• Published 4th Sep 2023
  • 2,198 Views, 183 Comments

Sonic X Frontiers - SonicStreak5344

Every world has frontiers that are unknown to the populace. However, facing the unknown is always a daily part of a hero. And can misunderstand between friends, a mentor, and family could lead to new adventure to save worlds beyond?

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Prologue & Intro: Departure;

Prologue & Intro: Departure;

Everything had gone completely wrong. Horribly wrong. Shining Armor was in total disarray as he was overcome with many emotions that were taking a toll on him. Yesterday was supposed to be the happiest day of his life, only to end in total disaster. He was walking in the Cantalot train station with a rolling suitcase that had his cutie mark on the center being pulling by his magic.

He already had his train ticket and was ready to catch the train to Ponyville, where he was going to live. Yes, you heard me right. Shining was moving from Cantalot to Ponyville, and why was he doing that? Well, there’s another reason too: he wasn’t Captain of the Royal Guard anymore after the disaster of the recent Changeling Invasion that happened the other day, which left him torn up along with personal problems at home with his family.

It all started a few days ago when Shining decided to marry Princess Cadence, who was Twilight’s foalsiter when she was young. Celestia thought it was a good idea to invite Twilight’s friends and help with the preparations since Twilight was supposed to be Shining’s best pony at the wedding since she was his sister after all. At the same time, there were rumors going around about threats being made against Equestria, and fearing an attack from an unknown enemy, Shining was put in charge of security for the wedding. Twilight was confused by Cadence’s full name since she didn’t know that her foalsiter had a pretty long name, but when Twi met her, she began to realize that Cadence didn’t even know or recognize her at all despite being really close.

At first, Shining thought it was just Twi’s imagination until Twilight began to discover Cadence was acting strange and not like the alicorn she knew when she was little. Her worst fears were confirmed when Cadence summoned green fire, acted like she was evil, and used a spell on Shining, brainwashing him. Twilight tired of telling everyone about Cadence’s behavior and tried to confront her, accusing her of being evil, only to get thrown out of the wedding by everyone, including Shining, Spike, her own friends, and Celestia herself.

Fortunately, there was one who did believe Twilight’s warnings, which proved to be true, and that was Princess Luna, who overheard the conversation and used her magic to discover evil intentions in Cadence, making her realize that Twilight was right to be concerned about the alicorn. Luna did a little snooping around, which led her to the old catacombs underneath Cantalot, where she discovered the real Cadence, who was battered, tired, and exhausted, being used as labor to push carts filled with rocks. Luna managed to rescue her and together managed to escape before crashing the real wedding, and just in time too, Luna used a powerful spell on the fake Cadence that cancelled out her magic, revealing her to be Queen Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen of the Changelings, before weakening the shield around Cantalot, allowing her forces to enter the city in a full-scale attack. She even beat Celestia in a battle of power while Twilight’s friends went to get the Elements of Harmony until they realized that they didn’t have Twilight with them, and the Element of Magic, as they were captured, was being prepared to be used as food for Chrysalis’ subjects. Everything seemed hopeless. Luna turned the tide of battle like lightning as she knew Changelings fed off love from others for energy and were stealing love from Shining. The real Cadence was able to destroy Chrysails’ hold on him and free him by using her own magic before Luna single-handedly and literally blew away the Changeling forces with overwhelming power and strength, with Chrysalis left behind, begging the younger midnight blue alicorn that was once Nightmare Moon for mercy. Luna, enraged by what the Changeling Queen made everyone close to Twilight do to her, punished her severely by slicing off her horn and wings with a spell that transformed her horn into a long sword before blasting her away into the distance with a powerful blast of magic, leaving her badly beaten yet defeated at last.

Thanks to Luna and Cadence, Eques was safe from being taken over by the Changelings, and efforts began to clean up and repair the damage done during the invasion. However, Luna had some very stern words for Celestia and Twilight’s friends until members of the Lunar Guard arrived from Ponyville, who were to bring Twilight back to help stop the invasion, with shocking news as Twilight wasn’t at her home in Ponyville and had left a letter that told everyone that she ran away from home and was long gone, leaving the Element of Magic behind. Celestia and Twilight’s so-called friends, including Shining himself, were absolutely shocked and devastated by the news, which resulted in an argument over who was to blame for making Twilight run away. Harsh words were spoken, with a few saying they wished they were never friends to begin with after making their friend run away. Luna tried to defuse the situation before the argument led to more tragedy and did so just in time to tell Twilight’s friends to return to Ponyville with consequences for their actions. All of them had 3 weeks of community service, while Celestia was relieved of her royal duties until further notice, with Luna taking responsibility for both the sun and moon, which she got better control of to make sure Nightmare Moon didn’t return. All of them accepted their punishments without fuss or argument.

As for Shining, he was hit the hardest of all as he came to the station platform in total silence, thinking of what happened yesterday. It was something he would never forget, just as a passenger train pulled into the station to start its journey for Ponyville and points east. What happened between him and Cadence, and why was he moving to Ponyville looking so sad? Well, it happened just after Twilight’s friends left for home and Celestia was sent to her room in the castle.

Yesterday; Just after the failed Changeling Invasion by Chrysalis and her army;

Shining was by himself thinking about the argument with Twilight in the Throne Room and boy, he was in total shock and disbelief at what he just went through, not to mention ashamed of himself for making Twilight run away. He had already taken off his wedding clothes and had his armor back on, as his mind was in overdrive. How stupid he was for not listening to Twilight when she tried to warn him of Chrysalis, who used him and everyone else to get Twilight to leave so the Changelings could invade Cantalot. Thankfully, Princess Luna was there to stop the invasion in its tracks with Cadence’s help and literally beaten the evil Changeling Queen and her army as a one alicorn wrecking crew! It also became abundantly clear that the Equestrian military needed a major overhaul with Twilight missing, and without her, the Elements of Harmony were basically useless. Without the sixth barer, the military will have to pick up the slack and protect the country from invasions from foes who want to concur, like the Changelings, for example. That included technology that can get through their transforming magic, which allows them to disguise themselves as others, making them easier to detect while also making it easier to distinguish a friend from a foe.

As he thought to himself about how much he had messed up, he heard someone come into the room. Shining looked to his right and saw the worn-out and tired Cadence as she was looking at him with a look that he had never seen on her face before. Cadence looked mad, almost angry. More importantly, she was mad at him and could tell she had stern words for him.

Shining walked over to Cadence and asked her with concern, “Hey Cadence... How are you doing?”

Soon Cadence replied back to Shining, but in a sharp tone as she glared at him, “I’m doing fine... I wish I could say the same for Twilight, who tried to warn all of you about Chrysalis and her plans!”

This made Shining feel ashamed, and she said to Cadence, knowing she was mad and was mad at him personally, "Look, Cadence. I didn’t know I thought Twily was-“

But Cadence interrupted his response and said back to Shining with more rage in her voice as she seemed more angry after she was told by Spike what happened when Twilight tried to tell everyone of Chrysalis‘ true identity, “She was trying to protect you!! Not just you, but everyone else in the church, and you sent her away!! She ran away from home because of what you did, Shining! She’s your sister, and you downright abandoned her just for a stupid wedding that was all a trap to get you!”

Shining tried to say something, but he couldn’t say anything, knowing Cadence was right and there was a bit of sadness in her voice underneath all that anger. She and Twilight were very close, and she was upset about what happened to her and blamed everyone who was in the church. At that moment, angry tears formed in Cadence’s eyes as she looked at him with disgust and anger, feeling betrayed like Twilight by the one she loved most and didn’t do a thing to prevent it.

Then Cadence yelled at Shining, this time more upset and angry than before, telling him, “You should have been there for her!! Thanks to you and everypony else, Chrysalis used Twilight, is now gone!! It’s all your fault, Shining!!”

Shining tried to say something to Cadence as his face was concerned and hurt. He looked at his face and said, “But Cadence, I-“

That’s when Shining heard something that made his heart shatter as Cadence said to him with an angered look on her face, “I’m sorry, Shining, but it’s over between us! Goodbye.”

Without another word, Cadence turned around and stormed off, leaving Shining in the room in utter shock and sadness, as he was left in total shame. In one swoop, their relationship was totally destroyed, and Cadence told him she would never marry him after what he did to Twilight, as she was closer to his little sister than he would ever be. What had he done?

But his troubles were far from over when a guard came to see him and said to him, "Um, excuse me, Shining Armor, but your presence is requested immediately.”

Shining was confused at the situation that required his presence and asked the guard, “What do you mean?”

The guard sighed and said to Shining, knowing he knew why he was summoned here, “The higher-ups in the Equestrian military want you there because of your inability to protect Cantalot during the Changeling Invasion. I’m sorry to say, but you’re in deep trouble, Captain.”

Shining grimaced and knew that when the higher-ups in the military are involved, there will be major grilling for anyone who has been involved in major incidents. It was a pretty safe bet that he was going to get into hot water pretty soon. Soon Shining left the room and headed for a hall where he was being summoned as he passed members of the royal guard until, at last, he arrived at his destination. Inside there were 3 desks with 3 stallions, both of whom were high-ranking military generals of the Equestrian Military, namely Generals Star Lash, Spear Strike, and Dive Bomb, who had all seen plenty of action in their time on the battlefield. Also, there was a royal blue pegasus stallion who had a shield-like cutie mark on his flank and was wearing royal guard armor. This stallion was Shield Wing, who happened to be Shining’s 2nd in command and a fellow classmate from the military academy.

Shining was surprised by Shield Wing being called here too, but why did they call him here too? He soon found out as General Star Lash saw the unicorn arrive and said to him, “Glad that you can join us, Shining Armor.”

Shining was confused yet replied back to the general, saying to him, "Uh, sure thing, General. Why did you call me in for?”

Dive Bomb soon spoke to Shining as the pegasus said to the unicorn, “As you already know, your inability to prevent the Changeling invasion while falling under the control of their leader, who used your feelings to push your sister aside when she tried to warn you and everyone else, is a colossal mistake in judgment that has caused a major fallout in the process. Everyone knows what happened to your sister Shining, and I’m sorry to say they’re not pleased.”

Shining knew what Dive Bomb was trying to say to him, as the population outside wanted justice to be served. To give Twilight justice for what was done to her while Shining had to handle the failure to protect Cantalot from invasion force. Luna and Cadence were the heroes, yet everyone saw Shining, Celestia, and Twilight’s friends as the ones that made the element of magic leave.

Star Lash soon spoke again, this time to Shining himself, saying to him, “You have anything you want to say, Shining Armor?”

Shining Armor took a deep breath and said to Star Lash in a not-so-proud tone of voice, "Yes, sir. I take full responsibility for my actions, and I really didn’t know it was Chrysilis until it was too late.”

The three generals looked at each other and began to converse with each other as they were reaching a decision on what the verdict would be. Star Lash seemed to be arguing with his fellow generals about something and was telling them Shining was the best soldier they ever had in the military and couldn’t afford to let him be punished by what the populous wanted as he made a simple mistake in judgment. The other two generals understood what Star Lash was saying, but Shining would still be held accountable for his actions and prevent a riot from the population.

It seemed like hours to him, but at last, the three generals reached an agreement on a decision to appease both sides of the argument. Shining gulped and hoped that the decision they made wouldn’t end with him in jail or discharged from the military, while Shield was concerned about his friend’s fate. The decision would rock Shining’s world forever.

Soon General Spear Strike said to Shining, as a decision was made and it was something that would change his life, “We have reached a verdict! Shining Armor, I have decided to indefinitely relinquish your duties and hand over your position as Captain of the Royal Guard to 1st Lieutenant Shield Wing. There will be the possibility of you rejoining the military at a later time, and until further notice, you’ll be reduced to civilian status once an open position is found.”

The verdict was devastating to him, as Shining wanted to say something, but he knew that trying to talk back wasn’t the best idea as he was already in hot water. He must comply with the order and accept it. So with a sad sigh, the unicorn said to the military higher up, “Yes sir.”

Shining then turned to the armored younger Pegasus stallion and handed over his armor with his magic to Shield, who had a sorry look for the unicorn. Once all his former armor was off him and reduced to his white coat, Shield said to him in a sorry tone, “I’m so sorry, Shining.”

Shining looked at his friend and comrade and said sadly to him, knowing there was nothing that could be done to change everyone’s minds and someone had to take the fall, “It’s alright, Shield. I have to take responsibility for my actions.”

Shield soon asked Shining, thinking of where he was going to go from here until he could return to active duty, “Will you be okay as a civilian?”

Shining nodded in response and said back to the Pegasus stallion, “Yeah. Lead the guard well, Shield, and... promise me that you won’t make the same mistakes I made.”

Shield Wing nodded in response to Shining’s request before two guards led him out of the building as the door closed behind them. Shield Wing looked at the armor that was once Shining’s armor and knew he wasn’t like his unicorn friend, but he would try his very best to live up to everyone’s expectations. Besides, Shining would want that, as it was now his duty to lead the guard and protect Eques from evil. The unicorn would return to the armed forces one day, but right now he had to pay for his actions.

Back with Shining, he was led out of the castle’s main gate before the two guards left him and went back inside before the gates closed behind him. The dishonored unicorn looked at the castle before sadly sighing and began walking away from his old stomping grounds and headed for home. However, his troubles were far from over.

It was dark when Shining reached home and his parents’ house. He was coming up the steps and opening the front door, coming into the front room. He looked up and saw his parents and Spike looking at him with angry looks on their faces. Spike’s face looked the angriest, like he wanted to yell at Shining.

Shining gulped and said to his parents and Spike, feeling like he was going to be yelled at soon, “Hi… Mom. Dad. Spike.”

There was no response from them, but they kept scowling at Shining, as he knew what they were angry about. It was about Twilight, and he knew things were going to be just as bad as the rest of his day. Soon Shining said to them, knowing that he messed up for not listening to his little sister, "Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t know Twilight was just trying to protect me from Chrysilis! I really didn’t know!”

At last, Twilight Velvet spoke to Shining in a disappointed and angry voice, "Well, you should be Shining! Tell that to your sister if we ever see her again, thanks to you!”

Shining, who was hurting on the inside, knew his mom was right, but why don’t they listen to him and tell them how bad his day was going. He tried to say something to them until his dad cut him off and said to him sharply, “We heard what happened to you today from Cadence and Spike. You finally got your just dessert for pushing your sister out! We’re absolutely ashamed and angry with you!”

Shining’s ears went down, feeling more hurt than ever as he looked down in shame before Velvet used her magic, bringing him a small rolling suitcase that was blue with his cutie mark on it over to him. The unicorn stallion saw the suitcase and looked up at his parents before asking them in confusion, “What’s with the suitcase?”

Soon Spike spoke to Shining in a low voice yet filled with anger and rage, "Isn't it obvious it’s yours, Shining! We’re kicking you out!”

This left Shining in total shock and disbelief as he was being kicked out of his home by his family and exclaimed in emotional turmoil, “WHAT?!! YOU CAN’T!! WHERE WILL I EVEN GO TO EAT OR SLEEP?!!”

All that Shining got was another sharp response from his mom, saying to him, “You’ll figure that out on your own, Shining. Your bag has already been packed with some of your things, including your personal hygiene items.”

Shining was on the verge of crying as this wasn’t even happening—first losing Cadence’s love, learning that Twilight had run away from home, being forced to resign from the Royal Guard, and now this! This can’t be happening to him, and he wishes this was a bad dream. He then said to them with a hurt and sad tone, “No… please don’t do this to me!”

But Nightlight said back to Shining in a sharp tone of voice, knowing it was something that he would never convince them not to do, “You’re not welcome here anymore, Shining. It’s time for you to leave!”

Shining soon began to beg them not to do this, as he had nowhere else to go or a place to sleep,“But Dad… I... no, you can’t!”

But Shining’s voice was drowned out as Spike then yelled at him as he had overstayed his welcome, “You heard him! Get out! And I never want to see your face again, Shining, and you’ll never get any forgiveness from me!! You broke Twilight’s heart thanks to you, and it's about time you got out of our lives! Your no brother to me anymore…”

Those hurtful words were more painful to Shining, as they were sharper than a physical injury afflicting his already broken heart. Shining wanted to say something, but he couldn’t find his voice before he reluctantly left the house with the rolling suitcase before the front door was slammed behind him. He looked back at his old home before sadly walking away from the only place where he had a family.

Now there was nothing here for him. Everyone hated him, and they had a right to, as Shining knew he must leave Cantalot. He will probably move to Ponyville, a place where he will spend the rest of his life, and fade into obscurity as just a normal civilian.

Yeah. A civilian. With no one to care for or be here for Shining, he felt a feeling that he had never felt before, and that was loneliness.

Present Day;

As the train to Ponyville was preparing to depart, Shining was on the platform and had his suitcase next to him, feeling so hurt and alone. No one was looking at him, and he acted like he was invisible to everyone. Perhaps it was for the best.

Soon it was time for the passengers to board the train as everyone climbed aboard with Shining and his suitcase, which he pulled with his magic among the mass crowd of ponies and stallions. The white stallion came to a coach and sat in the farthest back seat he could find, as he didn’t want to be seen or have anyone else who saw him tell him of his failure. He never thought this was where he'd end up after everything that happened the last few days.

At last, the train blew its whistle before pulling out of the station with its consist and heading towards Ponyville and other destinations. As he looked at the floor in shame, Shining looked out his window and saw buildings and homes fly by until the train reached the outskirts of the city. He thought he saw Cadence watching the train roll away and eventually saw him. It was a short glance, but Cadence had a disapproving look on her face before she turned around and headed back into the city. Shining quickly got up from his seat and poked his head out of the window of the train car, looking back at where Cadence was, but saw nothing there. I guess it was all just his imagination.

Soon, Shining pulled his head into the train car and closed the window before sitting down in his seat. Everything felt different to him now, and he felt many different emotions, but mostly heartbreak, sadness, fear, and most of all, shame. But he knew that he must live his life like this for now on, as the train rumbled through one of the tunnels and went around a few curves.

As Shining looked back at his former hometown, which was fading into the distance with shame as he lost everything in one single day, His honor was tarnished by his negligence; he was fired from his job on emotion alone and not the facts; he lost Cadence’s love and respect; he was shunned by his own family, who blamed him for ripping their family apart; and now his dreams have died with any future he dreamed about. The only thing left in his heart was pain and sadness, with an empty hole in his heart that was devoid of any happiness.

Living in Ponyville will be different for him, for sure, yet there was still one thing on his mind. Twilight. His little sister that he shunned out of his wedding tried to warn everyone of Chrysilis’ evil intentions and the Changeling invasion, but no one listened to her, which proved to be a very big mistake, yet Equestria survived just barely. She was the only thing that Shining had left, and he knew that he must find his sister and bring her home. No matter how long it took him to find her.

The world wasn’t much of a forgiving place when Shining first thought about it and paid the price for it too. But now left to live on his own with no one in his life, the white unicorn stallion knew he must accept reality and do what he can to restore his honor while finding Twilight. This was a path he must walk on alone. A path that will lead him to a new destiny and propel him into not just protecting Eques with his sister and her friends, but the multiverse with a certain blue hedgehog hero and his friends from the forces of evil as everything faded into black as the train rolled out of sight.

(Intro Theme starts World without Danger (US) from Code Lyoko;)

4Kids Entertainment, Hasbro Studios, and DHX Media presents

The scene opens up in between different dimensions as it shows different portals to different worlds flying through the fabric of time and space. The camera flew down the space like a twisting tunnel as 14 objects, which appeared to be two certain sets of emeralds from two different dimensions in seven different colors (red, blue, green, yellow, cyan, purple, and white), shot down through the tunnel to an unknown destination. Then, in flashes of light in their respective colors, the emeralds, which were the legendary Sol Emeralds and the Chaos Emeralds, accelerated away from the screen at a tremendous speed as they tumbled through time and space to a new world.

When the emeralds disappeared into the distance, their destination was revealed to be a portal that lay ahead before flying through it, and everything went white before showing Equestria now in the 21st century after Shield Wing helped the country advance in technological leaps in transportation, medicine, science, military hardware, tactics, and engineering, among many other things that revolutionized Equestria after the Changeling Invasion two years ago. But the camera flew out to a nearby state-of-the art military base with advanced technology and equipment that far surpassed the average technology that everyday citizens used in a futuristic building in a canyon.

Inside Shining Armor, an alicorn stallion was getting up from his bed, and not far away was Twilight with Spike. It wasn’t long until the alarm went off, waking up Twi and Spike, as there was trouble brewing. A split screen occurred, showing a sky blue stallion that was never seen before. Eques was sleeping outside when the alarm went off, just as Twilight and Spike got up as they ran out the door with Shining before the screen changed to a single screen, this time showing the sky blue stallion. The stallion had a blue fireball cutie mark with a blue-colored tail that was spiky and wild, and his eyes were green; however, his blue mane was shaped like a hedgehog’s quills. The stallion was none other than Sonic the Hedgehog, planet Mobius, and planet Earth’s legendary hero, who thwarts the evil schemes of his arch enemy, Doctor Eggman, and his evil robot army. Sonic’s signature grin formed on his new muzzle before getting up and taking off into the air, eager for what new adventure lay in store for him today.

In association with Hasbro, Sega, Microsoft, Activison, The Pokémon Company, and Mattel

As the scene changed by a red streak of light, it showed a scene of Sonic with Rainbow Dash, who appeared to be in an Air Force fighter pilot suit, looking at something that was heading towards, most likely a robot of Eggman’s creation or a new enemy. A scene change came seconds later to a red earth stallion with a tough body like Big Mac, which is actually Knuckles the Echidna, one of Sonic’s friends and sole survivor of the Knuckles Tribe, battling a bunch of robots being Egg Pawns in Ponyville’s new nearby military base with Applejack, who appeared to have been in the new Equestrian army branch with a bit of a slightly improved muscle mass for her legs, masking her kicks even stronger in battle. The two strong power types looked at each other before nodding and saying something before jumping back into the fray!

The scene changed again, this time with a white streak showing Rarity underwater with scuba gear on, including a wetsuit, as she swam down towards a fight between Sonic and an unknown underwater foe wearing scuba gear too. She fired a beam of her magic at the foe before sending it into a pile of rocks, just as Sonic swam up towards the surface to get fresh air before he drowned. Alright on its heels was another scene change showing Spyro and Cynder battling Metal Sonic not far from Cantalot as the two dragons unleashed their Aether breaths, sending Sonic’s robotic double-ganger into the Everfree forest. Right after that, a new scene showed Liko, the oldest daughter of Ash Ketchum and Serena, looking through a window at a restrained and sedated Twilight as scientists alongside her mom were examining the barer of the element of magic as she was breathing and sleeping peacefully on the OR table inside. She looked concerned about Twilight and really wanted her to let go before something irreversible was done to her.

A blue streak flash changed the scene, showing Sonic riding on the right wing of the X-Tornado SF, a stealth fighter upgraded version of the X-Tornado piloted by his best friend/little brother/sidekick Miles Prowler, better known as Tails, who was an orange-yellow pegasus stallion flying the jet. Soarin of the Wonderbolts was riding in the co-pilot seat of the X-Tornado SF, who was now an experienced fighter pilot like Rainbow and the rest of the Wonderbolts, as Tails performed a barrel roll to dodge incoming missiles fired from one of Eggman’s robots.

Another streak of light this time cyan showed Shining, Knuckles, Sonic, and a greyish silver unicorn that was actually Silver the Hedgehog with a black unicorn stallion with a mane similar to Sonic’s mane, who turned out to be Shadow the Hedgehog duking it out with Racing Drones in Manehatten. There was another scene change showing a capri blue pegasus stallion around 18 years old with a yellow mane and tail and blue eyes, yet his mane looked familiar with a certain blue and orange symbol of a certain street racing team. The stallion was actually Vert Wheeler as he looked around the same lab that Twilight was in and was running from the rapidly closing door as the lab was going on lockdown after someone made quite a ruckus. Using his new speed and body’s capabilities, Vert was out running the doors as they closed behind him. There was another scene of Vert rescuing Twilight from the lab table she was at, and she was joined by Sonic and Shining, who were giving them cover as they made it out of lockdown at the base.

Soon, a follow-up yellow streak went by, showing a scene of Fluttershy with Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner with Cheese the Chao and a cream-colored filly pegasus who turns out to be Cream the Rabbit with another pink earth pony with teen eyes, but with a lighter shade of pink who happens to be Amy Rose. The four girls were talking, and Pinkie laughed about something, probably listening to one of Amy’s stories about Sonic and his past adventures. Another scene change showed a female alicorn pony who was lavender but had fire powers battling RD-L1 and several RD-S1s, as the alicorn was in reality Blaze the Cat princess and guardian of the 7 Sol Emeralds. Using her new wings and enhanced fire-creating powers thanks to Equestrian magic, Blaze fired off a blast of raging flames from her new horn and created a swirling vortex of flaming power and strength, catching the Racing Drones within the fire tornado.

The following scene sequence after Blaze’s display of power with a green streak of light showed Sonic with Vert going up against Pikachu and Keldeo in Cantalot while Vert’s dad’s team, known as the Silencerz, were giving the two blue pegasi some cover as they battled their foes. A quick change showed a new scene of Eggman, who didn’t change into an equestrian like Sonic and his friends, yelling and blaming his assistants Decoe, Becoe, and Bokkun with his new assistants Orbot, Cubot, and the dimwitted trio of Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts after their latest plan of world conquest was ruined by Sonic and his friends. The assistant robots held each other in terror, as they knew their creator was in a very foul mood after this recent defeat and were hoping they didn’t get turned into spare parts in the end!

A final streak of light came this time; it was purple as it showed a scene sequence of Twilight in the high-tech laboratory restrained to a lab table with a see-through advanced nozzle hooked up to a machine that extracted her magic, turning it into liquid form, and being put into a cylinder-shaped container. Twilight cries out loud in pain as there is a black rubber mask on her muzzle that is giving her oxygen and a sedative to ease the pain. Next up was of Sonic flying through the air and diving into a high-tech base before taking out Pokémon that were in his way as he was on a rescue mission. After that was a shot of Shining firing a powerful beam of magic at one of Eggman’s new creations, which appeared to be a western dragon type. The robot jumped and was about to counterattack until Silver came in and used his psychic knife to slash through the mechanical terror.

After that, it changed to a scene of Sonic in the air, using his new wings to fly before summoning the seven Chaos Emeralds around him. He then absorbed the emeralds’ positive energy to transform into Super Sonic, who had the yellow colors of Sonic’s equine form with the ruby-red eyes of his basic super form. But then Super Sonic closed his eyes and dug deeper into the Chaos Emeralds’ power as turquoise blue lightning began to come from his yellow aura before it exploded and expanded to a more powerful aura, this time with the lightning from earlier still surging from his body. However, when Super Sonic opened his eyes again, his eyes were now cyan, which indicated that Sonic had ascended to a super form beyond a normal super form with a determined look on his face, ready to fight, before the screen went white and showed the title of the show.

Author's Note:

Ouch! Shining’s world came crashing down on him thanks to his actions and now he has to live with it. Don’t worry he’ll get back together with his family and Shield will keeps tabs on him while he’s living in Ponyville. But how does Shining become an alicorn stallion like in the intro? Well that will be revealed in the 1st episode which will take place 2 years into the future and let me tell you it’s going to be different than what you expected. After reading Twilight’s Realm: Advanced Generation here on the site it got me thinking Twilight’s actions could have consequences that hurt those around her and even the people that she cares about not mention put herself in danger.

In my opinion both sides are at fault if Twilight got to Shining first and told him about Chrysalis’ behavior as she was pretending to be Cadence the two could of made a plan together to catch her in the act and stop the invasion before it even happened. Then they go and rescue the real Cadence from Chrysalis’ minions before having the real wedding after they deal with the Changelings.

As for the setting of the story well it takes place since we already know for the MLP part of the story after Sonic X Season 3 and later adventures starting from Sonic Heroes to Sonic Unleashed with a bit few tidbits from Sonic Frontiers characters from the IDW and Archie comics, after Hot Wheels Acceleracers The Ultimate Race movie, for the Legend of Spyro after Dawn of the Dragon, and for the Pokémon anime after the original anime series with a few characters from the new anime series with Liko being Ash and Serena’s daughter, but has siblings. To find out what happens next you’ll have to wait for episode 1 where we find out how Shining is doing 2 years later and how he meets Sonic and finds Twilight. After all we know Shining will find a way to restore his honor and if Zuko from Avatar did it then he can too.

Update: I changed the title of the story to Sonic X Frontiers cause it’s involving the Sonic X anime. I wanted something unique for the title.