

When I returned to the ground, I backed away, doing several aerial sideflips backwards and getting into a fighting position in case any of the dogs wanted to continue fighting.

Keeping my eyes focused on them, attentive to any movement.

As the dust settled and the sounds of our intense battle echoed in the clearing, I couldn't help but notice the fearful expressions that passed among the diamond dogs. They looked battered and bruised, a far cry from their initial bravado. Rover, Fido, and Spot had underestimated me, and it was beginning to dawn on them just how unpredictable and relentless I could be.

I caught Rover, his shaggy fur matted with dirt, stammering with a trembling voice, "I-I think we've had enough of this, mates. This monkey too unpredictable!"

Fido, nursing his sore knee, chimed in, "Yeah, and he hits like a... like a runaway boulder!"

Spot, rubbing his aching head, vigorously nodded in agreement. "I don't know about you guys, but I've had my fill of adventure for the day!"

With that, the diamond dogs decided it was time to cut their losses. They scrambled to their feet and made a hasty retreat into the woods, their yelps of fear echoing as they disappeared into the underbrush.

I couldn't help but watch them go, a satisfied grin playing on my lips. "This is how you take out the trash. You better stay away from Rarity or any pony that comes here... Now the iris plant," I muttered to myself, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

As I ventured further into the forest, the changing colors of the sky painted a mesmerizing tapestry overhead. The sun, now a fiery orange ball, cast long, elongated shadows that danced with every rustle of leaves in the gentle evening breeze. The forest came alive with a symphony of sounds — the melodic chirping of birds, the occasional hoot of an owl, and the faint rustling of unseen creatures scurrying beneath the underbrush.

My heart raced with a mix of determination and concern for the injured chocobo. The urgency of my mission weighed on my mind, pushing me forward into the darkening woods. The forest's embrace grew tighter as daylight waned, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation.

The canopy above gradually swallowed the remaining light, leaving only faint traces filtering through the dense foliage. It was in this dim, enchanted world that I pressed on, my senses heightened, my purpose unwavering. As I continued my journey, strange and wondrous flora lined my path, their bioluminescent blooms casting an ethereal glow amidst the gathering darkness.

With each step, I grew more determined to find the iris plant and return to the chocobo's side. Time was of the essence, and the forest held its secrets close, ready to reveal its treasures to those who dared to explore its depths.

As I continued my journey, I stumbled upon a radiant field, illuminated by the soft white glow of the iris plants. The sight was mesmerizing, and I couldn't help but be captivated by the natural beauty surrounding me. The tranquil ambiance of the night tempted me to lay down and lose myself in the splendor of the moment, but I knew that my mission was far from over.

Resisting the temptation to linger, I began to collect several iris plants. Their delicate petals seemed to shimmer with ethereal light as I carefully gathered them, ensuring I had enough to fulfill Zecora's requirements. With each pluck of the vibrant blossoms, I felt a sense of accomplishment, knowing that I was one step closer to helping the injured chocobo and easing the worries of my friends back home.

"I'm back, Zecora! I already have the iris plants" I announced to Zecora as I headed towards her to give her the plants.

Zecora smiled warmly as me handed her the iris plants. "Ah, excellent work, my friend. With these, I can brew the potion needed to heal the chocobo. You've truly shown your kindness and determination"

As I watched Zecora skillfully brew the potion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. The injured Chocobo lay beside me, and I reached out to gently stroke its feathers, offering words of comfort in hushed tones. The Chocobo gazed up at me with trusting eyes, as if it understood that help had arrived.

My soothing touch and the presence of Zecora working diligently provided a glimmer of hope in this uncertain moment. It was a connection, an unspoken promise that we would do everything we could to ensure the Chocobo's well-being.

With the potion applied, the wounded Chocobo's recovery was nothing short of miraculous. It stood up, its once-pained expressions replaced by gratitude and happiness. The Chocobo let out joyful sounds, clearly directed towards both me and Zecora. It was a heartwarming moment, a silent exchange of appreciation between us and this magnificent creature.

Relief washed over me as I witnessed the Chocobo's swift recovery. Zecora's expertise had worked wonders, and the bond between us, forged through this shared act of kindness, grew stronger. It was a testament to the magic of Equestria, where even the most dire situations could lead to moments of hope and connection.

As the Chocobo rejoiced in its newfound health, I turned to Zecora with a grateful smile. The bond between us had grown stronger through this shared experience.

"Zecora," I began, "I have to admit, I didn't expect to find you here. I've heard of you and your talents, but I didn't know your name or that you lived in this part of the Everfree Forest"

Zecora nodded, her eyes filled with a mixture of wisdom and curiosity. "My name is known far and wide, it seems. But I must say, I'm intrigued by how you came to know of me. Not many venture into these woods, and even fewer seek my assistance"

I chuckled softly, realizing the uniqueness of our encounter. "Well, I have a friend in Ponyville who mentioned your name. She told me about your skills in potions and remedies. When I heard about the injured Chocobo, I knew I had to come and find you"

Zecora's nod of understanding was accompanied by a warm smile. "A friend's word can lead one on a journey unexpected. It is good that you sought my aid, for this Chocobo's fate would have been far more bleak."

Our conversation continued, allowing us to get to know each other better. Zecora's presence in the heart of the Everfree Forest remained a mystery, but with each exchanged word, our connection grew stronger, and the forest seemed a little less enigmatic.

Before saying goodbye to Zecora I told her.
"I wanted to apologize for coming so suddenly, maybe you even had important things to do, I know we just met and that you will help me with a favor as big as this. To return the favor, anything you need has my help"

"In gratitude, your kindness shines so bright, a friendship forged in this mystic night. To offer help in times both near and far. Shows the true essence of who you are. In Equestria's embrace, we'll stand together, facing challenges, no matter the weather. Your offer of aid, I'll keep in my heart, as we journey together, let's make a fresh start" Zecora said rhyming in gratitude, placing one of her hoof on her heart.

I would have stayed to chat with her more but I have to go back to Cheerilee and Fluttershy, they must be waiting for me.

As I made my way back through the tranquil forest, my thoughts were filled with the upcoming reunion with Cheerilee and Fluttershy. I knew they would be curious about the chocobo, a creature that didn't exist in Equestria. It would be an interesting conversation, and I looked forward to sharing the tale of my adventure with them.

The soft, warm glow of the evening sun painted the surroundings in hues of orange and pink. The chirping of the birds and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze created a soothing melody that accompanied my journey. It was moments like these, amidst the beauty of Equestria, that made me feel truly grateful for my new life in this magical world.

As I approached Fluttershy's cottage, I couldn't help but wonder how Cheerilee and Fluttershy had spent their time while I was away. They were sure to have been concerned about my well-being, and I hoped that they had taken good care of each other in my absence.

It seems they were still inside Fluttershy's house so I called them from outside "Cheerilee, Fluttershy I'm back and look at the new friend I made!" I called out to them, eager to share the news of my return and introduce them to the chocobo, my newfound friend. As I waited for their response, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation, wondering how they would react to this unusual creature that had become a part of our lives.

Fluttershy and Cheerilee emerged from the house, their faces filled with curiosity and excitement as they joined me to see the chocobo. The sight of the chocobo, a creature not native to Equestria, left them both surprised and intrigued.

As they approached the chocobo, I couldn't help but share my thoughts with them. "From how the chocobo got here," I began, "I think I can have an idea of why"

I explained the unique nature of chocobos to Fluttershy and Cheerilee. "First of all," I began, "a chocobo is a fictional creature that comes from a video game in my world called Final Fantasy. They are birds, yes, but they can't fly. However, their incredible speed makes up for it. I think they can run at more than a hundred kilometers per hour."

Pausing for a moment, I continued, "As for the reason why it's here, it might be because of the stuffed animal I had of it in my room. Perhaps it came to life when I was teleported here along with the portal"

Fluttershy and Cheerilee exchanged surprised glances, trying to process this information about a creature from another world suddenly appearing in Equestria.

Cheerilee looked at me with fascination. "Wow, Andy, that's incredible! A creature from another world, brought to life by magic? It's like something out of a fairy tale."

Fluttershy's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she approached the chocobo cautiously. "Oh my, it's so beautiful. And you say it's called a chocobo? It must be quite special to come from another world. We'll take good care of it, won't we, Cheerilee?"

Cheerilee nodded with a warm smile. "Absolutely, Fluttershy. We'll make sure our new friend feels right at home here in Equestria."

I felt relieved that they were accepting of the chocobo, and it seemed like this unique creature would find a safe and caring home in Equestria.

"But we can't just call him chocobo, have you thought of a name Andy?" Cheerilee asked excitedly.

I scratched my head, thinking of a suitable name for our newly friend. "Hmm, how about we call him Nirvana? It's a name that sounds both majestic and tranquil, don't you think?" Smells like teen spirit!
Not really, I named it Nirvana because it is associated with happiness, hope, disappearance of all evil. Which is exactly my purpose here in Equestria.

Cheerilee and Fluttershy exchanged glances and nodded in agreement. Fluttershy gently petted Nirvana. "Nirvana it is, then. Welcome to our world, Nirvana!"
Nirvana seemed to respond positively to his new name, making a cheerful chirping sound. It was settled; our chocobo friend now had a name that suited him well.

"To celebrate the arrival of our new friend, how about we take a souvenir photo? Don't worry Cheerilee, this is just a phone, technology from my world, then I'll explain how it works" I told Cheerilee, she nodded.

I took out my phone and activated the camera app, holding it up to capture the moment. Fluttershy and Cheerilee stood next to Nirvana, who posed proudly as if he knew he was the center of attention. I snapped the photo, capturing their smiles and Nirvana's presence.

"There we go, a perfect memory of our new friend's arrival," I said as I showed them the photo on my phone's screen.

Cheerilee and Fluttershy both marveled at the image, clearly fascinated by the technology from my world.