• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 773 Views, 11 Comments

A Case of the Flutters - Silver Needle

Rainbow is experiencing a number of strange feelings whenever she thinks of Fluttershy. What could it possibly be...?

  • ...

A most perplexing malady

“Hey, Pinkie. Can I ask you something?”

The pink pony in question paused mid-milkshake slurp to raise her eyebrows at the pony sitting across from her. From the moment Rainbow Dash had popped into Sugarcube Corner that morning, it had been evident to Pinkie that she wanted to talk about something. She didn’t know what it was yet, but there was something in the way she held herself, the way she spoke, everything just screamed “I NEED A CHAT!” to Pinkie. So she had immediately decided the best thing to do would be to buy them both a milkshake, and wait for Rainbow to bring it up herself. Pinkie considered telling Rainbow this, as she drained the rest of her milkshake, but decided against it. It sometimes freaked some ponies out.

“Sure Dashie! What’s up?”

Rainbow Dash shuffled her hooves awkwardly in a most unlike-Rainbow-Dashy fashion. She’d been sipping at her milkshake in a fairly reserved manner, Pinkie noticed, with alarm. How terrible! Normally her friend could finish a shake in 10 seconds flat - and often did, just for the fun of it. But right now, she didn’t look like she’d be able to finish a sentence, let alone her milkshake.

“It’s a bit… Well, I don’t know…” The multi-coloured mare trailed off, deep in thought. Yet another worrying symptom, Pinkie mused, gravely. Rainbow Dash never thought if she could help it. Clearly something was very wrong.

“Don’t worry Dashie.” She solemnly said. Rainbow looked up, surprised by the sudden change in tone, but Pinkie kept her face straight, and her voice serious. Laughter was important to friendship, but trust was just as crucial, and knowing when to laugh and when to listen was what made you a good friend. “Whatever you want to talk about, I’ll make super-duper-sure to listen. That’s what friends are for, right? You can tell me anything.”

Rainbow Dash visibly relaxed, though she remained silent. Pinkie gave her an encouraging smile, and Rainbow sighed, before taking a deep breath.

“Pinkie, I think there’s something wrong with me. I keep feeling… weird. Around Fluttershy. It’s like a tight rushing feeling in my chest. Like I’m falling while flying, but I keep feeling it even when I’m not flying. And I feel nervous and shaky when she’s around. Like, actually shaking, sometimes. Do- do you think I’m ill? Cause I haven’t felt like this before, and I don’t know what to do about it!” She sighed again, resting her head against the glass tabletop. “It doesn’t feel bad, which is why I haven’t spoken to a doctor about it or anything. But I didn’t feel bad during that marshmallow-eating competition we had, and I was definitely ill after that. What if I caught it from Shy? What if she catches it from me? I just don’t know what to do… Pinkie? Are you ok?” Rainbow’s spiel died out as she cocked her head at her friend.

Because Pinkie was trying very hard not to smile from ear to ear.

“Oh! Yeah! I’m fine Rainbow Dash!” She replied, fighting the urge to jump out of her seat and hug Rainbow and then run around and around Sugarcube Corner. “Totally fine! Hmmm, what mysterious feelings you’re describing! Have you told Fluttershy about them yet?”

The normally colourful pony paled at the suggestion. “Man, I don’t know about that. Just the thought makes me dizzy with nervousness. Not that I’m afraid or anything-”
She hastened to add,
“It’s just that… y’know. What if it’s totally weird or something? What if it freaks her out? Or worse, she feels like she’s to blame? No way am I telling her.”

“Uh huh.” Pinkie nodded, and kept nodding. “Uh huh uh huh uh huh.” If she was completely honest, which she was, she wasn’t really sure how to handle the situation. Half of her wanted to tell Rainbow her thoughts immediately. To explain right there and then that feeling this way and that about a particular pony probably meant you wanted to be a very special kind of friend with them. After all, if she did that then Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy could get right on and start doing all of the important stuff like snuggling and kissing and then she could throw a big “Rainbow and Fluttershy are snuggling and kissing!” party. But the other half of her was very aware that Rainbow still looked uncomfortable. Clearly this was a situation that required sensitivity, and thought. Pinkie was not sure that she was good at either of those things, especially not the thinking part.

“Pinkie, are you sure you’re ok?” Rainbow asked, giving her a weird look. Pinkie stopped nodding and “Uh huh”-ing and gave her a beaming smile. She had an idea.

“Of course I am, silly! And I know just what to do about your problem too!”

“And so she told you to come to me for help?”

The slightly muffled reply came from a purple pony, currently perched atop a wobbling ladder, 10 feet off the ground. Twilight Sparkle was peering deep into the highest bookshelves of the Golden Oak Library, while several magically floating volumes bobbed behind her.

“Yeah, Pinkie said that it was a problem for a pony of science to solve. And that she was the opposite of that.”

“Well it’s a good thing you came to me when you did! Luckily, I sorted through the health and illness section only a couple of days ago, so everything should be easy to find, and we’ll have your problem diagnosed and cured within no time. I think we’ll start with Magical Maladies and Medicines, and if we can’t find anything there then we’ll move onto The Standard Subdivisions of Sickness.

"Oh good,” Rainbow intoned, feeling stiff with boredom even hearing the names of the books. The library was nice, and Twilight was great, but the thick tomes that Twilight had already selected looked dense and wordy, a far cry from the fun Daring-Do novels she was into. Some of them didn’t even have any pictures on the covers!

"So!" Twilight beamed down at her as she began to read from a floating book that was larger than Scootaloo. "We need to start by pinpointing the problem. Where in your body would you say the issue is?"

"My chest, I guess. Or maybe my head. It's not like a specific pain-"

"Hold that thought," Twilight interrupted, flicking rapidly through the pages. "Let's see… chest… or head… unsure origin… ok, next question, on a scale from one to ten, how would you rate your discomfort?"

"Uh… I dunno. It's not like it's bad, really? Just super weird. It doesn't hurt or anything. It's like a big rush of emotions and nerves and… something else. But I dunno what it is."

"Okay… We'll call that a two then? Maybe it falls under the category of 'Hypotension in Horses'. How's your iron intake been recently? Or perhaps it's just anxiety, which sure, I wouldn't expect from someone with your outlook on life, but it would be silly to rule out the possibility." A book bearing the title My Little Mental Health joined the pile. "Ok, finally for our preliminary analysis, I need to know how long you've been experiencing these problems for, and if there's anything in particular that triggers these feelings."

Finally an easy question. "I first noticed it a few weeks ago, after AJ's big barn dance thing. And as for the symptoms, I only get them around Fluttershy."

Twilight's ears twitched, and she looked up over the book she was reading. "...Come again?"

"Only feel like this when I'm around 'Shy." Rainbow shrugged. "That's just how it is. Anyway, what do your books say about that?"

Twilight stared at Rainbow with an expression that she couldn't quite make out, a mixture of confusion, uncertainty, and amusement. "Rainbow, you… you're not pulling my leg, are you?"

"What? No!" The cyan pony snapped. "I'm serious about this Twilight! Do you know what's wrong with me or not?"

"Ok! Ok!" The librarian yelped, as the floating books all snapped shut and fell to the floor. "Well, I might have a- a small idea as to what's going on… though it's definitely not in any of these medicine books…"


"B- but I really don't think I'm the right pony to talk to about it! Maybe you should…" Twilight's eyes suddenly lit up. "Rarity! Yes, of course! Go and tell Rarity about it. Everything you've just told me. She'll know what to do!"

"Wha- can't you just explain it yourself?" Rainbow asked, as the frazzled librarian began to scoop books back onto shelves, refusing to meet her eyes as she ushered her out.

"Oh no. I'm not nearly um. Qualified enough. Besides, I'm so busy right now. Rarity is bound to be able to help you with your problem. Go on!"

"Alright, alright, I get the message."

Rainbow sighed, and turned to start the long flight over to Carousel Boutique.

"O-oh, and Rainbow?"

"Yeah?" She turned to see Twilight hovering in the doorway awkwardly.

"If it goes well… make sure you come and tell me all about it! In detail!"

"If what goes well?!" Rainbow shouted, but the door had already been slammed shut behind her.

Rarity stared at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash looked back at Rarity.

Rarity opened her mouth.

Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow.

Rarity took a deep breath.

Rainbow Dash covered her ears.


Would it be rude to just leave now? Probably. She sighed internally.

"-EEEEEEEEEE Oh Rainbow Dash! I can't believe it! I simply can't believe it, Darling! To think that you would feel emotions such as you've just described! I must say, in your case I did worry that perhaps the path of solitude was one you were doomed to tread, but now I see my fears were unfounded!"

"So…" Rainbow shuffled her hooves. "It's not a bad thing?"

"A bad thing! Oh Darling, it's the most wonderful thing in the world! The meaning of life! A treasure that unites and brings out the best in those it chooses to bestow its blessing upon, and yet so coveted that it can bring even the most powerful ponies to their knees!"

Rainbow frowned. "Yeah but what exactly-"

"And to think it's your turn to experience it! I can hardly believe it! And… I really can't believe that it happened to you before me either! Is there something I'm missing? Something you have that I don't? Am I cursed to remain a solitary mare for the rest of my life? Have I not tried hard enough?"


"It's not fair!" The white unicorn's eyes brimmed with tears as she collapsed into a convenience chaise lounge."I've been looking for so long, with such single minded purpose, yielding no results, and you just happen to stumble across it without even knowing what it is? Oh! Harsh are the fates indeed!"

"Can you-"

"Oh Darling, of course I don't blame you, though! Who could resist, once caught up in the charms and dazzling lights of fortune's fair hand? But I'm afraid I simply can't help but feel envious of you. Even to look upon your young and inexperienced face and to think of all the joys you have yet to see… It's too much! To this end I must ask you to make a swift departure, but go with my blessing, dearest Rainbow!"

"Don't worry, I'm already on it," Rainbow grumbled, swinging the boutique door closed behind her. "Sheesh."

"Heh, she said all that, did she?"

"Yeah, and then she told me to beat it in flowery language. Don't suppose you know what she was talking about?"

"Haven't a clue." The orange farmpony chuckled as her friend hung her head in defeat. "I'd be lyin' if I said I understood half of what that unicorn says sometimes. Still, to get her riled up like that, must've been something important."

"It feels important." Rainbow said glumly. "But you and Pinkie don't know what it is, and Twilight and Rarity do know, but won't tell me! I'm running out of options here AJ."

"Right, right." Applejack chewed a stalk of grass thoughtfully, continuing to pull a cart full of apples, which Rainbow hovered gently above. "Though if you ask me, sugar, what you gotta do seems plain 'n simple."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"You just gotta talk to Fluttershy about it!"

Applejack heard a spluttering noise, before there was a muffled crash, and the weight she was pulling suddenly increased. She looked back over her shoulder to see Rainbow emerging from the apple pile.

"Now you be careful frolickin' around back there," she frowned. "Don't want none of them apples getting bruised."

"AJ! Didn't you hear anything I said? I can't tell Fluttershy about it! That's the whole point!"

"Yeah? And why not? She's causin' it, ain't she? So I reckon she's got as much a right to know as any of us. More, even!"

"B-but, if it's contagious! Or she gets freaked out, or blames herself, or thinks I'm weird-"

"All I'm hearin' is excuses." Applejack snorted. "You said Twilight knew what it was, and she didn't tell you to see a doctor. And you said Rarity told you it was a good thing."

"Neither of them were exactly normal about it though…"

“You’re not exactly being normal about this yourself, Dash. Creeping around and taking your time instead of confronting the problem head-on? That ain’t like you in the slightest!”

Rainbow thought back over her day. Maybe she had just been avoiding the issue. Applejack was right, it definitely wasn’t a very Rainbow Dash way to go about it. Maybe it really would be cooler just to go and talk to Fluttershy soon? Maybe Fluttershy would think she was cool if she told her upfront, without worrying about it? Of course, Fluttershy already thought she was cool- who didn’t?- but extra coolness was never a bad thing. The thought sent a warm feeling flowing throughout her.

Applejack chuckled at the new look in her friend’s eyes. “There’s the Rainbow I recognise. Now get out of my apple cart and clear off! You’ve got places to be.”

She watched the prismatic trail of Rainbow’s flight path disappear off in the direction of the Everfree forest, before snorting and continuing along the track. If she was entirely honest, she may have had the smallest inkling of what Rainbow was feeling, based on Rarity’s reaction to it. But hey, why jump to conclusions and risk spoiling things? If her inkling was right, everything should work out just fine.

Full of determination though she was, Rainbow couldn’t help the uneasy butterflies that flooded her stomach as Fluttershy’s picturesque cottage came into view on the horizon.
“Stop it,” she thought to herself. “You’re being silly. You’ve never been scared of Fluttershy before. And there’s no reason to start now.”
Even so, for every metre that she flew closer, the urge to turn tail and flee grew stronger, until eventually she was right by the front door, feeling as though she could execute a sonic rainboom on the spot, if it’d take her away from this cosy little riverside house.
“Just find Fluttershy, explain things, and then everything will be ok,” She muttered, as she prepared to knock on the door. “She’ll know what to do, she’ll help out, and then I can go back home. Easy. Easy easy easy. Ea-”

The door flew open, and Rainbow Dash gave a shriek that Rarity would have been proud of.

“Rainbow?” Fluttershy was peeking out of her door, looking understandably surprised to see her hovering a foot in the air from where she’d jumped. “I thought I saw you outside, so I came to see… Is everything alright?”

“H-hey, ‘Shy! Yeah, everything’s just great.” Rainbow forced herself back down to the ground so she could look the yellow pegasus in the eye. Those incredible teal eyes, which shimmered like the sky in the early hours of the morning, endless and wonderful and-

With a shudder, she felt all the symptoms she had described to Pinkie fall on her once more. Being this close to Fluttershy was only making them all the more pronounced. Her heart was thundering so loudly that she was surprised the other pegasus couldn’t hear it. She couldn’t hear it, right?

“Umm… Do you want to come in?”

The question snapped Rainbow back to reality, and she nodded, mouth dry, following Fluttershy into her cottage. She found herself sitting on one of the sofas in the lounge, while Fluttershy busied herself making tea in the background. She tried to concentrate on breathing slowly and carefully, like she did while flying. It helped. Some of the rushing sensation subsided. It became easier to think. Rainbow took a deep breath. She could do this.

“So.” Fluttershy had returned now, and put a pot of tea, along with some teacups on the table in front of them. She sat down next to Rainbow on the sofa, the slight contact making Rainbow’s breath catch in her throat. “Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?”

“H-huh?” Rainbow stammered, meeting her gaze again. It was full of concern, and care, and this time she found she could not look away. “What’s… wrong?”

Fluttershy gave the smallest of smiles. “I can tell something is worrying you. You’ve hardly said a word since you got here. And… you did scream when I opened the door. If you want to talk about what’s bothering you, then I’m happy to listen.”

They held eye contact, and Rainbow realised suddenly that despite all her nervousness, she had never needed to worry about what Fluttershy might think about her. She was her best friend. Whatever was wrong with her, she would accept it, and think no worse of her for it.

And so Rainbow started to talk.

She told Fluttershy about how lately, she’d been feeling strange around her. About the rushing, dizzying feeling that flew through her whenever they were near. How her heartbeat sped up if they so much as looked at one another. How it jumbled her thoughts, knotted her tongue, heated her face and confused her actions. How she felt so nervous that she couldn’t even look her in the eye, so anxious that she was actually trembling sometimes, but so exhilarated that it felt like she was constantly falling.

And then she told her things she hadn’t planned to say, things she didn’t even know she knew, until she heard herself say them. How she’d been noticing Fluttershy more recently. How she’d been so much more conscious of the time they spent together, what they talked about, what they did. How important Fluttershy’s opinion of her suddenly was. How important it was to her that Fluttershy knew how awesome Rainbow Dash thought she was. How much more beautiful Fluttershy had become, without her even noticing.

Finally, she came to a close. Fluttershy had listened to the whole of Rainbow’s talk, still sitting on the sofa beside her. Now she was extremely quiet, face flushed bright pink, still staring deeply into her eyes.

“So-” Rainbow started, pausing just to gather her thoughts again. “D-do you know what it is?”

Fluttershy nodded, slowly. “Yes. I know.”

“Is it a bad thing?” Rainbow asked.

“No. Not at all.” Fluttershy reached over, hesitating for just a moment, and brushed a stray tear from Rainbow’s cheek. She hadn’t even realised she was crying.

“How do you know?” Rainbow whispered. Fluttershy’s blush deepened, but she didn’t look away for even a moment.

“Because I feel the same way,” she said, and ever-so-gently, leaned in and delicately pressed her lips against Rainbow’s.

Fireworks exploded in Rainbow’s mind at the touch. Everything that had been confusing her for so long fell into place perfectly. She… liked Fluttershy. And unbelievably, incredibly, Fluttershy liked her too. The thought flooded her body with that same familiar rush of nerves and emotions, but now that she recognised it for what it really was, it was wonderful too, full of possibility, and hope, and love. Rainbow Dash had never really thought about love before. Was it cool to love somepony?

Fluttershy broke the kiss, and pulled back, looking at Rainbow worriedly. “Um… D-do you feel the same way Rainbow? If not- I mean, I’m sorry- I didn’t- Eep!”

Rainbow decided to cut her off with another kiss, which the other pegasus melted into. Yes, she decided. It was very cool. Especially if that pony was Fluttershy.

Comments ( 11 )

keep up the good work


I would add your name but I don't know how to put it in 

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
YES :pinkiehappy:

This was really sweet and true to character, excellent work

First off, it's rare to find a good one shot about these two getting together (that's any kind of recent).

Even better... this not only made me smile but gave a good laugh too. And this was so very in character for everypony.

I enjoyed reading this :yay::rainbowwild:


Adorable Flutterdash story. It has been some time since I favorited something here.

I'm really glad you liked it! :)

Thank you! They are my favourite mane 6 pairing (and I agree recent fics where they get together are rare nowadays), so I may well write another scenario in the future...

I found it very well written. And nothing makes me more happy than some new FlutterDash stories :D

oh boy this is just... wow...
>RD unsure about what she feels
>each of the other members of the Six are approached
Not gonna lie, I was fully expecting Flutters to blue-screen and faint (but a fairytale princess kiss is a bit gratuitous for a oneshot)


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