• Published 30th Jul 2023
  • 1,729 Views, 131 Comments

A Shimmer and Sparkle - Skyreads

A mean and bitter unicorn turned human gets her world flipped by a much to curious scientist.

  • ...

10. Ember Discourse

Fluttershy with a racing heart and a meowing cat clutched to her chest starred in terrified shock as another hit was slammed into the wondercolts statue.

After the third hit Sunset started to elicit short screams of force with each hard slam. Her face was consumed with anger. Fluttershy was sure she saw her eyes flash red as her pupils pointed into daggers. It took no time at all for nearly the whole gathering student body to stare at the event with their mouths agape, not knowing what to do.

Fluttershy was the first try, as she reached out a hand, “S-sunset, please, stop.”

Her request went ignored as the redhead continued to strike faster and faster with a terrifying expression that made the quiet girl's heart hammer. It was a look of pure rage that Fluttershy had never seen on anyone. Sunset's nose bridge curled, her teeth grit tightly, and her eyes appeared dark and vengeful.

The front half of the statue tumbled to the ground, a flying rock banging against Sunset’s head. The assault didn’t stop her though.

“Shimmer! Stop!” Rainbow Dash’s raspy voice yelled as she exited the crowd and ran up to her.

Sunset whipped around, “Stay away Rainbow Dash!” She slammed down on the giant rocks now lying on the ground.

She brought the hammer over her head and swung it down, “You don’t understand!”

Another thunderous bang, “No one or thing will ever understand! Or even care!!

Flash Sentry appeared as he squeezed his way out of the crowd and tried to reason with her, “Sunset, please. We can talk about this, but you need to stop!”

“No!” Blood trailed down the right side of her face, “They never even cared! They never loved me!”

The sledgehammer dropped down the largest ridged rock, breaking it into two, “I was so stupid!

Finally, the glass front doors slammed open and the two sister principals ran out and onto the courtyard hearing the commotion and reports from teachers.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Principal Celestia’s voice thundered, “Stop this at once!

Fat tears began to roll down the human-turned-unicorn’s face, “Why?!” She sobbed as she fell to her knees barely registering the principal's command.

Flash and Celestia broke her fall, both grabbing an arm and gently leading her down.

She gasped for air as more sobs fell from her lips, “I-I- just w-wanted them to lo-love me. B-be pro-ud.”

Sunset threw herself into Princess Celestia’s lap, wrapping her tightly around the adult woman’s midsection. Fluttershy joined them as she rubbed Sunset's back, sharing a sad, sympathetic look with Flash Sentry.

Vice-Principal Luna seemed to snap from the scene as the first bell rang, “Alright everyone, the show is over! You have twenty minutes to get to your first period! Anyone I find still in the halls will have detention, am I clear?!”

Students understood the instructions as they quietly and quickly dispersed. Fluttershy and Flash gave their principal an asking look for their instruction.

“Go ahead, Mr.Sentry. Miss Shy and I will handle things from here.” The woman said as the young girl continued to girl in her torso.

The young man nodded and headed off. Several minutes passed before Sunset finally began to calm down to a normal state, left sniffling and in a dazed state of mind.

“Principal Celestia, what do we do?” Fluttershy asked, watching the kitten lick at his mother's scarlet red fingertips.

Celestia looked down at the girl, “Sunset, have you slept at all? Or have you eaten this morning?”

She slowly moved her head from left to right.

“Oh, dear,” Fluttershy said, moving a piece of red and gold hair back, confirming it was matted with blood, “She’s bleeding quite a lot from her head. A rock had flown and hit it.”

Celestia gave a worried look, “Let’s get her to the infirmary. Afterward, I’ll retrieve some food for her. Also, an adult that can take care of her at home.”

Fluttershy nodded and helped the woman pick the dazed Sunset up, the cat following after them.

Fluttershy sat in the school's infirmary, holding a wet washcloth to Sunset's forehead. The girl had been quiet for a long time, just staring off and avoiding eye contact.

The nurse had just finished dressing the gash the rock caused to her head. The woman kept giving Sunset odd and sympathetic looks. Redheart also picked up the high schooler's hands, she looked and pressed on them concluding to not say anything about their seemingly overnight healing.

When Fluttershy reapplied a clean cold rag to her head after removing the wet, blooded one, Sunset spoke, “Why?” She said so quietly that no other person would have been able to hear. Thanks to Fluttershy's keen ears, the question didn’t slip past her, “Why, what?”

She was silent for a moment before speaking again, “Why are you being so kind to me? After everything I’ve done to you.”

Fluttershy picked up the orange cat that was resting on the floor next to her feet and placed him on the bed, “Everyone deserves to be shown some kindness.”

“Not everyone. I’m a good example,” Sunset said quietly as she petted the cat resting on her stomach.

The pink-haired girl felt her heart tighten at hearing the other girl talk like this about herself. Yes, Sunset had been mean. Said some mean things, committed some mean things. Fluttershy was smart enough to not let her kindness be taken advantage of. She had learned that lesson one too many times, but despite the mean words and threats, the loneliness and fear constantly in her eyes were clear as day to Fluttershy. She had seen it so many times in the helpless shelter animals.

“I don’t think that’s true,” Fluttershy said, offering a kind smile.

The fiery-haired girl stayed silent, staring at the ceiling with her eyes drooping. That was until the principal entered with a small brown bag. Fluttershy watched her former bully curl in on herself, she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, hiding half of her face behind her knees. Only her red, swollen eyes were visible to the woman.

“I’ve brought some breakfast items, Miss Shimmer. I recommend you eat them, it’ll help you feel better.” Princess Celestia said as she placed the bag on the cot's side table.

Sunset's eyes flicked over to the bag and murmured a ‘thank you.’

The principal waited a moment before pulling the items out, a carton of milk and fruit loops with apple slices and a plastic fork, “Whenever you're ready. I do need to discuss something with you.”

“I’m being kicked out, aren’t I?” Sunset asked, still in her curled position, her face hidden.

Fluttershy looked up to the top authority of the school with worry. Principal Celestia kept a straight face for professionalism but her purple eyes showed sympathy and hurt for the girl, “No. You’re not being removed from the school-“

“But I’m terrible!” Sunset cut off, in. A tone that sounded like a desperate cry, “I’ve lied and schemed to humiliate others and put them under my control!” She then pointed to Fluttershy, her eyes glossy, “I’ve even bullied others! I also-“

Principal Celestia, with a straight poster, put a hand up that silenced the former tyrant, “Your behavior and consequences will be discussed at a later date. For now, your mental and physical well-being is my biggest worry, which brings me to my intended point. I need a phone number for a trusted adult to dismiss you with.”

Sunset opened her mouth only for the sun goddess’s counterpart to speak again, “A real one. The number you have in your paperwork just leads back to you, doesn’t it?”

The redhead snapped her mouth shut and didn’t answer. The principal nodded in understanding, “I thought so. I believe you are in a position right now where caring for yourself won’t be the best. I’d like for you to be with an adult you trust before I dismiss you.”

“I know you're an emancipated minor but with your head injury and mental state, you need to be with an adult that can properly help you.” Principal Celestia finished.

The former unicorn rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands, her exhaustion and stress catching up with her. There was only one pair of adults that she thought of but she didn’t want to. They had exchanged phone numbers with her for emergencies. Sunset had only met Twilight Velvet and Night Light not even a week ago, it was much too soon to start bothering them with her problems.

“Um, Principal Celestia?” Fluttershy's quiet, gentle voice piped up, “Sunset can stay with my parents and me. I’m sure they wouldn’t have a problem with it. They’re very hospitable.”

“No!” Sunset shot up, “I-I’m sorry-“ she said at Fluttershy's hurt look, “Thank you, Fluttershy but, I… I have someone.”

The mousy girl went from a worried look to a soft smile, “I’m glad to hear that.”

The nurse walked in as Principal Celestia pulled out a pen and paper.

“Sunset, eat the breakfast food, please. I don’t think you have a concussion, but I don’t want you getting lightheaded.” Nurse Redheart said she placed down two tablets and checked the head wrap for any blood leakage.

The redhead finally reached for the apple slices and milk. When she finished her slow munch on the tart slice, a regal voice Sunset knew too well spoke, “The phone number?”

Sunset hesitated for a moment, dreading the burden and bad news she was about to become for the Sparkle family. She listed out the numbers before the former unicorn stuffed another piece of apple into her mouth.

“Thank you, Miss Shimmer. I’ll explain the situation. You just stay here and rest until they get here,” Principal Celestia turned to Fluttershy and gave her a proud smile, “Miss Shy you are free to stay here if you wish until Miss Shimmer is secure.”

The pastel pink girl nodded, “Thank you, ma’am.”

As the principal left the nurse moved again to look and press on Sunset's hands when the girl finished using them, “I’m very curious about how your hands healed overnight.”

Sunset only shrugged, “I guess I’m just a fast healer.” She then scooted further down on the cot and laid on her side putting her back to the nurse and Fluttershy.

Nurse Redheart placed her hands on her hips, “Yes, apparently at a superhuman level.”

“More like a supervillain,” Sunset muttered. Both the females kept quiet not knowing what to say.

“Well,” the nurse started and she put her work utensils away, “I’ll be in my office if you girls need anything.”

Fluttershy stood and bowed, “Thank you, Nurse Redheart.” Red Heart smiled and nodded before she walked to her office and left the door a narrow crack.

When Fluttershy sat again, she was still met with Sunset’s back, “Sun-“

“Fluttershy,” Sunset spoke shortly, “I really appreciate your help but I’m tired and just want to sleep.” Her voice became softer and wobbly the more she spoke.

“I understand, let me know when you need something.” Fluttershy in a gentle reassurance.

She was never answered but Fluttershy saw the way the crimson and gold hair slightly shook along quivering shoulders.

Twilight Velvet turned off the main road and pulled into the public school's main parking lot. Her heartbeat jogged with worry for her daughter's best friend. The woman was thankful she made Sunset Shimmer take her phone number. The school’s principal sounded concerned for the girl and despite the brief explanation of the morning's events, Velvet knew the redhead wasn’t in any position to be in a lonely studio townhome.

The mother exited her dark red SUV and walked along the sidewalk that led to Canterlot High’s entrance. The closer she got Velvet could see the damage from the ‘distressed episode,’ as the principal put it.

The large statue now sat with half of the base caved into nothing but rubble that had both large and small rocks spilled out. Among the remains was a girl with slate gray skin and dull purple hair in a dark gray turtleneck frock, that looked a bit like a potato sack, picked up rooks and appeared to be examining them. A woman with midnight skin and navy, lavender-streaked wavy hair stood beside her listening.

“So does this mean Celestia will get the marble statue she has been wanting?” The woman asked.

In a bored tone, the girl answered, “Most likely, the base isn’t fixable but the horse statue should be fine. Large chucks of older limestone won’t meld flawlessly back together.”

The woman sighed. When Velvet reached them she waved, “Excuse me? I’m here for Sunset Shimmer.”

The younger girl gave her a half-lidded, empty look while the young woman held out her hand, “Good morning, Mrs. Velvet. I’m very glad you were able to make it, especially on short notice. I’m Canterlot High’s Vice Principal, Luna. ”

The two shook hands. “Is Sunset, okay?” Velvet asked.

The Vice Principal gave a sad look before she covered it up with professionalism, “She’s resting now. Please, if you follow me, the principal would like to speak with you.”

The two began their walk inside the brick building with the rock inspector following behind. When they reached the main foyer, Luna dismissed the student back to her class and led the school's guest to the Principal.

The women, after a few turns, reached a door that had a plaque, it bared the words, ‘Principal Celestia.’ The vice principal opened the door only to find the office empty. The clack of heels sounded behind them, “Good morning, I’m assuming your Twilight Velvet?”

Velvet turned to find a tall pale woman in a golden suit, “That's correct. You must be Principal Celestia.”

“Yes,” the principal said with a smile before it fell, “I wish I could have met the adult that Miss Shimmer trusts in a positive situation. She’s been… troubled.” Celestia said before she waved her hand in a follow motion as she led the woman into the office.

Velvet nodded, “Yes, I’ve suspected that. I haven't known her for long, unfortunately.”

“I see,” Celestia said as she sat in her office chair and placed a vanilla folder in front of her, “As I’ve mentioned, she’s had a rough morning. I don’t know much about her home life, other than she’s emancipated.”

“Me neither. Luckily, she’s made good friends with my daughter, that’s how I know her.” Velvet explained as she took a seat in the chair on the other side of the desk. The vice principal stood by the principal with her hands folded behind her back.

“That’s good to hear,” Celestia said with a pleased smile, “I think she could really use a friend.”

“Agreed,” Velvet smiled before she adjusted the conversation, “The statue outside…, was that her doing?”

“Yes,” Luna confirmed, “According to eyewitnesses, she had just ‘appeared’ on campus. They said she walked into the gym's storage, returned with a sledgehammer, and without a word, started to destroy the base of the structure. We aren't sure if that was her actual goal or not.”

Velvet nodded as she processed the information. Twilight said Sunset was visiting her parents this week. What could’ve happened to elicit that response?

“How much is the cost of the damage? I’m sure my husband and I can figure something out.” The concerned mother for her daughter’s best friend said.

Celestia shook her head from left to right, “That won’t be necessary. I am much more concerned that Miss Shimmer has a safe place with an adult during this time. It’s evident that she’s been through an emotional trauma. Whether it's recent or older that was triggered, I’m not sure. She also suffered a head injury when the stone fell and that rock hit the side of her head. For her wellbeing: emotionally, mentally, and physically, it would be best for her to not be by herself for a few days.”

“Of course,” Velvet said, “I don’t doubt she’ll be hesitant about it but she’s always welcomed in my home. I just hope she knows that.”

The principal stood and smiled, “I’m grateful she has someone to be there to help her when she needs it. We’ve had a troubling history with her for a few years but with the recent changes in behavior and demeanor. I think that’s what she needs.”

Velvet smiled, she couldn’t agree more. The top two school authority figures led her down the hallway and took a corner before they entered the nursing office, a woman in white scrubs close to her skin color met them, “Hello, I’m Nurse Redheart. Sunset has a small gash on the side of her head,” she pulled out an ointment tube and handed it to the woman, “this will keep it clean and help it heal faster, though I don’t think she’ll need help with that.”

When the principals and Velvet gave her questioning looks Redheart looked surprised, “You know of her hand being fractured yesterday? It’s completely healed. Even the bruising is gone.”

Celestia and Luna widened their eyes like they had just realized something while Velvet was surprised, “Fractured? When and how did she fracture her hand?”

The nurse sighed and placed her pointer finger and thumb to pinch the bridge of her nose, “I shouldn’t be surprised. She came to me yesterday with bloody, swollen hands. The right was fractured, the left was heavily bruised.”

“What happened to cause that? Did she tell you?” The more Velvet heard and learned about Sunset, the more worried for her overall being she became. Night Light and her had conversations about happily offering the redhead a place to stay whenever needed. They knew it couldn’t be easy for a teenager all alone in general, let alone in the downtown city. The adults worried the girl would be in a troubling situation, whether it was a crime, financial struggles, or lack of eudemonia. It appeared to the journalist-turned-author that the last was in the works and it was an avalanche that started slow that now was speeding up, possibly faster than the teenage girl could handle.

Redheart with a soft sigh, “She said she was boxing.”

“Oh. I’ll address it with her later, for now, it sounds like she’s been through a lot. It’d be best for her to rest at home.” Velvet stated.

“Agreed Mrs.Velvet,” Principal Celestia said, “Thank you again for coming in, also Sunset is excused from classes for the rest of the week. Have a good rest of your day.”

“Thank you as well.”

The two tall women turned and walked back to their offices. When Velvet looked back the nurse opened the door to the infirmary. Velvet already saw the vibrant red and gold curls, in front of the rest of Sunset's body though was a lanky girl with butter-yellow skin, long light pink hair that reached her lower back in a green oversized sweater, and a long pink skirt that matched her hair and white flats with pink and blue butterflies on them. In her lap was a sleeping orange cat.

“Hello,” Velvet greeted softly. The girl still managed to be startled and looked at the woman, she had a long bang that covered her left eye.

“O-oh, hello. Are you here for Sunset?” She asked meekly.

“That I am,” Velvet answered with a smile.

She nodded, “Thank you for helping her.”

Velvet smiled, “Thank you for watching her.”

“It’s nothing. I… didn’t want her to not have someone. I think- I know she’s really sad.” The girl said, getting quieter and quieter.

“What do you mean, dear?” Velvet asked gently.

Fluttershy moved the bang from her eye and tucked it behind her ear, “It’s just… when she thinks no one is looking, she has the most dejected look on her face.”

Twilight Velvet always knew herself to be on the bit dramatic side, she had been called over emotional many times in her life. She knew her daughter had a string of it in her as well. But, in situations like this, the woman couldn’t hold back the stinging tears in her eyes. Only a few droplets escaped, Velvet didn't want this young girl to have to witness her cry. Twilight knew she had met someone on a sadder road down the path of life. It still hurts Velvet to hear just how bad and true that is for the young female.

The Sparkle family matriarch circled around the bed to Sunset’s front. She was curled up, with her knees covering her torso and her hands were locked in tight fists in front of her face, which was scrunched up in distress. Velvet crouched down to be level with Sunset's face and gently moved her curled bang back from her face, “Sunset?” She said gently.

The delicate touch caused teal eyes to flutter open and showed her red eyes overtaking the usual white. Sunset looked up at Velvet with melancholy and guilt, “Miss Velvet I’m sorry.”

She shushed her, “That’s nonsense. Let’s get you home, okay? I've got some vegetable soup waiting for a stomach to take home. Does that sound good?”

Sunset nodded as she slowly sat up. Magma appeared by her side and meowed up at his mother. Velvet smiled and scratched the cat on the head, “I’m surprised. I’m not used to seeing an animal in a school.”

Fluttershy giggled, “Our principal loves animals. She tends to be lenient on it as long as it doesn’t cause a problem.”

Sunset stood as Velvet's hand rested on her back to assist her, clutching the orange tabby close to her chest she turned to Fluttershy, “Thanks Fluttershy, and...,” guilt and shame dug further into her features, “I’m sorry.”

The shy girl tucked a long piece of hair behind her ear, showing off her studded bunny earring, “I’ve forgiven you.”

Minutes later the redhead found herself in the passenger seat of her best friend’s mother’s van and a tired cat in her lap. The drive was silent as Sunset leaned her head against the window watching the industrial city pass by her in blurs.

They didn’t care about her. It all was made clear to her now. It was always nannies she had known better. She barely saw her parents other than at the dinner table. They only acknowledged or spoke to her when they had to or when she talked to them. They never asked her how her day or school was. Never read her bedtime stories. Never tucked her in. Never smiled at her. Never hugged her. Never said they…loved her. Sunset realized now that she wasn’t their daughter. She was just some pony living under their roof.

She pointed her head further to the window to cover her silent tears. Eventually, they reached the outside of her townhouse. Sunset gripped the door handle of the car, “Thank you, Miss Velvet. I’m sorry I put a damper on your day.”

When Sunset left the car Velvet followed after her, “Sweetie,” she said and placed a hand on a leather-covered shoulder, making the teenager look at her, “You have put absolutely no damper in anything. Please don’t think of yourself as a burden, I’m happy to help you.”

Sunset kept her head down, her hair fell in front of her face. The woman moved the bangs out of her face, “I mean that dear, and I want to help you believe that,” whatever Sunset thought about she kept to herself as her face was unreadable, “Now, let’s go inside, pack you and your kitten some stuff for a couple of days, okay?”

Sunset nodded and pulled away to unlock her front door.

Principal Celestia sat at her desk and placed her chin on her folded hands in thought as her sister took a seat in the chair on the other side.

“What do we do now about the broken portal?” Luna asked as she rubbed her forehead, “Grandfather never mentioned what would happen if it was destroyed.”

Celestia stayed silent for a moment, “I’m not sure. Due to Grandpa Starswirl being MIA, we can’t exactly ask him.”

The principal sat back in her chair, “I’ll go through the family archives and see what I can find.”

The sisters sat in silence for a moment, “You think Sunset Shimmer knew about the portal?” Luna theorized.

“I’m not sure,” Celestia sighed, “but due to Fluttershy and a couple of other students mentioning she randomly appeared, they never even saw her walk up the sidewalk. I wouldn’t doubt she came from the other side.”

Luna nodded, “Yes. She’s always had that sort of weird energy, grandfather had.”

“Yes Sister,” Celestia stood and pulled out a key that had an interlocked moon and sun at the end, “I hope this won’t result in a catastrophic change for our school and whatever our grandfather was afraid of.”

Usually, Twilight Sparkle would spend at least two hours in her school closet laboratory. Today wasn’t usual though. She had gotten a text from her mother stating her best friend was at their home. Not only that but she was hurt! How could she be more hurt? Sunset already had a fractured hand!

Not to mention the fact that Sunset hadn’t even been gone a day. Only the night, barely six hours! With worry and anxiety for her only friend plaguing her, Twilight quickly packed her belongings and raced out of the school. Her father informed her that due to last Friday, he would be picking her up from school now. Apparently, by Sunday he had already arranged his later-day classes to be online, as the department head he only needed approval to do so from himself. So she waited anxiously in the pickup line, bouncing her knees and chewing on the nail of her thumb.

After what felt like an eternity- which she knew wasn’t logically possible with the way the space-time continuum worked, Twilight bolted to the shiny black sedan that belonged to her father.

“Have you been home?” Was the first thing she said to her father when she jumped in the passenger seat, throwing her heavy backpack into the backseat.

“I’m afraid not, Twily. I come straight from the university,” Night answered.

Twilight nodded, she knew that was the answer but she had asked anyway, “I’m sorry I’m just perturbed.”

Her father nodded and gave an encouraging smile, “I know and there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, I’m proud you’ve shown so much care for your friend.”

Twilight blushed, “Thanks, dad.”

Minutes passed as they watched the polished city turn green suburbs. Night Light had barely turned the car off before his daughter hightailed it out of the vehicle and ran up the porch steps, skipping a few stairs.

When Twilight cranked open the front door's silver handle she was greeted with silence. That silence made her worry her hearing had gone dead. She was grateful when it came back and the light taps of dishes coming from the kitchen entered her ears. She passed through the living room and saw a dirty leather jacket slumped over the arm of the couch. Twilight, without a second thought, picked up the article of clothing and hugged it to her chest. The collar sat near her nose and she could smell the strong strawberry scent that always came from the redhead. Twilight never said it out loud but she did find it adorable and hilarious that the gruff hothead constantly smelled so sweet.

The young scientist stepped gently into the kitchen so as to not scare her mother who was scooping soup into a storage container, “Mom? Where’s Sunset?”

Velvet turned around and offered her daughter a small smile, “She’s in your room, Twily. At first, she was reluctant but I reassured her many times that you would be fine with her waiting there.”

Twilight heard her father's heavier footsteps behind her, he then settled at the small kitchen table, placing down Twilight's backpack and his car keys, “How is she doing?”

A slow sigh could be heard from Velvet as she placed a pot on the stove and turned the cooking nob on low, “Honestly, she’s very exhausted. It’s clear what event that happened last night took a lot out of her mentally and emotionally. When I picked her up from school she was sleepy and quiet.”

Night Light had gotten up and began preparing ingredients for his wife, “What happened at the school for her to be required to be picked up by an adult? Her emancipation status makes it so she can sign herself out.”

Twilight looked to her mother in worried anticipation, she was barely holding back sprinting up to her room and holding her only friend in the greatest hug she could ever muster.

“She…” her mother's voice entered her ears, halting her train of thought, “I wouldn’t say an episode, she had a mental breakdown in the school courtyard this morning.”

‘A mental breakdown?’ Twilight stood shocked as her heart began to race as scenarios filled her head, “W-what? But she was visiting her parents- going home! Trying to reconnect! What would cause a mental breakdown?”

Her parents exchanged a conversation through their eyes. Twilight took a step back out of the room, “I’m going to go check on Sunset. I’m sure if she wants to tell me she will.”

Night Light agreed and Velvet hugged the indigo-haired teenager, “Let her know if she wants more soup, that it’s down here for her.”

With a nod, Twilight removed herself and met with the bottom of the stairs. The elevated steps had never looked so long as they held the distance between her and her desolated best friend.

A lavender hand gently placed itself on her bedroom door handle and turned. If it weren’t for the fretted feeling she had, Twilight would have taken a picture of the adorable sight before her. Sunset Shimmer was curled up in her sheets with a purple dog stretched out by her feet and an orange kitty curled up on the pillow next to her head. Twilight was elated to see Spike and Magma had gotten along.

The only thing that ruined the image was Sunset's scrunched-up face in silent agony. Twilight sat on the bed and brushed her fingertips through crimson curls, moving them out of her sleeping friend's face. A tiny whimper elicited from Sunset and her brows furrowed upwards.

“M-mom. Dad,” an amber-toned hand reached out under the blanket and found nothing, causing tears to roll down her cheeks, “p-please, don’t leave me… I’m s-sorry.”

Twilight's heart clenched as she heard enough and knew she needed to wake Sunset from her unpleasant dream. The indigo-haired girl poked her on the shoulder, “Sunset, wake up.”

The fiery-maned girl squeezed her eyes shut harder and her teeth gritted as a weird distressed sound left her vocal chords. After a few more pokes and waking pleas from Twilight, teal eyes snapped open.

Wide teal eyes stared at similar purple eyes that were wide with surprise. After a cricket of a moment passed Twilight giggled, “Hi, how are you feeling?”

Sunset sat up causing Spike to hop up and trot out of the room to request outside time.

“I’m… okay. The headache has died down.” Sunset replied, she kept her eyes on the fingers that she was pulling at.

Twilight pushed back the string of red that kept trying to cover the amber-skinned girl's face, “That’s good. I sort of ran up here not long after getting home. So, I don’t know what happened.”

The portal hopper shrugged, “Oh nothing much, I just found out that after years of being gone my parents didn’t care, they were basically relieved. Prin- My teacher never had the guts to tell them I ran away, which was lucky for her because they never asked how or even when I went missing!” Rage started to lace her tone before she took a deep breath.

“So, when I came back through the portal, I- I just couldn’t think. All I saw was red. I stole the janitor’s sledgehammer and bashed apart the portal,” Sunset's eyes met Twilight’s with guilt, “I’m sorry about that. I know we both still wanted to study it.”

True, and Twilight would admit she was disappointed to learn the portal was gone, but at that moment her worry for her friend had overridden that. Plus, not all hope was lost. If the portal was made once, it could be made again! Twilight was confident if anyone could figure it out it was her and Sunset!

“The portal doesn’t matter right now, Sunset,” Twilight's fingers ghosted over the bandage wrapped around her crimson and gold hair, “Did you have a head injury?”

Sunset nodded slowly so as to not trigger the headache into a migraine, “A large rock from the statue base hit me.”

Without thinking Twilight reached over and planted a tiny kiss on the bandage, “I’m so sorry,” Twilight felt her eyes begin to sting as the information Sunset spat out about her parents fully registered, “It’s awful to hear about what your parents did. Nobody, and I truly mean nobody deserves to be treated and forgotten like that, especially by your parents.” The ending came out in disgust. Twilight has never felt too genuinely abhorred about someone, not even the students who taunted and bullied her at school. Let alone two people she didn’t even know.

It was revolting. She couldn’t imagine how someone could ever just not care about their own child going missing. A sniffle broke Twilight out of her red-tinted thoughts, “Sunset?”

Twilight caught a glimpse of the quiet tears that trailed down her cheeks before Sunset threw her fist to her eyes and rubbed at the hardly. Twilight reached out and pulled her fists away, “Hey, don’t do that.”

“I’m just so tired of crying. I used to think I was stronger than that.” Sunset admitted as she flopped back on the bed and started at the ceiling. Twilight could see the exhaustion and melancholy that had completely invaded her eyes. She leaned over her and looked Sunset in her eyes, “You are incredibly strong. You’ve been through so much in your life that any person would know is difficult to handle. It’s reasonable, needed, and healthy to cry. Just because you’ve stopped being mean to others doesn’t mean you get to be mean to yourself.”

Sunset gave her usual in-shock stare she always gave when she was called out on something she didn’t know was doing. Suddenly the world showed down and the only thing in the world was the two girls staring at each other in plump purple sheets.

Twilight felt herself lowering down as Sunset rose to meet her, their lips just barely touching. Sunset's hesitance brought Twilight back to reality and the sound of the redhead's rigged breath became known. The born human girl moved back an inch, “Sunset?”

“I- I’m sorry,” she started before gripping Twilight's thin arm, “I don’t think I’m ready.” She admitted in a quiet whisper, “I-I really want to but…,” Sunset sucked in a shaky breath, “I'm scared.” 'Of myself.' Sunset's inner voice completed for her.

Twilight shook her head, “It’s okay! I was a little caught up in the proposition. Additionally,” she raised her glasses up before a lavender finger pointed up, “During emotional turmoil and exhaustion our brains become prone to chasing desires in an attempt to produce the dopamine our brain is missing at the moment.”

Sunset raised a brow at her, before smirking, “Whatever you say Sparks.”

“It’s true!” Twilight exclaimed as she moved to sit on the bed next to Sunset, a certain orange tabby rose from his slumber and showed off how big he could stretch before rolling back into a roll on a pillow, “Before I forget, Mom wants you to know there’s more soup for you.”

Sunset hummed, “That sounds good right now, but…” she trailed off looking at the scientific genius next to her.

“What?” Twilight asked.

Teal eyes gave her a pleading look, “You know how you said the brain can be prone to chasing dopamine when sad?”

Twilight nodded with a chuckle, “Yes, I believe that was stated a few moments ago.”

Sunset’s pleading look grew stronger when she opened her arms, “Can I have a hug? For just a minute or two?”

The younger girl chuckled and scooted into the sideways hug, “Of course, what are best friends for?”

Author's Note:

Howdyyy y'all! :ajsmug:

Our Sunset is going to be Sun down for a minute. Who else is excited for a projected negative thoughts era for the second half? 🙋

As always I hope you enjoyed it! Comments, concerns, and friendly critiques are very welcomed!
Till next time :P