• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 1,590 Views, 54 Comments

Kyōka Suigetsu, crumble! - The Archiver

Yet another displaced story. Featuring a guy turned to Aizen who will make everyone crumble into the illusion of despair, for the sake of natural selection... For the sake of those he has yet to care about.

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Chapter seven: brotherhands special part 2 (crossover)

Author's Note:

The end of the two part crossover with Grimlight, again me and DisplacedWriter hope you enjoy this.

Pov: 3rd Person

As the crowd of ponies stop in their tracks our two interdimensional characters can only wonder what transpired within the amount of time they've been away.

But to everyone's surprise Twilight.S speaks up with a soft tone before any of her friends could. "Everypony... Everything is fine, the situation has already been resolved." She's currently embracing her younger brother within her hooves. "All of this needs to stop. The amount of grief and animosity we've been giving each other isn't healthy, I learnt that the hard way."

Rarity speaks up after her. "After hearing this heart wrenching back and forth between Twilight and Spike I must agree." A small sniffle is heard from the unicorn but she continues. "No matter how unorthodox somepony is we must accept them, within reason of course." She hastily adds.

"And because of that. We have to let someponies spread their wings and explore themselves for a while..." A meek voice builds on the previous statement. When Futtershy told everyone this, she was specifically staring at Spike, as if telling him this directly.

A lighter atmosphere filled the town. And sure, the townsponies were still on edge they appeared to be willing to hear them all out and leave the group to their own devices. "Well everypony, you heard the mares. Lets get a move on, I've gotta get back to my bar anyhow." A voice in the crowd shouts out. Belonging to an Earth pony who has a cutie mark of a strawberry back to back with a bunch of purple grapes.

A random stallion in the crowd shakes their head. "But princess Celestia is obviously injured though! She even has a bit of bruising on her too." Obviously being panicked by the entire hazardous circumstances

"Hey I said have a little damn faith in the prodigy didn't I?! So don't worry about all that, and besides it's too much effort to go and investigate exactly what happened, I've got a business to run after all." The first part of her sentence immediately shuts up the pony while he quietly makes his presence smaller so other's don't look at him as much.

"Yeah Berry Punch is right, we need to have a little more faith in the princesses' student." Another voice calls out, which leads to a numerous amount of agreement on their end, coming from the rest of the ponies that've gathered around the commotion. So little by little they all trot back to what they were previously doing.

Both Aizen and Twilight.G/Grima stare on at the spectacle. Each of them sharing a different direction, Aizen looks at the group with an approving smile, like he was expecting this type of reaction but was praising them for letting it come to fruition so soon.Twilight.G and Grima had a look of disbelief.

“..I was honestly expecting pitchforks and torches.” Grima said in amusement.

“Don’t tempt fate..” Twilight.G said as she mentally berated her brother, but all it did was make him chuckle, causing Twilight.G to roll her eyes.

Aizen, overhearing the both of them, crosses his arms in disbelief. “Oh ye of little faith, you should know by now that the seeds that have been planted will always bloom, sprout, and prosper. Allowing you to reap the benefits, this here is a prized example.” He quietly tells them. Still watching the spectacle of ponies dispersing, Aizen brushes off the feelings of doubt he had about the situation failing.

Nudging Twilight.G and Grima he motions for them to try and approach the mane six, who haven’t necessarily shown any signs of overdramatics yet.

“Good to see some form of control…” Grima said as Twilight.G walked over with him floating behind out of her back.

A pony walks forward from the group of friends, extremely confident with her strides. “So you’re this Grima guy, right? You don’t really look like much to me, you’re more of an overgrown worm if anything. Anyways Twi says she’s sorry for almost beating you up, name’s Rainbow Dash by the way.” The prismatic mare tells them.

Applejack walks over towards Rainbow Dash before smacking her on the back of her neck.

“Ow! What the buck did you do that for?” The pegasus confusedly asked. Applejack loudly sighs before holding out a hoof towards Twilight.G and Grima.

“Excuse me and mah friend here for a second, y’all carry on now.” The earth pony quickly drags the egotistical mare with her, back to the grouping of their friends. Loud arguing is heard with a very apparent winner speaking over the loser. Before long, a loud “well buck it then, I’ll just go since I’m ‘so rude’ to them.” With the rainbow maned pegasus leaving and the orange earth pony following after her

“...Rainbow dash is going to one day learn the expression ‘Don’t put your hoof in your mouth.” Twilight.G said with a snort, causing a small burst of dark mist to leave her nostrils.

“I-I’m sorry for my friend’s behavior, she can be a little hot headed at times but she means well.” Fluttershy soft heartedly spoke. Rarity tried to go follow up on what her friend said.

“Yes my dear, we’re terribly sorry for the rather brash welcoming you’ve gotten-” Only to be interrupted by one of her other friends.

“Oh my gosh! I totally forgot! I never threw Aizen a welcome to Ponyville party, maybe we should throw one for the both of you at the same time.” Pinkie excitedly concluded.

“But-” Grima began to say as he raised a purple feathery wing as if he was a human raising his hand, but it was too late, Pinkie had already gotten into motion, starting to sprint away at inhumane speeds.

Aizen is quick to try and catch up to her, loudly shouting “OH NO YOU DON’T!” He tried to force his monstrous Reiatsu down on the pink mare but she somehow slipped out of his spiritual grasp. That was something that had only happened a few times in his new life. And Aizen was sure that he had gotten a little stronger in imprisonment which just left him stumped, falling on the floor he contemplates life. “I… How… Just how?” but the hybrid received no answers from the gods.

“Well.. as much as I've heard in other worlds of Pinkie, they would say ‘she’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it.” Grima said with a sigh as even he has yet to grasp the logic of the anomaly known as Pinkie Pie.

This external monologue was interrupted by the sounds of stirring on his back. Making him remember that, yes, he and Grima were still carrying Celestia and Luna. “Oh shit, they’re waking up.” Aizen reacts in a slightly panicked tone.

Twilight looks up from Spike, both brother and sister still loosely embraced with one another. “It’ll be okay Aizen, I… I’ll explain everything to them.”

Spike, still emotionally driven by the new revelations he and his sister had formed. Nods his head. “Twilight and I agreed that we would try our best to defend you. Because despite all the things that we’ve, mostly Twilight, have read about you. You’re a really nice guy Aizen. And I can’t see anything wrong with you.” He slowly let goes of his sister, a chilled aura surrounds the dragon student

Grima let out a somewhat creepy humming laughter. “Good, because you’ll be needing that train of thought for the future, I’ll explain later once the sisters have awakened from their slumber.” Grima said, earning a look from Fluttershy.

A small pang in Aizen’s chest is felt but he immediately buries it back inside him. “Heh, well it’s really nice hearing that out in person. Grima, Twilight.G, drop the princess.” The former shinigami instructs, as he gently lays Celestia off of his back.

“Small request from you six? Explain fast so the two sisters won’t outright attack again.” Grima said with caution.

“C’mon Grima, no need to make it seem like such a big deal. It’s not like anyone’s life is at stake.” Aizen tells the conjoined brother, earning a look of annoyance from Grima.

“Ah whatever, lets just wake these princesses up.” Aizen gently pokes Celestia, but she doesn’t wake up, poking her again she merely stirs again but doesn’t do anything more. “Uh, Grima, try and wake up Celestia.”

“Tch, there is always something.” Grima said as Twilight.G casted a small magical tune onto the ground. Someone in the distance shouts ‘MY CAKE!’ Just as said mentioned thing appeared; a slice of cake landing on the ground on top of a plate.

Aizen looks mildly by what just happened. “I felt some Reiatsu being used but… How did you just transmute cake out of nowhere? Where did that voice even come from?”

“Just a modified [Warp] spell to take cake from somepony else.” Twilight.G explained, earning a look of curiosity from Twilight.S, wondering what the word was that was just said.

“Um… Excuse me but could you repeat that?” Twilight.S asked her counterpart. Shyly kicking at the ground.

“Just magic words spoken in my language, its [Warp], but of course to your ears I bet it's gibberish.” Grima said in amusement, but despite his words, Twilight.S’s interest was still drawn; ever the magical bookworm that she is.

“Well I’d be happy if you could-” For the second time within fifteen minutes, a pony was interrupted.

“I-is that strawberry cake?” A familiar diarch spoke.

“Oh good, she’s finally up, alright, Grima I choose you to be a dragon shield for me!” Aizen promptly gets behind Twilight.G and Grima, not wanting to be seen so soon yet.

“What do we look like, the Dracoshield?” Grimlight asked in unison, but Aizen only looked at him in confusion as he had no knowledge of Fire Emblem.

“W-wait, all I can remember is Aizen charging something up and then… Nothing. Dammit, he must’ve knocked me out.” Rubbing her forehead she looks around, seeing the main six and that imposter once more

“You! You’re one of Aizen’s minions, aren’t you? A demon he summoned perhaps? No matter, everypony get behind me, I’ll deal with it.” The solar unicorn swiftly got up, and lowered her stance.

“D O N ‘T. Just don’t, alright?” Grima said as he shook his head. Slowly Grima goes to lay across Twilight.G’s back, not in the mood to deal with this.

Tilting her head, she looks down at both the host and supposed symbiotic creature. “You’re… Not going to attack?” Looking behind Grima and Twilight.G she spots Aizen crouched behind them both.

Narrowing her eyes she begins to start angrily ranting to the hybrid. “You, you knew how dangerous that attack would be and still chose to do it. Just as a monster would-”

“Princess, stop it! They’re not hurting anypony, so just leave them be.” Twilight of all ponies puts her hoof down about this.

“Tw-Twilight! Have you been brainwashed by these two?” The alicorn looks stunned by her own student’s clear disdain for what she’s doing.

“No! And it’s time that you stopped believing such ignorant things. Aizen has been nothing but nice to us. Sure he’s been a bit of a hoof full but he always means well. That’s why you have to just let Aizen be. In the long run he’ll try his hardest to help out…” Twilight shakes her head before subsequently sighing. “All I’m- no, all we’re trying to say is that Aizen is a wildcard. But a helpful one at that.”

Celestia… Celestia only stands there for a while. Contemplating about what her own student told her off about. The wind around them all picks up, a strange light shines around the ponies. Though this is all just in Celestia’s head (thanks to Aizen’s illusions) she takes it as a sign that maybe her student is right.

“...Okay, Twilight. I shall just allow Aizen to be. On the condition that if I call for him then he comes and responds immediately, nothing more, nothing less.” Celestia finally gives in for the first time since Aizen’s return.

“Well this is a very pleasant surprise darlings, I’m glad we have got that all sorted out now. If I’m being honest it was getting a little stuffy with all of that back and forth.” Rarity confesses.

“I-I know right? It was so n-nerve racking to see Spike and Twilight argue back and forth like that, but when they made up it warmed my heart. And I just knew that Twilight and Spike could get through this.” Fluttershy quietly admits.

“Well good, then I must take my leave now, where is my sister?” Celestia attempts to inquire before Spike runs up to her, stopping her in place.

“Wait, before you go, I need you to see this Celestia…” Turning his attention over to Aizen he stands at an attentive position. “Aizen… I’m ready, I want to stay as an arrancar forever.” Spike tells Aizen.

Aizen looks at Spike, those were words he never expected to hear today. “Well little buddy. I can’t say I expected you to ask me that today, tomorrow, or anytime soon. But all you had to do was ask.” He excitedly tells his apprentice before turning around to look at Twilight.G and Grima.

“Watch and learn you two, because I bet this’ll be the best thing you’re ever gonna witness.” Aizen cockily states.

Grima snorts and rolls his eyes. “Oh please, I may not know what a Arrancar is but it can’t be any different than a class change.”

Aizen scoffs at this and holds a hand out towards Spike. Signaling for him to wait. “Oh c’mon don’t kid yourself, what I’m about to do is to transcend the living from the dead permanently, it’s evolutionary!”

Celestia steps in with a slightly raised tone of voice. “The dead?! Are you trying to turn Spike into some sort of necromantic freak?!” She questions.

Aizen shakes his head. “No, do you remember Bloody Pint? I know you do since I brought him up earlier this month. And you saw he was perfectly fine besides that hole in his shoulder and a mask fragment made of hollows on his face.” He reminds her.

“...I don’t know about this, if you do anything that causes Spike to feel pain then I will strike you down.” She warns.

“Yeah like you ‘struck me down’ when I kicked your ass earlier.” Aizen thinks to himself.

“Don’t worry, if by chance anything goes wrong, I can revert the change with the Master Seal.” Twilight.G said as a red orb with golden cylinders spinning around it appeared on her hoof.

“It’s so obvious you two are siblings, you both doubt me all the same.” He takes a ‘woe is me’ stance before continuing. “But hey I have an idea. Why not, instead of having Spike and I share a tome, you just give him one of those ‘class changes’ that you talked about. Perhaps we could make it a competition to see which is better. Hollowfication or class changes.” Aizen childishly requests.

The rest of the main six and Celestia become intrigued. None of them had even heard of a “class” in the first place so to get a class change would be something extraordinary. Twilight of course gets the most interested, teleporting a small quill and notepad in front of her, ready to scribble down some depictions and the sort. Spike seems to be somewhat uncomfortable with this new added addition but is also carrying a strong willed energy that’s willing to pull through.

“It is similar to that of Ogres and Oubliettes, minus the dice rolls and stats, it is more physical and realistic changes to the body alongside knowledge they gain from training or fighting. For example, my sister.” Grima began, making some of the pony’s ears to raise up. “Is of the Sage class; a magic user who is a master of Anima magic, her class allows her to use magic more effectively and with more control.” Grima explained, the word Anima Magic drew more of Twilight.S’s curiosity.

“Huh… So you’re basically a D&D class but it’s for fire emblem. I never did play much of that game but I can say that you shall remain a mystery to us Grima… Very well then, let us do this at the same time. Twilight.G, Grima, are you ready to merge your class change with my hollowfication.

The Master Seal in Twilight.G’s hand floats into the air; its cylinders begin to rapidly spin. “For you, my brother from another world, I will choose the Mercenary class for you. It will help you get better at your swordsmanship, be dexterous on your feet, and help you learn in keeping your weapon in top shape, making it durable longer. Once you have learned Patience and Armshift, you will need to use the Master Seal to advance into the Hero class, allowing you to learn the power of Sol; an ability that allows you to heal yourself as you deal damage with your weapon, and lastly become a more evasive dodger against axe wielders through the use of the Axebreaker skill.” Twilight.G explained, the mentioning of Sol made Celestia become more interested with the topic at hoof.

The more Twilight.G went on. The more Spike and the rest of what remained of the main six had gotten more and more invested into the details of class changing. Making them know for a fact that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for Spike.

“Spike my dear, I’m sorry if this is brash but you simply must take Twilight.G up on their offer as well. It seems that both Aizen and Grima are doing something so grand for you because they must think you’ve got what it takes.” Rarity states with hyper dramatics.

“Spike, you know Rarity isn’t kidding when she says this. Plus this’ll give me something to document, something that scientists have never documented before! Just think of the possibilities.” Twilight eggs him on.

“Girls girls, he had me at sword. I’d be stupid not to take him up on this offer. Alright you guys, you can do your things.” Spike nearly shouts.

“Good, now then I shall start the process. I want you to have the best possible opportunity so I’ll give you the full incantation. On your go Grima.” Aizen calmly responds. The rings on Twilight.G’s master seal started to gleam a bright yellow as the red gem started to gather power, Twilight.G’s eyes were moving as if seeing something others did not.

Aizen, seeing this, unsheathes his Zanpakuto and stabs himself in the chest, directly where his Hogyoku is before taking it back out and pointing it at Spike. “Growth, grown, great, climb up this world’s ranks, trample, despise, hate, the unexistence of a hollow’s heart is not one that is to be fond of. Rising heat and chilling cold, burn, burn, BURN ALL TO ASHES, QUAKE TO DUST, EVOLVE INTO A VASTOCAR!” The wind starts picking up, this time due to the nature of the spell instead of illusions, his Hogyoku vibrates as the place where his Zanpakuto cut seems to have healed but seconds later, opens up, revealing a hole inside it. A bright blue light starts shining directly onto Spike with a sickly radiance before a large pool of energy hovers above Aizen, and encompasses Spike.

At that moment, the Master Seal leaped into the air and floated over Spike’s cocoon. The moment Aizen’s spell hit Spike, the seal does as well, striking Spike with a bolt of energy blinding everyone and everypony that were watching.

After ten or so seconds nothing happens until part of the casing cracks, then another, then another, before long the entire thing breaks. A small amount of steam comes from where the remnants of the cocoon are.

Spike silently steps out of the mess of magic. The first noticeable thing about him is that the mask fragment scales on the sides of his face have enlarged. And now he has a hollow hole, directly in his neck. He’s grown another two hooves as well. But the thing that’s most noticeable is his Zanpakuto, now it’s a katana, but more straight edged, defying the entire point of the sword.

“Heh, looking cool Spike.” Aizen told his companion. But besides that, the only thing that can be heard is the soft scribbling of Twilight’s quill.

“Spike, you feel different. Like Aizen and G-Grima, your aura is really static, it feels like it can split apart at anything time and reform somewhere else, stronger.” Fluttershy describes Spike’s spiritual pressure and being. Confusing Spike but he goes along with it.

“Well I don’t know about all of that but I’m getting some really weird itches to draw my sword. It’s like… Muscle memory or something like that. Maybe that’s a part of what you were talking about Fluttershy. My body just… Doesn’t really feel the same.” Spike ends up explaining

“Now..” Twilight.G began as she reached into her coat to take a Master Seal. It looked like Twilight.G’s Master Seal but smaller. “Get plenty of training, and once you feel you’ve reached some kind of limit, use this on yourself. Just focus on the center of its energy, and once it glows, toss it into the air. You’ll feel the same rush of energy as before, making you slightly stronger and raising your limits” Twilight.G explained. Grima meanwhile looked over as a certain princess of the moon began to stir. Spike goes and takes the Master Seal, full of vigor he knows that the opportunities he’s been given have left every door open to him. Not noticing the blue alicorn waking up.

“S-sister, is that you?” The blue alicorn asks, due to the fact that she got knocked out, her heads still a little fuzzy.

“Yes Luna, it’s me. And before you do anything else, just know that Twilight has solved the problem. So do not panic.” The older sister reassures her sibling.

“Whatever do you mean?” She starts getting up before seeing, one, a completely changed Spike, two, Grima and Twilight.G, and three, Aizen who looks as if he unlocked the secrets of life itself.

“Tia… Am I seeing this all correctly? Are they all…” She trails off, leaving Celestia to nod her head.

“Yes my dear sister, they’re all here and I allowed this. And I’ll explain as soon as we get back home. Speaking of which we should be going now to leave you all on how to figure this out. The castle cannot function this long without us here, else they send a swarm of guards here.” The white alicorn explains.

Luna shakily gets up before looking at the hodgepodge of a group in front of her. “If you allowed this to happen… And if that thing attached to their back is what I think it is.Then I guess I shall allow for it too.” Celestia nods her head out of approval. Giving her sister a gentle rub on the head. Before lighting up their horn to teleport out. But before they can they hear a voice call from above

“GERONIMO!” A familiar pink party pony drops from a rudimentary flying contraption with a huge bag that’s big enough to trap the entire town square, is in her grasp. Somehow defying aerodynamics, it doesn’t slow the mare down by a little bit.

“Whelp, I think I’ll just run.” Aizen says aloud.

Twilight.G couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. “To where? Pinkie Pie is just going to pop out of nowhere near you.” she points out.

“Are you kidding me? I’m so much faster than the speed of sound, and I’ve nearly clocked in at the speed of light without using anything to enhance my speed last time I checked. What makes you think she could catch up to me?” Aizen retorts with confidence

“It's Pinkie Pie, don’t question it..” Grima said with forewarning.

“Ha, as if I’d-” The bag had already trapped them as they were arguing. A loud giggle is heard followed up by comedically cartoonish speeding away sound effect is heard from the carrier of the bag.

“W-what’s happening?!” Luna questions the sudden pinkieness added to the entire situation.

“Pinkie Pie’s taking her course… Just let it happen everypony. We should be out in three, two, one.” Twilight slowly finishes before feeling themselves get dumped on the ground in the dark. Though the lights for the room do turn on and a chorus of ponies get up, shouting. “Welcome to Ponyville!!!” Before music starts playing. Heck, even Applejack and Rainbow Dash was here. They seemed to be pleased with the work they helped set up

“Hey girls, glad you all could make it to the party!” The energetic mare tells them as she stuffs the entire bag back into her mane.

“Pinkie… You foalnapped all of us into coming here.” Rarity flatly tells her.

“Oh don’t be that way, I even got the princesses here to brighten the mood. I even added some new games, so c’mon everypony, this way.” The physics defying pony stretches her arms out and drags everyone away except for Aizen and Twilight.G and subsequently Grima.

“Hey what did I tell you both, all's well that ends well, right?” Aizen proudly tells the duo.

“Certainly alot better than the past three worlds we were in.” Twilight.G said as Grima chuckled.

“Hmm.. which reminds me there’s a couple of things I should mention. I need the two sisters to know that you are not the only thing they’ll have trouble understanding. I did mention the multiverse, thus you may find more items like my staff of the fell dragon, which most Displaced call a token; a item that summons to your world, although some have different functionalities such as talking to them long distances or they made some complicated way of bring them here, and whatever else I haven’t seen.” Grima explained.

“So you’re saying I should make one as well then? One of those items you call a token? Oh and the moment you said that I should explain that there’s more of us out there I had shown Celestia and Luna an illusion of me relaying the message. It’s quite handy when your own blade is the center of an illusion.” Aizen jokingly remarks.

"A handy projection but a time saver. As for you making a token, only If you want to do that, but please do so with caution, for not every Displaced will summon you with good intentions and the fact that once you're in their world, you can't go back till they say you can, not unless you add some kind of safe word or mechanism to your token that'll let you go back on your own free will, even cancel your tokens summoning methods all together.

“I don’t need any type of safety mechanism? What’s the worst thing that could possibly happen Grima?” Aizen rhetorically questions them, not believing that there’s anyone out there who would specifically want to mess with someone like himself.

"... Famous last words before you end up enslaved, killed, having your powers taken away, cloning you, or whatever nefarious thing they'll use against you. Let me put it to you this way.. Every single character from books, fanfictions, movies, cartoons, you name it. There is always one human who becomes that character." Grima said as he crossed his featherly wings. “Every and I do mean every form of fiction can become a displaced. So let that stew for a while.” he said lastly, causing Aizen to turn a little pale.

“Fair point… I guess I should just try and plan out a fail safe. But that’s something to think about later. For now, just tell me how to create a token.” Regaining a bit of his composure.

“There are two ways to do it, either out of thin air, or a personal item you carry.” Grima said as Twilight.G held out her hoof, causing a smaller version of Grima’s token to appear. “Such as our token, which we’ve based on the more angelic warp staff.” Grima explained.

“Hmph, seems simple enough. And I’ll even add in that little call you did as well.” Aizen stands up straight, drowning out the noise of all the other ponies that are partying. And tears out his Hogyoku from his chest and holds it up high, though no gore makes itself apparent.

“I am Sōsuke Aizen, the famed transcendent of both Shinigamis and Arrancars. I do not care what you stand for, as long as you can entertain or benefit me I shall consider you someone to remember. You should acknowledge that I am not a hero nor villain, just someone searching for a place in his world. But know this, if I despise what you do then there shall be no warning when I strike. I wield the ultimate weapon Kyōka Suigetsu: Crumble!”

The Hogyoku lifts from his hands and tears a hole into reality, slipping through it. While his real one safely implants back into his chest.

“With your token sent, it will clone itself and travel to the many Displaced across the void. I suggest you tell any pony friends in advance incase you vanish so they won’t go worrying where you poofed off too.” Twilight.G explained.

Aizen pauses for a second, then relaxes. “And done, although Fluttershy accidentally bumped her head on the table from jumping too high. Classic Fluttershy, from what I can presume anyways.”

Clasping his hands together, Aizen looks down at the duo once more before sighing. “So, you gonna stick around for the party or should I send you back home?” The hybrid questions.

“I think we’ll stick around.” Grima said as he sunk into Twilight.G’s back, leaving only a pair of purple feathery wings.

“Well then I suppose today’s been one of success, has it not?” Aizen asks Twilight.G

Nodding her head, Twilight.G looks up at Aizen, that same expression kept on their face from the same moment they were summoned. “That it has been, and I’d love to commemorate this day, with a toast.” Twilight.G silently hovers over two cups before pouring punch into them. Being careful not to spill it on anypony. Before long she hoofs over Aizen a cup with her telekinesis before taking one for herself.

“To new knowledge and new friendships.” Aizen says.

“To new knowledge and new friendships.” Twilight.G repeats.

As their plastic cups push against each other a new bond is formed between two displaced.