• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 236 Views, 10 Comments

Short Stories of Equestria Girls and the Ponies - ThomasZoey3000

A Collection of Short Stories featuring the ponies of Equestria and the Humans on the other side of the mirror

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Sunset's Second Pet

Author's Note:

This story is set after the music video 'Monday Blues'.

Sunset's Second Pet
An Equestria Girls Short Story (Set After "Monday Blues")
Written by: ThomasZoey3000

"Ugh! Darn rain, why does it have to beat heavily into my face?" groaned Sunset Shimmer.

It was a Monday morning, and for the fourth week in a row, it was raining on Canterlot City. Sadly like a few weeks ago, Sunset set off from her home without an umbrella. Today, the weather was worse thanks to the winds being a little stronger this time, almost making it feel like it had a mind of it's own, and the raindrops were pouring down heavier than usual.

"I need to take a page out of Twilight's book and start carrying an extra umbrella with me at all times," she thought to herself. She paused for a moment and took in a deep breath, "oh well, I'll be at the school soon and out of this miserable mess...uh oh."

Up ahead, a car was coming down the road, and was heading straight for a big puddle near to where Sunset was standing. Reacting quickly, Sunset jumped out of the way into an alleyway. It was a good thing she did as the car made the water splash everywhere. A few drops landed on her high heeled boots, but not on her.

"Whew, that was close," she sighed.

She backed up a bit and bumped into a box. She heard a small hiss, then a quiet meow. Curious as to what she bumped into, she turned around and found a familiar stray stripy cat looking up at her. She had seen this cat numerous times during her walks to school and mostly every time, she does stop to give it a little pat on the head or scratch it's neck.

"Hey little guy, you still sitting out here all alone?" she asked in a kind voice.

"Meow," answered the cat.

Instead of merely patting the cat, Sunset picked it up and brought it close to her. The little cat was a little wet, and she thought it might be shivering. However, once it was close to her, it seemed to calm down.

"Poor little guy, you shouldn't have to bear the elements, you should have a home of your own."

"Meow," answered the cat, as if it was agreeing with Sunset.

She gave it a few pats on the head, and as she did, she thought about all the times she stopped to see it. She did like this cat, but always felt bad for leaving it alone in that old box, which was a sorry state giving it's age, and wet spots from the raindrops pounding on it. She also thought about when Fluttershy helped her to get a pet. At the time, Sunset said she wanted something a little less furry, but holding onto this cat now, she thought maybe a furry pet wouldn't hurt either.

She looked down to the little cat, "hey little guy, why don't you come with me? I'll make sure you have a good home."

The cat didn't protest at all. It instead watched as Sunset brought over her backpack, opened it up, moved some things around, and gently placed the cat inside to keep it dry.

"Meow," said the cat.

"You're very welcome."

Once her backpack was on her back again, she started on her way once more. This time, she got out her phone and texted Fluttershy, 'Meet me at the front of the school, I need your help with something. Sunset Shimmer.'

She soon reached the school, and while lots of students were merely walking or running in and away from the front entrance way, one person was just waiting there. It was Fluttershy, "hello Sunset, what did you need help with?" she asked curiously.

Sunset walked into the school with her, and only once they were inside, she revealed the reason for the help request.

"Is that a little kitty cat?" Fluttershy cooed.

"It is indeed. I often see this cat everyday on my way to school, and I would like to ask you if you could give him a check over."

"I can definitely do that."

The two girls walked over to a nearby classroom where Fluttershy gave a small little examination. Nothing serious, just checking to make sure all four paws were okay and using the power of her geode, spoke with the cat and asked if it had a fever.

"He's in perfect health," smiled Fluttershy. "Now, will I be taking this cat back to the shelter later?"

"Actually Fluttershy, I want to take him home with me," Sunset answered.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at this, "I thought you said you wanted a pet without fur."

"I did say that yes, and that's why I chose Ray, but I've grown fond of this little guy. It just wouldn't feel right bringing it in out of the rain and not taking him home with me."

The cat meowed and Fluttershy listened, "he couldn't imagine being with anyone else either," she said for the cat. It meowed again and small tears appeared in Fluttershy's eyes, "no one really bothers with this little guy. Only you stop to say hello."

Now small tears came into Sunset's eyes, "see? That just shows I should be the one to take him home. I don't mind the idea of having a second pet, and I'm sure Ray wouldn't mind either."

Fluttershy nodded to the idea, "okay Sunset, you can take him home with you. But maybe for now, let me look out for him, and we'll take him back to your apartment later."

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Thanks Fluttershy."

The day went by quickly and once school was done, the two girls walked with the cat back to Sunset's apartment. Apart from the cat and their school books, the two of them were also carrying food and litter that they picked up from a pet store.

Ray was waiting in his tank when they came in. His little eyes looked over to the cat.

"Hey Ray," smiled Sunset. She reached a hand into the tank and he walked onto her hand, "I got someone to introduce you to." She brought him over to the cat, "this is our newest friend to join us in the apartment, and he's called Stripy."

Sunset lowered Ray towards Stripy and watched as he nuzzled up to the right side of his face. This got a purring response from the cat.

"I'd say they're happy to be friends, and..." Fluttershy paused as she listened to them, "they say they're both happy to be with someone as wonderful as you Sunset."

Sunset blushed hearing that, "well I'm happy to have you both in my life." She brought Ray close to the left side of her face, where he nuzzled her cheek. She then brought Stripy close to her, where he did the same thing to the right side of her face. It was such a cute moment, which once again brought a tear to Fluttershy's eye.

"I just wish we could see more moments like this," she said. "But there are still plenty of strays out there."

"Well I'm sure they'll be found, and like these little guys, they'll be given great homes."

Fluttershy nodded, "well I better get back to the animal shelter to make sure of that."

"Right, and thanks again for the help Fluttershy, I really appreciate it and I'm sure these guys do too."

And indeed they did as they said so to Fluttershy. She said good bye and headed off. Sunset then looked down to her pets, "now let's get you two something to eat, you both must be hungry." Again, there were no struggles from the pets as they went with Sunset to the kitchen. As for Stripy, he could already tell that he was going to enjoy living with this wonderful red and yellow haired girl, and little Ray as well.