• Published 3rd Aug 2023
  • 543 Views, 19 Comments

Roomies - Panda the fazbear128

After Sunny Starscout's Lighthouse got destroid she moves in with Izzy Moonbow. Where, she find's has a crush on the lavender unicorn but she's unsure of what to do she's scrared that she'll ruin there ever so blosming friendship. What will she do?

  • ...

The begining

Sunny Starscout found herself in a tricky situation. Her house was destroyed Sprout's big robot. She has to find somepony to move in with. There were two options either move in with Hitch, or Izzy. She chose Izzy to get to know her better.

"Can't belive Sunny's gonna move in with me im so exited!" Said Izzy cleaning the remaning little dust from her cottage. Till she, heard knocking.

*knock* *knock*

"Coming!" Izzy hurried down stairs to open the door.

"Hiya Sunny! Make yourself at home at 'La Vila Izzy'!"

"Hey Izzy! Thanks again for letting crash with you!" Said Sunny she was really happy that she can spend some time with Izzy and get to know her better. She came with a three bags of most important belongings.

"Here let me help you get these inside!" Izzy affored and grabbed two of Sunny's bags.

"Thanks Izzy!" She found herself lost in Izzy's 'uniclyed' creations. They are so pretty! She thout.

"There now make yourself at home! Feel free to unpack or do what ever you please if you need any help feel free to ask!" The unicorn said with a broad smile across on her face.

"Again, thanks for everything Izzy I will probaly unpack first."

"Okie dokey! No problem Sunny! I will be upstairs if you need anything." She said troting upstairs
"Ok Izzy!"
"Now let's get to unpacking."

After Sunny finished unpacking

Sunny troted upstairs to ask Izzy something. Where she found the unicorn painting she first thout not to disturb her but, Izzy noticed her.

"What's up Sunny?" Asked Izzy
"I'm not disturbing you, am I?" Asked back Sunny

"Of course not, now what's up Sunny?" Izzy said smiling brightly at Sunny.

"I just wanted to ask where to put my bags." Sunny said while holding her settle bag.

"Oh just leave them there I'll put them away once I'm finished!" The smiling unicorn said.

"Oh no, you don't need to just tell me where and I will put them away!" Insited the earth pony.

"Okay if you insist, next to the kitchen theres a door that's the closet there should be enough space there! But if not then come back here and I'll make space!"

"Okay thanks Izzy!"

Sunny oppened the closet there was enough space for her bags she also noticed some little boxes saying:

'For Uniclying' 'Family Pictures' 'Notes for stuff'

Sunny found herself most interested in the little box saying 'Family Pictures' maybe one day she'll ask to see them but not right now.
She closed the closet door and set down Izzy's couch taking in more of the cinery. "The decorations are so pretty maybe sometime, I could ask her how she makes them." Sunny wispered to herself.

Later that night

"Hey Sunny I can give you a place to sleep! So wouldn't to sleep on the floor in the sleeping bag."

"Really where Izzy?"

"Well next to me on my bed it's definetly big enough for the both of us! You know only if you want to!"

Well it wasn't ideal Sunny couldn't pass up sleeping in comfy bed so she exepted Izzy's offer.

They got ready for bed

"Good night Sunny!"

"Good night Izzy!"

Author's Note:

I'm in love with this ship and the movie. And this is my first fic how exiting hope you enjoy!

Also English is my second languge. So sorry for grammatical errors.:pinkiehappy: