• Published 17th Dec 2023
  • 142 Views, 5 Comments

5 dreadfull nights for Moonbow - Panda the fazbear128

Sunny Starscout has to leave for some alicorn issues. And Freddy Fazbear takes her with the Faz-wan they took from the Pizzaplex. Little does Izzy know hottible Nightmares await her.

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The first two nights

Sunny Starscout packed her things up she had some alicorn things to take care of mostly regarding her powers, and Glamrock Freddy Fazbear is gonna help her via taking her with the "totally not stolen" Faz-van.

"You are absolutely sure you don't want to come with us? It gets pretty lonely here with Zipp and Pipp being on some royal event and Freddy and I leaving." Sunny asked she wasn't too amused with the idea of leaving Izzy alone after what happend at the Pizzaplex.

Izzy sarcasticly started speaking as she "dramitcly" laid down on the couch like a cetain white unicorn. "Oh no Sunny woe is me! Let me get Eqvestrias smallest violin. How will I ever survive on my own?!"

"Alright I get your point Cinnamon-bun but still are you sure?"

"Yes I am, just trust me!"

"Alright, then superstar dinner is in the refridgearator." Freddy explained "And if anything bad happens don't hasatate to call us on the Faz-watch or phone okay?" Sunny and Freddy said this in unison.

"Yeah, yeah you guys im nineteen not eight, I can handle being on my own, and yes Freddy I know the house as you like to 'protocalls' just trust me!"

Sunny sighed and went over to the couch and kissed Izzy.

"Bye Cinnamon-bun!" Sunny waved as she made her way to the door.

"Bye superstar!" Freddy also waved

"Bye Sunny! Bye Freddy!" Izzy waved back.

The rest of the day went smoothly until, night time when she heard hoof, or foot steps. She goes to see what's the commocion then she could swear she sall a almost dismembered Hitch look-a-like. It started chassing her. Izzy ran as fast as she could.

She ran in to her suplie closet where she found a flashlight she turned it on and sall a terrifying torn appart Roxy. It started disapering as she shined the flashlight in her eyes. After she completely disapered Izzy went to the bedroom where she heard growling under Sunny's bed. She checked there with the flashlight and, she sall three little torn up animatronic-i creatures.

A little Pipp, Misty and Chica. She shined the light on them and they also disapered. Izzy went to bed thinking she just had a really bad nightmare.

The next day she sat down the couch eating some breakfast and thinking about what happend.
There just nightmares right? Nay way they're real! But why my friends? I get the glamrocks, but why my friends? Izzy thout

Izzy was snapped out of her trance when her Faz-watch started beeping.

"Hello superstar! I just messaged you to make sure you're okay!" Freddy's voice came out of the watch.

"Yes, Freddy everything is fine! But how are you and Sunny doing?" Izzy asked eagerly after all for she knew they might be coming back soon.

"We found a map to an old magical jewl, though according to my calculations we're not gonna make it there for a another four days. So we're pretty happy about that, I mean not leaving you there for four more days we're happy about the magical map." Freddy explained

"Thats good to hear, now Sunny's smoothie cart won't run it self so I have to go!" Izzy said she promised Sunny she would run the cart while she was gone, the only real reason Sunny agreed to that is so Hitch could keep an eye on her.

She opened up the cart, washed her hoofes took out the fruit and waited. A couple minutes later a Izzy heard a familiar voice.

"Hello Moonbow, just here to check up on you!" Hitch kept a completly serious sheriff face witch at this point Izzy could read from a mile away also the Moonbow instead simply Izzy or Izz was dead give away at Hitches true motives.

"Hi Hitchy-poo! Let me guess Sunny asked you to look over me didn't she?" Izzy gave Hitch her usual half lidded gaze which drove Sunny wild.

"Well-okay im not gonna lie yes, she did." Hitch would never lie as a sheriff honesty is a basic rule he must follow.

"I told her many times she can trust me, im nineteen for Twilights sake! Does she not trust me or something?" Izzy looked a bit frustated.

"Moon- I mean Izzy im sure she trusts you, but after what happend at the Pizzaplex she just doesn't want you to get hurt that's all! And not to mention the huge scar you got at that place, I see that you covered it up with a band aid again." Hitch said calmly

"Well of course im covering it up! After Sunny's reaction to it! The other ponies reaction might be way worse than Sunny's!"

"Izz you know, scar will heal faster if remove the band aid right?" Sunny asked

"Sunny is right superstar it being covered up limits the airflow near the wound, causing it to heal slower." Freddy said backing up Sunny.

"Okay, but promise not to freak out!" Izzy said bit scared herself even she doesn't know how big the scar
"Okay, Hoof To Heart!" Sunny closed her eyes puting her hoof to her chest. "Our promise!" Replied Izzy "Okay fine... cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!" Sunny put her other hoof on her eye

Izzy removed the band aid, and quickly closed her eyes waiting for a respones. Seilence Izzy openend her eyes slowly rewealing a tearie eyed Sunny who hugged her close. After that they cleaned the wound so it won't get infected with anything. Sunny explained the wound looked deep like Roxy's claw really got in to Izzy's cheek.

*Flashback over*

"Look Hitch everything, well mostly everything that happenend at the Pizzaplex is stupid. And Sunny's reaction to my scar still taunts me and stuff but, that doesn't mean I can't take care of my self." Izzy paused for a bit.

"And again im sorry, causing you that hole legal mess with Fazbear Entertainment. Look I was stupid, I made mistakes in the past, but that doesn't mean Sunny should have asked you to be my gloryfied foalsitter!" Izzy was annoyed at this point.

"And I forgave you! I mean, yes you broke a lot of laws in that one night, one of the biggest offenders being that you stole property and refused to give it back, and yes I should have arrested you on the spot for it! But just like how I did for Sunny, I gave a second chance well acually I gave Sunny a ton more chances not just two, but we did we worked out a deal with Fazbear Entertainment! After all you could have sued them back for the injuries the animatronics caused you mental, and physical." Hitch took a breath and continued

"And even if Sunny hadn't asked me to check up on you, I still absolutely would have regardless! You're my friend Izzy, and just like for Sunny nothing will change that!" Hitch retained his calm attidute to the hole conversation.

Izzy hugged Hitch "Thank you Hitch, you're an amazing friend!" Hitch hugged Izzy back "Any time Izzy, any time!"

The rest of the day went smoothly after that, not to many ponies bought smoothies so it was a weaker day. At night however Izzy woke up to being horribly sweaty, she went down to get some water.

"This is how a unicorn walks, this is unicorn talks." Izzy sang as she turned on the out of nowhere where an uncanny Sunny awaited her. Izzy yelped in shock "Sunny didn't know you came home! What were you doing in the dark, why didn't you just come to bed with me?" Izzy knew something was wrong but she couldn't pin point what and Sunny if she comes home at night usually just goes up and cuddles Izzy until she falls asleep, Izzy finds this adorable.

'Sunny' didn't respond. "Sunny...? Is everything alright?" Izzy looked concerned. 'Sunny' all of sundenly revealed three-three nightmareish tenticales on both of her sides, her eyes turning black with white pupils, and a smile full of sharp deemented teeth.

"No no no not this again, leave me alone!" Izzy yelled, she started tearing up and backing up, as the demented 'Sunny' walked closer her smile growing ever bigger with each step.

"Superstar come up here I can help you!" Freddy's familiar soft, and calm voice could be heard up stairs.

"And why should I trust you! For all I know you are another creature trying to get me!" Izzy couldn't trust anything in the dark anymore she almost got killed one to many times.

"Come on superstar im Freddy, you trust me right?" The voice continued.

"No! I don't trust you! Why are you, tormenting me?" Izzy started crying. "Why me? Why do you hate me so much?" Izzy grabbed something of the coffee table, and hit the nightmareish 'Sunny' with it.

"Fine then superstar, I'll come and show why you should trust me."

Izzy didn't notice the nightmareish 'Freddy' puting his claws on her shoulder, due to her taking a photo with her Faz-watch of the demented 'Sunny'.

"Huh, leave me alone!" Izzy said as she hit the demented 'Freddy' with the same thing she hit 'Sunny' with. She took a picture of the other creature, and then she passed out.

"Izzy?! Izzy are you there?! Superstar answer!?" Freddy's voice came out of the watch.

"Huh, where am I, what happend?!" Izzy hit her head but she was fine, she looked at her Faz-watch.

"Hey Freddy sorry for not responding just woke up!" Izzy hoped Freddy would believe her.

"Oh sorry superstar! But you made us so worried, is everything alright?" Freddy asked concerned.

"Yeah... everything is fine!" Izzy said nervously.

She looked at her Faz-watch pictures and sure enough, the picures she took yesterday night were there, but they looked hallow you could, you could still see the terrifying torn up animatronic-i creatures but they were really hallow.

"They're real." Izzy wispered looking concerned.

Author's Note:

Hey there Panda here!

This a squel to Izzy Moonbow escapes the Mega Pizzaplex so if you haven't read that fic this is probaly not gonna make sience to you.

Hope you enjoy!