• Published 14th Aug 2023
  • 198 Views, 2 Comments

Things might not be what they seem - The Force

A heart-warming tale of family reconciliation and compassion. Fluttershy, a kind and empathic pony, has had a difficult relationship with her older sister Gust.

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With siblings like these

Mr. and Mrs. Shy were talking with their daughter Fluttershy. They had recently invited Fluttershy and her friend Rainbow Dash, over for lunch. Mr. Shy began to bring up how he had recently retired, and it was finally possible for him to work on his passion for cloud collecting. Fluttershy was anxious about whether Rainbow Dash would approve of her father's hobby, but she was optimistic that everything would go well and that everyone could have a nice lunch together.

As the group of four continued their conversation, Fluttershy's mother asked Rainbow Dash about her work at the School of Friendship, and what the curriculum entailed. Rainbow Dash shared her excitement to talk about her passion for teaching, and proceeded to describe some of the fun lessons she would teach. Fluttershy's sister, Gust Gale, had just arrived, and her presence had instantly soured the atmosphere. Fluttershy's parents became nervous, and their attention turned towards Gust.

With a look of hurt and confusion on her face, Fluttershy turned to her parents, who returned her glance with a certain uneasiness. Mr. Shy cleared his throat and stated that he had previously informed Fluttershy about the impending arrival of her adoptive sister, Gust Gale. Mr. Shy attempted to reduce the tension in the room with his comment.

"No... you didn't ever say this," Fluttershy stated with a voice of growing distress. She directed her worried gaze towards her parents, clearly disturbed by the possibility of her sister Gust Gale being nearby. "If you had told me, I don't think I would have come," Fluttershy continued, her tone indicating a deep concern over the situation. Rainbow Dash tried to comfort Fluttershy, patting her back in a gentle, caring manner. Gust Gale, however, remained unmoved, her eyes focused on Mr. Shy as the conversation continued.

Gust Gale, overhearing the conversation, took it upon herself to inform the group about work-related news. "Galeforce, Inc. just signed an extended five-year contract to work for the Weather Company," she stated with an air of indifference. She didn't wait for a response, instead moving into her next topic of discussion without delay. This topic was her disapproval of Fluttershy's recent career trajectory.

Gust Gale has a distinctive look, with a white coat, a dark red mane with two vertical purple streaks, eyes of a deep maroon, and a heart-shaped block of ice that contains a bleeding heart as her cutie mark. As a Pegasus, she is able to soar through the air with ease and enjoys the wind in her mane. Her cutie mark suggests that she may have a deep and passionate personality, with strong emotions that she keeps locked away.

Gust Gale's cutie mark, which she proudly displays on her flank. This cutie mark represents her deep and passionate nature, with a hidden vulnerability that she keeps locked away inside the ice block.

Unable to hold back, Gust Gale started up a rant about Fluttershy's lackluster employment prospects. She questioned why Fluttershy was even invited to the lunch, as she was a "worthless" pony with no job or career prospects to speak of. The conversation quickly grew heated, with Gust Gale becoming increasingly hostile towards Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash and Mr. Shy both attempted to calm the situation, but it wasn't enough to stem the rising tide of tension at the table.

As the conversation continued, Rainbow Dash boldly stood up for Fluttershy, exclaiming, "Fluttershy is a teacher at the School of Friendship! She's the most popular one there!" Gust Gale, however, was not impressed. "So? What's your point, Dash?" she asked in a tone that suggested that she wasn't interested in the conversation. Without waiting for a response, she got up and stormed out of the room, leaving the group of four sitting in stunned silence.

Fluttershy apologized on behalf of her sister, but Rainbow Dash dismissed her worries, grateful that no one had been struck in combat this time. Mrs. Shy proceeded to mention that Gust Gale had indicated the desire to speak with Fluttershy about "something important." Feeling responsible for whatever Gust planned to talk about, Fluttershy proceeded to go upstairs to Gust's room, where the sister was already waiting. Upon entering, Fluttershy meekly inquired about what Gust wished to discuss, her voice indicating her timidity as she addressed her sister.

Fluttershy took notice of Gust's sigh, finding it to be unusual. Her sister went on to explain, sounding weary as she spoke. "The truth, Fluttershy, is that Galeforce, Inc. is in trouble, and you're the only one who can help me," she divulged, her words indicating her reluctance to disclose this information. To that, Fluttershy inquired about the reason for the company's struggles, remarking that her sister had constantly dismissed her with harsh critiques while casting her in a negative light.

Upon being pressed about the reason for her approaching Fluttershy, Gust explained that her company was experiencing a problem with the theft of secrets and their subsequent sale to the highest bidder. She promptly indicated that Fluttershy was exempt from such activities, stating, "You don’t get to do that. Period" Her tone was still dismissive and degrading towards Fluttershy.

"You are soft and weak, and that's why no one will suspect you," Gust said to Fluttershy, her words indicating why Fluttershy was chosen for the duty. "Plus, I have never told anyone that you are my sister," she continued, adding that she had principles. "Period," Gust said, expressing her anger at Fluttershy's potential betrayal. "Now, are you going to help me? You will be well rewarded, I don't forget my promises."

With Fluttershy hesitant to respond to the proposition, Gust grew impatient and pressed on. "So, are you going to help me? Or not," she questioned, sounding rather irritated. As her harsh tone continued throughout the entire conversation, Gust seemed rather exasperated, her eyes still fixed on Fluttershy as she waited for an answer.

Fluttershy stood there, her heart beating faster and her nerves getting the better of her as Gust pressed her for an answer. As the seconds passed slowly, every moment felt like a lifetime to Fluttershy. Finally, mustering the courage to speak, she meekly said, "g-give me time to think!" Her voice was soft, which only made it more difficult for Gust to hear, and her anxiety was beginning to show in her body language.

Gust sighed and shook her head in exasperation as she addressed Fluttershy, making it clear that she wouldn't be treated with any favoritism unless she completed the task that had been assigned to her. She also implied that their relationship would be strained if Fluttershy failed to meet Gust's expectations. Fluttershy was sweating profusely and seemed overwhelmed by the pressure to get the job done. As Gust closed the door behind her, Fluttershy was left to stew in her anxiety, knowing that the clock was ticking.


In search of an answer to the problem, Fluttershy turned to her friend Rainbow Dash for support and advice. She hoped that Rainbow Dash would be able to provide some guidance and reassurance in this difficult situation.

"Dashie, I need your help," Fluttershy said, taking a breath to steady herself. "My sister has tasked me with something and I can't seem to find the courage to make a decision. Whenever she's around, I'm filled with fear. Dashie, do you believe in following your feelings? I have a good heart but I'm so afraid."

Rainbow Dash's wing flew around Fluttershy to comfort her. "Flutters, I know you better than anyone. Just follow your heart. Trust your feelings. Don't worry about the fear or the terror."

Fluttershy slowly nodded and took a deep breath. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash. I know in my heart what my answer is but I was afraid of the consequences."

Rainbow Dash gave Fluttershy a little squeeze. "I understand. But a life full of regret is worse than any consequence. Besides, your sister trusts you and I know you can handle whatever comes your way."

Fluttershy squeezed Rainbow Dash back, giving her a little nod. "You're right, once again. Thank you, Rainbow Dash."


After a much needed pep talk and some supportive words from Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy felt confident in her decision. She left Rainbow Dash and flew to Gust's home. She knocked on the door and Gust answered. Fluttershy took a deep breath and spoke.

"Gust, I've made my decision."

Gust Gale scoffed as Fluttershy agreed to help. "Ha! Didn't think you'd have the guts for it. But don't expect me to coddle you the whole time. You've got a tough job, little sis, and I expect you to finish it."

Gust Gale stomped her hooves impatiently, eager to be done with this conversation and get back to work. "Okay, Fluttershy, let's not waste any time. Here's the scoop..." She proceeded to give Fluttershy a quick rundown of the situation, explaining everything she knew about the thief and the thefts they had committed.

Gust detailed the situation, explaining that funding and research blueprints were going missing. She had identified three possible suspects: her secretary, Coral; Catstongue of Pony Resources; and Hard Point, the director of product enhancements. "I need you to investigate these three suspects, Fluttershy, and uncover who is stealing from my company," she said, her tone serious.

Fluttershy listened intently, taking mental notes as Gust spelled out the details. So the thief was one of these three suspects... but which one was it?

"I understand," Fluttershy said. "I'll keep an eye on all three of them, and let you know if I learn anything. But don't expect me to take any risks, okay?"

Gust Gale grunted in response, annoyed at her younger sister's hesitation. "Just do the job, Fluttershy," she grumbled.

Fluttershy headed out, her mind racing. She may be a bit timid and unsure, but she was determined to help her sister. With the instructions in her hoof, she soon arrived at the company office. She took a deep breath, mustered up her courage, and walked through the doors.