• Published 2nd Oct 2012
  • 1,370 Views, 41 Comments

Reaped in Scarlet - Belial

Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler crossover. Grell Sutcliff wakes up in Equestria.

  • ...

The waking

Darkness. That was all he saw as he slowly rose to consciousness. He heard voices, but couldn't distinguish what they were saying. He moved slightly, and the voices stopped. He twitched his eye's, realizing that they were closed. Slowly,he opened them, but only slightly before the light burned them. He rolled over, partially burying his face in the pillow, before opening his eye's.

Slowly, the world came into view. He noticed three ponies staring at him expectantly. AT first, he found this quite strange. But, noticing his own bright red hooves, he guessed it must be normal. He was having trouble remembering things, after all. As he rose into consciousness more, he realized - He didn't remember anything. He remembered the name Grell - It must be his name - and something about a chainsaw. He blinked his eyes a couple times, hoping something would come back. When nothing did, he resigned to the amnesia.

He shook his head slightly, clearing away the sleepiness, then looked up. Staring at him was a purple unicorn(On that note, he realized that he, himself, was a unicorn), an orange pony, and a blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane. He stared at them a moment, unsure of what to do or say. Then the unicorn spoke up.

"Hello there. I'm Twilight Sparkle. This is Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow caught you while you were falling from the sky yesterday." The unicorn said. Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out a little at the mention of her saving him. He smiled slightly. "Oh...Well...Thank you, Rainbow Dash..." He murmured, voice a bit quiet. The three mare's couldn't help but thing that this guest had a bit of a deep voice for a girl.

Shaking his head a bit more, he suddenly realized that he was having a bit of a problem seeing. Just then, Applejack spoke up, "So, miss....What's your name...? And, If you don't mind me askin', how did ya' get up there?"

He giggled slightly at the word 'miss', before shaking his head a bit more. They thought he was a girl! It was slightly funny, yet it also seemed fitting to him. He decided that he didn't mind.

"I...I'm not exactly sure." He said, looking down to his left side. "I think I have amnesia. I can't really remember anything. I think my name is Grell, though." He said, Scratching behind one of his ears with a hoof. Moving it up slightly, he felt that he did indeed have a horn. He touched the tip slightly, finding that it was much sharper than Twilight's horn when he felt a small pain, and a bead of blood squeezed through. "And I believe that I need glasses..." He added in, blinking a bit.

"I'm sorry, But...I honestly have no idea how I got up there." He said, his bright green eyes glinting slightly in the sunlight coming in through the window. "Well, we'll figure out eventually," Applejack said, shrugging slightly. "For now, why don't you try standin', sugarcube...?"

Grell slowly picked up a foreleg, holding it out over the edge of the bed. He gently put it down to the floor, trying a little bit of weight. It seemed stable, so he put his other foreleg on the ground to, putting his weight on them, before slowly sliding off the bed. His first attempt failed, resulting in him now laying on the floor, but he tried again. He puled his legs out from under him and pushed, finally standing on shaky legs. He walked around the room a little bit, stopping in front of a mirror. He stared at himself intensely, wondering if he might really be a mare. His face was slender, beautiful, and curved in all the right places. He licked his lips slightly, wondering why he felt and looked so much like a girl when he was, in fact, a stallion. He decided to put it out of his mind, though, and went back to walking around the room a bit. "All right, I think my body is fine." He said after a minute.

"That's good," said Twilight, smiling. "I was wondering....Can you do magic?" She asked, cocking her head to the side and looking at the scarlet ponies horn. "I don't know...I guess I'll try." Said Grell, as he closed his eyes. Try as he might, he couldn't do anything. After around three minutes of trying, he finally gave up. "Well, I guess it'll come to later." He said, laughing a little bit.

Suddenly, his stomach growled. Holding a hoof onto it, he looked down, "Oh...Umm..." He said, biting his lip slightly. "Come on down to breakfast, sugarcube." Applejack said, smiling. "Y'all can stay and eat too, if ya' like." She said to Twilight and Rainbow, before trotting down the stairs. Grell walked out of the room, pausing at the top of the stairs. "You go ahead of me." He said, backing up a step. Rainbow Dash rushed down them, while Twilight walked down more slowly. "You want me to help you?" She asked Grell, looking slightly concerned. "No, I should be fine." He said, furrowing his brows and, very slowly, beginning his descent.

Twilight watched him as he came down. She was thinking that he(she in Twilight's mind) should be more accustomed to moving. Amnesia doesn't make you forget your body. But, she tried to put it out of her mind. She could research it later.

As Grell finished coming down the stairs, he suddenly realized that he had sharp teeth. Opening his mouth, some blood ran out as he had just cut his tongue.

"Woah! Came Applebloom's voice, as she rushed down the stairs toward Grell. "You're awake! An' you got sharp teeth!" She said, bouncing a little. "Leave 'er alone, Applebloom. Grell, this is mah' little sister, Applebloom. Applebloom, this is Grell. He has amnesia, so don't go askin' questions. Ah'mm goin' to go make breakfast now." Applejack said, turning and walking into the kitchen.

Grell turned, looking for the table, and Applebloom started staring at his cutie mark. "That's an awesome cutie mark you got there. What's it mean?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Huh, Cutie mark?" He asked, turning and looking at his flank, noticing the marking there. "Oh....I didn't notice that...Uhmm...What IS a cutie mark, anyway?" He asked, turning to the filly, who then gasped.

"You don' know what a cutie mark is?" She said, eye's wide. Grell nodded. She then went into an in-depth explanation of it.

"Oh...Okay, I see." He said, nodding. looking at his flank again, he wondered what his meant. "Maybe I'm an actress? In horror movies?" He suggested, not sure why he decided on actress instead of actor. "Maybe." Agreed Applebloom, shrugging a bit.

Just then, Applejack came back in. "Food's done." She called, setting it on the table. Everyone sat down and ate.

Grell looked out the window, wondering how his life would be from now on. He could help but feel something nagging at the back of his mind, though. But he ignored it, going back to smiling and making friends with the other ponies at the table.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A/N : Yes, Grell does have pointy teeth in the original. Just thought you'd want to know.

Comments ( 38 )

All right, this is my first crossover story. It would be best if you have read the manga or watched the anime(Original name: Kuroshitsuji, English name: Black Butler), but never fear! I will leave author's notes at the bottom for things you should know from the show as it goes along. And it might be interesting to be discovering Grell's personality along with him.

I'm sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes, I wrote some of this on a computer that's attached to my TV, and it's rather hard to see from my couch using only the Magnifier app the computer came with. And, Its very disorienting, having to keep moving it around the screen to see what I'm writing, so I miss some things, Hahah.

I hope you like the story!

Got an idea for a story you want written, but don't wanna write yourself? If I like it, I might write one for you...:raritywink:

Please say Grell gets her hooves/unicorn magic on a real chainsaw at some point. Just for laughs.

Didnt read. Just wanted to commit that i first read the title as raped in scarlet.

Hehehe... If only Twilight knew the REAL Grell...:rainbowlaugh:
Pretty good. Hope to see more in the future!

1374101 Well, of course. 8D

He will when the plot starts to form...

1374185 Thanks!

I've already started on the second chapter.:pinkiehappy:

1374487 Well...I'm glad you like it... :rainbowlaugh:

Any input on who Grell should end up with...?

1374496 Pinkie Pie would be a good and easy choice, but I think it would be a heck of a lot funnier if he ended up with Twilight

1374557 In the original manga/anime, Grell is so completely gay I could never see him ending up with a girl. XD

1374580 Bah, I forgot about that... How 'bout Big Mac?

1374591 I was thinking about that. He seems like the only one that would work, since Shining Armour is married and, well...There aren't exactly many males in the series. XD

1374726 Yes, I guess he IS kind of overused.

I feel like using an OC would kind of mess up the story, however...Hmm...

I'll look at the males of the series and give this some serious thought.

1374741 Do you think Thunderlane, Discord, Caramel, Soarin', or Braeburn would do best...?

(I'm having a VERY hard time picking...XD)

1374963 I can't tell if you like it, Or just find it hilarious...:rainbowlaugh:

Or both. XD

1374977 Maybe I'll do it. I'm not sure. XD

I'll have to find a way to fit it into the story...


1375000 Well, better go with what is comfortable with you for now and do not force yourself to anything.
I myself know from my previous writing attempts that you will even subconsciously steer fic in right direction.dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Bonbon_gaze.png

I read it as "Raped in Scarlet" and did a double take before realizing that wasn't correct.

1376959 Despite what he may tell you, Grell is a male. XD

I. Demand. MORE!
Seriously, I have very high hopes for this Fanfic :rainbowlaugh:

1460084 Yeah, I'm sorry that the third chapter is taking so long - I'm currently moving, so I haven't had much time to write...

...Plus I have HORRIBLE procrastination problems.

Nah it's fine, I know how long moving takes :pinkiesick:

Same :\
Ah well, procrastionators UNITE!
... tomorrow

Still, the waiting will be totally worth it :yay:
I'm secretly hoping he'll end up with Discord, and get his chainsaw back >u<

1463456 Yeah...UGGHH!

Yeah, He will definitely be getting a chainsaw. XD

And I'm still debating who he'll end up with...(They don't have many male characters in MLP. XD)

I suppose that discord may be a good option....

Good ;U;
Although I fear slightly for poor Twilght and her friends...

There aren't many (which stinks), but the available ones would make an... Interesting story xD

I was thinking something along the lines of
Discord gets free< He finds Grell< He gives him a chainsaw< Grell falls in love with him< Chaos and chainsaws rule
Or something along those lines xD
I dunno how well of a story that would make, though, I may just be going crazy... :pinkiecrazy:

2491295 Ciel? What are you doing here?

I came here after a long search of Kuroshitsuji stories.:twilightsmile:

Dayum. This hasent been updated for a while. I really think this has hope, please continue. Also

Applebloom, this is Grell. He has amnesia, so don't go askin' questions. Ah'mm goin' to go make breakfast now." Applejack said, turning and walking into the kitchen.

He has amnesia,


I thought Applejack thought he was a girl?

You know, i'm not sure if grell is a guy or girl... And I started watching the anime again and it didn't help figure it out, cause when pretending to be a butler grell is called a he, and when it's revealed that he's not a butler he called himself a woman...

Oh, wow. This story is just amazing :pinkiehappy: Keep up the good work. (And remember, you just got praise from Grell Sutcliff herself, be proud of yourself)


4874743 I'm glad you like it, haha. Alas its kind of on a hiatus until I get my sh*t together and force myself to sit down and actually. you know. write it.

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